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Greatest Hitchcock's Movie I have seen.
9 August 2015
In my 72 years of age, which happens to be the same time since this picture was released(1943), I thought I had seen all of this Master of suspense movies, but I was delighted to discover this one. What I love about this film, is how he plays with all different kind of emotions. The beginning of the film is kind of creepy. The following scenes, hint of what type of Person Uncle Charlie is. How he travels in the train to Santa Rosa, and gets off the train, it is a basic indication of this. The movie has moments to laugh, to be serious and meditate about what the actors say, and shows true emotions of the different members and friends of the family. Even when many of us would suspect the outcome of this plot, the real suspense is to know how this would happen. One of the last scenes where Little Charlie and her brother and sister go out to say good bye to their Uncle, is very obvious that something unexpected will happen, but again, the mystery is: What will happen? Great Movie. I agree with Hitchcock that this is his best one.
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11 April 2006
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This picture portrays what an ignorant group of people can create, when they mix in a same bowl their ignorance with their religious beliefs. Even as fantastic as this picture may seem to be, it is not something that couldn't have happened and may still do in some parts of Mexico and other Countries. People are looking for something extraordinary that may help them improve their impoverished situation, people are hoping that a miracle occurs in their monotonous lives, a miracle that they want to believe in because they lack a vision of wellbeing in their future. If we add other human feelings like greed or the desire of power or frustration in an unreachable love, or disappointment, we get a pretty good mix of emotions that make this picture very interesting in its plot. Of course this can only lead to tragedy, which at the end happens. Good picture to watch.
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Totally absurd story
8 March 2006
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In a men's world, women are supposed to always accept their fate with resignation. Men can lead a life of unfaithfulness in their marriages knowing that at the end their wives will be there for them to start a "new life". Of course this is absurd even when this might have been more evident back in 1954 when this movie was filmed. The story appeals to the religious beliefs of the people. Throughout the movie, religious figures are shown, including the final scene where the face of Christ appears. The story is totally absurd in the fact that in a convenient manner a neighborhood is composed of different types of women that attract the "hero" of the story and make him fall for them. The friends of the couple whose life is narrated, all accept this situation and in a way cooperate in order that this happens. Absurd story also because all of them, very well off in their economy do not seem to have any means of support, except the fact that they are all apparently wealthy. These stories were meant to tell women what their real role in our society was: very religious and willing to accept what their husbands did, hoping that at the end they would repent and come back to them.
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Interesting topic
7 March 2006
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The Mexican cinematography of the 1950's evolved from rural dramas to urban stories. Most of the time these were either Revolution oriented themes or tragic love stories narrated through different perspectives. This particular movie has a very unique and interesting topic. Long before the classical mystery stories of Agatha Christie became famous, this story about a murder in a train is presented in a manner that the suspense to know who the murderer is, is maintained throughout the whole movie till the very end of the film. Faithful to the love theme of those days, the movie shows a side story of love and compassion. The movie is pretty much kept at a good level of interest. If you like mystery movies, this is a sample of what was produced in this area 50 years ago.
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A melodramatic fantasy
6 March 2006
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The sole thought of death makes our mind wander into the infinite space of the unknown. Will we know when that moment comes to our life? How can we prepare ourselves for it?? The Mexican cinematography of the past century, addressed this issue in various manners. A couple of movies portrayed death as a person; As a man or as a woman. The interesting side of this particular movie of 1950, is that it shows us several facets of the idiosyncrasy of the Mexican people. Love and respect for those that left us long before their time, and the sacrifice that must be undertaken in order to preserve their good memories. At the end this sacrifice is rewarded with the possibility of a glorious life ahead. Great natural backgrounds make it a beautiful experience.
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20 February 2006
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Back in the 1960's Mexico, it was still very common to differentiate between races and to not accept interracial marriages. Several pictures were made with this theme, being the most famous"El derecho de nacer" (the right to be born) which had a great success throughout Latin America. It is always the story of someone that unknowingly, because his skin is light, has a black parent. It is a story of sacrifice by such black parent that prefers that their son never knows of their existence. It is a story of acceptance by the white's counterpart family that these marriages are not possible, because society would reject them. This one has a special added circumstance that makes the situation even more dramatic. Good movie to watch not so much because of its technical merits, but to make you think in how society felt about these issues. Another plus is to watch beautiful Rosita Arenas in her prime.
