
16 Reviews
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Upload (2020– )
Fresh, new, very enjoyable
6 May 2020
I've enjoyed quite a few originals from Amazon but nothing as much as this. Out there, futuristic but not unbelievable 'crap' like so many go for. Has some great laughs and quotes in there, too. A head-poppingly good time!
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The Guardian (2001–2004)
Simply excellent
10 April 2020
I had somehow never heard of this show. Discovered it on a free month 'subscription' to a streaming service and it was the first thing that caught our eye to watch. (GF never heard of it either, and we're both HUGE fans of The Mentalist). Although I was not sold on the story, I assumed if Simon was in it, it couldn't be bad, and sure enough, it is great. We've watched maybe 6-7 episodes and the writing, directing, acting is perfect without either of us saying something to the effect of, 'that character is really off.' Also good to see ol' Mr. Coleman again.
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Major Crimes (2012–2018)
Was so good, then so many errors
15 February 2020
Loved The Closer then this. But, the terrible writing, full of blatant mistakes (saying a pistol can fire two calibers it is IMPOSSIBLE to fire, medical procedures that are so backwards and wrong, etc.) made me drop my 10 rating to a 5. Such a shame.
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Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (1973 TV Movie)
One of the few GEMS of 'Made for TV' back in the 70's
14 November 2019
I grew up loving scary movies (we had "Chiller Theater" on Saturday nights plus the Sunday afternoon ones). Things that scared others, or were "supposed" to be scary, I laughed at! THIS movie made me jump as a youngster!!! LOVED IT! And, if you like spooky/scary gems of old.. I think you will, too!
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T-34 (2018)
I simply don't watch dubbed movies.. until now.
8 November 2019
I generally hate dubbed movies. I heard how good this was and thought I would give it an "attempt" and am ** glad I did. It was actually good enough (to me at least) that I failed to notice it dubbed in English after the first few minutes. It is not huge on action, like "war movies" are, but it is still excellent and does include some great action scenes which set up the movie in the beginning, and set up something else later in the flick. Highly recommend.
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The Dresden Files (2007–2008)
Highly recommend a watch!
20 October 2019
This was unfortunately canceled in one season, but I remember it when it was on, and just found, and started watching it again, on Amazon Prime (think it's though IMBD, too!) and still love this show. The guy that plays the main character is perfect for the role (if it was remade, I could not see anyone else playing the main). His ghostly help is a serious laugh, if you can understand that. People featured in it will make you say to yourself, "Hey! That's 'so-n-so' from this and that show!" My GF had never seen it and loves it as well (and is now wanting me to get books of it.. grrrrrrr)
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Deserved more!
25 June 2019
One season? THIS is why I canceled cable. I had the full boat cable channels in 2011 and never heard of this.. naturally with only 13 episodes, it is no real surprise. We just happened to see this pop up on Amazon Prime and started in watching and we both love it! Watching new shows, only to love them and hear others love them, then have them canceled in one short season is exactly why I canceled cable and didn't have it reconnected, even with them tempting me with discounts, offers, free months with contracts, etc. At least we still have about 7 episodes of this left!!!
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Revolution (2012–2014)
Loved this show - close to a perfect 9.6/10
18 September 2018
Some shows just hit a cord with a person / people. This was one of the shows, even though it had a couple stars in it I normally do not enjoy watching; I didn't care - still "waited' for the next episode in expectation. I make memes now and then and share them on social media - I would make some of this show and it would get a huge amount of likes (VS a few to 8 on a cat, for example), so people liked the show and immediately knew what the photo was - I still cannot understand how it was canceled when it was "one of those shows everyone talked about... knew about".
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Big Legend (2018)
As if two entirely different writers?
31 July 2018
This is a rather odd movie to review and I review very few. It looks somewhat low budget but started out good (if overlook the girlfriend at the beginning). It was easy to watch, didn't have "well THAT'S stupid!" other than questioning a 'flashlight' and was going along good. Then, towards the latter half of the movie, it gave me (and my GF watching with me) flashbacks to Rambo I & II, Predator, Commando, etc. and there were some blatant errors that anyone knowing hunting/military background would just NOT do! Yes, you'll see it done! No idea if this is a pilot for a show or just for another movie, but with Lance H in it, I'd watch it/them when released since far from ruined but the errors (that can tick off people with a hunting background or even those with just common sense) really knocked my rating down to give it a 5/10
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The Orville: Old Wounds (2017)
Season 1, Episode 1
Great potential and already a fan
17 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Went into this not knowing what to expect, other than some laughs. People keep comparing it to Star Trek or TNG. Well, the 1st episode (albeit 2 part) of TNG, I thought was rather weak; was not a fan of the entire 1st season of it. The Orville was not weak and I enjoyed it. Gave nice incite into some characters without wasting most of the episode trying to 'over-explain' them; little drop of background here and there. It was not "all laughs" as some have said it would be (was?! did they watch it?). The sets are a lot more detailed that I was expecting and looks worthy of the real Star Trek production; just need to be darkened and a lot more camera flare! lol They did NOT try to duplicate the Star Trek crew with duplicates of Spock, Bones, etc which I found EXTREMELY refreshing! Loved ST:TNG and have friends who are just as big of fans, but we all know Data was the replacement Spock - I see no Spock here unless the metal dude (sry, know no names good enough yet) turns out to be something like him, but he already seems too different. Overall, I gave it a 9/10 and would really like to give it a 9.5/10 simply because the first episodes are usually lacking in various ways and this did not... It did not "stumble" in my opinion as many shows do, wasting the 'hour' trying to explain 100 things in too much detail - hey, there's more shows to delve into that junk, tell us a story and entertain us! This did. We DID get some background, we were introduced to an antagonist, shown the "X's" could work together and put differences aside (would NEVER work with me, I'd fire her out a torpedo tube, if the Orville had one or accident decompress the shuttle bay, or tell her to dust an airlock and WHOOPSIE, 'See ya!') But, works for the show! All in all, it was good enough that it reduced my desire for the "eventual" release of the real SciFi show, this is based off of, that is also coming out this month, supposedly? I honestly do not know if describing the working together of the X's is a spoiler or telling of the antagonist being in 1st episode can be considered a spoiler, so marking this as including one, as I was hit with an infraction (that caused a flame war with others against the MOD) on another site when I posted an example - nothing even in the movie - of how bad the scenes were, since I do not write reviews very often and do not want on a blacklist. Thanks.
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Surprised, pleasantly so!
15 August 2017
Was not too thrilled about Harley being in this title when going into this film. I've been a fan of the 90's animated Batman for a lot of years, and also really like Batman: Beyond. But, I was pleasantly surprised by this flick and Harley wound up being a hilarious part of the story with some nice action in it. References to older episodes and even 'versions' of Batman were a nice addition. The gathering of henchmen, in one part, was nice to see if you could identify who was what (I sure could not tell who they all were, but sure knew some). Really miss the 90's version with Kevin Conroy, Mark Hamill and the voices (and animation) that made it great! This installment was good enough to make me want to dig out the DVD's and watch them again.
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Theory of a stinker
15 March 2013
Honestly never got the "story" to this movie. I almost turned it off in the beginning during a drawn out 'interview' stage, but decided to give it a little while longer... reached to turn it off again due to irritation at a relationship based on a woman who apparently despises her boyfriend, only around to yell at him in front of others, then talk behind his back and berate him... yet, upon heading out to get a drink, I returned, it was still on and watched some more. It turned out to be the worst thing I have watched this year, for sure. Possible the worst I have watched in the past couple years (nothing comes to mind that can out-rank it in crappiness). Seriously thinking the 10 * ratings that go into music and other details (I do not even remember music other than one song toward the end; and I will admit it was not bad... only reason I did not balk at being made to give 1 star and no 0 stars available) are made by people associated with the film, especially when there is only ONE review made by them on the accounts. lol
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Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (1973 TV Movie)
Classic Gold (remake doesn't quite measure up to)
8 October 2011
I was surprised this was a made for TV movie. As a child I was a Fangoria magazine reader and loved horror movies and Halloween was and still is my favorite 'Holiday'. Even as an adult, when people tried to scare me, I would not flinch a millimeter and drove them crazy. THIS movie was the only 1 of 2 movies I can ever remember to 'scare' me as a child. For those who have watched it and remember the centerpiece fright, that was one that got me (do not consider this a spoiler because it in no way gives away what happened and at what time). My mother had a centerpiece on the table VERY similar to the one in the movie and I eyeballed that damned thing for a good year. I really cannot say this was a well made, high budget movie, but as a whole, it measure up perfectly in suspense, the actors did well (a lot better than remake, that's for sure) and I wound up getting the DVD, clear from overseas, just a few years ago. Debated on an 8, 9 or 10 rating before finally settling on a 10 based on 'when' it was made and not against everything SINCE then.

