
34 Reviews
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Inside Man (II) (2022)
Totally nonsensical and beyond belief!
20 January 2024
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Found this on Netflix looking for something I hadn't seen. The opening scenes on the tube were good and for about 15 minutes I was interested.

Stanley Tucci and David Tennant are two good actors who sadly could not have read the script to this nonsense. I gave up on it after 2 and a bit episodes and rate this drama a low 1 star although it should be no stars. So absurdly stupid and far fetched, I was wondering when something might click and all would be revealed in some twist to the story, but by episode 3 I got so bored as the story just got more silly. How it has an IMDB score of 6.out of 10 is a mystery that may be further from reality than this ridiculous script.
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Slow Horses (2022– )
Awful, predictable and boring.
27 December 2023
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What is Oldman doing in this rubbish, playing an unwashed old tramp who farts and belches in an attempt to tease out the schoolboy toilet humour. That sort of stuff is so old hat, I am surprised Oldman who has been in so many well written parts, didn't tell the writers to bin it!! The plots so predictable, the writing is all over the place. The characters have become unllikeable and unbelievable to the point of hoping they would all do away with themselves and it would end. These slow horse agents always making stupid decisions and mistakes, more like slow donkeys.

Looking forward to watching Alec Guinness and a cast of great actors in 'Tinker Tailor' again, maybe Gary and the writers should too.
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Maryland (2023)
A cure for imsomnia!
13 July 2023
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I watched the first episode hoping it would get better, but it got worse. I would advise Suranne Jones to stick to acting and forget trying to write, if Maryland is an example of her writing talent both her and ITV need to get some better people to commission drama.

My wife and I stuck with it, but it was a chore. The writing was bad and the story all over the place, the acting not much better, it was a complete waste of nearly two hours. What was the point of the boring taxi driver, the cold water river dip, the leaving the pub and going to a karioke disco where Becca murders Bjork's hit song and snogs a bloke who looked like the village idiot....what was the point if not to pad out a rotten script.
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Redemption (I) (2022)
Boring box ticking rubbish
29 March 2023
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How anyone can give this drivel high marks is a mystery and if that's the best all round box ticking these lazy rubbish writers can come up it's little wonder why people are switching off. They think we all just love the way they use four letter words in every sentence, the way every family seems to have LGBTQ person, all the cops break with protocol without problem and how every cop show is about violence against women and children.

I waded through the first episode as far fetched as it was and gave up in episode two. What is happening to TV drama, some of it like this show has really reached the bottom rung of the ladder.
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The Catch (2023– )
Bad script, ham acting, four hours I will never get back!
16 February 2023
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This so called thriller turned out to be awful. The acting was bad, the script was dire. We figured the creepy boyfriend was the a nutcase seeking some sort of revenge....but the plot was so hackneyed and obvious I was praying it had a twist which never came. And why were they all speaking in accents that ranged from a mix of a weird West Country to East Anglia with a bunch of other dialects thrown in at random, I am glad Brenda Fricker stuck to her native Irish to make at least one character realistic.

My wife gave up after two episodes but I persevered and watched the whole thing, four overlong episodes of what could only be described as an amateur dramatic group meets a rookie writer and Channel 5 give them a bundle of cash a film crew and a beach holiday.
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Two Stars for the scenery
11 October 2022
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What on earth made Clooney and Roberts stoop to making this vapid predictable rubbish, this is not star movie stuff. Every single cliché imaginable and all been done much better before many many times, it isn't even mildly entertaining. The initial banter between the two is lame but, the moment the romance starts to rekindle, the movie turns into a boring mess. The scenery and skies are quite stunning, so I was able to meditate and the Isley Bros 'This old heart of mine' was the best thing in the film and thankfully at the end. I was looking at my watch half hour in and by then knew I had seen it all before many times. The writing was awful, the acting wooden and bad for stars who command millions...all in all I would advise you to save your money.
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Spencer (2021)
Goes from awful to painful.
16 November 2021
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Took my wife to see this movie, I apologised for putting her through 90 minutes of utter drivel. Less than 5 minutes in the Porsche Diana is driving changes from a 1989 model on a 'G' reg UK plate to a !991 model on a 'J' plate, when the researchers, director, editors, producer and continuity make such simple but unacceptable mistake. This pap must have cost millions to make and they can't get simple continuity correct. I may have forgiven them if the film got better, but it didn't.

I wish I could say there was a moment when the story became interesting, but sadly it just became farcical and frankly absurd. Had I been on my own I would have walked out.

