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A Boy and A Bore
2 June 2024
It's hard to know where to begin with Daniel Armando's awful creation, 'A Boy Like That'. A 40 year old Mexican takes an Airbnb on line in New York after landing a teaching job in the Big Apple. What the owner neglected to tell him was that her18 yo son, a Cali who seems to exist on mommy and daddy's good fortune , will be staying with him for a week. Okay, the flimsy plot is set, older man and teenager are thrown together and develop feelings for each other. The son is seriously problemed, of course, and it's up to the more mature man to help the young man navigate through his difficulties. The boy's mother visits with the 40 yo and goes on and on about her son's struggles. That's about it with this flimsy, poorly acted, written and directed 'piece of junk. The older man reveals the sad past he too has endured, but the viewer doesn't care.

This is NY meets Cali meets Mexico. The supporting cast adds nothing to help propel 'A Boy Like That' in any positive direction. Daniel Armando, don't quit your day job if you have one.
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Everything, Everywhere Discombobulated
2 June 2024
I actually sat through this overlong picture twice and still had difficulty making heads of tails of much of it. We have Bruce Lee, Rod Serling and George Lukas all thrown together to come up with something that, in my opinion, should have been better. In all fairness, let me say I'm not a big fan of Sci Fi and movies over two hours. So perhaps my review isn't completely fair. It seemed to go everywhere, in all directions, hence its name,, in a discombobulated fashion. I gave 'EEAAO' six stars because of the excellent performances of Michelle Yeoh, Ke Huy Kwan and Jamie Lee Curtis in probably her best role to date. Despite their participation in this messy film, 'EEAAO' didn't do it for me as it obviously did for most of the viewing audience. It should have been shorter and less convoluted.
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Everything Is Garbage
2 June 2024
Brian Jordan Alvarez, the writer and director of this piece of garbage, needs some refresher courses in how to successfully construct a screenplay as well as additional classes in learning the art of directing. Alvarez falls short on both counts. It centers around a transplanted Cali who leaves everything behind and relocates to Colombia to leave his problems behind. Of course this is easier said than done. Alvarez's character, Ivan, while proclaiming his heterosexuality, falls in love with his best friend's brother's when they visit him in South America. Action crisscrosses between Colombia and California. Without revealing anything else, let me just say this picture follows an all too predictable formula with some anti-gay underlying currents. Alvarez does the LGBTQ + community a great disservice with this often far fetched, uncreative cinematic junk.
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Ciao (2008)
Ciao is a Wow!
31 May 2024
I thoroughly enjoyed this picture. I'm not sure why the critics were so harsh. The writing, direction and the acting, especially by the two main characters, played to perfection by Adam Neal Smith (Jeff) and Alessandro Calza( Andreas) were excellent all the way around. The chemistry between them was spot on. 'Calza was also a co-writer here along with Yen Tan, the director. Ciao' is about online romance, missed opportunities, cultural differences, and the possible emergence of a new romance when you least expect it. The issues of friendship, death and loneliness are weaved through as well. 'Ciao' had humor, drama and often poignancy. It shows that when one takes a leap of faith , you never know what will happen. Sometimes it's a miss, other times it's well worth the effort as in the case of Andreas and Jeff. Ethel Lung as Jeff's stepsister also gives a nice performance. I for one highly recommend 'Ciao' and suggest ignoring the critics. 'Ciao' is a wow.
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Out of the Blue (II) (2022)
Out of Their Minds
29 May 2024
I blame Neil LaBute for writing and directing this awful picture which should have been so much better. It probably would've been had an a more talented screenwriter created it. I want to commend the actors, especially Ray Nicholson who gave as good a performance as this limited screenplay allowed. I hope he's not discouraged. It's regrettable that he and the others, including Diane Kruger and Hank Azria, two excellent actors, hitched their professional stars to this terrible project. Hopefully they'll be more selective in what they do going froward.

There is nothing novel about the script. It's far fetched in addition to its numerous other problems. I recommend skipping it, as you'll never retrieve the hour and forty four minutes you'll lose.
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Hiss The Bride And The Rest of Them
25 May 2024
'Kiss the Bride' is without doubt one of the worst, bottom of the barrel pictures that ever came down the pike. It centers around two Cali knuckleheads, Matt and Ryan, who were former lovers. Fast forward a number of years and one is getting married having found, or so he believes, the love of his life played by Tori Spelling. The other character, uninvited, decides to attend the wedding, uninvited , in hopes of recapturing his former partner who he still loves. In a moment of heterosexualization, a terrible homophobic ploy, in my opinion, he tries to bed down his former lover's intended bride, making him now curious about his own sexuality. The writer, Ty Lieberman, needs a crash course or ten in creative writing. And LGBTQ+ sensitivity. The acting is a bit over the top as well, but given the awful script, you can't blame them. C. Jay Cox's direction does nothing to lift up this Cali mess.

