
9 Reviews
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Just My Luck (2006)
Love the Distraction, too bad the movies is so hated.
12 August 2006
To be honest, I didn't expect this movie to have been as hated as it seems to be. It seems to have a high number of both 10/10s and 1/10s... as if you either love it or hate it? Well, I loved the fact that the movie distracted me enough to relax and unwind for an hour and a half. I didn't think it was groundbreaking, so originally I was going to give it 9/10, but also, I though it was very straightforward and plot twists are usually important parts of dramas and romantic comedies.

The thing is, though; I've never expected romantic comedies to have very much story or be very heavy on plot. So, all I was looking for was something to occupy me... and I got it.

There's not much else to say, except that I really don't think the movie was so bad that it deserves a 1/10. When you consider the genre, it was fairly average. Plus, "blonde humor" is funny, and I think that's why the girl-who-was-lucky was so silly: she was really not accustomed to thinking critically, relying on her good luck (i.e. a very positive, problem-free environment) to provide a platform for her success.
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Deathlands (2003 TV Movie)
Best Part Was the End
9 August 2006
The best part of this movie was the end credits. Really, I am so serious! The ironic thing is that I don't actually believe the people who worked on it were incompetent, just... misdirected somehow. The credits are so good, and a few points in the movie show so much thought, that I have to say this was a case of writer/director/budget incompatibility, or something.

I wasn't aware that Deathlands is a novel series (80 strong at that), but it seems to me that whoever made the move wanted to do a Roman Empire or King Arthur-esquire era picture, but got told that Sci Fi is all the rage now, so pretend it's set in the future. It just felt like the story was out of place with the setting, and the setting itself was ambiguous.

It's possible that the IP of Deathlands could make a really good series, but this movie doesn't demonstrate that: it more demonstrates what not to do. It was even worse than "Darklight", and I didn't think that was possible.

DO NOT WATCH THIS. Watch anything else, see my voting list for hints.

Better (but so far I haven't reviewed them) are: the Robocop movies, the Mad Max movies (although I didn't watch any properly yet, the portions I saw were much better), and "The Postman". Actually, Postman was the best futuristic type movie that comes to mind offhand.
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Very Enjoyable
16 March 2006
This was a very enjoyable hour and a half or so. I watched it just because I was testing out the TV reception in my new-to-me room, and it was on as the "late night show" or whatever they put on just before scheduled broadcasting for the day ends.

Anyhow, the show was really crude, and reminded me of why I liked British humor. I won't spoil it but I will explain why I gave it 8/10: first off, it is comedy, and comedy should make me laugh. This definitely did! The humor is definitely of an adult nature, and crude, but that's apparently the style of the "Bottom" series, but I can't be sure as this is the first and only I've watched. The reason took off two points, though: it isn't perfect. Production values aren't horrible but they're not top-notch either. More relevantly, there's nothing in the presentation that made me go "wow". However, I wasn't expecting it to, it was a comedy! Finally, the beginning of the show was, in my opinion, paced too slowly and abruptly. It should have given a more solid sense of the hotel/guest house and its context, rather than leaving contextual facts to be introduced only moments before they are used in a gag.

... but that's just my picky opinion. As a comedy, this is definitely something I'd want to buy and own.
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Disappointing in so many ways
20 February 2006
This movie could be forgiven if it was, say, a spin-off of "Cruel Intentions". That would make it bad, still, but not necessarily awful. However, having been linked to "American Psycho", it commits an unforgivable travesty! There is next to nothing good I can say about this movie, considering its precursor. If I had watch it in isolation, I would have assumed that the first one was similar; but I assure you it is not. Think of this is a high-budget, flashy thriller based on a murderous, whining teenage (?) girl who's planning to go into, of all things, law enforcement, and you've got the gist. It could easily have been an episode of "Law and Order : Criminal Intent", plot-wise.

However, the budget behind this film shows: it was very pleasing to the eyes and, by forgetting its lineage, I was able to find it amusing. But it is still very disappointing.

Films I like better: "American Psycho", which seems to have been developed by vastly superior beings, and is only related by marketing ploys, "Wild Things", which features more entertaining female psychotics and murders, "Bible Black: Lance of [...]"(its still in production, so I'm not sure of the title, but it is going to be good. It's Bible Black, after all), and even "Thursday". All of those have some of the same things, but much better executed. Plus they don't tarnish a good film's name.

