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Graveyard shift review
15 July 2013
This is my all time favorite episode of SpongeBob SquarePants. (Yes i just called the show by its full name, i need to fill ten lines cut me some slack!) When it came out i was four and i remember being a little scared but loving the episode. Now eleven years later after SpongeBob SquarePants has gone WAAAAAY down in quality this episode still remains my favorite.

Well i still got a couple of lines to go so lets see what else i can say about this episode...I liked the animation of earlier SpongeBobs because they used less cgi and it just looks so much better. So anyway i give this episode a perfect 10 out of 10 GO WATCH IT NOOOOWWW!!!!!!!
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The Amazing Spider-Man: Spider-Man (1977)
Season 1, Episode 1
First ever spider-man movie.
15 July 2013
And its not as bad as i thought it was going to be. Special effects as you can guess are limited since this is a made for TV movie in the 70s and the music is very cheesy (Also because of it being from the 70s) Hammond makes a fairly decent spider-man/Peter Parker and David White is a great J.Jonah Jameson. The acting besides that is also pretty decent but forgettable. One thing i really liked however was the story's pacing. It spends the right amount of time before he gets his powers and the evil plot unfolds perfectly. I found it weird the pacing was good because with telefilms the fact that there are commercial breaks seem to make the directors and editors worry about pacing so much as director and editors of huge blockbusters.

As a HUGE Spider-Man fan i had to check this out and it was perfectly enjoyable and i recommend it to any other fans who cant wait for the next film. My score is 8 out of 10.

Also there's 2 more following this one that I'm yet to watch. I hope ill be able to review those someday as well.
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Xenogenesis (1978)
A decent debut.
8 July 2013
Im not a fan of James Cameron because he seems more like and fx show then an artist. However i kind of liked this short film.

James was inspired to make this short film after watching star wars in theaters. Its pretty clear in this film that he loved star wars so much that he learned how to do the same effects which are pretty good for the time. The acting from the boy (Dont think they have names) was pretty good but the girl was terrible. One thing this short needed really bad was music. I know this was made just to show off what he could do, but come on. There's is NO MUSIC AT ALL! While the fight scenes are good they become boring fast because of the slowness of them and the bad sound fx and they just really needed music to make them more enjoyable. Overall i think it showed that Cameron was very good with modeling which this film got him a job. If your a fan of his you may get more out of it then i did but i feel like it was a little incomplete. Hope one day it becomes a feature...
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Best short ever made.
6 July 2013
This short film is outstanding. From the very beginning until the end its filed with silly scifi jokes and amazing hand-drawn animation. Its to bad they don't show shorts like this before movies nowadays. Pixar and Disneys new cgi shorts like Paperman and La luna are good but will never come close to this masterpiece.

Now that i got my mini rant on cgi out of the way...

This short is about Duck Dodgers (Daffy duck) fighting for control of planet X which Marvin the martian is also after. This leads to loads of grade A humor and jaw dropping animated scenes featuring strange SciFi technology.

After sixty years this film is still huge. Being a favorite of George Lucas and Steven Spielberg.Go check it out if you are a fan of animation or scifi you wont be sorry.
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My childhood.
5 June 2013
It kills me a little not giving this a perfect ten out of ten but that would be going WAY to far with it...

Still. I LOVE this film! I remember watching it when i was really little, five i think? Im not sure but i was young is the point...

Anyways lets put the rose-colored glasses down and talk about the film a little. Clearly its a scooby doo film. Its the same basic plot as all the other films and TV shows... Then one has really good animation i must say...Its hand drawn just th way cartoons SHOULD be but sadly are not.

Overall I still really like this movie and i have to give it an 8 out of 10.
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After Earth (2013)
Best sci fi since RETURN OF THE JEDI!
5 June 2013
This film is really amazing no matter what anybody says about it. I had mixed feelings about seeing it after all the hate it was getting. But i decided to see it anyway. I was BLOWN AWAY. Its the first time since return of the Jedi that i think a film of this genre is worth a perfect ten out of ten.

Jaden Smiths character Kitai (Even if there could have been a better actor.) Is pretty much a reflection about how i feel about myself and my dad. Its a very touching film for teens in my opinion and i think its getting a lot of hate just because of Shyamalans and Jaden Smiths names being on it... Over all i think its the best film of the year so far and from me it gets a 10 out of 10.
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