The ending is also ridiculous and far fetched. Don't waste one minute of your life watching this because you'll never get that time back.
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Sibling Stupidity
24 May 2024
Mark Schwab is to blame for this piece of California cinematic crap involving a convoluted plot of sparring siblings, inane family drama and someone trying to get over his dreary past. It's poorly written a born and bred Cali (Schwab) who needs to go back to writing school and learn if he has any hidden talent. It certainly doesn't show here. The actors are mediocre to say the least, torn between with whom and where they want to settle down. Truthfully , they're not given much to work with. By the middle of the picture, nobody really cases how any of their issues are resolved. The key actors overact all too frequently. There are underlying gay themes here as well that do not portray the LGBTQ+ community in a positive light. 'Brotherly Lies' is one big bore from start to finish.
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Such Boring People
23 May 2024
David Michael Barrett is the culprit behind this piece of Cali crap. His awful screenplay gave the actors, including Randy Harrison of the series, 'Queer as Folk' ten years earlier, very little to work with. Other than Harrison's performance, which was mediocre at best, there is little substance here. The story is an attempt, albeit a bad one, to highlight the subjects of honesty, integrity and friendship among a group of morally questionable people. Barrett and Greg Sterling who wrote this monstrosity, picked southern Cali as the venue for this cinematic waste of time. I guess given the cast of the plastic characters who populate 'Such Good People', that might have been the only correct decision this inept team made. I give this picture a 'DWYT' rating, Don't Waste Your Time!
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Eat My Dust (1976)
Don't Eat This
19 May 2024
'Eat My Dust' an awful production written and directed by the late Charles B. Griffith, belongs to a very long list of films that I refer to as the 'Cali Crap' genre. 'Eat' has very little going for it. Even Ron Howard (very early in his career) can't pull this Cali crap together as hard as he tries. Its an attempt at small town comedy with the proverbial young entitled punk who tries to create havoc as a way of getting back at his domineering, rigid father who happens to be the sheriff of said town. Sound clicheish? Well it is, and is constantly reflected in a script that should never have seen the light of day. This was long before Howard emerged as the more mature, professional filmmaker he is today. I gave this picture one star, only in honor of Ron Howard.
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Clay Farmers (1988)
Clay Boring
19 May 2024
Even though this 'Brokeback Mountain' wannabe has its heart in the right place, it falls short on so many levels. Michael Moore, 'Clay Farmer's' director needs to go back to writing school. He 'Californiaizes' his awful script giving the actors very little to work with. Their west coast vibe actually helps to derail this cinematic junk. We've seen this before, boy meets boy, falls in love, and must endure the bigotry, verbal and physical, of the haters. Friendships and families are fractured. However, the predecessors such as 'Brokeback' and 'The Wedding Banquet' dealt with similar themes, but were far superior to this Cali nonsense. I gave 'Clay Farmers' two stars because I feel sympathy for the actors who tried their best. It's regrettable that they hitched the professional wagons to Michael Moore and this talentless writing project.
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True Story (I) (2015)
True Story With Embellishments
5 May 2024
To start with, Jonah Hill and James Franco, in my opinion, were totally miscast in what should have been a far better picture. I don't doubt the veracity of the case, but what I do have misgivings with are the obvious embellishments that are part of an already poor script in order to heighten the dramatic effect. This is done frequently in these types of films, understandably, but in this particular story, they stand out like sore thumbs. The retelling of horrific cases like this, a man who murdered his family, fled the country and assumed another man's identity, should have been written with less emphasis on the case itself and more on the motivations of an obviously insane person who committed these awful crimes. The substandard writing and poor acting, unfortunately ,added to the many woes of 'True Story'.
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Fun For All
30 April 2024
I thoroughly enjoyed this well written, directed and acted film which, in my opinion, is extremely under appreciated by most critics. This is a poignant coming of age story centered around a young man (Buddy) coming to New York City from an upstate NY rural community in the late 80s. The culture clash he initially experiences is well articulated. He is helped by a group of NYers who live on the edge and who embrace him, helping to make his transition to the urban lifestyle easier. He also is trying to resolve the conflict between his repressed homosexuality and his inner homophobia during the era of AIDS/HIV. I grew up in New York and know people like Buddy, and those friends who help him with his cultural and sexual adjustments. This picture seemed real to me. Perhaps some of the critics, including 'Rotten Tomatoes' should watch it again. The photography on one of his journeys through the City was superb and brought back many special memories of those places that were and still are a part of the lower Manhattan landscape. Bravo to Michael Waites who played Buddy, and Roger Stigliano, who wrote, produced and directed 'Fun Down There'.
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Keeve Will Make You Heave
15 April 2024
Here's another Southern California yawn fest courtesy of Frederick Keeve, the writer and director of this Cali monstrosity. Keeve needs a refresher course in both writing and directing, the sooner the better. Chances are, judging from this mess, is he has no talent at all. 'The Accompanist' centers around a piano player in a dancing school who falls in love with much younger, and personally troubled dancer. Meanwhile, he's still in a terrible relationship with a recent ex wife and sees this new and exciting relationship as not only a diversion, but hopefully a way out as well. That in a nutshell describes what transpires in this hour and a half mess. Perhaps Keeve believed that 'Californiaizing' his terrible script would make it better. Guess what? It didn't. I strongly recommend that this excuse for a picture be avoided. If you decide not to take my advice, don't blame the talentless Keeve, blame yourself. The only one who suffers here, other than the viewer, is poor Ricky Palomino, the problemed 27 yo co star, who tries his best despite a sub mediocre script and lousy direction.