Heck, I even like "Drive" and "Mean Guns" better, although they're of a totally different genre (and most people didn't seem to like "Mean Guns", especially).

So, don't make my mistake. Do not watch this movie. Unless you've watched everything else I've recommended, and everything else you can, and have nothing - absolutely nothing - better to do with your time.
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A Perfect Ten
31 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie a few hours before making this comment; but it has been out long enough that they are not only tons of comments here, but also a wider opinion that it is a good movie. So here, I will give my opinion of why I would call it a Perfect Ten, rather than "just" and eight (8) or nine(9).

Movies are supposed to accomplish a few key things, in my humble opinion:

1. suspend disbelief 2. entertain for their duration 3. enhance the audience, or at least provide something interesting to talk about afterwards 4. showcase the talents of the crew, actors, and management who worked on making the movie a reality

A movie doesn't have to be technically perfect, have 100% flawless continuity, or exacting dialogue in order to achieve a perfect score from me, because if the first two rules are met, then I won't notice those flaws during a casual viewing, and neither will 90% (or more) of the viewing audience.

Nonetheless, I should still be impressed by the "workmanship" and "production values", although in recent times "production values" has come to mean "eye candy" and "excessive use of special effects technology". So perhaps it is best I just stick to "workmanship"; the movie should seem like a quality product made by professionals.

Finally, something to talk about afterwards: for those who haven't watched it yet, here is where the spoilers start, so I advice you stop reading. Just go watch it, or read a few more comments by other people and then make a decision.

Okay, so, let the spoilers roll:

From the opening scenes, "A Few Good Men" held my interest. They set the tone for the rest of the movie by introducing the context, demonstrating the disciplined, ordered, co-ordinated m.o. of the armed forces, and slickly introduced Lt. Galloway and her struggle to manifest her intent with authority. Soon after we see what this show is about: an accidental death which occurred under questionable circumstances... but as we watch on, there's a lot more to it.

This is a movie that can leave people with different opinions by the end of it, but the important thing is that it provides the opportunity for intelligent discussion (or, less intelligent and more emotional discussion, if that's your cup of tea). Plus it inspired that all-time famous quote, "you can't handle the truth!".

The presentation is spot-on in that it is easy to forget you're watching a fictional movie rather than spying on real people involved in real situations; the suspension of disbelief is there. Also, the outcome of the case, and even the exact sequence of events, are not certain until the end (unless you read a spoiler or just guessed luckily).

All in all, for a drama, this was really interesting. It's not at all like other military-court films which also involve extensive action sequences, and in a way that's refreshing. Even more refreshing is that minimal romantic involvement - personally, I hate that every story has to also have a romance side-story in it as well (but maybe that's just my personal loneliness speaking).

Anyhow, the movie is great, you should see it.
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Darklight (2004 TV Movie)
Good Concept, Pathetic Execution
4 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The story behind this movie is very interesting, and in general the plot is not so bad... but the details: writing, directing, continuity, pacing, action sequences, stunts, and use of CG all cheapen and spoil the film.

First off, action sequences. They are all quite unexciting. Most consist of someone standing up and getting shot, making no attempt to run, fight, dodge, or whatever, even though they have all the time in the world. The sequences just seem bland for something made in 2004.

The CG features very nicely rendered and animated effects, but they come off looking cheap because of how they are used.

Pacing: everything happens too quickly. For example, "Elle" is trained to fight in a couple of hours, and from the start can do back-flips, etc. Why is she so acrobatic? None of this is explained in the movie. As Lilith, she wouldn't have needed to be able to do back flips - maybe she couldn't, since she had wings.

Also, we have sequences like a woman getting run over by a car, and getting up and just wandering off into a deserted room with a sink and mirror, and then stabbing herself in the throat, all for no apparent reason, and without any of the spectators really caring that she just got hit by a car (and then felt the secondary effects of another, exploding car)... "Are you okay?" asks the driver "yes, I'm fine" she says, bloodied and disheveled.

I watched it all, though, because the introduction promised me that it would be interesting... but in the end, the poor execution made me wish for anything else: Blade, Vampire Hunter D, even that movie with vampires where Jackie Chan was comic relief, because they managed to suspend my disbelief, but this just made me want to shake the director awake, and give the writer a good talking to.
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Surprisingly Good
14 March 2005
This movie was surprisingly good, for many reasons. The most obvious is probably that the characters develop before, during, and after the presented story, as the film opens at a critical time for both of them and closes with them having changed major parts in their lives.

