
14 Reviews
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Birds of Prey (2020)
30 April 2020
This movie is BORLA (how we say trash in Ghana), first Joker now this. Next will be Riddler or Harvey Dent i guess. I immediately suspected it will be a crappy movie but i decided to just watch it to see for maself. I am not gonna say dont watch but am gonna say wait for it online and download for free dont waste ur hard earned dough to go to a cinema to watch this pile of BOORLA. FYI..I am actually in the middle of the movie and i paused to write this review, that is how disgusted i was. The characters are all terrible. Is Harley a female Joker or what? She can just waltz into anywhere and everyone is immediately terrified even the freakin COPS??? And her outfit, yeeesh least said the better. Its like everyone else is an idiot and Harley is the sensible one..i just dont get it....Could u film makers stop crappin on the Batman franchise...Pleeease .... if u cant make any batman movies dont do any spinoffs of the villains. Now let me force maself and finish this BORLA. i wish there was a zero or half star rating. Yeeeaccch. If you want a female action movie go watch the COURIER, its far better imo
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Wonder Woman (2017)
A Good Movie..but could have Better still
14 June 2017
I watched this movie with my wife last night at the Cinema. Its a good movie and i recommend anyone reading this to watch. It had suspense, mystery, comedy,sorrow and action as a great movie is supposed to have. The only issue i had was the ending. I was expecting an extremely explosive epic ending. But alas i was denied of that. But hey, all in all its a good movie...and it was waaaaay better than that stupid crappy Alien Covenant....Anyway in short WW is a must watch movie. It has great cgi great action and a few not so great action scenes. The story isn't bad and easy to follow it has a few funny moments as well. I give it a 7 of 10.
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the worst Marvel Crap ever made
19 November 2014
GUARDIANS OF THE CRAPLAXY It's been a while since I gave a comment about movies. Usually when I do, it's because the movie was extremely awesome or annoyingly full of cow dung. I went into the theater without any idea what guardian of the galaxy had in store. Sometimes a movie is more enjoyable when u don't know any synopsis at all. So that is what I did. All I knew was that it had a good number of positive reviews and IMDb had given it at least an 8. Most of the time when IMDb reviewers give a movie an 8 u know the movie is gonna be awesome….and nothing can or could go wrong. RIGHT???? …… HOW WRONG, I MEAN HOW VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY WRONG I WAS. Please if u r someone with a functioning brain I implore you not to go watch this garbage. Allow me to be the messiah when it comes to this movie…. Take it that I have gone to sacrifice my cash and time for u to stay away and just download it if u can….and even that make sure u download it from a place that is sharing free Wi-Fi. Why do u ax? Why am I blasting this movie with so much ammo you ax? It's simple. Nowhere, ie weather in reality or fiction can a bunch of people always save a complex situation without coming out unscathed. Also I don't even know if the movie is a comedy or a thriller or action. It tries woefully to emulate all 3 to no success. I AM GONNA END HERE… or I will go on and on. And I am trying hard not to give away spoilers. BUT LET NO ONE SAY I NEVER WARNED THEM. Ps: there are 2 sure fire ways to watch it without having any regrets. 1. Going to watch it with a lady friend that you wanna score, and 2. When you are high on weed. These 2 ways I guarantee will make you enjoy the movie so much more.
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Refreshing,Entertaining and very well done
24 July 2012
i don't know how to begin, but 21 jump street was very well written and directed. every actor was great. when the movie starts you think to not another teen movie....but when it kicks up to 4th gear in the next 5-10 mins, you then tend to even forget that it is even a movie and you get sucked in at once. this movie was entertaining and interesting to say but the least and i was very satisfied after watching it. in fact i just had to watch it again to be able to memorise some of the very cool and hilarious scenes. Chanum and Jonah did very well in their roles and all i can say is that they couldn't have picked any one better to act those roles. my man ice cube too was also excellent...he was very believable in his role and one takes him very serious the minute he comes into the camera. so to you out there if you haven't watched it or you are now contemplating as to weather to watch it or not, i say go watch it at once for u wont regret it. i give it 9stars of 10. this is definitely one of my best movies for this year. i am going to watch Batman rises tomorrow, i hope it will be great like the reviews are saying.
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Two and a Half Men (2003–2015)
new two and a half men with Kutcher sucks baaaaad
12 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
i have checked the "contains spoiler" box cos i am not sure if what i am saying contains spoilers or not but at least i know it contains some sort of summary. so in order not to be black listed by IMDb i have checked it just to be on the safe side

Before i get into it let me point out that i have nothing against Kutcher, he is OK in my book its the the producers i blame.

Firstly, what they should have done was try and get Charlie back, but if they felt that was out of the question then the next option was to get a Charlie look alike and then have him continue as the character of Charlie harper. After all i have seen countless number of times where actors have been replaced by complete different faces without anyone complaining. a good example is "my wife and kids" with Damon Wayans where his daughter in the sitcom was replaced and when the episode with the new girl started, Damon made a funny remark by telling the daughter that she looked different from the previous day.