I gave the film one star only because of Ricky.
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Hellbent (2004)
13 April 2024
Why anybody with acting, writing and directing credibility would associate themselves with this piece of LA based cinematic garbage is completely beyond me. It got to the point, and I write this as a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community, that I had little if any sympathy for either the victims or the community at large. Paul Etheridge/Ouzts wrote and directed this Cali nonsense. He needs to return to writing school, as the dialogue and the characters are awful. What was he, and the overpaid executives who gave this awful production the green light, thinking? There is not one not shred of anything positive for the gay community here. Seek and ye shall not find.

Perhaps I'm over analyzing a run of the mill horror picture, but this Hollywood monstrosity is the worst of it's genre that I've ever seen. I'm not surprised that the Cali-focused 'Here TV' is airing it. Hellbent' gets a DWYT rating- Don't Waste Your Time.
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Adult World (2013)
Adult Imbeciles
14 January 2024
It's difficult to understand why talented actors like John Cusack would associate himself with garbage like 'Adult World'. This is poorly written, directed and overacted by almost everyone in the cast, especially by Amy, the character portrayed by Emma Roberts. John, did you need the money that badly? Is it worth sacrificing your reputation and career? Amy is a loud, overly annoying, privileged and ambitious poet wannabe who can't handle the truth about her imagined writing talent. She meets Cusack's character, a published poet for whom she has the highest regard. How his character or anyone for that matter could tolerate Amy for more than five minutes defies all logic. She ends up trashing his apartment, which is exactly what he deserved for encouraging her. The supporting cast, which includes award winning performers (John Collum and Cloris Leachman), does little to save this cinematic sinking ship. I'm glad that John did eventually redeem himself professionally.
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Childless (2008)
24 December 2023
A bunch of LA loony toons examine their own lives as well as others through the lens of a teenager's death, most likely a suicide. She was a young relative and her funeral is pending. This is a dysfunctional family for sure, I guess typical of the southern Cali experience. The writing is awful- characters talking into a camera, giving boring soliloquies about themselves, their families, failed relationships and friends. If only their dialogues were more biting, more relevant to their feelings about the young lady's death, it might have helped. Even the victim speaks from her coffin, her final words with nothing meaningful to say about herself. I was not moved in the slightest.

Perhaps a venue change would've worked a whole lot better. Writers like Charlie Levi are among those misguided artists who believe that 'Californiaizing' a script or screenplay enhances the final product. That is not at all true.

Stayed with 'Childless' hoping it would eventually improve but as with the movie, I was disappointed.