I know the Diana hype appeals to many people, but this farce portrays the poor lady as a total nutjob...we know she may have had bulimia and anxiety issues but nothing like this garbage portrays.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm (2000–2024)
This latest season is not very funny.
11 November 2021
I have always liked this show, but this latest series so far isn't doing it for me. I have seen 3 episodes and none were that funny or even funny at all. Not the standard of previous seasons, it could have been a lot better.

Maybe it's time to stop.
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Showtrial (2021–2024)
Had me hooked
9 November 2021
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I enjoyed this drama, it was one of the best I have seen for a while. The acting was great, the directing and production were all excellent.

I don't quite understand how any person reviewing this could give a low rating. The young actress who played Talitha should be nominated for a BAFTA, she was so good at playing the nasty privileged Talitha , I was already hating her by the end of Ep1, she played the role to perfection, the rest of the cast were also very good, in fact I gave it 8/10 because I could not fault it.

The plot was clever and there were twists.
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The Long Call (2021)
Couldn't get into another boring 3rd rate drama
31 October 2021
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I couldn't get hooked on this, more of the usual from the wokery. I am now getting worn out by the drivel we are being served by these writers who seem to live in a another world.
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Summer of '42 (1971)
Everyone should see this film.
15 August 2020
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I saw this film when it first came to the UK in 1971, I liked it then and never forgot it. I watched it for the second time a few weeks back after buying the DVD and I really enjoyed the innocence of it. Compared to what we see today, it is innocent, charming and refreshing. A story of the time about a 15 year old boy coming of age. Set in 1942 during the war and, it follows Hermie's escapades on an island where he and his family are spending time away from the city. He falls in love with a young war bride who is living on the island, Dorothy played by the beautiful Jennifer O Neil is the girl he is smitten with although at no time during the story is there anything sexual and the only physical exchange is when Hermie hugs Dorothy as she is deeply distressed

I urge all who have never seen it, to see it with an open mind, it is a gem of film and well worth seeing. It has appeared on many lists in the top 20. I read some of the reviews on here and was annoyed that some people accused the film of underage sex, a reviewer calling it vile, that very sad person's mind must be somewhere else and not here. There is no sex in the film, at least if there is, it is hidden from view. The same reviewers gave the film 1 star out of 10 which is an insult to all, if they had closed their eyes and just listened to the score it was worth 10 stars.

What is the point of giving 1 star to a film of this calibre, it is an insult.
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London Fields (2018)
Zero stars would have been an Oscar
25 July 2020
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I have seen a few turkeys in my time but this one has to be a 100 pound turkey without the trimmings. This is the first time I have seen Amber Heard in a film and I can truly say it it will be the last, maybe it is because she is in the news that made me choose it, whatever! Sadly she is as wooden as a lumber yard and just added to an awful picture.

I have to confess that I didn't last the duration, water torture would have been a better choice. Bad script, bad acting, bad directing and worse still a waste of valuable time.

I don't want to waste any more time on it, it doesn't deserve my time.
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Greed (I) (2019)
Alan Partridge with Billy Bob Teeth
4 March 2020
Sat through this wishing it would end. Based on the odious Philip Green, it follows the rise and fall of Richard McCreadie...rhymes with 'greedy', very witty, so you get a whiff of what's to come.

It has a bash at the rich, the tories, brexit, sweat shops, bankers, tax evasion, and all of the greed we see in the World today. Sadly it gets nowhere near a half decent story as the script is all over the place. We all know that Steve Coogan is a raging lefty and you can't ignore the message in this film. What's new, a tale of a billionaire bully boy who is a bent as they come. Mr Greedy has no class, no dignity, just a crude horrible person. The real Philip Green is ten times more odious than the Mr Greedy in this movie.

I think Coogan is at his unfunniest, he seems a different man these days, gone ais the Alan Partridge, we now have Coogan as a has been. Strange that Peter Sellers early career was far better than his last years. The rest of the cast were at best mediocre, the Lion was the best thing in the film. If you want to see this film, my advice is wait a month and watch it on DVD or TV.
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Parasite (2019)
Was it worthy of an Oscar?
19 February 2020
I haven't left a review on here for ages, but I thought I would have to say something about 'Parasite' as I had to see it on the big screen following it's Oscar win. I had expected 'Once upon a time in Hollywood' ,'The Irishman' or 'Joker' to win best picture or maybe 'Marriage Story' as the outsider.

