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Wasn't a DA fan before, but now I am
23 May 2022
Went to see this on opening weekend with my wife (date night). I was absolutely enchanted throughout. Understated, graceful, stately performances from all involved--BUT--was anyone else thinking "British version of 'Singin' in the Rain"?
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Touched by an Angel (1994–2003)
Laughable, Cringeworthy, and that "8:50 glow"
5 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a Christian. I'm a sinner, saved by God's grace. BUT: I had to stop watching this show with my wife because I found it ridiculous, and I would have to stifle derisive laughter on a weekly basis. It was on between 8 and 9pm (I forget which night) and every episode, the "reveal" happened at 850pm without fail. The last straw was when they had Muhammad Ali on the show, his voice long silenced by Parkinson's. He would grunt or mumble something, and the "angels" would dutifully "translate" what he said. It was awful. They (like a lot of people) used Ali in his declining years.

Why Valerie Bertinelli was on late in the show's run is beyond me. All we needed was Clarence from Bedford Falls ("It's a Wonderful Life") and life would have been complete (eyeroll). The stories were filled with caricatures in place of characters. It was like Hallmark Channel, only worse.
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Tom Hanks being Tom Hanks
18 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First, the positives: The location shots of New Mexico were just beautiful. I only visited there once, in 1974, when I was a Scout hiking Philmont, but the images are etched in my mind as if it were yesterday. The young girl performed well in what must have been a difficult role.

But--we've seen this movie before, and we've seen it from Tom Hanks. Consider the following: 1) A man suddenly thrust into single guardianhood (to coin a phrase)--"Sleepless in Seattle" 2) A man on a mission to bring an now-only child home--"Saving Private Ryan" 3) A man who ended up on the wrong side learns valuable life lessons--"A League of Their Own" There are even non-Tom Hanks references. To wit: A man goes on a road trip with a nearly non-verbal fellow traveler--"Rain Man", although I admit the girl's moments were timely, showed street smarts and a deeply-rooted survival instinct. Further, even though Tom Hanks' character played a solid man, they still fall back on the "dumb redneck Southerner" stereotype so ingrained in lesser efforts with other characters (Not Mr. Hanks, the men of Erath County). I got the distinct impression that if we moved the story to the present day that we'd see those same characters in jeans, t-shirts, and MAGA caps.

I enjoyed the time with my wife on a date, but taken as a whole, I didn't particularly enjoy the movie.
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Armageddon (1998)
3/10 is kind. this was an action flick spoiled.
29 September 2020
Armageddon is a good movie to see once--and once you realize that it's a stereotypical military movie--band of misfits saves (in this case) the planet--you realize that you've seen this movie twenty times before, and you don't have to watch it again.

The WORST part of this was the lust story between the maverick roughneck and the boss's daughter. What passed for romantic scenes between the two was simply cringeworthy.
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Hollywood Squares (1998–2004)
You say you don't like Hollywood Squares? YOU FOOL!!!
5 July 2020
I loved this show in the 1960's when Peter Marshall was the host, with stars such as Rose Marie, Wally Cox, Charlie Weaver, and who could forget Paul Lynde? I frankly gave up on the show when that awful, preening, self-important John Davidson fawned over and flirted with female contestants (and the show let them win 80% of the time). But Tom Bergeron is the perfect host for the most recent incarnation of the show, and who could forget the "YOU FOOL!!!" episode. That one, along with the Richard Simmons episode of "Whose Line is it Anyway?" will never fail to make me do multiple spit-takes laughing as long as I live.
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Piranha 3D (2010)
the singularly grossest, most repulsive, over-the-top movie I've ever seen
19 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe that I'm actually using up oxygen and energy to write a review of this film. If you're turned off by gore, bad acting, gore, fake blood and lots of it, gore, and more gore, then do not watch this movie. Honest to God, there are classic horror films that I like, but gallons of gratuitous blood, fish fighting over a dismembered male member, and more gore do not a horror film make. This is truly awful. Don't let your kids (of any age) near this disgusting pile of celluloid.
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Incredibles 2 (2018)
The baby was cute, but the rest? meh...
9 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Just got home from the 3-D version. The crowning touch would have been Helen Reddy singing "I am Woman" during the end credits. Once again, Disney ruins a good brand, and once again, people will be like so many sheep and attend it with their kids because Disney.