Thirdly, if they didn't wanna stick to either of the first two points then they have just canceled the damn show. We would have been left with good memories of the sitcom instead of this garbage which is already smearing the funny memories i had of 2.5 men.

Having Ashton come in and acting as an immature person more than Jake is so grown up watching this sitcom would relate to a grown up behaving like a kid. it simply isn't normal. But with Charlie's character one could relate with him or rather it was fun to watch them always out doing each other and in the long run you could see that they loved each other.

What really put me off with the new season 9 was the ridiculous funeral that was held for Charlie at the beginning of the episode. First of all how come none of his family wept a single tear? also who makes insulting remarks when a funeral is going on? Also it wasn't even funny. Basically this new 2.5 men isn't funny at all but rather boring. I already dislike the old characters (Alan, Jake, Bertha, Evelyn, etc) based on the direction where this is going. i recommend u watch it just to see for yourself. But if u have better sitcoms like Community, then rather watch that and save yourself from agony or time wastage. so in summary 2.5 men gets 0/10 stars.
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V (2009–2011)
It's worth your time
11 April 2011
OK first let me say that I watched all the early V series in the 80's when I was around 18 years old and I was really really thrilled. There hadnt been any show that had had an alien invasion made so crafty:ie ( mingling with our government and people and deceiving humanity from within) Then many years later 2009/10 there is a remake. I was even more thrilled. This new V is good but at the same time it has its flaws. Make no mistake the old V had errors too…but due to the time it was made and it being one of a kind in that period, nobody cared or had time dwelling on those negligible errors. Now the same errors being repeated now really stands out, simply because of the time we are in now. We are a lot smarter and we have been opened up to so many new things now. Eg. Cell fones, internet, computers …to name but a few. The 1st error the old V had was, language. My brother made me realise that (that is after he watched the old V for the first time in 2010 last year) when the aliens met and discussed things on their own in private, they would communicate in English and he felt that wasn't right. I agree. As a Ghanaian when I meet my fellow Ghanains in private we speak our local language ie:Twi. I think that is universal for any species to do. That same error is being repeated now. Back in the day we didn't care. But now with new technology and sophistication I expect them to be more meticulous. Aliens must speak in their mother tongue when alone and subtitles be provided. 2ndly I don't think any living thing, that can think for it self can live without emotions. So in other words Dr. Spock and his fellow Vulcans can never exist including the V's. Without emotion the V's wouldn't care to travel across whole galaxy just to invade another species. For them to care of their species survival means that they do have emotion. 3rdly for them to try and get rid of the soul is simply ludicrous. I was gagging when that was bein addressed in the V-series. But nevertheless I asure u it is entertaining to watch. Anna is simply gorgeous and if the V invasion really occurs for real I would no doubt hit on her with disregard to my safety. The effects and twists turn out to be great as well. Its worth watching and u wont be disappointed.
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its OK to watch on your laptop
5 January 2011
Well all i can say is that this movie is OK to watch but after watching to the end then you would realise that it was a bit weak....the plot was OK...the acting was OK...a bit exaggerated at certain parts. It was very very predictable though....but trust me it is way better than the back up plan...with J'lo......(i would say that movie was the worst for 2010) Stomp the yard 2 in my opinion was done in a rush. I mean i think the makers of this movie weren't too keen on out doing the 1st one but just wanted to do a dance movie in a hurry and reap of unsuspecting movie goers like you and i. So I am sure their plan was that by the time you would realise that the movie sucked ass, you would have already paid to be in the cinema hall. It is worth watching on your laptop, after all if you got it for free from a pal who downloaded it then its worth watching. At least it is a great a opportunity to use it to kill 1.20hrs of time if don't have anything to do or if u don't have anywhere to go. Other wise i recommend Scott Pilgrim vs the world

i give it 3 stars
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an excellent movie
5 January 2011
wow wow wow Man ooo Man.... i am really short of words...but all i can say is....this is a great movie....if u love movies with youths in their early 20's....or any kind of movie that is funny with cool effects then don't hesitate and go and watch this movie....i mean the writing the acting the cast everything about this movie is great....i haven't enjoyed myself like this in a loong while i asure u by the time u through with the movie..u will come out feeling very very satisfied......and not at all cheated or whatsoever..... its an awesome movie...very unpredictable....and interesting as hell.....make sure u watch this move before u die and leave this earth...for when u r facing the maker and he is about to pass judgement on u...u could quickly tell him that u loved scott pilgrim and perhaps who knows ...instead of sending u off to hell..he might keep u beside him so that the 2 of u discuss how great the movie was.... i give it 10stars
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Grown Ups (I) (2010)
'grown ups' is probably for babies
18 November 2010
Hi nice loyal quality movie watcher,1st let me just say - don't watch this rip off and wait til u get it free from a pal or download it like me. I think viewers should be given the opportunity to sue actors and directors of horrible movies. Like one reviewer rightly said- u get to only giggle 2-3 times. its a pity movie goers cant sue directors and actors of a terrible movie. For that wil end this problem of citizens being deceived on a large scale. in fact its made me begin to dislike kevin james, chris rock, rob schneider, adam sandler, etc for even being in a movie like this and i hate sandler even more for writing this piece of garbage,UNLESS his intention was to lullaby kids to sleep, then i would say-its a classic

