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Mixed feelings...
26 May 2024
Not because it is a bad programme, quite the opposite. 7 people vying to become first time tenant farmers on a national trust farm in Northumberland. Very informative, showing the work and difficulties, trying to not only develop and work a farm, but look after nature too. Matt Baker, an excellent presenter anyway, ideally suited to this with his farming and outside knowledge. The hard bit though, seeing lovely people having their hopes dashed, because of course there can only be one winner. And unlike some other programmes, these were nice, committed people, hard working, with big dreams. So sorry for those not chosen. How they managed to pick between them I have no idea. So, enjoyed, but with a hint of sadness too.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
Never lets up, in a good way...
7 May 2024
With very fond memories of the old Lee Majors tv series, and a great cast, leads and supports, we were really looking forward to seeing what they did with an updated, modern approach. And it did not disappoint, for a second. Like the original, a stuntman, but no longer a bounty hunter as a back-up, but just dragged into helping his former girlfriend into solving a mystery disappearance, which is not what it seems. Great fun, very likeable leads, great support, and it never flags, but the most important part, the brilliant stunt work, and the spotlight on the stunt people - much deserved, it opens your eyes, because these films would be nothing without the skill, bravery and brilliance of these unsung guys and gals.
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The Dry (2020)
Thoroughly enjoyed...
4 May 2024
A slow burn detective mystery, with plenty of red herrings, and the end a surprise enough that it definitely kept you guessing until the very end. Australian setting sets it apart, and being out in the vast open areas instead of another city based murder mystery. Very atmospheric, stark in showing the struggling outback, wild open, Australia suffering from drought and everyone just surviving as best they can. A detective returns to an old friends funeral who may have killed his family, but not just a current mystery but an historical one too that impinges on this. Being different, it held the attention. Not the usual shoot em up type, just thoughtful and deep. Really glad we gave it a go.
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Whitstable Pearl (2021– )
Thoroughly enjoyable...
12 April 2024
When you see something original on Drama, or alibi, rather than the mainstream channels, you wonder if it is a throwaway series. Time to reassess. Because like others, this has been a really enjoyable series, a nice British (seaside) location, with engaging characters, beautifully played by the leads (great to see Howard Charles again - brilliant in the Musketeers) - a bit more serious than Midsomer, Father Brown and the like, and better for it - more like the Coroner (still can't understand why that was cancelled after only two series) and the brilliant Annika. I really hope they do more. We are devotees. Not sure it will do as much for Whitstable as other places. Perhaps if they shoot anther series (please, more) when the sun shines?
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The Gentlemen (2024)
Brilliant - top Guy Ritchie
9 March 2024
Not (yet) seen the Film - certainly will be catching up with it now - but a big fan of Guy Ritchie - the Guy has so much style. Absolutely love his Sherlock, and the Man from Uncle was much underrated, I loved it. And of course his Gangster films. Just brilliantly realised and produced. And it is not style over substance either, great scripts, with brilliant humour, even when people are getting parts cut off! So gave this a try and blown away - once again the scripts are just superb, top, top writing. And Ritchie gets the best performances out of his cast. Others will go into detail about the storyline, but I won't - just got to say - we absolutely loved it.
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Masterful filmmaking....
5 February 2024
Return to this after seeing it many years ago. Loved it then. Even moreso now. It truly is masterful. Did not do as well as it deserved financially, because it isn't a non-stop action battlefest no doubt. But what it is is a slow burn, building up the story as 'our' ship, the Surprise, plays cat and mouse with the more formidable French warship Acheron. And what it does is show what life must have been like, very hard, harsh. For me it is the superlative setting, filming that is just breathtaking, just so real. And when action happens, whether fighting the enemy or the Sea itself, it is superb. A lot of personal stories too. Crowe has never been better, equal to his Maximus role, and excellent support from Bettany and many other notable character actors. All in all a top film created by Director and Actors at the top of their game.
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The Artful Dodger (2023– )
Something different, what an unexpected pleasure...