When 'Parasite' won, it was a shock, but I was glad that a foreign film had won an Oscar even though I had not seen the film. It had to be a great piece to get an Oscar, so I was keen to see it. I saw the film yesterday and have to admit that it was a good film, however I don't believe that it should have been an Oscar winner against the others, it certainly was not a better film than any of the others I have mentioned.

The first half was good, a good black comedic story about envy, scams, can't say any more without spoilers. The second half it drifted into being really silly and became a farce as the script became more and more unbelievable. It is a film that has to be seen, so it is worth the price of a ticket. Maybe I was expecting too much of it!

I am giving it a 7/10, but it could have been a 10/10 had they kept it real.
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Yesterday (III) (2019)
Don't bother!
11 July 2019
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I ma a big fan of the Beatles, have loved their music since I was a teenager in the early sixties. Richard Curtis and Danny Boyle have taken the Beatle's fantastic music and put it into a weak, charmless, excrutiating 100 minutes of drivel.

If only the Odeon cinema had rerun 'A Hard Day's Night', Richard Lester's first and easily the best film built around the early music of the most famous band in history. Curtis is smaltz, but Boyle, I expected better as it was on his name got me to the cinema. The story was awful, the main actor was awful, all of it was just awful. Then when I thought it couldn't get any worse, Robert Carlyle appears as the forgotten John Lennon, hard to explain the story but let us just say John never reached fame with the Beatles and was a reclusive artist living on a beach painting seascapes......Poor Lennon and Harrison will be turning in their graves...Apple, McCartney, Starr, Ono and Harrison's widow will rue the day they allowed this tosh to go to the screen.

If there were ever to be a Beatles reunion in Heaven, allowing this movie to be released will have scuppered it's chances.
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White Collar (2009–2014)
Tried hard to wade through the first two episodes.
27 July 2016
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After enjoying films such as Wall St, The Big Short and Margin Call and series one of Billions. I looked for something similar, I looked at the reviews for White Collar and most were good. However, they must have been written by someone who is bereft of any knowledge of reality.

I bought the 1st series of White Collar from Amazon. I wish I had saved my hard earned money, the show is awful, torture to watch. Matt Bomer the pretty boy actor, can't act for starters and the rest of the main cast struggle to convince. The story lines, more like the 60s Batman and Robin episodes, but not as near entertaining.

I donated the box set of the pilot and first series to the local charity shop, maybe someone else will enjoy suffering it.
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Awful film
22 October 2015
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I started to look at my watch after about half an hour in to this awful film. I call it the watch test, if I am straining to see the dial on my watch to see how much longer it goes on for, it is going to be a bad movie. Will I be able to endure the torture or will I spring out of my seat and walk out. I never look at my watch in a good movie, because time goes quickly. The film has no proper story, is badly directed, badly acted and just about as exciting as watching paint dry.

The story is ridiculous, the bomb bit straight out of 'Goldfinger' but there the resemblance stops! I know it is supposed to be a comedy thriller, but it just isn't funny or thrilling in any way. Nearly two hours long, it seemed like a long haul flight. Guy Ritchie should pack up making movies and just live on 'Lock Stock' memories. I was astonished to see that the film has done well at the box office, but I guess the dumber a movie is these days doesn't stop it making money.

I feel hurt that my eight quid adds to the profits, I hope you save your money and buy a DVD of the old sixties show.
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Legend (I) (2015)
Tom Hardy shines in bad movie.
11 September 2015
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The only good thing about this very average film is Tom Hardy's acting. A lesser talented actor would have made it almost unwatchable. Short on facts, the writers here have just invented or borrowed bits to try and make the film sensational. It hasn't worked very well but at least shows the 'Krays' were a couple of psychopathic violent lunatics whose scrambled brains believed they were something special. Fact is, in this film, the one bit of fact we do know was said by Chas Palmintiri as Angelo Bruno the Philly mob boss, 'mobsters should keep a low profile'. Ironically poor old Angelo Bruno got whacked by Nicky Scarfo, a psychopath mafiosi who just like the 'Krays' loved being high profile and just like the Krays was sentenced to die in prison.