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Roots (1954)
Clash between 2 Cultures
8 February 2006
Long before the Europeans set foot on America, several Indian cultures flourished, specially in the center of Mexico and down to South America. These groups had astounding knowledges that up till today it is still a mystery as to how they acquired them. This very interesting and very well produced film that used no professional actors, is a very good portrait of what happens when we try to view things prejudiced by our own point of view. This is typically a clash of 2 cultures, the European modernity trying to judge what The "Chamula" Indians in the Southeast part of Mexico had been doing for centuries. It is a clash between pagan and religious beliefs, between desire and pride, between poverty and riches, between faith and reality, between tradition and modernity. It is very interesting to follow the plot of the 4 different stories being narrated. This is a movie that should not be missed by Latin Americans or any one else that wants to understand how the natives lived on this part of the world long before we were "discovered" by the Europeans.
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Strangely fascinating
2 February 2006
I had seen this movie announced on my cable a couple of times before. The title itself meant nothing to me. Earlier today while browsing through the movie channels I caught the beginning of it. I still had my doubts about seeing it, specially since in a different channel there was a movie about a Gambler in Vegas. I love Vegas, I've been there at least 60 times in my lifetime, so anything related to it, I love. I did go back and forth between the 2 channels a couple of times, but at the end something fascinated me about these siamese twins and their beautiful girlfriend, Penny so I stayed with this one. I could not have made a better decision. I live in Mexico, and was watching the movie with Spanish subtitles. The movie title was translated to Spanish as "Strange fascination". As the story develops, you can go through many different emotions. Love, compassion, sadness, happiness and any other you can think of. You are carried in a strange fascination throughout the development of the plot. The Prostitute, Penny, is simply adorable. They couldn't have chosen a better person to portray this role. I have seen 3 fascinating movies in my life, THE LEGEND OF 1900, SOMEWHERE IN TIME, and this one. This along with the other 2 is the type of movie that you can see several times without ever loosing interest in it. I highly recommend it to all people with sensitivity.
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Just fascinating
31 January 2006
I have seen this movie many times. Today without even knowing I turned on my television and the movie was just starting. I cannot think of a more fascinating movie than this. The music is beautiful, the story makes you wander into time and into the Pianist's mind. A whole world turns around him as the center of his universe. He does not need to go out and look around for an identity. Why should he go out into the real life when the world comes to him? I cannot think of a better actor to portray this character. The sad look in his eyes gives credibility to what he does. The "girl" Melanie Thierry is as beautiful as they come. Her peacefully wild looks make her an unforgettable player in this movie. Regardless of the technical deficiencies, the plot itself is so strong, that you cannot but get inside the story and follow it throughout the duration of the film. I recommend this picture as a must see for anyone that is sensible to life itself
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Movie intended to convey a message.
27 October 2005
Back in the middle of the past century when this movie was filmed(1952), producers started a trend with pictures that were meant to convey a social message to the people, specially the lower brackets who were in the majority of cases, illiterate. These circumstances made them of course, live in a very poor environment. When you put together being poor and ignorant, many of the women of the times fell into the hands of "cinturitas"(gigolos) that exploited them and ruined their life making them work as prostitutes or in the best of cases as maids in order that they give their money earned to their "protectors". This movie is made with the stories of two different cases, in which the common denominator is precisely poverty and illiteracy. The movie in itself is nothing really extraordinary, but it allows the viewer to understand how these persons lived in the 1950's Mexico.
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You cannot escape from your past
24 October 2005
This 1952 movie brings us a very dramatic view of the middle of the past century in Mexico. Urban movies were now more common, as versus the rural productions that had brought some kind of success to the local cinematography. The themes developing in night clubs were now the favorites of the producers. What can be more dramatic than the lives of the "cabareteras"(girls hired by the clubs to promote the well being of their customers)? Of course there is always something sad and understandable about these ladies, a story of poverty or of family problems, that make them choose that life. And to make the story more interesting, there is always a good fellow that couldn't care less about their past, and intends to make them go back to what the times morals were. This is a picture about all this, this is a movie about a poor but good person trying to forge a future with one of these girls. The movie itself is not really bad, even when the ending is pretty much very expected and lacking in imagination.
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Beautiful nostalgic documentary
17 October 2005
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More than a beautiful musical movie, I would classify this picture as a documentary. Who hasn't heard about Cuba's legendary Buenavista Social Club?? The story is nothing more than a recreation of the now aging stars of this club, back in the middle of the past century. Two main aspects can be judged here: The poverty of these in their native Cuban environment, and their joy of life that permits them to be happy even with all their limitations, and the contrasts they encounter while traveling to the USA for a presentation at the Carnegie Hall back in July 1998. It is a very shocking impact to see them go from their impoverished surroundings to the fascination of New York, where they now realize that this is where the other half of the world lives. The magic of the picture itself is brought to a sudden stop when one realizes that even in our 21st Century there can be so contrasting differences between human beings living in different parts of the world. Regardless of this sudden awakening to reality, the picture is beautiful and transports us back in time.
