
23 Reviews
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Did a 13 year old write this?
10 December 2023
Ok first of all, it was ok in mostly everything elae, but that is the thing it is only ok, the acting cant relay be rated with it all being CGI, but the voice acting was good, probably the second best thing about this movie, after the visuals.

The movie looked amazing but there is way to meany shots what was not needed (60% of the movie) and what i just skipped.

But the biggest down fall was the writing and how it just felt like it was going from one way to a complicity different way of being written, the writing was just bad and cringe, it felt like it was a kids fanfic or something a 13 year old would write for there essay.

Relay it is one of the worsted writing movies i have watched with a Hollywood budget ($250.000.00), i found my self laughing when i was meant to feel sad for how stupid it was done, and i think i skipped about 60% of the movie but pressing the right key on my keyboard and still followed the movie perfectly because there is nothing actuality to follow for most of it. And I dont want to say any Spoilers ,(so can't relay tell you the plot in less than 50 words, what is all i need)

It is just things happening for reasons what go no where? And that is all, it is just to look at and with watching this on a normal 4k TV in 4k, it just looked... ok not relay special at all, this movie could of been 30-40 minutes and it would have all the same feelings and understanding of the would and story!

So i say just watch a recap of the movie on YT or read an online essay of what happens in this movie, it will be more fun than watching this for 3H!
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Warren United (2014– )
it's ok, made me laugh
17 December 2022
I did enjoy this, the writing held up for me, and kept me engaged, But nothing was relay amazing in this, it was fine and a good way to spend 20 or so minutes watching something, when you got nothing else to do.

And it is one of the few "uk" animation tv shows made for older audiences out there, what made me interred to begin with, and hope more money get put into more animation tv shows made for older audiences in the UK in the future.

And well i need to right something to post this, so i am going to keep on writing anything now to do so, so there is no point of reading this (Warren United is a tv show what come out in 2022 near the end of the year i have just finished watching this and hope more such stuff gets made in the uk.)
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i have read the book and love this show
2 September 2022
This was great in my option, loved the Humans, Elves, and humans in this, the halfling was the only thing I felt was not that great.

But all if this was filmed beautifully, from the locations to the sets to the clothes and even the props, all of it has been the best I have seen in any tv show.

The sound is on point, love the music and sound effects,

story is the only thing that is not great (the halfling story) , I have only seen two episodes, so it could get better, who knows? But i have enjoyed it and does remind me on Tokens books, more than the movies, ( in my opinion).

And that is my thorts on this, and mine alone of for some reason this makes you angry, it is just a tv show in the end, so see it as that, this was not writing by Token, so if you do not like this don't watch this.
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Ms. Marvel (2022)
Cringe fest what is made for kids
16 June 2022
The is just so cringe, and fails in a lot of areas, the writing is just bad, but while looking at the other reviews it has done a good job catching Pakistani ideals if that is the right word?

There are some great ideas, and cool ways they used to tell what is happening, but again the writing is just so Cringe/childish, maybe if i was younger than 14 i would at lest not get driving away from the stupidity in this but im in my 20s, having watched the first iron man movie in my early teens, so this is not good enough for the audience this is made for, for this universe of multiple movies!

But this is my own option, if you think differently that is fine, i am not trying to tell anyone they are wrong, just putting my own thoughts out there.
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The Northman (2022)
the movie was "ok" but the end was just bad
23 May 2022
The main story was ok, it felt like it was going a different Direction every 10 minutes, and the ending, i think anyone could guess how it was going to end, after the fest 10 minutes.

I did not mind the acting, it was ok and the dialogue was odd, but still good for 60% of the movie.

The historical effete they put in to this, from set to props was very good and the only thing i feel that they got right, except from fighting shirtless what is a ridiculous idea, what only 11 year olds would believe.
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Vikings: Valhalla (2022– )
Bland, Dole And Made Up History, But Can Be Entertaining
28 February 2022
Well my title says it all, no one has any personality or growth in this, non of them change during the show and seems like they learn nothing from there mistakes, but the first 4 episodes where at lest somewhat entertaining.
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War of the Worlds (2019– )
Season 2 is the End for me,
24 January 2022
God the tv show is just something i do not even know, the story is so ward and not needed, i guessed the big reveal in the first episode of S2.

There are no real surprises in this, it does not follow any of the original ideas from the book what this is supposedly based on, but still it kept me watching pressing the right arrow key every 4 seconds skipping 10 seconds every press just wanting to get throw it and see what happens at the end and only kept watching for the end.