What a waste of two hours. I did enjoy laughing at Jack-Jack's antics with my wife and daughter, but the rest? Not so much. Save the PC crap for your next Joan Baez biopic.
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Moving story of triumph over tragedy
3 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I just saw "We Are Marshall" again on cable, and again I wept.

I vaguely remember seeing the story in our local newspaper on page 1, below the fold (I was 10 at the time) and remember being stunned by the idea that a football team was there one moment and largely gone the next. A few years later I had classmates who had moved from Huntington to our home town, but I never thought to ask them about it until recently.

One scene I would like to acknowledge among many outstanding ones is a conversation between Nate Ruffin (Anthony Mackie) and Coach Lengyel (Matt McConnaughey), where Coach Lengyel was trying to convince the team captain that his playing time was done. Mackie, in a performance that should have garnered him at least an Oscar nomination, had been the too-brave face of the survivors, but Lengyel, who cared deeply for his players, the team, and the University, finally broke Ruffin, as he dissolved into tears in grief and frustration and anger. I felt both characters' all-consuming pain as Lengyel kept smacking Ruffin's injured shoulder when Ruffin would insist that "(his) shoulder's fine".

In my lifetime, I have seen good sports movies and bad ones--and this is a great one--perhaps one of the best ever made.
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Tag (I) (2018)
TAG--this wasn't "it"
18 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Reasons I hated TAG: 1) Children shown simulating masturbation? You should know better. 2) Miscarriage "joke"? You should know better. As the husband of a wife who went through one (and knowing other women who were devastated by them), that wasn't funny at all. Tacky, Cruel and Tasteless. My family took me to see this movie and I have to say I was more than uncomfortable watching it. There were funny moments, but this was not a funny movie. Very disappointing.
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The Bachelorette (2003– )
We need a choice of Zero Stars
21 August 2017
If you knew a young, outwardly attractive woman who told you, "I can't decide who to marry, so I'm going to simultaneously date 24 homogeneous men", what would your initial reaction be?

She's: A silly, sin-burdened woman? A slut? Stupid? Clueless? Ignorant of how the world REALLY works? Harboring a pathetic Cinderella complex? Pity? Derisive Laughter?

But you're going to watch anyway, because you're one of the thousands of sheep who waste an hour or two weekly watching this drivel. Enjoy.

And if you think for one moment that I approve of "The Bachelor", you're wrong, wrong, wrong!
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Dirty Dancing (2017 TV Movie)
Woefully miscast
27 May 2017
I will freely confess that I didn't watch the whole hot mess, and that I wasn't a big fan of the original production, but I will comment anyway.

Abigail Breslin--stiff, wooden acting, worse dancing--and I didn't think that a performance worse than Jennifer Grey's in the original was possible. She came off like a 12 year old trying to pass for 18. Katey Segal simply played Peg Bundy circa 1960. The "added elements" detracted from the original story. The male lead (I don't even remember his name) flexed a lot.