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Pathetically ridiculous movie
22 September 2005
I had nothing to do a couple of hours ago, so I watched this movie in a cable channel that shows old movies. I couldn't believe how ridiculous a movie maker can get in coming up with such a picture. What is intended to be dramatic, is funny, and what is intended to be funny doesn't make any body smile. It is one of those co-productions between Mexico and Venezuela that some "smart" Producer, taking advantage of some wealthy patron made, in order to present several"unknowns" as movie actors. The situations portrayed in it are totally unreal, specially when this happens to people above average.I cannot say more about this movie, except it is really a very idiotic one that does no good to the Cinematography Industry of either of the two Countries.
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Angélica (1952)
A highly impacting drama
22 September 2005
One thing that we can say for sure, about movies from the middle of the 20th century, is the fact that sex and violence was never the central theme of these. The stories may seem a bit outdated by today's standards, but nevertheless these is the way humanity lived and what they believed in those days. This story is a typical one that more than likely could have happened in those days, specially in Mexico, which was still a very innocent society, not yet fully influenced by outside sources, which had just started to change their behavior basically towards the end of WWII. The story is very intense, the acting is pretty good too. I have no idea whether this movie had any nominations, but it is very worthwhile to watch. Human misery is always something that impacts all audiences, and brings forth our humanity.
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Beautiful but sad love story
20 September 2005
When social and economic status are more important than love, people can be led to become miserable. It was, and still is common in Mexico, that some families prefer for their heirs to marry someone that the parents think is a better choice, due to their social compatibility. Some more liberal thinkers believe that love is the force that can move mountains. This movie shows us different aspects of the human behavior: Love and hate. innocence and revenge, good and evil. The development of the story takes us through pretty much anticipated scenarios. The ending is really a very strong scene where principles play a major role in the decisions to be taken. In summary the story is good and allows you to think what if things would had been different.
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Viva Mexico
14 September 2005
One of the great problems with the Latin culture, is its lack of patriotism. Latinamerican people, with Mexico pretty much as a leader, do not have a real National pride. We like to follow other nations and never stop to think that we have much to be proud of. This movie, written and co-directed by a great author, Alvaro Galvez y Fuentes, gives us a great opportunity to feel the real meaning of patriotism. The movie itself is nothing extraordinary, but the intention of having Mexicans enter into the deep sentiment of pride in our past is very obvious. This movie shows in a very novelistic manner the story of how Mexico went from a great political disorder to an even greater one due to the many politics that existed at the time. The final scenes of the "5 de Mayo" battle give us some tragic/dramatic scenes of what supposedly happened then. Nothing great, but this movie is a must see picture for Mexicans.
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El mar y tú (1952)
Power gets everything, except love
14 September 2005
This is a classical story of power versus love. How can we think otherwise in a situation like this movie portrays to us? The surroundings could only be possible in such a manner that the only way it happened is in an environment of poverty and suppression. A local bearer of power uses his weapons to obtain the favors of a woman that under fair circumstances would have never accepted him. The real story is whether the affected person will accept the fact that its "great love" will accept this. The acting of the players of this movie is a pretty decent one. It is possible to get "into" their thoughts by simply seeing them act. I feel that this picture is one that involves the viewers into the actors role. You will not lose 90+ minutes of your life watching this picture.
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Hipócrita..! (1949)
Many people love tragic stories
11 September 2005
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Soap operas, specially in Latin Countries, are meant to have people suffer throughout the whole length of the story. Most of the time the story is the same: A poor girl(because remember that women are still a second class object in most Latin Countries)suffers some type of wrong doing, and has to start a new life trying to forget her past. This movie is no different. The same story has been used on several occasions. A handicapped or mutilated girl seeks to find a new life that will end her misery, but all she finds are bad people that get her into deeper problems. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, a good person normally poor, comes to her rescue. He transforms her again into a normal person bringing all her self esteem back to her. But.... how can a sad story become a happy one??? No that is not what it is supposed to be. Something happens where either she or her rescuer have to suffer in order to keep the tragedy alive. This movie must have made many people shed tears of sympathy as they followed the story developments. If you are one of those persons that love to suffer watching a movie, go ahead and watch it.
