3 Reviews
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The Chew (2011–2018)
The Chew is Chaos
5 January 2017
This show wants to be something it is not. It wants to be a fun, energetic show containing various perspectives regarding approaches to cooking and food in general. It is actually a show with a bunch of "people" running around like their heads have been cut off. It appears the producers dose the hosts with uppers at the beginning of the show, so that in the end there is a mess of food and each person can barely speak due to exhaustion. There is nothing cohesive about this show. The hosts appear to compete with each other as they fight one another for the spotlight. There is never enough time to finish a recipe as evidenced by the throwing of food amid acknowledgements that "TIME IS RUNNING OUT"! Is there a bomb hidden somewhere? Who sets the clock for these segments? Jesus Christ this show needs to relax because it is painful and anxiety inducing - far from helpful in any capacity.
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Something Lurking Beneath the Surface
28 June 2016
Watching this film is like experiencing some kind of twisted dream. Interestingly this dream is frighteningly close to reality in its portrayal of our modern world. We want easy access acquisition of everything these days. No long-term investment of time or money appeals to us. We want a quick fix. We move hastily and find it tiring to dig past the surface. This film is a shot of adrenaline. The most horrifying thing about The Neon Demon is how well it plays with society's obsession with all things external. It hammers on the head of our fixations of youth, sex, and violence with blunt force. It proves us shallow as we are utterly mystified by the visuals but repulsed by the horror on display. This review is being written after my second viewing and with it comes a better understanding of the film. There is an overwhelming deluge of sensory information in this film, it is practically numbing to witness. See it twice in the theater if you can. It is my belief that the story is never meant to focus on one particular character. Jesse is a Trojan Horse into this mad world - this all too real world. All of the performances are frighteningly simple and easy to understand. The characters are laughable and precise. This is the ultimate experiment in voyeurism. As a viewer you are a voyeur into a depraved world structured carefully by Refn. His film deals with modern surface-level existence. It showcases a group of models and their problems in their dangerous world. It is a crazy place that cannot be defined with words, therefore Refn chooses to make his music tell most of its story. The Neon Demon is rock hard candy. It is dream fuel. It is a mirror we all look into.
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8 July 2013
This movie has no idea where it's going. Sure, the action is well done. It is but the characters are barely fleshed out and when you come to understand one facet of their personality as a viewer, another three come hurling out at you throughout the whole movie. You can never grasp any one character. It feels hazardous. This is what bothered me most. This movie has a serious identity crisis. The message changed every hour and I still don't quite understand what I was meant to leave with. On top of all of this, the acting was all over the place. Characters shifted in their intent and intensity too often and without care. Sorry folks, Johnny Depp was really playing Jack Sparrow dressed up as a Native American. Actually, I found it completely messed up that they hired a white man from Kentucky to play Tonto. He was out of place. It is fun for a rainy afternoon but definitely not worth admission. I felt like I was watching an old western vignette on a projector that was about to explode in the middle of a dust storm. Plus, there were narrative moments throughout the film that not only made NO sense but also detracted from the pacing. Don't go. Save your money for something else. It's too long anyways.
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