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Sharp Objects (2018)
Amy Adams!
25 March 2024
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Just finished the series, and wow were those portrayals real! Won't praise the acting because Amy/Camille and Patricia/Adora WERE their characters and embodied them so completely. So much pain, so deep, so angry. Simmering through the whole series. The UNDERCURRENT. Hated the excessive drinking until I realized that it made sense considering what Camille and Adora were living with. So much sickness, so many lies, using men and others to temporarily feel OK. The awful scenes outside of the dressing room, on the veranda "I never loved you", also at the dreadful "Calhoun Day". The constant paradox of "I love you" and now "I must hurt you". Because I am hurt. Amazing supporting cast and excellent chemistry between Amy and Chris ( who is also damaged and drinks too much). Everyone in that town seemed deeply unhappy and no one willing to speak their truth. "You didn't hear this from me"..
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And Just Like That...: The Real Deal (2023)
Season 2, Episode 2
Hanging on until Aiden episodes
17 February 2024
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Loved the original series, the reboot, however is a different show. I really like Carrie's podcast and the whole podcast crew. Her Thursday night relationship with Franklin seems real and sweet but definitely not long term.

I like Che but can't stand her with Miranda.. just not believable. Sorry. I think Carrie looks really beautiful. Love Seema but she is not a Samantha substitute. I really like all the other characters though but would like to see Charlotte/ Harry have a real problem for a change. Would like to see Anthony's character expanded, he is very wise. The fashion and scenery are amazing as always. I'm hanging in there but only because Aiden is coming back.
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The Sopranos: Second Opinion (2001)
Season 3, Episode 7
I won't take blood money
17 February 2024
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Am watching series for the first with my husband and loving it. The conversation Carm has with the psychiatrist is gut-wrenching ..he reads her so quickly and gives her a huge reality check. I think Carmela is stuck in the grief cycle. First denial through the early years of their marriage, then anger largely because of Tony's philandering and constant lying, but she also doesn't want to know the whole truth about Tony's work. More denial.

She is stuck in the bargaining stage; the parties with the other mob families, the concern for her children and of course her faith all make it ok for her to stay. She is no different than any other abused wife who stays "because of the kids". The 50k donation to Columbia is her trade off for being Tony's accomplice. Bargaining. I thought I was going to puke when she said she wanted another baby. More bargaining. Next stage is sadness which I don't see Carm in. If she moved into the sadness stage she would take her kids and run without any blood money. Just like the Dr. Advised.
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Succession: With Open Eyes (2023)
Season 4, Episode 10
Tom would be gone as WayStar CEO within 6 months
27 January 2024
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Love this show and thought the series finale was excellent. Here's the problem: Lukas said that he gets bored easily, is sexually attracted to Shiv and doesn't need any new ideas as he already has them all. Recipe for disaster. Total narcissist and a misogynist and druggie too. He'd be so over Tom within 6 months and ready to move on. Tom has a high tolerance for abuse and humiliation but Lukas would break him. He'd get rid of Tom/Greg on an impulse and figure a way around any board approval or other corporate/shareholder input. Can't believe Tom and then Shiv are putting their futures in Lukas's hands. If you could somehow put Tom and Shiv's decision (to go with Lucas) in a type of algorithm or formula their chances of long term success would be about 15-20%. Unless they could initiate some sort of take-back or coup and then Lukas wouldn't be bored anymore. Ken and Roman may not see it (especially Ken) but their defeat has a very significant upside.

A spin-off or movie would be so easy!!
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Succession: All the Bells Say (2021)
Season 3, Episode 9
Jeremy, Shiv, and Roman
15 January 2024
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Catching up in 2024 with 6 month trial of Max. Chose this series and True Detective because of high ratings and award nominations/wins. The confession from Ken was entirely heartbreaking and the way that his brother and sister responded shows how deep and pure a sibling's love can be. And the look that Tom gave to Shiv when she told him she doesn't love him wow ouch wow it was I love you/hate you look all at once. Jeremy Strong was like a Phoenix rising from the dead, brought back to life just enough to go after Logan one more time. And if that's not enough the Swedish tech mogul whoa he was so disrespectful to Logan. Hopefully in season 4 he'll be taken down a notch. Outstanding, painful, beautiful, and honest.
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Sense of dred
7 January 2024
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I am watching seasons of True Detective in order. Loved the first season, loved the cast performance in season 2 but had trouble following the plot lines.

