10 Reviews
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The Woman in the Wall (2023–2024)
Gripping, thoughtful, superb writing
30 August 2023
This thoughtful and compelling drama gripped me from the very start. Superb writing (and it was no surprise to find out this comes from the same writer who wrote the wonderful Calm With Horses). This is a writer to et excited about and I'd love to see more from him instead of the same dull tried and tested writers the BBC and ITV usually lean on. Wonderful characterisation and excellent performances compliment this story, part historical, part thriller and succeeding at both.

My only criticism would be that there is a slight reliance on the 'maternity drives women mad trope' - in this case women whose children were taken by the catholic church's magdalen laundry system. They all seem to be severely damaged and while there is oaf course a truth to this for many, women are inherently resilient and there are plenty who survived these horrors and somehow didn't go mad.

But this is a tiny glitch in an otherwise perfect series which managed to be informative, thrilling and entertaining while treating the subject matter extremely sensitively.
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The Idol (2023)
Misogynistic degrading toss
12 June 2023
Who the hell is letting Levinson loose with this misogynistic degrading toss? Come on? Seriously? Not shocking just deeply unpleasant and seriously degrading to women. The Weekend is cringe, and the idea this way too young for him young woman would enjoy his ridiculous knife play... eugh. No longer a fan. Don't think I can ever listen to his music again. And Lily Rose Depp needs new management- whoever advised her to take this role should give up their day job!

The long gratuitous male gaze shots on her body (typical Levinson shots) reduce her to a piece of meat. Her character literally has no character beyond a damaged and desireable male fantasy. Gross. 1/10.
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Bad Sisters (2022– )
Superb drama
29 August 2022
Absolutely brilliant drama, gripping from the get go, and also very witty with lovely writing.

The Irish setting is beautiful and beautifully shot too with lovely cinematography. The characters are hugely relatable and we feel their pain and root for them throughout.

The baddie is so bad and played so well that you are desperate for him to die and rooting for the women who may or may not have killed him.

Lovely performances from all the cast but especially the sisters who are utterly believable as a family and have wonderful chemistry together.

Wish this was all available to binge - the week on week wait is unbearable!
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Vesper (2022)
Stunning visuals and beautiful story telling
22 August 2022
Vesper is a very special film. The sort of sci-fi you rarely see - one with heart, meaning, social conscience and an important message about earths future wrapped in emotional drama, stunning visuals and originality aplenty.

At the centre is Vesper herself and the whole movie hinges on the shoulders of its thirteen year old star. Raffiella Chapman turns in a nuanced performance at once both the brave heroine and fragile child. It is so accomplished a performance it's hard to believe this young actor was indeed just thirteen at the time of filming.

There is a wonderful scene where Vesper forgets her adult responsibilities and howls like a wolf with all the vigour and lack of self consciousness of a child and it's both poignant and incredibly emotional. Moments like this might feel out of place to sci-fan fans used to the action obsessed Hollywood mainstay of the genre but it is these unusual touches that make this film so unique.

Eddie Marsan is wonderful as Vesper's sinister uncle and Richard Brake terrific as Vespers ailing father, his voice given life within a drone in yet another original touch.

I've never seen anything quite like Vesper and the incredible imagery and performances will stay with me a long time. If you like your sci-fi cerebral and challenging with superb characters and world building then this is a must watch. 10/10.
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Red Rose (2022)
Disappointing YA
17 August 2022
Eagerly tuned in with my teenage daughter who devours YA shows but we were sorely disappointed. This sounded so promising but sadly it's let down by poor writing and some very poor acting with teenagers who look mid twenties at best! There are too many moments that feel like they've been written by a middle aged man who's never met a teenager let alone understands what it's like to be a teenage girl.

It lacks the charm, wit and style of competing YA shows. None of the characters are likeable so why would we care what happens to them. The idea of the app is so intriguing but the way it's been realised on screen feels incredibly unimaginative. A waste of a good idea and a total let down I'm afraid. My daughter was begging me to turn it off after twenty minutes but we stuck it out to the end of the first episode hoping it would improve. It didn't.
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Mood (2022)
Superb writing. Empowering drama
7 March 2022
Binged this empowering female lead drama in one extremely satisfying sitting. There is some disturbing subject matter dealt with here but it is handled with such sensitivity and understanding, that it's never a hard watch. The writing by Nicole Lecky is utterly compelling. It's hard to imagine this material being handled half so effectively by another writer. The show is also beautifully directed and produced with the most brilliant music.

Absolutely blown away by Mood. 10/10 without question.
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Chloe (2022)
Brilliantly gripping drama
19 February 2022
This is the first BBC drama to grip me in a long time. Original, suspenseful and really unexpected twists and turns. Terrific nuanced writing, beautifully directed with wonderful performances across the board. Excellent score and music choices - absolutely loved the cover of Shout. Chloe gripped me from start to finish. 10/10.
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Appropriate Adult (2011– )
Beautiful writing
19 August 2021
Stylishly shot with beautiful writing from the indomitable Neil McKay. A moving and disturbing portrayal of a notorious case. Superb performances across the board. 10/10.
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The Third Day (2020)
Super spooky with brilliant writing and performances
20 October 2020
Absolutely loving this twisting, gripping, theatrical drama with a strong Midsommar/Wickerman vibe. Some terrific performances, notably from Jude Law, Paddy Considine and Nico Parker. This atmospheric series gripped me from the get go and never failed to intrigue. As ever with Dennis Kelly's incredible writing, the audience have to do some thinking for themselves so this will never appeal to those who like their drama basic. Ignore the bad reviews and give it a go.
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A gripping film with stunning performances
5 May 2020
A heart wrenching film filled with gripping performances of the highest calibre/ Everyone in this movie is fantastic. Niamh Algar and Cosmo Jarvis steal the show with heart stopping performances in an accomplished feature debut from director Nick Rowland. But even the smaller parts are realised with a sophisticated level of performance. The five year old boy is terrific and there's a party scene where a young lad with just a few lines (talking about doing a runner to Mexico), turns in such a stellar performance he's worthy of a lead asap. The script feels like such a fresh and emotional take on a gangster movie set within a unique and fascinating community. This is a stunning piece of work from start to finish, superbly cast and worthy of every award going.
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