28 January 2024
Was not aware of this until Thomas Brodie-Sangster appeared on the One Show to publicise it, and thought it sounded interesting enough to give it a try - so glad I did. We find what happened to the Dodger and Fagin - by far the most interesting characters in Dickens classic - some time in the future, travelled to Australia and Dodger has actually become a surgeon, however still down at heel and trying to prove his worth. Fagin of course tries to get him back into his former life. Superbly set and with most likeable cast, but carried entirely by Sangster, David Thewlis as Fagin, but matched at every step by a young actress (Maia?) who has aims of being a surgeon herself, and is extremely capable, but fighting against the norm of the times. Really enjoyed - seriously hope they do more.
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Comer just carries it - a true star
23 January 2024
Something very different - ok, a sort of disaster movie (storms and floods off the scale - rather apt and just a little near the knuckle these days) that you could really imagine happening the way things are going. But a very focussed film that concentrates on the individual rather than the disaster per se. And Ms. Comer - we all now know she is rather special - carries it, excellent throughout. A heroine but not in the incredibly strong hero sense, a character with her issues, and struggles, but manages to somehow carry on and show resilience when so much is against not just her but everyone. Not sure if this is classed as low budget, the personal feel about it makes you think maybe it is, but the scenes of devastation in London was especially impressive, even in its brief appearance. Well worth the cost of entry.
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The Creator (2023)
Thoroughly enjoyed...
18 January 2024
This made for a very pleasant surprise, after seeing many films of late which you just know how it will unfurl, this kept me engrossed from start to finish, just felt fresh somehow although no doubt others will sate they have seen similar before - for me it was fresh enough to feel different. Obviously with very modern fears regarding AI, but rather turned on its head. As well as a compelling storyline, and fine performances, the settings were first class, and for once the cgi did not overshadow the story, but truly enhanced it. Quantumania, hang your head in shame. This is the way cgi SHOULD be used.
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Fool Me Once (2024)
Complex and engaging
4 January 2024
Thoroughly enjoyed, so many threads and complex red herrings, we did not see where it was going right up until the end, so that was a massive bonus, we were convinced that different characters were the baddies at different times, often wrong - some threads we did not understand at times but became clear as they unravelled, which is exactly what you want from a thriller. Kudos to the cast and writers. We know the original book was based in America but the relocation to the U. K. worked perfectly, did not take anything away from the story. As long as Netflix continue to turn out series of this quality we will continue to subscribe. More please.
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Signora Volpe (2022– )
How can you go wrong....
12 November 2023
Easy to watch anything with Emilia Fox in. She is just a delight. So nice to see her in something different to what we all now know her as Nikki Alexander. And when you add in the most beautiful Country in the World in Italy, such absolutely beautiful settings, whether in towns or Countryside, well, how can you go wrong. An accomplished agent who has had enough, finds a new life and mysteries that she feels compelled to understand, and solve. I really hope these 3 stories are not the end of this adventure. More please. Italy and Emilia - a match made in heaven. Well, heaven for me with my favourite Country AND actress.
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Bodies (2023)
Brilliantly imaginative.
4 November 2023
What a story. Convoluted, yes, but be patient - give it time. It justifies your concentration. Whoever put all this together is frankly a writing genius. The more it went on, the more wrapped up in it I got. And each of the four parallel, co-existing storylines, cast, were just excellent. Such an unusual and strange, different premise. So glad I happened to chance on it, and without any advertising to lead me to it. Kudos to everyone involved - the settings, the writing, the performances, the pacing. Netflix do an eclectic mix of programming, some are poor, others brilliantly imagined and pulled off. This is definitely one of the latter, and justifies the expenditure for me.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Everything that was said about it is sadly true..,,
19 September 2023
Hate being negative about films that people put so much effort into making, and as a long time Superhero geek from reading comic books in the 70's, I have been overjoyed that they have been able to, in the main, do them justice, and make some excellent films. Not having caught up with this in the Cinema, now it has hit rental, I thought I would give it a try. Glad now I did not attempt it on the big screen. Honestly not much at all to recommend it, except for the nostalgia of bringing back old characters like Keaton's Batman. All in all, poor. Dreadful effects. Hate his costume and running style. Poor humour. Lame characters (this really is not the Barry Allen from the books), they have not done Flashpoint justice at all. The *real* Flash character is bad enough, but the different reality Barry is even worse. Not sure what Gunn was on when he said this was one of the best ever SH films. There are worse, but not many. Incoherent. Really do hope the rebooted DC series gets everything back on track, but not hopeful after this.