In the first episode of season 3 I felt an immediate sense of dred, I grew up in the early 80's totally got the vibe, I understood the story right away and was sucked in. I knew that when the kids left on their bikes it was not going to end well.

Love Mah Ali and he is excellent as usual. I felt the anguish the parents were in, we rode our bikes everywhere back then unbelievable that these kinds of crimes actually happened, but sadly they did. Impressive detective work so far, impressive teacher too. The storyline is brutal but I know I'm going to love season 3.
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Sistas: New Beginnings (2024)
Season 7, Episode 1
5 January 2024
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First of all no offense but don't like the new Jordan. Dani waking up from a nightmare? Really? Kind of lame. Would like to see Maurice pursue a more serious career path.

Worst part was that awful dinner at Andie's really?! So lame. I get that Gary's bsby mamma would take his A$$ back but now we're supposed to believe that they're all buds now?! So lame I get Calvin being written off (no chemistry with Sabrina) but Rich doesn't work either.

Wish list: Maurice with more serious job and relationship New romance for Sabrina. More believable Fatima Karen: I liked her storyline and Pam was so funny!

Where is Michael? Oh foster care OK miss Preston too I'll keep watching though.
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The Fall of the House of Usher: The Raven (2023)
Season 1, Episode 8
Worst fears realized
11 November 2023
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Can't say enough about this episode/finale. Twins Roderick and Madeline are slowly, methodically coming to the realization that the Verna from 1980 was and is real.. and she's come to collect. Of course, Rod and Mad knew all along that they had sold their souls to the devil but denial is bliss and they had their self-indulgences to distract them. I think in the end they both knew their worst fears would come to fruition. No their fixer Arthur didn't flip although he did entertain Verna's offer. He just had no "collateral" to offer her. Their worst fear was that their beloved company would implode and all of the secrets would be uncovered. Death was preferred to the shame and humiliation that would have become their existence. There would never be enough spin and PR to recover.

Rod and Mad's worst fear: that non-blood, non-visionary, undeserving, useless people would take control of the fortune that they had murdered, stole, and deceived for. And that their fortune would be unceremoniously turned over to people like Juno and Morell who would do something stupid with like actually help Millions Of People.
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Kept watching because of the actors
25 May 2023
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Never saw Justin in anything but I can definitely see the appeal, The female lead was likewise excellent but she was definitely cheating! The supporting cast was awesome and the scenery beautiful.

"Jake" is definitely a writer, he keeps everyone at an arms length and works a lot. He also doesn't seem to appreciate the swooning fans. I liked the chemistry between the leads; both smart, attractive, and very independent.

I enjoyed this movie but Jake got it right at the end: neither one of them can trust anyone. Jake because of the tremendous losses in his family and Rachel because of her feelings of abandonment.
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The entire Catskills story arc
6 May 2023
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Brilliant! So much attention to detail I kept thinking that these 3 episodes had to of cost a fortune to produce. The wardrobe, the game room, the meals, the activities; every little prop was perfect. You were immersed in the late 1950's for sure. Laughed out loud several times; Susie with the plunger, Susie's admirer, Susie dancing in the end of summer musical number. The mahjong game Lol

Love Dr. Ben he is quite taken with Midge and he may have a chance if he can fully accept her. Good sign though that Midge has already told Ben she's a comic.

Abe and Rose are getting on my nerves; sorry but can't feel sorry for Rose and Abe is one of those parents that sees his children only as extensions of himself. His wife too. Joel's parents discussing their sex life, ugh not appropriate dinner conversation and probably wishful thinking. Love the twist with Noah. Joel and Midge are morphing into a brother/sister relationship..funny don't see either one of them spending much time caring for their 2 young children.

The entire arc was uplifting, funny, and beautiful!
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Beef: Figures of Light (2023)
Season 1, Episode 10
Going to take a shot
28 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Watched the entire series over about a 2 week period and loved it.

Episode 10: going to take a shot at the meaning All along you could see that Danny and Amy were reflections of each other and what they despised about one another was really what the despised about themselves. Amy to Danny: you're always bitching and Danny to Amy: you only think about yourself.