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A tragic love story
11 September 2005
Shakespeare couldn't have said it better. This tragic love story has some interesting added ingredients to the original Romeo and Juliet. The movie shows us several facets of the human nature. From greed and hatred, to impotence. From pure love to desire. From submission to a macho attitude. The fatherly figure is very strong; his will has to be obeyed at all times, even if this means sacrificing your own life. The other very imposing figure, is the local Priest, whose authority and respect is very obvious. In a way, the players, acted in a very theatrical manner. You can, at times, think that you are watching a play in a theater, rather than watching a movie. A love story could not end without a tragedy, and this one is not the exception. Interesting movie to watch, specially since it was filmed back in 1942 with very limited technical resources.
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Another Mexican Revolution soap opera
7 September 2005
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The Mexican Revolution was the inspiration of many movies in Mexico; from "Vamonos con Pancho Villa" which is according to the cinematography authorities, Mexico's best, to others that were meant to only make a couple of pesos for their producers. This one, is one of so many that exploited the people's innocence. A couple of stories about family members that are separated when some have to go and fight the Revolution while others stay behind, and some tragic events that happen to them while at it and at the end of their missions. Of course the "cherry on the pie", is the voice coming at the end from the background, stating that the shed blood was not in vain, because now the Country is in a much better situation. These movies were meant for the lower, non educated people in Mexico.
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Good movie about a traditional family.
20 August 2005
Sure, Father knows best, but not in this case. This was a very traditional movie in its time(1949). The tradition was that the father was the patriarch of the family. In this particular movie the father was not necessarily a model role. He was more a ridiculous one. The story, for whatever its worth, tells us the story of a Father-Son relationship which turns to be a supposedly funny interchange of situations. I particularly did not like this movie, but it is supposed to be among the best 25 movies in Mexico's Cinematography. Whether you like it or not, it is up to you. I did not see anything in this picture to make it so highly regarded by the Mexican official sites.
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Hidden River (1948)
Great propaganda against Mexico's ruling party.
20 August 2005
What can be more captivating than a rural Teacher who tries to act according to her principles, rather than giving up to the Politicals very particular interests??? Mexico had for many years, been exploited by a gang of people that had made Mexico, their own territory. Local "caciques" (controllers of the regions)were the ones that really controlled the Country. It has been said since ever, that ignorance is the best ally that any one can have. In those times, teachers, and anyone else for that matter had to accept what the local leaders had to say about education. This movie shows what an independent person can do to change the status of the establishment. Good movie to watch.
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Another Dawn (1943)
One of the first urban movies from Mexico
20 August 2005
Up till 1943, the most productive movies from Mexico were stories from the rural life of the Country. Pictures like "Alla en el rancho grande(1936)" had been a great success. But Mexico was now turning to a more "urban" society. In part due to the war, Mexico was now trying to take advantage over other competitors. Spain and Argentina which held close ties to the Axis Nations, were denied support from the USA in their productions. Mexico took advantage of this, and produced films like this one, where there was a shift to the urban problems. This is a movie about a Union leader that tries to fight the corrupt leaders of the local Government. Julio Bracho, the Director of this film, whose background was in the theater, applies his techniques in such a manner that this picture combines the best styles of both schools in order to make it a good one. This could very well be, one of the first movies of what was later known as the "Golden age of the Mexican cinematography"
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Perhaps the best movie I have ever seen
20 August 2005
I have just seen this movie for the 12-15th time and I still find something extraordinarily fascinating every time I watch it. This movie is based on a novel by Venezuela's Romulo Gallegos one of Latin America best writer. The movie is so profound, because you can see so many aspects of the human being in it. You can find hate, witchcraft, religion, love, impotency and repentance, mainly because of the ignorance of people. This movie develops in the great Venezuela Savannahs, where the law of the stronger prevailed. The dialogs, so strong and captivating, are possible due to Gallegos very strong command of the Spanish Language and the slang of the peasants of that region. As I have mentioned before for a couple of other movies, this one is best appreciated if you understand Spanish. I may see it again another dozen times, and I am sure I would still enjoy it, as I hope you may too. This movie is officially rated as the 75th in importance in the Mexican Cinematography, to which I TOTALLY DISAGREE. It should be in the top 10.
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Exquisite black humor movie
15 August 2005
Few times has the Mexican movies industry explored this type of comedy. This particular film is surprisingly very well made, specially since its 2 main characters are played by an Actor, Arturo de Cordova, and an Actress, Amparo Rivelles, whose background is in tragic and/or very formal performances. It is a story of a married couple whose life has come to the point of a disaster, basically due to the jealousness of the wife. The Husband a taxidermist announces to their friends that she has gone to another City on vacations, but keeps in his shop an skeleton. This of course is the center plot of the movie and all black humor situations are derived from this. The movie is light and keeps the viewers entertained throughout its entire length.
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