Awful, Awful, Awful--and this coming from someone who liked "San Pedro Beach Bums".
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Whose Line Is It Anyway? (1998–2007)
The Classic
13 May 2017
I have always loved this show,from its British beginnings to Drew Carey (less enthusiastic about Ms. Tyler). How could you NOT love: 1) "Superheros" ("Thank God you're here, Rogaineman") 2) Sid Caesar literally stopping the show; 3) Richard Simmons OWNING the sketch where he and Wayne Brady played the props ("I'll be ALL the props for THESE men!"). I have NEVER laughed so hard in my LIFE. I'm taking up jet-skiing this summer! 4) Wayne Brady could have been another John Legend/Smoky Robinson/Marvin Gaye outside of his comedy career, but the song parodies were priceless. 5) Greg Proops, Ryan Stiles, and Colin Mochrie--and think about it, what a perfect name for a comedian (mockery)--were GREAT GREAT GREAT!!! 6) The outtakes are on YouTube. 7) "Helping Hands" was a holdover from the British version, but still clever and funny. 8) Film Noir, World's worst dating video, and yes, even Irish Drinking Song, and even Hoedown were really good, and you didn't have to understand the genre to get it.

Well Done, gentlemen, and may you have new life in syndication.
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Camp Lazlo! (2005–2008)
If you or your sons were involved in Scouting, you'll LOVE "Camp Lazlo"
25 June 2016
I was an enthusiastic Scout, and later Scouter and Eagle Scout Dad, and as cheesy as you might find "Camp Lazlo", I found it to be a cute, nostalgic trip down memory lane and my days in Scouting. I identified with everyone and everything from Scoutmaster Lumpus to the kids with flies buzzing around them constantly, from bad food to activities that didn't work out quite the way they were supposed to. Most importantly, though, is that the boys/bean scouts learned to get along with each other, even if it was at the expense of Scoutmaster Lumpus. EVERY Scout or Scouter I've known knew a Scoutmaster Lumpus. This show makes me smile warmly, and I highly recommend it to adults and children alike.
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Nashville (2012–2018)
My wife is a big fan, not me...
30 April 2016
This show reminds me of Aaron Spelling productions from the 1970's to the 1990's, in particular Beverly Hills 90210 and 7th Heaven. You start with an improbable premise, stocked with standard Hollywood central casting types, PC plots, and it soon becomes clear that no one connected with the show has the slightest clue what (in this case) the life of a real professional musician is like. Don't waste your time with this mess. Don't be a person who says, "I'm not a musician--but I watch it on TV".

The other thing that doesn't ring true is that the show lacks a healthy respect for those who came before. Real musicians will speak in hushed tones about their idols and influences from the past. If they're lucky enough to have met them--or better yet, played with them--they'll have a story or two. There's none of that here, and no older musicians.
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Stills from this movie are in the dictionary next to the word "Cringeworthy"
5 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'm only giving it a four out of ten because of the vocal performances, and the party at the eccentric guy's house--the best scene in the movie. The rest was a profane, clichéd, mind-numbing, IQ point-shaving paean to college life for singers. This movie was the show choir equivalent of Drumline--all about the show and the hijinks, and almost none of the work involved (I didn't care for Drumline either). Maybe PP3 will get it right, but I'm not holding my breath.

In case those of you about to call me a "hater" (which will give away your youth) are curious, I've spent my life teaching and performing, both as a singer and an instrumentalist. Don't waste your time, aspiring vocal artists; your time will be better spent woodshedding and developing your craft in the practice room.
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Ha-Trempist (1972)
I can't believe I wasted an hour on this movie
28 December 2014
Unbelievable. Godawful. Mess. This was (inexplicably) on Turner Classic Movies at 2 am this weekend. Curiosity got the better of me (bad me!) and I tuned in. Hippies obviously wrote(?) this, shot it, directed it, all while stoned. I'm waiting for the MST3000 version, or better yet, for someone to give it the "Rocky Horror audience" treatment. Spoilers will not be part of this review, because it would spoil your lunch/dinner/munchies attack. I haven't been stoned in a good 35 years, so maybe state-dependent learning would come into play, and I'd truly be able to appreciate this ever-loving mess of a movie. I have to write ten lines of review, which is about seven lines more than the script had, or for that matter, the emesis-inducing 1970's rock song that keeps playing through the entire movie.
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The Fairly OddParents (2001–2017)
Brilliant, ridiculous, laugh-inducing--what's not to like?
10 September 2014
Granted, even Yosemite Sam and Bugs Bunny have their off days, but I find much to like in "Fairly OddParents". My all-time favorite episode is when Timmy gets a hold of Vicky's diary, and makes her repeat juicy excerpts from it during cheerleading tryouts. To Wit:

"I pick my nose when no one looks, I wipe it in your History Books!"