The black birds represent God. He looks disapprovingly at his 2 children after the accident in the ravine and knows just what they will do. He puts them together and within each other so they can both achieve complete understanding which gives them (Amy/Danny) the ability to forgive each other which is the same as Amy/Danny forgiving themselves. God (the birds) then gives them another chance when he wakes them both up, covered by tree branches and gives them the strength to get back to the road.

Does Danny die at the end? I think he does just as the old Amy has also "died". The lights overhead represent the transformation of both characters: Danny to the afterlife and Amy to her new self. Since they are so intertwined, Amy goes to Danny's hospital room as he is near death, and Danny acknowledges her by placing his arm around her. In fact I think Danny was waiting for Amy before he finally lets go.
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Jasper Mall (2020)
21 April 2023
I grew up in the late 70's and early 80's and remember when malls were fun and full of life. It was a place to meet people and to see people. Miss the days when most of us actually went to brick and mortar stores to shop for necessities and gifts. You could always find someone to chit chat with and of course you just had to buy a snack or an ice cream! I recently broke my ankle which caused limitations at work and otherwise so I have used Amazon more since my injury. I appreciate the convenience but am committed to buying things at stores in the future. I'm older and most younger people I know use internet retailers for the most part and even pay extra to have their groceries delivered. I don't know if it's good or bad but watching this movie just made me sad.
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Obsession (2023)
Hate to admit I liked this
16 April 2023
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Was unfamiliar with RA as an actor but he is very easy to watch. IMO his height and physique along with his blue eyes, large strong hands make him very appealing. Kept watching mostly because of him.

Did not see Damages but I definitely will now. I didn't love the actress who played Anna but I thought the sex scenes were good. The actor who played the son had no fire..couldn't really figure out why the William character would risk everything to have this affair. He seemed reasonably happy with his wife and had a great life and family. The hotel pillow scene made sense to me ( if indeed William was truly obsessed with Anna ) could be something someone might do. The nudity was not offensive. Anna's story has been told many times before but it's unfolding did help to understand her destructiveness. In the end, William's future seemed much more uncertain than Anna's. Oh and Anna should of chosen a female therapist LOL.
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Ginny & Georgia: Hark! Darkness Descends! (2023)
Season 2, Episode 8
It's not me, it's you
22 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Any of us who are of a certain age have heard that from someone that we cared for, and some of us have said that to a girlfriend/boyfriend or even a spouse.

Ginny and Marcus were amazing and so real in that breakup scene in the so hard but Marcus was very sure of that he was doing. Ginny knew it too.

What do you do when someone breaks up with you? I grew up before social media and here's what you did then.. you accepted it, you were honest with friends and family about it, and most importantly you stayed away from you're ex! This is the only recipe for success but alas Ginny will probably not stay away from Marcus. She needs to though and if she asked me my advise I'd tell her no romantic entanglements for 6 months. That way one day she could truly be Marcus's friend or eventually look back on their relationship and say to herself "what was I thinking?!"
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Elvis (2022)
Austin and Olivia
19 March 2023
Rated this 9 for the amazing portrayals of Elvis and Priscilla. Once I saw Austin on the screen I knew I would keep watching. Least favorite performance of Tom Hank's, probably because of the very unlikeable Tom Parker character and the irritating accent. The costumes, makeup, hair were perfect, I thought the movie was very stylish and loved all of the eye shots.

Yes Elvis had a tragic death but it seems that he lived to perform and did perform his entire adult life. A lot of singers would love to have a 5 year Vegas gig. Elvis did not take care of himself and paid the price in the end. Hard to understand why the people around Elvis, including his kind of clueless daddy, didn't insist on him taking a year off, going into rehab, or just resting at Graceland.

Very sad that Elvis didn't have the opportunity to make gospel/spiritual music and work more with black artists that influenced him so much. My theory on the pink and the makeup is that Elvis was a very masculine person with nothing feminine about him! So he could push the envelope with clothes and makeup and made it work.
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Grace and Frankie: The Party (2016)
Season 2, Episode 12
17 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I completely understand why "Babe" wanted to end her life however I strongly disagree on how. A person so full of life could of said one more thing to one more person that could of changed their life. Ridiculous! There are strong drugs for pain and trained caregivers, hospice etc.