The 'Krays' and most of the morons who worked for them were as thick as planks. They were also seriously dangerous psychopathic paranoid, disorganised nut cases who would use violence against anybody who got in the way. Although the story seems to have forgotten a lot of well recorded facts and many real people. Where was older brother Charlie Kray and other faces who stood trial with them. Why so many of the main 60s true characters strangely left out of the film. The so called shootout scene was way off the recorded known facts in the Kray's pub the 'Carpenters Arms' and the only gunfight was in Catford at 'Mr Smiths' drinking club in 1965 and neither of the Krays were there. In this film, the 'Blind Beggar' pub had mysteriously moved from it's prominent place on the busy east end Whitechapel Rd to what was some unknown dark cobbled back street which was obviously a film set. Frances Shea had left Reg Kray 8 months after the wedding in 1965, she left diaries clarifying he was fairly useless as a man. The Triumph Spitfire he buys her was a 1967 registered car some two years later. Far from being respected by their 'firm' they were often looked upon a a couple of morons. Albert Donahue's nicknames for the twins was 'Gert and Daisy'.

The film could have told interesting story if it had been researched properly. The true story is far more interesting than this fiction. None of it is anywhere near the truth.

This film takes some of it's stories from an old book written by a toff named John Pearson. The book was written forty plus years ago and I can imagine they must have had a great time filling Pearson full of tall stories. But this film surpasses the book in being so full of fiction it becomes a spot the next mistake game. I am glad to say that the film does not glorify the 'Krays', it shows them more as the pathetic, paranoid, violent, brainless sick morons they were. Very lucky to have gotten away with their crimes for so long. But the 50s and 60s were not long after the war and London and times were a whole lot different. If anyone out there aspires to admire these couple of lowlifes, they seriously need a reality check up.

The Krays and the Richardson stories have been hijacked by so many 'silly b***icks' wannabe gangsters and money grabbing Kray wives it has become a monumental joke. Much of it fuelled by old showbiz people like Barbara Windsor for one who come up with' they were good boys who loved their old Mum'. Many of the most evil despots in history loved their Mothers. The 'Krays' were hated with a passion by many of the proper old faces around London. The Krays were disorganised and out of control. Only last week, Freddie Foreman, who is a wily old fox and was smart enough to shun the limelight when he was active said had the Krays not been arrested they were due to be 'ironed out'. Freddie Foreman would know more about the Krays, the Richardsons and London's underworld than is contained the many books about the 'Krays'. There are many who were there who believe that it would have been better for all of us if they had been ironed out and disappeared off of the face of the earth in 1967.

The 'Krays' do not deserve being called a legend. The bull***t has created an industry out there for second rate books, films and documentaries that will invent anything to get your money. This is just another one. As a gangster movie, it isn't in the same league as American films 'Godfather' 'Goodfellas' or 'Casino' from a Brit angle it doesn't come close to 'The long Good Friday' or 'Sexy Beast'. 'Legend' is just another ordinary film made watchable by Tom Hardy's performance.

Before you see this movie, watch Monty Python's 'Pirhana Bros' sketch and take on the Krays, apart from being hilarious, the Pythons got it far more right than the writers of 'Legend'.
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I like this show
17 October 2014
I like this show, it moves along fast with a lot of laughs. It is not as slick as Brass Eye or as funny as Dennis Pennis or Ali G, but it gets better the more you watch. I tell a lie, it is as good, because it is different. The two guys Prowse and Rubinstien are very talented and the characters are funny. They have nicked Harry Enfields's 'Tim nice but Dim' and copied other shows, but that isn't so bad, they are copying the best and all comedy is derivative, just like music.

I have just watched the second episode on series link and it was as good as the first. I think it will become a hit show if they keep up the quality of the writing and the format of stuff in the news. I liked the Wall Street and Fox News bits, really funny. The cannabis and gun bits were funny, it is funny. It was great to see a show that has a go at all of these things. 'Give us our money back you A***holes' was a great line to all those Wall Street creeps.
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The Driver (2014)
The Driver who tailed off
12 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I rate David Morrisey as one of the best actors over the last 20 years. He has been in some of the best TV drama series and one offs to put this show 'The Driver' not one of his best.

It started out looking good, but got worse as it went on. The storyline turned out a bit too far fetched. Vince, the taxi driver gets involved with an old criminal buddy who has just got out of prison. He then gets invited to a game of cards in the house of the 'Horse' an arch criminal who seems to run Manchester's underworld. Without any knowledge of Vince's capability to join the ranks of wheel-man to gang of heavies, he is on the firm.

Vince has problems at home, his son has run off with his girlfriend and joined a religious sect...yawn. He drives the Horse a few times and then is invited to be getaway driver on a heist. In between Vince's buddy has failed to dispatch a drug dealer and Vince pulls the half alive bloke out of a twenty foot deep drain with a tow rope, puts him in the back of his cab and drops him off at the hospital. Cops get involved and Vince strikes a deal to nail the horse.