And well the ending of Season 2 is good enough for me, i am not going to watch anymore seasons, I'm only watching it for it's story ark and nothing else and the ending of season 2 answers enough questions and leaves it in the good place, im done with this and if there is a season 3 im not entreated.
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The Wasteland (2021)
Silly and badly directed.
24 January 2022
Lots of moments where i/you will think well that was stupid, why would you do that, you could just piss in a bowl at night?

The directer did a pretty bad job in showing what was going on and made a lot of scenes pointless by doing nothing with them.

The set (the house and land around the house) and camera positioning was the only good things about this.

The story could of been good, with what seemed like the writing needing more confidence, what resorted it coming off bland and boring.

This movie could of been OK, but it is just boring badly directed and lots of stupid decisions the characters made.
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The Witcher (2019– )
11 January 2022
SEASON 1 was good, SEASON 2 was so so so boring, i found my self pressing right arrow key every 2-5 seconds throw 75% of the episodes.

Relay dissented.
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Firebite (2021–2022)
What A Nothing Show
16 December 2021
There is really nothing in this show,

the acting is ok, nothing to scoff at for being really bad, or nothing to impress you, just bland.

The story is bland and has been done probably about 100 times now, with nothing new aspect it is set in Australia.

And I can not think of anything else to add, like what my title says this show has nothing.
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Silent Night (I) (2021)
Dreadfully slow, and the Character are unlikable and just horrible people
26 November 2021
The acting was good.

The Character are unlikable and just horrible people, "Art" was the only likable one.

I felt done 30 minuets in and would have been glad turning it off then, with it being so so so, so slow where nothing happens, but I didn't, at lest the ending was ok though.

One of the main plots in this movie, is most likely pro anti-vaccine. (i am not going to go on about this not wanting to say any spoilers)
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Virtual Mom (2000 TV Movie)
so the mum is weird, and kisses a 13 year old ?
15 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I know it is when she is transformed into the same age, but she allows a boy (her daughters Crush, "13" ) to kiss her, even though she was jealous of the her ex? Who is in his 40s, this is just a bad ending and weird and so wrong, like wtf.
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Black Widow (2021)
David Harbour, what was the only good thing in this film.
25 July 2021
David Harbour was the only thing I enjoyed in this movie, i don't relay follow the mcu so i had no idea what was going on and what/how "black widow" is and what/why she is doing any of this?.

The action was very cringey, and the constant camera switching made it look so broken up and every where.

Not a good movie, just watch some martial art movie instead.
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Welcome Home (2015 TV Movie)
this script was so bad
22 June 2021
I think This script made this movie one of the worst movie I have seen, and i am a movie junky with over 2000 movies on my watch list.

This script was full of double standards and lines what did not make any scene in the story, and felt like they just throw them in there not really knowing what it was adding to the scene.

What makes this so much more worse, is that all the acting was good, non of it was that bad, and the whole idea of the story is great, but the script had moments where i would burst out lathing for how out of nowhere some of the lines people say at some points, like when the kid and the main guy start talking how good Hawaii is out of no where, and add nothing to the story or the characters!!!

And one last thing the mother character is one of the worst characters i have ever seen in a movie, she acts crazy out of nowhere and in the next scene she is supposedly normal and we support to be on her side, and i could say so much more things about her character what makes her so bad and annoying to watch but i don't want this to be a spoiler review.

And that is my take off the movie, take it how you like.
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It Felt like it should of been one episode instead of 6.
21 February 2021
Not much happened in all of the episode's, I felt that most of it could of been told in one to two 50 minuets episodes.

I got the same thing from the tv show "Dark" that I read what happened in that show 3 seasons on Wikipedia and it only took 5 minuets to read and understand all of it, Germany's Netflix Tv shows really drag thing on, they make something what could take 5 minuets in to 2H, and I just find it lazy and a waste of money and talent, they had cool ideas in this show, but once I finished the last episode I new nothing what I wanted to know from the story to the would, it really let me down.

I would say if you have nothing and i mean nothing to do then you should watch it.
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Watched 10 minuets of it and it was just boring.
5 January 2021
Did not enjoys this at all, it seems like they think that just saying swear words is going to be funny all the way throw the first episode, but got boring very fast, gave up after 10 minuets of hearing the same jokes over and over.

But who knows it could of got better.
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The Liberator (2020)
one of the most stupid commanders I have seen in tv/movies.
12 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This guy is just an idiot, how am i supposed to think a guy who loses 99% of his men and getting trapped behind enemy line is good and deserve a promotion for it, he could of falling back with the Fing tank but no he stays and get most of his men killed and there was no why he would of got away from the court marshal.

and that was just the first Episode, it get worse, god it just makes me angry for how little effort they put in to researching proper tactics, and what makes a good person to be put in charge of solders.
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Borderlands 3 (2019 Video Game)
This game is not great at all on the ps4.
31 August 2020
This game is not great at all it just OK, lots of problems, the biggest is aiming with a controller its the worst i have ever experienced.