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12 August 2023
After the brilliant Into the Spiderverse, I really had prepared myself for disappointment as thought no way can they match, replicate this magic in a bottle, really hope they do not tarnish the legacy. So with much relief - all the magic is back. A brilliant story, full of depth and character, while introducing a whole raft of new characters, new spider men (and women), and, well, cats! Never flags, while Miles is learning and dealing with so much. Was absolutely blown away - again. Would deserve a 10/10, and tbh it probably does, just the different animation styles can initially be a little overwhelming, at least at first, but you do get used to them after repeat viewings. Which also helps as you take in the numerous background characters which are filled with nostalgia for those of us who were SM readers. Frustrating in a very small way of course that it is only half of the story, but then you are so happy that this will mean more hours of brilliance. Just wish part 2 was ready now! And incredibly uplifting at the end when a new team is forming with some new and some returning characters from Into. Damn, too long to wait!!! Yep, probably really should be a 10.....
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Breathless action....
18 July 2023
Difficult to fault this, in the action film genre. Cruise just puts absolutely everything into these films, a franchise 7 films in that just gets better and better, incredible for a long running series. It helps that you have likeable and capable actors playing likeable and capable characters. What carries is though is obviously the spectacular action, and (sorry James) nobody does it better. Incredible sequences and entirely or almost entirely proper stunts, not cgi. Enhanced, like Bond, by superb locations that just take the breath away. A long film and you never notice, because it moves at relentless speed. And while Cruise is the star and the glue holding it all together, the others are more than just support, and what other film has 4 strong and capable female characters in leading parts? Certainly not just decoration like the early part of the Bond franchise, with some notable exceptions. Bring on part 2.
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A decent enough send-off for the old hero...
4 July 2023
Certainly a better last hurrah than the Crystal Skull. And I am glad they did that, because Indy certainly deserved better than that film. Bittersweet because not only is the the last hurrah, but to see him old, nearing the end, with his adventuring virtually over and even his professorship and teaching being treated disdainfully. They certainly play to his age, struggling physically but regaining some of the spark that was dimming. The Goddaughter character played by Phoebe was a good enough foil, but seeing her come to the rescue more often than the opposite felt a little much, because it IS an Indiana Jones film after all. Still, while not up to the first three films, still worth it. Some suspect cgi but in fairness we had that in the originals too, and in some way adds to the charm. And finally good to see a sign off for Marian and Sallah too. I would rather have him creaking but still going, than not have him at all, and left with the Crystal Skull as his finale.
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The Full Monty (2023– )
A triumphant return.....
20 June 2023
Was not sure they could replicate the magic. They did. And returning twenty five years later, seeing how the guys were now, was better than I imagined. A mixture of laughs, pathos and heartbreak. The situation for the blue collar workers is still an almighty struggle by and large, and there is the same political tinge that things have not really got better up north, still largely ignored. The original cast obviously carry it, but new characters too, to flesh it out. And to cap it all, the backdrop of the Steel City, run down in places, beautiful backdrop though. All in all, really glad to revisit The Full Monty. Would certainly not object to some more.
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Extraction II (2023)
Excitement off the scale.....
19 June 2023
Both Extraction films are, of course, utterly farcical, like so many these days, maybe even to F&F levels, though a bit more grounded without the flying Cars, and ridiculous body count, violence that makes the old Arnie and Sly films tame in comparison. But put that aside, and credit where it is due, the action sequences (which make up 90% or even more of the films) are incredible, relentless, and of course Hemsworth is very well cast in this, pulls off the near indestructible hero very well indeed (though he gets hurt a LOT). A film that you can see every penny on the screen, and they obviously spent a LOT of them in blowing things up. Buildings, Cars, Helicopters, you name it. If only the baddies didn't take so much killing!
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Titans (I) (2018–2023)
Surprisingly dark, in a good way...
