
6 Reviews
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That laugh
26 April 2022
There's a reason Jason and Michael don't talk. That laugh was like being made to listen to Steve Urkels' "did I do that?" catchphrase for an hour and a half. Like, seriously. Less is more. I'm.
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19 May 2021
There is no reason to base a rating for a film off of how much detail they crammed in from the source novel. I read the novel before watching the film. I enjoyed both. Did this film include every detail from the novel? Of course not. There is, understandably, not enough time to shove every single detail in. Did what was missing from the novel effect the enjoyability of the film? No. What was left out did not make the film difficult to understand. Nor did it decrease its entertainment value. If you want a film to be a carbon copy of the novel then I suggest you stick to only reading the novel.
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Oh, brother...
15 April 2021
You guys are pathetic. The show is talking about important issues that don't concern straight, white people only. If that bothers you, which it seems to be bothering a lot of you, then stop watching. Go find a show that aligns with your terrible views. You won't be missed. And you don't have to tell us you're leaving, just go.
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New Amsterdam: Why Not Yesterday (2021)
Season 3, Episode 6
8 April 2021
All the 1 star reviewers are showing their true colors. These issues are important. If it makes you uncomfortable, good. This is the world we live in. If you want to bury your head in the sand because the show is too "woke" or "preachy" then by all means, stop watching. I'm sure you can fall back on Duck Dynasty and feel like you're apart of the majority again.
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The Lodge (2019)
18 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Rating a film a 1 is pretty rare for me. The only other films I can think of off the top of my head that I've also given a 1 rating to is BloodRayne and Midsmommer. I hated both those movies. I also hated this one. What kind of father put his happiness ahead of his children's? Like, really? You're going to force your girlfriend on your children 6 months after their mother committed suicide? Read the mother f$$king room bro. Obviously now was the not the appropriate time for this meet and greet, if that "twist" ending has any sway in the matter. Also, why would you leave your children alone in a cabin that is isolated in the middle of winter with a woman that your children do not know? Terrible parent.
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13 March 2017
I loved the first one. Eliza Dushku is a goddess. The second was a decent sequel. The third...went down hill real fast. And this one, the fourth one...the prequel, is sad. Real sad. It pretty much ignores the first one and rewrites the history of the three cannibal brothers. Instead of living in the woods, like the original, they now live in a sanitarium. And Three- Finger missing two of his fingers and One-Eye, well, missing one eye isn't because they're, you know, inbred mutants but because they were hungry and decided to eat those particular body parts. I don't like when movies rewrite history without a good reason, and there was no good reason in this films case. They took somebody's unrelated script and introduced the Wrong Turn cannibals into it. Not impressed. Also, the acting was horrible, the kills were horrible (blood spurting out looked fake, bad CGI fake), the makeup for the hillbillies was horrible (they should have never replaced Julian Richings), and the storyline (including the rewritten backstory for the cannibals) was horrible. In short, a really horrible film, but not the most horrible film I've ever seen so I gave it an 3/10.
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