This is a selfish choice IMO and Frankie should of refused to help her. Also, Babe put her friends at risk for criminal charges and penalties. Assisted Suicide is not humane, and it should never be the answer. Life is precious and should be treasured. None of us could control when we were born, and IMO none of us can control our deaths. As individuals we may not be aware of the effect we can have on others (good or bad) even when we are near the end.
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You: The Death of Jonathan Moore (2023)
Season 4, Episode 10
Teflon Joe!
14 March 2023
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Yes it's not believable that Joe/Jonathan could commit so many murders, particularly in the second half of season 4 when he could no longer deflect onto Rhys, and not he caught. I mean are there any homicide detectives in London 🛌 besides the 2 star-struck clueless ones who partied with the suspect pool in the first half?

Started watching You because of all the buzz, and loved the first season; great chemistry with Beck and Joe and the storyline kept me interested . Not as much chemistry with Love or Marianne but I thought the addition of a child made the show more suspenseful. Have to say wasn't sure about Kate but her character grew on me and I loved that she ended up with Joe! Kate is very complicated and she plays off Joe so well; her eyes are large and light and you can see Joe getting lost in them when he looks at her.

Supporting cast was very strong, particularly actors who played Rhys and Phoebe.

I will predict that You will be renewed for a 5th and final season on Netflix. Joe is back in NYC, and now has another bookstore. The circle will be closed for Joe Goldberg next season.
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Yellowstone: Watch 'Em Ride Away (2022)
Season 5, Episode 5
Monica and Summer next episode
10 December 2022
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I'm thinking that Monica and Summer will have a chance to talk while the others are off branding.

Summer could learn so much from Monica and I like Beth's advice to Summer to walk the ranch and the land..all of it. Monica would be the ultimate guide.

I see them getting into some deep conversations and Monica will help Summer make a breakthrough.

Speaking of Beth, I could not believe John said he envied her.. why? Because she is unladylike and a bully? Rip and Carter have to be losing respect for her.

I like the branding storyline but with Beth going they'll be more fighting ugh.

And what it is up with John's assistant? I hope she knows better than to say anything to Rip on the trip LOL.
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Yellowstone: Horses in Heaven (2022)
Season 5, Episode 4
Great acting but..
30 November 2022
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Beth is off the rails and not in a good way. Props to the actress but the character is hard to watch. Way too much, and the disorderly conduct deal Jamie brokered for her was not believable, especially with the injuries to the victim. Rip seems checked out of their relationship and will end of being the caregiver for Carter. Looks like Beth is going after Summer next.. and Rip won't do anything, maybe he'll take another road trip lol The funeral was tasteful and poignant.. not sure what the future holds for that family.

Loved the road trip Rip and the hands took.. please, it's not a music video! Breathtaking scenery, the livestock, the horses, dogs, food, the sense and of community, who wouldn't want to live in Montana?!

KC would be hot with anyone, but love him with Summer.
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16 October 2022
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This movie is a hybrid of the stylish original film, with a more in-depth look into what makes a person evil, and what a person's environment has to do with good vs evil, if anything. Saw in the theater and enjoyed the movie! Jamie Lee is great as Laurie and there's an interesting mix of original characters with new, predictable ones. Alison, Laurie's granddaughter has an expanded role and is her obvious heir apparent. I see Laurie's pretty house and friendship with Frank as metaphors for Laurie's determination: she will change her life, she will not be afraid, and she will end Michael.

Loved the Corey character although not sure he should of been killed off (maybe he's not really dead)!

Michael is now in his mid 60's and wearing out. The thought of killing Laurie may be what's keeping him going. Michael is coming to the end of his tragic, violent, senseless life. Corey provides him some comfort, albeit briefly. Michael may see Corey as a much younger version of himself, or perhaps nearing death, Michael allows Corey in for the purpose of human connection. But that respite is short-lived, the emptiness returns, and killing Laurie becomes the last thing on his to-do list (again).