I expected this to be a glorified version of Madd's Spy vs. Spy, or something of that nature, given the hype. However, it is not at the same pace at all... the violence is not cartoonish, its realistic. The characters are not simple, they are complex. They "have issues" and are both trying to find a better sense of balance in their lives, both do things which they regret... all in all, this is one of the most "human" movies I've ever watched.

Even though the characters are deep, the movie does not try to emphasis it with drawn out scenes with dramatic music or anything, which actually makes it more like watching real people than watching a movie. It also makes for a more powerful effect overall because it is up to the watcher to notice the subtleties.

The acting and directing are very well done, and there is some writing which surprised me in that it showed more about the characters rather than relating directly to the main conflict (I don't want to give too much detail and spoil it). The pacing is good and kept me interested throughout, partially to see what the main characters would do next and partially to see what, if anything, they would learn from the experience.

It is not as "epic" as something like Shawshank Redeption, and doesn't deal with esoteric themes such as Meet Joe Black or ominous themes such as Equilibirum or 1984(the novel), but in a way it is more epic because it deals with normal people who struggle to be beneficial humans despite major mistakes, pressures, and conflicts.
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Good Rail Shooter, Bad Story, Sub-Standard Movie
28 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
They are a ton of comments about this movie already, but so far I don't think anyone has been able to really describe what makes it so bad - or, in some cases, so good.

What makes it good are superficial things which would interest you if you stop thinking and watch it in 5-minute intervals, or while doing something else, or with friends who are just out to have a good time. In fact, what I started doing during the action sequences was pretending I was watching someone play a rail shooter - the arcade-type games where you point a gun at the screen and shoot, and the action automatically moves alone as if you're on a train or other railed vehicle.

Just like a good rail shooter, you have lots of explosions. This has been noticed in other comments but the fact that this is the director's debut seems to suggest to me that he has, perhaps a habit of playing rail shooters and wants to re-create the feel. He probably also watched a lot of action movies and decided to copy some of their trademark moments.

Besides a lot of stuff being blown up, you get Lucy Liu and Antonio B., two of my favorite actors. They aren't bad in this movie, but this movie seems far below them. Their encounters are hampered by a contradictory plot which is so badly presented that it might have just been left out, and as characters you never really come to care about anyone because they are all just puppets hung onto the frame of this glorified rail shooter.

Not that this is showing on cable, I want to watch it again with a toy gun in my hand and pretend that I'm playing it like the rail shooter it was supposed to be. That might make it fun.

The sad thing about it is that it had potential. The basic plot features twists towards the end, strong main characters, compassion, and a child in danger... but the execution left me wondering what exactly the writers were thinking, and why on earth the director had based the film on explosions rather than sniping (as the title suggests) or that little thing we call a story. It just feels like less than a sum of its parts, no matter how you look at it.

The two main stars have both appeared in much more enjoyable films, do yourself a favor and watch them instead.
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Double Dragon (1994)
Very Disappointing
2 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The Double Dragon games brought the hilariously over-dramatic kung-fu movies into homes in the form of a series of fun Beat Em Up type videogames with 2 player cooperative play. The catchy tunes, varied combos, and nearly impossible bosses coupled helped to push the NES into popularity.

This movie, however, shows that it wasn't influenced by John Woo or anyone with any Asian connections - unlike the videogames which were imported straight from Japan. As a result, it feels... forced... just about as bad as Street Fighter: The Movie seems (I haven't actually watched the latter).

Yes, the plot plays a vague resemblance to that of the games. However, no-one actually cares about the plot the the games. We watch it to see people get beat up, we play it to get past Yet Another Difficult challenge. Its like a cheap kung-fu (in days before such epics as Hero, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, et al with actual budgets), but interactive and in low color.

The movie was almost void of action (they were fights, but too much talking with them), and had too much focus on the ... non-action stuff. It would have been better to stick a few episodes of Walker: Texas Ranger back to back, or something.

This may been one of the worse reviews I've written... but, save yourself the time, and go watch anything else instead. I'd recommend anything touched by John Woo in its place... or even playing the original videogames (you might need to find an emulator nowadays, but if the makers of this movie had played the games, maybe they'd have an idea of how to really have fun with a martial arts-heavy storyline).
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