The characters are unique and funny Timmy--enthusiastic 10 year old boy with a well-fueled imagination Cosmo--dimwitted but lovable husband of Wanda--arguably the brains of the operation Vicky--Timmy's babysitter and evil personified Jorgen von Strangle--think Arnold Schwarznegger Mama Cosmo--Wanda's nemesis Wandissimo--Wanda's Latin ex-boyfriend and masseuse to the fairies Doug Dimmadome--local rich tycoon Timmy's Mom--never saw a dish she couldn't burn; a real estate agent Timmy's Dad--talks like a sports announcer; a self-described "pencil pusher"

The Pixies are a competing group, all wear business suits and led by a character voiced by Ben Stein (a voice made for comedy if there ever was one). Bueller? Bueller?

What a cast of characters! What a show!
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Could have been worse but I can't see how.
2 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Rife with clichés, leaden dialogue, and obvious greenscreen technology during the football games, "When the Game Stands Tall" was one of the most cringeworthy movies I've ever seen. The family wanted to go, so I did, but every time I hear the phrase "based on a true story", I think "direct to Lifetime channel" and my expectations drop about 20 points. The directors seem to think it's necessary to remind us that a scene is in a black neighborhood by making the hip hop soundtrack REALLY LOUD. Hamfisted doesn't begin to describe this turkey. I will say that the production team did a decent job recreating the real-life video of the funeral (translation: we have no imagination and we think you won't notice), and the games were interesting.

Here in Pennsylvania, there are high schools that field spectacular teams year after year--many by recruiting to a private school, some not so much. This was the California version of one of those schools. The school in the movie happened to be Catholic, a fact that was almost completely ignored, except for a couple scenes where the coach is also teaching religion class (or what passes for it).

The stereotypes are all there: The grandparents caring for their grandson, the rabid fan dad who lives vicariously through his son's accomplishments, even the cameo appearance by a real live football star.

This game didn't stand tall. Sorry pals and gals, don't waste your money.
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Jersey Boys (2014)
I would have rated it higher, but I want to compare it to the live stage show
29 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Went to Shake Shack in King of Prussia PA last night-food wasn't bad and the prices were okay. It WAS the perfect prelude to seeing "Jersey Boys" at the late show with about a dozen other people. As much as I liked Frankie Valli's music--and the cast's renditions were top-notch--this was in the end a standard musician's biopic. And--God help me--watching the last scene reminded me of the end of the film version of "The Music Man", where the cast is parading thru the streets as the credits roll. My favorite acting performances? Besides John Lloyd Young (Frankie Valli), who I thought gave his character warmth, believability, and depth, Christopher Walken was perfect as the mob boss, perhaps channeling that inner psycho that he portrayed as a drill sergeant in "Biloxi Blues", and Joseph Russo was hysterical in his portrayal of Joey (who we're told is actually Joe Pesci). Everyone else was solid, not a bad character in the bunch. Would I see it again? I'll definitely make plans to see the live stage version. The movie? Stay tuned...
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The Bachelor (2002– )
So bad it's Godawful
23 May 2014
This show, and its a/b alternative "The Bachelorette", are easily the most pathetic, eyeroll-inducing, "reality" shows of them all. I can't fathom any good reason for wasting an hour of my life watching them, never mind a whole season. CBS should be ashamed of itself for promoting the "dashing prince/beautiful princess" fantasy. It's 2014, for Christ's sake. This isn't how solid relationships are built.

