
15 Reviews
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Truth Be Told (2019–2023)
Season 2 is a snooze fest
17 October 2021
I gave season 1 an 8 star review... It was pretty decent, it has a lil drama in it but still decent. Season 2 is absolutely infested with unnecessary time waste drama about the most boring characters, it's just a lot of utter crappy boring stuff added to the main story to kill time and elongate it, I would give season 2 5 out of 10 stars, the main story cudve been ok but they just tried to milk too much screen time out of nothing. Season 1 also has some of that boring stuff, like her family and all but that much could be tolerated but now this is just too much, nobody cares.
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Wrath of Man (2021)
Excellent gripping old school heist movie
30 May 2021
I know a few poeple are probably gonna complain about the plot and minor details, but for me this movie was pure heaven. What a tight and gripping movie, proper old school American style gritty heiest action thriller with some superb actors in there, and it's made really well, the quality is absolutely superb. Love it... All I can say is please give me more of these.
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Super acting and some really funny scenes
30 April 2021
Totally entertaining.... The acting by Roberto De Nero, Zack Braff and Morgan Freeman is phenomenal... It's a light hearted fun comedy with a bit of an offbeat style and it's very gentle in pace. Some of the scenes are really hilarious and it's down to the quality of the acting... If u take it for what it is... a light and fun and a totally relaxed watch, ull have a good time.
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R u not entertained?
15 April 2021
If u want to have fun watching something very different, unique and exciting just go with it... I watch movies purely to get entertained and this has delivered it fully.. action, sci fi, futuristic, it has it all... Don't take it seriously and just enjoy the ride... If ur looking for a very proper Oscar type movie with artistic acting and a deep meaningful story, this is not it... But if u want something different and not the same regular boring stories.... ur set!
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Chaos Walking (2021)
Excellent psyfi adventure movie
2 April 2021
This movie is perfect... It's a great watch and u won't get bored for a minute... It's very smart and wellade as well... I can't understand how good movies get low ratings out here while some utter crap movies get high ratings. Something is not rite.
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Hustlers (2019)
Too long and fizzles out
1 February 2020
This is a pretty decent and watchable movie till a certain point but really fizzles out after about half or sixty percent point, and it is also too long for no reason at all... so the second half of the movie is a complete drag and difficult to watch. Also it leads to pretty much nothing interesting in the end. The overall quality is not bad, it's watchable but could have been a lot better, the way the story is told is not great.
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Uncut Gems (2019)
Pathetic Netflix Manipulated Reviews
1 February 2020
Are we going to just accept that every movie from Netflix has so many fake reviews giving it a false high rating? It's so simple to make out the highly rated reviews for these movies are fake, u can easily make out by the words used in the titles of these reviews, they try too hard and its a total give away... Is imdb going to do nothing about this? Because this is happening in each and every title from Netflix.

This movie is pathetic low quality movie not even worth watching for a second, poorly made, poorly shot, poorly acted, no story absolutely nothing.. it's just an annoyingly loud obnoxious d grade movie with absolutely no quality and terrible actors and ur telling me this movie has legit got 8 rating?
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Complete Garbage
4 October 2018
Stupid kiddie teenie no brain dead brain rubbish waste of time... low levels of production, crap story, cheesy as hell, horrible acting, absolutely no point to the whole thing and the ending is one to leave you for the dead... please please please I beg of you... DO NOT waste your time here.
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The First (2018)
Boring as hell... 6 out of 8 episodes unnecessary
4 October 2018
The first and last episode of this show are good, specially the last one... and lets be honest thats what everybody wants to watch anyway... but they want to bore u to death with the rest of rubbish drama episodes about lives of the people no one has any interest about, like come on who wants to watch that crap... This could have been good but they want to squeeze a whole season out of 2 episodes worth content...

Also I am 100% sure that all shows being released now days have their reviews doctored by people involved in the show... all these new shows come out with 8 and 9 ratings and after a few weeks the real colours come out and they come down to 6 like this. Its surely a manipulation by people who made the show to suck u in.
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It was a great movie... Ive seen every SW
12 September 2018
What the heck are people going on about? This movie is great, its a total fun adventure with pretty much full on action for 90% of the time.. it's got great visual quality, the sound fx are great, lots of nice alien creatures and places... I found nothing bad about this movie, infact I pretty much enjoyed it as much as any other SW movie till date and I have seen all.

The reviews are pointing towards bad casting but I thought the actors were perfect. Also someone wrote that its a lot of talking, thats just not the case its pretty much non stop action.

Seem like too many people seem to be stuck in the past.
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Alien Code (2018)
Simply one of the best and most surprising movies ever
8 September 2018
This movie was a total surprise for me. U have to watch it till the very end. The main actor has done a fantastic job, he is just too good in this role. Its a low budget movie but shows you how good a movie can be made with the lowest resources. I am shocked it got such a low overall rating. Its a total mind boggling & mind opening experience and it will make u ask urself the most important questions in life at the end.
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UFO (2018)
Not a bad movie at all, a little slow to get into
8 September 2018
Not a bad movie at all, its just a little slow to get into cause its kind of draggy in the start and the production of the movie is pretty low end. But if u stick around till the end its worth it as it's a pretty good sci fi story and concept... the maths bits defiantly give it more edge n character... overall pretty good for a low budget movie, it has some substance.
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Chance (2016–2017)
Really Killer Surprise !!!
10 August 2017
This show is a little gem and a huge surprise, I cannot understand how it got such a low rating of 7.7 currently. I started watching this and after just one episode I knew Id watch the whole thing and I did so back to back in the next few days. The show is so gripping and so mysterious and spooky, you feel at any moment anything could happen and it really keeps you on your toes, its a fantastic thriller. The story is great the actors are very good, the guy who plays the cop is really good but this bring me to the main point, the lead actress Gretchen Mol does a really good job and Hugh Laurie is absolutely amazing, he has really killed it but for me the main guy who steals the show here is Ethan Suplee as D, this character is absolutely stunning, the delivery the confidence, this guy has taken this role to another level and I really really hope he wins an award for this, he's the show for me along with Hugh.

So all in all this is a fantastic show, if U like crime thrillers or psychological thrillers or any kind of thrillers in general, you gonna love it, watch it, two thumps up!
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Fist Fight (2017)
Worth a watch
20 May 2017
Its a pretty decent movie... I am a huge Charlie fan and he is terrific in the movie... overall the movie is not bad and it has its funny moments specially some of the charlie top moments but honestly it could have been way funnier... when I started watching it I really thought its gonna take off and get very funny but it never took off to the level I expected and the middle of the movie is kinda where its draggy and doesn't have a killer plot... but charlie was fantastic.. I enjoyed it overall and happy I watched it.
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Oculus (2013)
31 May 2015
Absolutely stupid movie, total waste of time, not really scary at all, the worst part is that the story was 100% nonsense illogical and senseless, not a sign of intelligence or anything worthwhile to pull out of this to entertain. If you are looking for something smart to feed your brain or just looking to generally get a little entertained then forget about it, watch anything else. The only 1 star I have to give this movie which I don't want to should go towards the theme music which was decent. And the only other thing was that the kids acting was good, but The rest of the cast very bland set of characters. Im cursing myself for wasting my time, Im a big movie buff and I watch a lot of movies, including some really decent ones with about the same rating as this.
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