There's talent here that is regrettably wasted on this sub mediocre picture. Barbara Hershey, Joe Mantegna and James Naughton are among those in the lead cast. Not even these talented folks could save this piece of cinematic Cali crap.
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Too Many Episodes
18 December 2023
'Fellow Travelers' (FT) is a well intentioned miniseries that evolves around a relationship between two men that spans 30 years. Like most limited runs, it got in its own way by going on longer than it should've. The story could've gone six episodes instead of what seems to be the obligatory eight. What I disliked about 'FT' was the constant skipping around in time. One scene we were in the 50s, fighting the homophobic Joseph McCarthy machine and then suddenly we are thrust 30 years ahead during the beginning years of the AIDS epidemic. Then back and forth like a tennis ball. It might have been more consistent. There's a lot of good here too, namely the acting all around, especially the two leads. There are many interesting characters too, many who come and go. The writing is haphazard, however.

I'm not sure how they ended up in San Francisco but there were other components of the series I didn't fully grasp either. Civil rights, bigotry and discrimination are front and center here, and that's always a positive thing. I just wish the series were told in shorter form.
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Kiss Me Dead
6 December 2023
So where do I begin? 'Kiss Me Goodbye' (KMG) starts out pretty well. A widow (Sally Field) is starting to reclaim her life after her husband's (James Caan) accidental death three years earlier. She's now contemplating marriage to her new beau, (Jeff Bridges), much to the dissatisfaction of her mother (Claire Trevor). I will admit it was a pleasure seeing Ms. Trevor in what would end up being her last film. Too bad this was her final bow after a most distinguished career.. The young couple decide to inhabit the same beautiful NYC brownstone she lived in with her first husband. This is where it starts going downhill.

The ghost of the widow's first husband appears making plans difficult for the widow. Shes the only person who can see him. Caan clearly doesn't belong here. This picture might have worked better with just Field and Bridges exploring their future together. They can easily carry a movie. However, now with the 'ghost plot', Field overacts terribly trying to hide the fact that Caan's spirit is present. Comedy isn't her forte. The script also suffers as a result. Bridge's character is reduced to a boring boyfriend who nobody likes, including the dog and her mother. I won't go on further, but this is not something I'd recommend to the fans of Ms. Fields, Mr. Bridges and Mr. Caan. I gave it four out of ten stars only because of Ms. Trevor's inclusion in the film and the precious dog who might be the funniest character than any of the others. I also liked the Dusty Springfield's opening number which should have been nominated for best song. It might be the best thing about KMG.
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The Art of Bad Writing
3 November 2023
Jesse Rosen not only directed this Cali-venued monstrosity, but also wrote it. It deals with overgrown men who are LA misfits, trying to navigate the waters of sexuality and gender affiliation. I'm not sure where Rosen received his training as a writer, but for the sake of that institution, it's best he not reveal it. Once again, we're thrown into the boring world of LaLa land with a cast of characters lacking any depth, consistency or interest for that matter. The acting is also awful. Nobody really cares about these pampered, spoiled brats but themselves as well as some over enabling parents. The guys aren't anywhere as good looking as they think they are. The women do nothing to help the women's cause whatsoever. Overall, this film should never have happened. Jesse Rosen should return to Freehold NJ and start all over again.
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Give Me That Old Time Religion
20 October 2023
I watched the three parts of this depiction of how religion can sometimes be obstacles to achieving certain personal goals and aspirations. In this case, RJ and Chris, two devout Mormons, fall in love during a mission at which they're both partnered. Needless to say, same sex relationships are not only strongly frowned upon, but considered highly immoral and banned within the overall church. They try to find a way to navigate and make it work against the backdrop of the Church doctrine condemning their love. Certainly this type of condemnation is not limited to the Church of Latter Day Saints but also exists within many other religions around the world. I have to say that the writing, direction and acting in all three segments were positive. Nick Ferucci and Ben Farmer are the lead actors who play the beleaguered couple. Their families (especially their fathers) and friends deliver solid performances. Without giving anything away, I thought parts of the trilogy, including the ending, were a bit far fetched. However, they in no way undermined the overall spirit of this excellent series.
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Mascarpone (2021)
Thoroughly Enjoyable
20 October 2023
This film out of Italy deals with a man's fork in the road as he turns 30, uncertain of what his path forward is. Antonio, who has been in a relationship since high school with Lorenzo, is in for a rude awakening when he's suddenly thrust into the uncertain world of 'single hood' after Lorenzo unceremoniously dumps him after 12 years. Antonio didn't see this coming. He's now on his own, feeling his way without the life tools he didn't learn having been sheltered for so long. He meets some interesting characters along the way. Denis, though very different, becomes his closest friend, helping him to find work and a place to live. Through him, he meets Luca, a bakery owner who hires Antonio since he has expressed a strong interest and talent in baking. The writing is very good, as are the direction and acting. The three main characters blend well together despite their very opposite backgrounds and natures. They support each other and help Antonio to finally grow up and cast his own shadow rather than being in other people's. I thoroughly enjoyed this film, especially the interplay between the characters who grow to love each other.
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Never or Now (2014)
An Act of Kindness
1 October 2023
On his final day, Alan Driscoll, obviously a long repressed gay man going through the final stages of ALS or something similar, is pleasured, in his hospital bed, by a male prostitute possibly hired by his soon to be widow. 'Never or Now' is a beautifully acted, poignant 18 minute short. It's focused on the soon to be deceased man and the young guy who's there to sexually, and spiritually, provide pleasure while helping the sick man to realize his fantasy of having a meaningful connection with a man. The wife leaves money before temporarily leaving her husband to run errands. The young man shows up, disrobes, and jumps into the hospital bed with Mr. Driscoll. He compassionately lays with him, guiding the sick man's hand all over his young body, fully cognizant of what's happening. When he leaves, he doesn't take the money most likely left there for him. He performs an amazing act of kindness to a stranger with very little time left.