this movie is worth 0.1 stars
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Marley & Me (2008)
more like a documentary on rogue dogs
9 August 2009
this movie sucked all that is suckable. i kept dozing of. i wonder why the ratings r so high. its more like a dog documentary. its not even a chick flick. its like going into a black hole. To make matters worse i'm to write at least 10 lines for this awfully dreadfully documentary. please people out there if ur life is depressing then don't go watch this, i'l suggest u go watch bedtime stories or something. J. Aniston was OK, but i prefer her in Office Space, Owen too was fine but their characters were just boring, by the time u r done with the movie u'l think a day has passed. in fact there was a point in the movie where i kept counting the time down cos its like i knew the duration of it, that way i would know how soon i would get up. Don't get me wrong its watchable if your girl friend is around and u want to fool around with her, that way u can listen without watching - NII DALAI (ghana)
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bad bad baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad in a bad way.
13 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
well well well....i thk Spielberg is highly overrated. i mean...ET wasn't that wow anyway..and anyone could have done Jurassic park and even made it better.

WOTW shouldn't have made the amount of money it fact it should have suffered the loss that water world made back in the day. i totally agree with each and every one who gave this movie a bad review. in fact after watchin the movie...i wasn't sure if i watched it well cos i there were so many plot holes and i didn't feel like watchin it again to see if i could watch it well. so i rather decided to check in IMDb..and boy oo boy was i relieved to know that so many of u shared my view as well. i checked the spoiler box just in case i may end up saying something about this stupid film. well i must say..i like films and invasion films..but this i think is the worst, the ending was rushed, tom cruise i think was OK, the small girl was aiight..but that boy was so annoying..and he miraculously survived...yeesh(from sin city)....go watch sin city instead...cos i burrowed this movie along side sin city, which i agree is a very good movie..and like one reviewer said..batman begins is a pretty decent movie..don't waste ur money on this movie.

Peace. Rastus out
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Sin City (2005)
one of the best movies for 2005
12 December 2005
I am not going to say much....but the little i will say is this...if u are a movie freak like i am and u like movies which are straight forward and still have their twists and turns then u must watch this Movie...

I watched it 3 days ago and i must say that i have watched it at least 7 times now. And i still wanna watch it like 7 times more till i have the movie recited. Yeeesh....this movie is pure classic..and i think ...rodriguez and terrantino...are just one of the best movie directors out there.

The mere fact that majority of us have voted it 10/10 should tell u that this movies is a must see for all and must be watched at least 4 times to really get it..cos no one can watch it once and capture everything.

As an African living in Ghana i can only say that....this movie is pure of the best for 2005 if not the best.


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Girlfriends (2000–2008)
a great comedy
6 October 2005
Lynn, Joan, Tony and Mya and sometimes William. All i can say is that the chemistry is great the acting is great and the show is also great. It is as if each episode is funnier than the previous. The producers are really doing a good job. In fact if i compare it to the parkers and soul food which i believe were also great..i think this out shines them By far. I just hope the ending ..if there is to be an end ..will not be rushed and messed up ...just like that of soulfood and parkers.

Man this is a comedy for any not miss out on a Ghanian living in Africa....i don't have any issues with any of the Topics being discussed in this comedy so therefore i am in the best position to judge this programme...and like the majority of the reviewers wrote..this is definitely a "must see" show. I also hope it Comes out on DVD soon, so that i can have my very own copy. I think it is one of the best comedies ever...and it has good plots and the Characters are well defined.

Dalai..Ghana - West Africa
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White Chicks (2004)
FBI agents go under cover to expose bad guys
5 January 2005
I AM A BLACK MAN FROM GHANA WEST AFRICA and i must say that this was a very good movie and i was totally many of u i also thought it wasn't going to be funny since some reviewers gave it a low vote...but i wasn't fooled cos many of u movie watchers and critics are too uptight.....

now lets break the movie a bit....the very beginning where they were disguised us old men buyin ice cream was funny to me the 2nd time i watched it, (the first time it was like a sort of intro for u to know what the character was about). the comedy really kicks up when they become the Wilson sisters in disguise....there u laugh till u cant laugh no more...

one of my favourite parts was the Dildo that scene was so funny to me i almost died from laughter....i recommend this movie to anyone who sees things on the lighter side and is not too uptight....cos this movie is for all colours..... In fact, IT Actually MAKES U WANT TO DATE A WHITE a black man from Ghana - Africa, i certainly do. The wayan brothers are good, remember A Low Down Dirty Shame with Keenen.....? this is just as funny if not funnier
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