The worst part is where they're interviewing the "star" in one of those moments where they're "baring their soul" accompanied by thoughtful music. You run away from people in your circle who tell you everything they're thinking, every time they're thinking it--here it's seen as deep. Blech. Even Jack Handey wasn't this emetic on SNL.

Much is made in the fan mags about the couples resulting from this show. What they SHOULD do is a "where are they now" on the people who AREN'T picked and what work they're getting in Hollywood as a result of being seen on "The Bachelor" or "The Bachelorette", since that seems to be the real reason anyone puts up with this nonsense. I have nothing but contempt for the people who put this drivel on the air--in fact, I've wasted too much time writing this review.
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The Sound of Music Live! (2013 TV Special)
d'oh, oh dear, this was painful.
5 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'll spare you the details of the plot, since most people living in Western culture have heard of, seen, or been in a production of "The Sound of Music" at some level at some point in their lives. That being said, here are the top eight reasons this was a mistake of Matterhornian proportions:8) How do you solve a problem like Maria? MARRY HER OFF TO A RICH GUY! (facepalm) 7) No doubt that Audra McDonald has a powerful voice. She proved it in her leading role singing not one but two eleven o'clock numbers--oh, I forgot--Mother Abbess is a supporting role, and while "Climb Every Mountain" is certainly dramatic, it didn't need to be Wagnerian. 6)Recorded accompaniment. What would Petrillo say? I'd say they set the volume control once and forgot to check it. 5)The kids were cute, but--and this is no fault of theirs--they sounded like they all went to the same voice coach, who taught them to: 4)(With apologies to Gene Kelly and Donald O'Connor)(Tune of "Make'em Laugh")OVERSING! OVERSING! Make it all loud and brash, that's the thing! My fellow musicians who coach singers were all reaching for their Ricola drops. 3)That goes for Ms. Underwood, too. She sounds too old and looks too old to play a timid twenty-something novice. 2)The young lad Rolph (Rolf?)--over-sung, over-acted. At least the Rolph in the movie knew how to use his voice properly, even if his acting was stiff. 1)Note to the kids, and to Ms. Underwood: I'm serious about the singing--you're going to hurt yourself singing that way and do serious damage to your vocal chords--just ask Julie Andrews.

My one question about the show itself, not having anything to do with the current production: Is it just me or is the plot eerily similar to "The King and I", i.e., quiet woman takes over household, wins over domineering man with lots of kids? Is there a theme that runs thru R and H musicals of forbidden (or at least unconventional)love?

In summary, I really wanted this to be better than it was. Sorry.

PS: I must say to those Catholics posing as historians who have their knickers in a bunch about a black nun in 1930's Austria: First, there's a rather famous sister who was born in Albania, trained in Ireland, and served in India--remember Mother Theresa? Religious orders have a thing about moving people all around where their gifts can best be used. Priests at our parish served in LA, Papua New Guinea, Australia, and even little ol' Nazareth, Pennsylvania. Second, multi-racial casting has been in existence for a while. Get over it. There are shows from the Golden Age of Broadway that would benefit from such moves, most notably "Oklahoma". At the time the show was set (1910) there was still a significant Black, Native American, and Mexican presence, and truthfully, the show touches on timeless themes of how simple and complicated love, family, and life can be.
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Dick Tracy (1990)
A great lot of fun for all involved--and WHAT A SOUNDTRACK!
19 August 2013
I have to confess, I was a fan of Dick Tracy comics back in the day and when word of the movie came out I went to the theater the first weekend. I was not disappointed. Relationships in the story went far deeper than the newspaper on which they were originally printed. The costumes, the gaudy colors, the hard-boiled title character and villains, all made for an unforgettable movie experience. Was this Kurosawa or Fellini? Of course not, but who cares? I had FUN at the movies, and nearly 25 years later I still enjoy it.