/if you wonder what the 'other' movie was that scared me, it was one of the 'Buried Alive' movies from this same era. The movie 'bothered' me actually more than scared me. The scare came from rolling out of bed w/o waking up, then rolling in under my bed and waking up, trying to sit up and slamming my head into cross boards and having the entire movie flood my head. Happened the NIGHT after I watched it.
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Horror House (2008)
Definitely the worst I've seen this year AND last
13 March 2011
And after thinking about, possibly the worse movie I have seen in the years before that. The lines never let me forget people were just reading off lines; as if they had only read them for the first time moments before the taping... the 'dork' seemed to be the only one with an attempt to 'act'. The acting is the only "horror" to this film. The camera quality was painfully poor. I actually think my webcam is of higher quality than what was used for a good portion of this movie. Very suspicious of the 10 star rating... and the main reason I decided to take the time to write this review. To sum up this movie; nauseatingly awful
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Bugs (2003 TV Movie)
One of THE worst
19 June 2006
This movie doesn't just disappoint, it irritates you with poor acting, moronic story, poor special effects and situations such as shooting a creature and not hurting it, yet hit it with a stick and you can hurt it enough to chase it off...

If it wasn't so poorly made, it could be a comedy. In fact, some of the actors even have smiles while talking about their "dire situations" or ways to possibly save their lives.

Finally, trying to add a "touching moment" to this type of movie isn't advisable... and, if done anyhow, make it at least a little bit realistic, please!!!

There's enough corn in this movie to make enough ethanol to fuel the world.
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Duplex (2003)
9 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Always liked Drew Barrymore's movies, but this one was/is the exception. The so-called comedy parts were just so over the top that they disgusted me instead of making me laugh. Finally turned off the movie when it got to the lost notebook. Just too much to take. It seems as if any Ben Stiller movie takes situations and turns them into such outrageous attempts at comedy that it makes you feel as if you are watching a small child's afternoon show; trying to keep the watcher entertained with 'gag' after 'gag'... and after 45 minutes of this movie, that's exactly what I did.

I even gave this movie a second chance and made it to the one hour mark where they try to sabotage the old lady's apartment - then turned it off again for the final time.
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