Kudos to Smith Crowe's performance as the young man, and Greg Phelan, the writer. An act of kindness takes little effort but could mean the world to its recipient.
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Tru Loved (2008)
Tru-ly Awful
29 September 2023
Here's another film that had its heart in the right place, but unfortunately, terrible writing, direction and acting sink this piece of Cali cinematic garbage before it even begins. Stewart Walker is the culprit behind this mess. Walker needs to go back to writing school and learn how to construct a decent screenplay, then take courses in directing. 'Tru Love' centers around a family relocating from SF to a far more conservative town in what might be the San Fernando Valley of LA. The local high school is predictably homophobic and as a result, some of the more conscientious and open minded students organize a gay-straight alliance. This could have and should have been so much better if only had it been under more talented supervision. Predictability and cliches abound, as does plenty of homophobia on the part of the sadistic gym teacher/coach. This movie should be remade because valuable lessons can be learned here, but regrettably were lost somewhere in the sub mediocre dialogue. I rate Tru Loved 2 stars and 10 yawns!
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Something Evil Comes (2009 TV Movie)
Death Among Us Viewers
21 September 2023
This is, by far, one of the worst mystery films I have ever seen. The characters are plastic and poorly developed, the direction and screenplay both abysmal. It pretends to be a suspense film centered around a California nutcase trapping a bunch of other Cali knuckleheads in a remote house during the height of a torrential and seemingly endless storm. The culprit is convinced that one of his hostages was emailed a highly sensitive document that would have exposed an illegal international act. He has already killed the person who sent the email and travels to Cali to find the recipient. What transpires is so far fetched that I found myself laughing during what were supposed to be highly dramatic moments. I'm not blaming the actors because they had so little to work with, but do find fault with them for taking on such a ludicrous project in the first place.

Rating: DWYT (Don't Waste Your Time).
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Horseplay (2022)
Horse Dung
18 September 2023
'Horseplay', (HP) is a forgettable film out of Argentina. It centers around a bunch of hetero knuckleheads, all friends ,who converge upon a country villa for fun and frolic. Throw in an ample dosage of homophobia and you pretty much have the essence of this cinematic garbage. Marco Berger, the writer, director and co-producer, is chiefly responsible for creating this unfortunate nonsense despite some impressive work he has done previously. I'm not sure what motivated him to even bother with his seriously flawed screenplay. Perhaps he felt he could create something meaningful out of something awful. Unfortunately for the viewer, this was not the case. What we see is young grown men acting like teenagers, testing the limitations of their friends. One is gay, one is bi, and they, regrettably, are the most repressed of all the characters.

There is some nudity, frontal and otherwise, that the viewer should know about beforehand. However, it in no way detracts from an already terrible movie. In fact, it enhances it somewhat. The homophobic scenes are way too numerous and most likely offensive to a sizable portion of the audience. Overall, 'HP' we have doesn't even come close to creating a meaningful experience for us cinema lovers. Quite the opposite is true, in fact. I give 'HP' a DWYT rating (Don't Waste Your Time).
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