Yep, it all ends up with gang getting their collars felt, Vince's son coming home to mum and dad and the credits appear. Sorry but can't say I enjoyed it. Too silly and the criminals were so useless they would have been locked up years ago.
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Chef (2014)
Don't bother
30 August 2014
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I was very disappointed with this awful film. It is hard to believe that it was ever made. I went because the reviews seemed to say it was funny. I don't know if they had a deal with Twitter and it was a 100 minute advertisement, but that is what it seemed like. The Chef has an ex wife and kid who live in a mansion. He looks after the kid in his best capacity as a busy chef who gets a bad review from a restaurant critic and quits.

The storyline is mindless as this guy starts a business making Cuban sandwiches from an old beat up truck. The acting is mostly terrible especially the Cuban wife who was so wooden she must have floated to the USA. The critic once again appears and decides the Cuban sandwiches are nectar and wants to back the chef in a business venture. Total rubbish and mind blowing dull.

My advice is avoid this movie and do watch your fingernails grow for 100 would be a less boring and more funny experience.
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Begin Again (II) (2013)
I hope you can stay awake.
14 August 2014
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The reviews on IMDb give this film a reasonable rating. Given that I went to see on the big screen. Sorry folks but it is 100 minutes long and seemed like a week. There is nothing good I can say about it, to say it was awful would be about right. Keira Knightly is so bad in this film, it makes me wonder if she has any acting ability at all. I am yet to see her give a decent performance. If this film had to be made, then she was miscast. It is a straight to DVD TV film, in other words a waste of nearly two hours.

There are thousands of better stories and better actors out there, I just get annoyed when one pays good money to watch this slush.
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Not very good.
29 December 2012
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The film is not good, it isn't a documentary, it isn't a satire, it isn't really a piece of education. The filmmaker seems to be chasing Michael Moore around America trying to get an interview. If the object of the film is to show Moore as a hater of America, it fails on all counts. Strangely the film maker is sort of a junior version of Moore, give him a few years and he could be 300lbs, but he isn't quite up to Moore's standard at documentary making.

Moore doesn't hate America, he just hates the greed, the guns and the way Republicans govern. His docs on Columbine, 911, Heathcare and capitalism have flaws but are fairly accurate. Moore also has a lot of fans who are in agreement with him. This film is flakey and not cutting edge, the title is meant to have you take notice maybe just to get attention. He goes on radio and TV shows and says nothing, just that he loves America. Patriotism or publicity, I don't think he knows himself.

This film is really a weak criticism of Moore, it doesn't work for me, but I guess the fact that it has a go at Moore will get some misguided people liking it.
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Hidden (2011)
Boring and disjointed
23 October 2011
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I was looking forward to this, some reasonably good write ups in the paper, probably by critics who never watched it. David Suchet, Philip Glenister are usually very good, not in this. I thought it would be something on par with 'Shadow Line'.

Unfortunately it didn't live up to expectations. Glenister is no babe magnet, so his attempt to be a Bond type in pursuit of Thekla Reuten was pathetic.

I lost interest after two episodes, the script being patchy, with the usual flashbacks keeping you wondering why the hell they need so many of these. They are great if they are done properly as in 'Shadow Line', in 'Hidden' I couldn't see the need for any. The acting was hammish and as it went on it just became more boring. I guess it might be enjoyed by Glenister fans, but it really isn't very good.

It was too long after two episodes so be prepared for a marathon.
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Shifty (2008)
A small budget film that shines.
10 October 2011
It is hard to believe they made this film for £100k. I wasn't expecting it to be great, but it was far better than I expected. I liked the two main characters Shifty and Chris and the whole ensemble were very good.

Riz Ahmed and Daniel Mays are both very good actors, I had seen a fine performance by Daniel Mays in Mike Leigh's 'All or Nothing' but it was the first time I had seen Riz. Although they aren't really well known outside TV and smaller budget stuff, both these actors are going to be big names in the future. I have great regard for all the actors who appear in Mike Leigh films and Daniel Mays will be up there with Tim Spall, Jim Broadbent, Stephen Rea, Phil Davis to name a few.

It is a fairly simple story of a drug dealer who runs into big trouble, it is a good portrait of the seedy world of drugs and the horrors they bring. Although very different, I would recommend this film to anyone who liked 'Sexy Beast' 'Dead Man's Shoes'.

They did a brilliant job with £100k.
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