9 June 2023
How did I miss knowing about this? Ok, only got Netflix a few months ago, and enjoying a few series very much (Sandman, Umbrella Academy, the Viking one whose name has suddenly escaped me) I STILL missed knowing about this. Then Series 4 was advertised and eureka. Also, as a fan of Comic Book series and having once read Teen Titans many years ago, thought yes, I Know what is coming, may be fun in a gentle, inoffensive way, if done well. WRONG. Incredibly dark, violence not far behind Marvels Punisher series. So I was blindsided, but in a good way. Really enjoyed, extremely well done, excellent cast, and layered storyline. Really takes the 'Dark' inherent in Batmans Gotham, literally. Have to say, enjoyed much more than the Arrowverse attempts at DC. Bring on the next one.
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Blue Lights (2023– )
20 May 2023
Superb short series, hard hitting Police procedural set in Northern Ireland. Absolutely brilliant cast, no punches pulled, proper characters, all with plenty of depth. Equally exciting and edge of your seat stuff, and heartbreaking too. Perfectly written, you can really believe in this. A great ensemble that does it justice, every one of them. Actually as damn near a match for Happy Valley as you can get. Really deserves to not be a one and done series, so very pleased there will be another series. Just please maintain the quality exactly as Happy Valley did. And heartfelt congratulations to everyone involved in the production.
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Boy, is this bad...
23 March 2023
Caught it a long time ago. Back on tv, had pretty much forgotten it - actually completely forgotten it, shows how memorable it is NOT - sometimes films are actually memorable by being bad, but not this one. What a disappointment, for a fan of Marvel AND the Ghost Rider. Absolute shambles of a film, and a waste of an impressive cast. Awful dialogue. Pretty much awful everything. The first film was pretty poor too, but at least slightly enjoyably daft. The only thing improved - debatably - is the cgi of the Rider. And whereas Cage veers from excellent to bad in his films, in this he plays it like a complete lunatic. And not in a good way. Hopefully one day the MCU WILL do this character justice.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
18 March 2023
Just cannot fault this. Did not know what to expect, not being a game player, and glad of that - various twists were surprising. Left us nervous for the characters. Who by the way were perfect in the parts - casting (unsung heroes) nailed it again. And what brought this to another level was the ruined World they created. A match for the biggest and most expensive blockbusters. Also, not all about the infected - a different take, and quite horrific version of 'zombies' - in fact often more danger comes from the other survivors. All in all, first class. Bring on Series 2. Just please maintain the quality.
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
Love this programme...
2 February 2023
Took a while to give this a chance, and am so glad I did. Something very different, and in a good way. A 'Superhero team', but very definitely not anything like the Avengers/JL or the like, even the X-Men. Brilliantly cast, great mix of unusual characters, very often at odds with one another, sometimes very much so. Seriously had no idea where it was going, what was going to happen next, and that is a real positive. The production values are right up there too - credit to Netflix for going with this. They often come up with some flack, but there are esoteric things there that I have really enjoyed, and the Umbrella Academy is right up there.
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The Musketeers (2014–2016)
Action packed, with a more modern attitude..
16 January 2023
Rewatching now in 2022/23, as finally made available again, and I am so glad - had forgotten after all this time how good it was (and is). Quality from start to finish. Brilliantly cast, all the leads were superb, and fit the characters very well. As with many, the sensibilities have a 20th Century feel in some way, certainly compared to the books, but only to be expected, and certainly not a complaint.

The settings were superb too. Where they find these castles and houses, and the recreation of the towns of the era just felt right. And the Costume Department deserve a big round of applause.

Over 3 series, fighting various bad guys, but with the thread of always fighting for their Monarch (despite being a bit of a buffoon) with loyalty to the Crown, but always standing up for what is right. We need this more than ever.

The BBC at its best.
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Great fun, with a top notch cast.
14 January 2023
Ok, it helps if you are a fan of Ryan Reynolds, and particularly his quirky fun and charm. That was the starting point, along with friends having seen it and recommended it highly.

Would always have caught it at some point, but the comments by these friends brought it forward, and so glad they did.

Interesting premise, time travel obviously done before, but this felt slightly different, but at the end of the day it has fun writing, some great quips (as you would expect from RR) , exciting, and well, the supporting cast, just excellent. Particularly the young Lad playing, well, the young Ryan character.

Couldn't give it 10, because, well, keep that for the classically brilliant films as a rule, but of this type of fun, lighter hearted, part sci-fi, action film, well, could not have enjoyed it more. Ok, Ryan is Ryan, but when you love his stuff, that can only be a good thing.
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