If you want to play with a friend its laggey and the FPS drops 90% of the time. (not ps4 pro)

The story is boring and drawn out, and the humour is like 20-30% as funny as the last 3 Borderland games.

the only good thing is the end game content but you have to spend 20-30h+ to get there.
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The Outer Worlds (2019 Video Game)
This is not a bad game but this is not a super game
31 August 2020
This is not a bad game but this is not a super game, I would prefer to play fallout NV or fallout 3 / 4 over this.

It has a very short story with a lot of side missions what felt like main part of this game, It had no characters what gave any lasting impression, But the combat is fun, you can do a lot of the game just by talking your way through what is a nice change and the story is not great but just good enough to make me keep going to the end what was a Disappointing ending to a game what felt mediocre at best.
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Tell Me Why (2020 Video Game)
Chapter one is just boring, but chapter two and three is pretty good.
31 August 2020
Chapter 1

31 August 2020

This chapter was long and quite boring, I guessed all the twist and surprises before they happened, what made me feel more bored while having to control these two boring people, but I have to say some parts drew me back in, mostly the flashbacks but most of it was just dull and felt like I didn't really do much in the way of choices.

The brother "Tyler" voiced by "August Aiden" and the sister "Alyson" voiced by "Erica Lindbeck" who were mostly annoying and made me feel like I was controlling two 14 year olds who just complained and blamed everyone else for their problems, and moped around.

the reason why I am giving this a 4 is that voice actors did a good job, and the game looked quite nice, plus the story was not bad all the way through, I hope it gets better in chapter 2 but we will see.

Chapter 2

03 September 2020

Much better, from the story being more interesting, going to more than two places, to the writing being much more engaging, and you actually felt like you were making choices what matter and will affect the Storey, shore there was some parts what felt long, but mostly every game has them.

Tyler and Alyson seemed much more well written, and I could actually believe they were 21 year olds with them being more positive this chapter, but there was one thing what I I found what I did not like, voice acting seemed much worse, for some part it sounded very flat, but other than that I really like this chapter

I am putting this up to a 7 having a pretty good time playing throw this.

Chapter 3

15 September 2020

This chapter felt a little mixed up, like I did not like the beginning playing as Alyson once again feeling like I am playing a mopey teenager what is not very much fun, but the end of that part did end nicely giving you a choice what you have to think about and for me what I wanted to do since the beginning of chapter 2, any way the rest of the chapter was good, I liked the ending and found it surprising, and I did not guess Any of the twists or big plot points playing through this chapter, I can't say much more about the story with a lot of it would be spoilers.

Tyler and Alyson were mostly well written, apart from the beginning with Alyson what sounded like a 12 year old, and there was some cringy dialogue between Alyson and Michael (Alyson's best friend) throughout the chapter, but other than that it was fine, nothing special really, well to sum up this chapter, I found it fun as well as engaging but sometimes can feel that it drags on but other than that I'll say it was a good chapter.

The game

Do I think this is worth it, I would say yes, I have had fun and enjoyed the story and plot twists through it, the characters were interesting and well thought out, the town itself is very nice to look at, and interesting to learn about everything what is going on around it, chapter 1 is a big let down, and probably has pushed people away from the game before they could played the next two chapters what are much better in my opinion and well that is what I think of this game.
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BoJack Horseman: Free Churro (2018)
Season 5, Episode 6
WTF man god
9 November 2019
This is so good that i can not say anymore, just watch all the 5 seasons for this, really this is crazy good like just out of nowhere good, you need to see this, it's just out of no where.
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The Detour (2016–2019)
first season 10/10, second season 4/10
12 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The first season was grate and had lots of energy and know where it was going. but the second season I was lost, the first half is sad and depressing and the second half fills long and the story goes everywhere, it fills they are making the story up as it goes on. Why did they make the husband randomly go's from smart,funny and likable to a stupid joke and unknowing person and why douse the daughter go from clever in the first season to being weird and stupid in the second season. I hope that they make season 3 more like season 1 and not 2.
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ending very disappointing "No Spoiler
6 May 2016
the movie builds up so much and at the end it sh.its all other it. i loved the start and the beginning meaning but more closer you get to the end of this movie it get's more and more annoying how the main characters of this film just start to seem more stupid and not familiar at all at the end. the characters at the end choices and the way they start to treat other people much more different what just irritated me and made it so i did not care at the end of the story. the one good side of this movie was the acting and the solid plot points of the movie. Christopher Walken did a grate job playing the farther figure and Jason Bateman did a grate job throw most of the movie.
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