Loved the leaves blowing around, the trick or treaters, the reflections of the Boogie Men appearing throughout, the kills similar to 1978, the music, Lindsay, Blue Oyster Cult, and of course the Jack o Lanterns 🎃, it all works!
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Breaking Bad: Ozymandias (2013)
Season 5, Episode 14
26 August 2022
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When did Walt break bad? When he killed Crazy 8 or when he did not help Jane? Or perhaps it was when he ordered the murders of 10 people, no it has to be when he poisoned Brock, or arranged for the hit on Jesse? In Ozymandias you see Walt reep what he sowed with the killings of Hank and Steve, 6 barrels of drug money being taken and finally his beloved Skylar taking a knife to him.

The only way I can describe the fight scene in the White house is that it was directed and acted in such a way that it was as if it were happening right in front of you, in your living room, in your driveway and on your street.

Absolutely chilling. Walt's legacy= destruction.
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Ozark: A Hard Way to Go (2022)
Season 4, Episode 14
Big sisters killing little brothers
13 June 2022
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Wendy sees in Camilla what she will be in 20 years.. a ruthless, self-serving, remorseless liar. And her jerk son Javi was just like her. Killed her own brother even though he deserved it. Claire Shaw basically got the Byrd's back by giving up Ruth. Marty and Wendy put her in a horrendous situation when Javi was killed by Ruth and Claire didn't hesitate to f#%k everything up for them at the benefit.

Some good parts.. the throwback scene with Ruth and her family was touching. Love the Mel character but the ending didn't make sense. So what happens to the Bryd family? What about poor Three? Wendy's father was well played by Richard Thomas and helped to understand Wendy better. How Wendy can deal with what she did to Ben is reflected in the lack of remorse her father has for their childhood.

The Byrd's will weasel out if this too.
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Ozark: Fire Pink (2020)
Season 3, Episode 9
My heart is breaking
4 June 2022
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Best episode so far, but heartbreaking. Wendy has to choose between the life of her brother and the lives of her own children. How far will a family go to protect a mentally ill person? I'm assuming Wendy and Bens parents are deceased so big sis is the only family Ben has. Marty trying to stay calm during the cluster f#%$, so incredibly sad.

Darlene is also mentally ill, so it seems that she understands Ben and she sees Ruth as a younger version of herself. In this episode it seems that Wyatt is beginning to forgive Ruth. Ruth holds it together the best in this episode. Episode feels like the very painful beginning of the end for the Byrd family and for Helen too. Ruth will survive because she is a survivor above all else. Helen must be an abuse survivor as well as Ruth and Darlene, there are similarities between the 3. Ben telling everyone "sorry" is like trying to bail water out of the Titanic with a bucket, the iceberg has been hit and damage done. The ship cannot be salvaged, and lives will be lost. So who do you save? Easy answer: Charlotte and Jonah. Ben will not get a place on a lifeboat. The scene with Wendy and Ben at the restaurant was so incredibly painful. Marty knows that Wendy has given Ben up at the end, just goes unsaid.
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Second kill was too much
24 May 2022
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My husband and I have been enjoying this series very much. It is ver well done, President Obama does a great job narrating, and the scenery is breathtaking! The butterflies alone are worth the hours time invested. In this episode there is a hunt/kill involving a seal or sea lion early and later on a second kill story about a group of Orca whales targeting a blue whale calf (baby). Watching the whales swim is magnificent

I know it's nature, the circle of life, instinct, survival, the food chain, just the way things are etc.. but watching the mother whale desperately trying to save her baby from a hopeless situation was just too much. We shut it off! Just too upsetting, whales could have been filmed without the kill scene.
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Heavy focus on the victims ..
29 April 2022
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.. as it should be. JWG had no remorse for murdering 33 young men, says he "bought" them and blamed the victims. Thought he could do as he please and wouldn't get caught. Reminded me of BTK killer in that Gacy often sought out marginalized people to brutalize. Total psychopath. Yes his father abused him verbally and psychologically but millions of others have endured so much worse and didn't start killing innocent people. Insanity defense??##%%?? I understand that the defense had no other choice.. but the jury saw right through it thank goodness.

So good to hear that identification of the unknown victims is continuing in Illinois. The pictures of the young men are absolutely heartbreaking. Reminded me of a high school yearbook. Haunting. They were never forgotten and are still remembered nearly 50 years later.
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