
4 Reviews
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Very satisfying classic Disney production
10 September 2010
Recently Disney released Dr. Syn The Scarecrow of Romney Marsh on DVD as part of their Treasures series. I had never heard of this title before, but after some brief research I discovered that Dr. Syn is beloved in the memories of people who as children saw the program in its three parts on television in the early 1960s. In reviews of the miniseries (later edited and released as a feature film) there is nothing but praise for every aspect of the production and the actors. I bought the 2 DVD set at Costco for $20 and not long after read reports of the set being sold-out, to the anger and frustration of collectors and fans. Now the set is selling for upwards of $200 online due to its scarcity. The Disney Treasures items are limited, after all. I am very glad I picked up my copy, even if it was a blind buy. I finally got around to watching the original 3 part feature and I can say that I am a fan of this wonderful production. First, the DVD production from the steel case to the picture and sound restoration, is excellent. It looks very, very good. Every aspect of the feature itself is top notch, from the writing, directing, photography and acting. Patrick McGoohan, as both title characters is perfect for this role. He plays the mild-mannered, quiet-spoken vicar by day, and by night he is the terrifying gravel-voiced scarecrow of Romney Marsh in 18th century South England. As both vicar and Scarecrow, Dr Syn is a hero to the poor folks, running interference between them and King George the Third's soldiers and press gangs. It is inevitable that comparisons to Batman will be made, but folks, Dr Syn came long before Batman, and McGoohan in both roles as the robed preacher and his masked outlaw alter-ego brings the story to life. The supporting cast is outstanding as well, and story, supervised personally by Disney himself, is exciting and comes to a satisfying conclusion. Very highly recommended.
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Tron (1982)
I was oblivious to the poor reviews when I saw TRON in the theater.
7 December 2004
As an 11 year-old kid, I saw TRON several times in the theater. I loved it. And I didn't know much about computers, but I understood the basic plot. VERY COOL. TRON! There is no PIXAR without TRON. I used to play the video game and it is quite difficult.GRID BUGS! The music is still in my memory, and of course, I own the DVD. TRON! That is all. Now, since this stupid edit window is requiring me to write ten lines, I will add that I would like to see a sequel to TRON, one that is done right. I do not consider this a Disney film. They just financed it and slapped their name to it--like they do with PIXAR. No, Disney makes crap like MULAN and Armageddon.

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The Apostle (1997)
I love this film
16 August 2004
Robert Duvall did an excellent job bringing this film to life. The other 'actors' in the film also contribute to give "The Apostle" a realistic warmth rarely achieved in mainstream films. I refer to the cast as 'actors' because aside from numerous character actors, Duvall being one of the greatest, the film is inhabited by non-actors. In other words, the people in church, from the Holiness preachers to the warm small-town folk, are real people, not trained in acting. Duvall's story is engaging and beautiful in the way it shows the flaws amid great talent in a man who chooses for himself the calling of Apostle. I love this film, the accurate portrayal of some aspects of southern U.S. life and culture, and especially Duvall's performance.
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This film is quite well done and very funny
15 August 2004
I love "Scavenger Hunt." I saw it on HBO when I was a kid and have remembered lines and bits from it well into my adulthood. I had not seen the film for 20 years when I remembered it and rented the videotape. I was charmed again as I watched with my wife, and we both laughed at the wonderful gags. The climax is terrific. As all fans of this film probably know, this is an underrated classic and is available only on VHS, and even that is hard to find. This film is very clever, and not at all "cheesy." I can't understand why people think 'Spaceballs' or the disgusting Austin Powers movies are funny, but a film like 'Scavenger Hunt' surpasses those kind of films by being hilarious without resorting to the desperate potty humor so prevalent in so-called recent comedies.
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