The music gets its own paragraph (and should have its own review). The forces that came together to create this masterpiece are nothing short of miraculous. The score by Danny Elfman was spot-on deadly fun. The songs by Stephen Sondheim served not only to entertain at the club but moved and commented on the story in a way that only Sondheim could do it. The background music is performed by a rogue's gallery of singers and for the most part it works wonderfully. Frank Loesser's "Two Sleepy People" is given a charming treatment by Art Garfunkel. "The Confidence Man" is brassy, brash and bold in Patti Austin's capable hands. Even Jerry Lee Lewis gets in on the fun with an old-timey cover of "it was the whiskey talking', not me". According to the liner notes on the soundtrack he liked the song so much that he recorded two versions--the one in the movie, and one up-tempo more akin to what his fans know. It is telling that a lot of music written for the film didn't make it into the final cut, but survives in the Soundtrack recording, and in a third recording made by Madonna. Check out YouTube for recordings by:

k.d.lang and Take 6--Riding the Rails Jerry Lee Lewis--It was the whiskey talking' Patti Austin--The Confidence Man
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Safe Haven (I) (2013)
Your female counterpoint will enjoy this movie...
18 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
And that's a generous five out of ten. I'm not sure I can write this review without giving away the ending, but let's just say that it's "Touched by an Angel" meets the Lifetime Movie of the Week. I do hope the book is better than this movie was. The little girl was cute, her older brother one-dimensional (sedentary, hand-held video game, liked to fish). Ex-husband bad, buff younger man good. Read the book first, judge for yourself.

I will say that the music was tepid but added a positive atmosphere to the film.

Both Julianne Hough and her male lead's performance were appropriate to the material--just wish they had had more to work with.
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With God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly...
31 December 2012
I have not read Victor Hugo's novel, nor seen the stage version of Les Miserables, nor have I participated in it as a musician or actor. I don't have that frame of reference for my review--only the movie. Winners: 1) Russell Crowe and Hugh Jackman--I think the criticism of their singing is unwarranted. I felt like their acting chops shined here. Jury's out: 1) Production values--no dubbing of the singers--the singing was presented, warts and all. On the other hand, the scenery and costumes was spectacular, even if the "greenscreen" at the end where the guard jumps to his death was all too obvious. 2) Victor Hugo--I have to wonder how he'd react to this spectacle. Losers: 1)Sasha Baron Cohen--yo, Sasha baby! Stick to broad comedies where YOU are the star. That way I can avoid seeing you for all time. What a horrible choice for this movie. 2)Kid with a Cockney Accent--if he can be coached to speak like Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins, he can be coached to speak like a French child--or better yet, CAST a French child. 3) Female leads singing--sorry, it was pretty bad. I'm a big fan of Anne Hathaway, so I'm glad that this wasn't the first movie in which I saw her. See the first "Princess Diaries" when she's in her convertible singing in the pouring rain. Yo, Amanda! Singing a through-sung Broadway score is a LITTLE different than performing a jukebox musical (Mamma Mia)--even though you had the look for the part, your vocal chops weren't up to the task. 4) Too many closeups!

I'm sure people will think it's a good date movie, and maybe for theater geeks, it will be. Time to go to the library and check out the book.
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After nearly 20 years, I have to wonder...
31 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think that this film has aged well. Did we realize how unsympathetic,short-sighted, and selfish Amanda Hillard (Sally Field)was? Did SHE realize it? Life was all about how it affected her. And the kids--how long had they lived in San Francisco and NOT seen a cross-dresser?

Second, between the close-ups on the kids and the ham-fisted socially progressive dialogue, particularly Mrs. Doubtfire's monologue at the end, the producers of this film must have become tired swinging those double headed hammers at our heads hoping we'd get their message. The script--and by extension the movie--is kind of like an ABC After-School Special and Lifetime Channel movie rolled into one.

Now notice CAREFULLY that I have not mentioned Robin Williams' performance. His exchange with the social worker at his apartment, ending with a "cake facial" is nothing short of miraculous. It makes my wife laugh hysterically every time she sees it.
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