12 Reviews
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BAd so bad
27 June 2015
Seriously this type of release should be banned and the producers sued for releasing it to the public. The only slightly positive reviews are probably from the blind and deaf or from the people involved in the making of this junk.

There should be a level at which a film is called out as nothing but a mistake and all involved should be prevented from making any other films ever again, any salary paid for this should be returned to the investors and any profits from conning people should be refunded and on top of that money paid to the viewers for the time wasted watching this, time is money and this was a loss for everyone involved.

From disgustingly bad acting, to terrible scenery that was never believable to the lack of a storyline or the following of any storyline is a crime to the film industry. This is when the industry should be sued till they bleed and forced to never release anything like this ever again.Damn if i did such a bad job i would be fired and everyone would be warned about hiring me.

Thanks to this film i did not get laid and had to masturbate to get any satisfaction, but as one reviewer says it was not even worth masturbating over any of the actors who were worse than any porn acting, so i had to masturbate over GOT which is just sad on my part
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At Thy Call (2008)
At they Will
10 November 2013
I was there i am a soutpiel , i did my two years from upington 8sai and i could hardly speak a word of afrikaans when i was conscripted.

Firstly i can tell you the language and violence were there, the corporals were really tough.

But other than that this full movie is a complete lie. There was no discrimination in the army not between white or black or any other colour or between the Afrikaners and the English speakers.

I wish i could demand this movie be removed for portraying a system that did not exist. There was a real threat and anyone saying otherwise as this movie does does not know the first thing about the war.

There was no black threat, we never heard of it as a big black threat, it was people , terrorists attempting to infiltrate the border and to smuggle weapons there were many white and black terrorists women and men, yeah some people do not realise that.

If there had been no threat then who was it that was fighting, seriously this movie should be removed and deleted so that nobody else has to go through the 34 minutes of lies.
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Man of Steel (2013)
Man of Steel Best movie 2013?
19 October 2013
I was waiting for this movie to be rubbish and boring, especially near the end where there have been many reviewers complaining that the last hour was just fighting, seriously i don't know what movie these people were watching but this was in my mind one of the best movies for 2013 that i have watched, the way the director kept the man of steel just a little distant, where we did not hear the whining of the previous movies where he was supposedly so torn up about helping earth, that was a very small part of this movie, he was depicted as what i would think someone like that was depicted, were there some scenes where they could have done better, undoubtedly, but then the movie would have been more predictable and not as much fun to watch, i like the way he had flashbacks and the way it did not take 1/2 an hour to get to where it needed to be.

I for one thing the way this movies was done was amazing, and apart from the stupid lens flare they use these days it was an awesome experience.

Saying all of that i think that Hollywood directors need to start studying the far eastern directors a little bit more, Hollywood has a three part plan for their movies and it restricts a lot of adventurous directing and that is just sad, all movies seem to come from the same mould just the actors and story change, they all have a similar feel and that need to change, hopefully sooner rather than later. I can honestly say i felt similar coming out of the theatre after watching this as i did watching Pacific Rim even though they were completely different stories and this movie was miles ahead compared to Pacific Rim.
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World War Z (2013)
Short Clip
4 September 2013
OK i watched a short clip and just had to see what the rating was on IMDb, gonna watch this tonight and come back and give a full review, but from the small clip i watched the acting looks very good the sound fantastic the cinematography was absolutely spellbinding, damn... from 5 minutes of a random part of the movie i am really looking forward to watching it now. I have given it a 9 score as it really looks like something i am going to enjoy.... The short part i watched is the part that was in the trailer where the family is in the car and the Zombies or whatever they are start coming alive? Talk about some tense scenes this was really intense, it did not give the intensity in the trailer as much as in the movie and i am glad for that, tired of having the trailers ruin the Movie i watch by giving away too much of the storyline and the best parts of the action scenes, i hope that this is not the case in this movie but from the small clip i watched it looks like it is gonna be really good.

Next up is going to be a review of my score and a short review of the full movie.
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Just Sad, Serious loss of Interest by Director.
3 August 2013
This started out as a very promising movie , up to about the 50minute mark, then it dropped off so drastically in almost every way. I don't know if they suddenly lost financial support or the Directors quit or Something happened that affected everyone, but the editing the Directing even the acting dropped to a level that i would only give 1 star for normally.

Shockingly bad and I am surprised it even has a 4 on IMDb Don't waste your time seriously. This is the type of movie where you should be allowed to return the DVD for a refund, and compensation for wasting an hour and a half of your time.

What were they thinking releasing it like this, surely they were warned it was not ready for release. If i was one of the actors i would be too ashamed to admit i acted in it, but at least i now know what directors to give a pass on next time i watch something, which will be a while since this has put me off watching anything for a while.
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Phantom (I) (2013)
13 June 2013
After reading such glowing reviews i was looking forward to two hours of great acting and sit on the edge of your seat tension. We all know the genre, sitting in the depths waiting to see if someone can blow you up or find you to target you. Sadly when watching this i was reminded how not to always take notice of the reviews you see , especially not all of the glowing ones. Maybe i should just look at the middle rated reviews and then judge from there.

For people to think this is a movie that deserves any type of reward is just crazy, it was a 3rd rate story with a third rate director, nothing felt plausible, nothing felt real, it was one of the worst submarine movies i have seen and that is saying something as i have seen all of them i can.

I don't know how to explain the disaster, the story was weak some of the acting was just stupid, the tense parts were not tense and the cinematography reminded me of movies from the 80's .

I actually think i have seen some of the parts in this movie that have been stolen from others.

Don't waste your time i am wondering myself who to demand the last two hours of my life back from.
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Sadly overrated for the first half at least
16 May 2013
I wanted to watch this believing that with a little input from Bruce that it would be a typical Die Hard Movie, which i have really enjoyed in the past but Willis acts like he has never played this part before, Seriously, we all know he has seen a lot of violence and action, but he acts like he is dumb to the violence going on around him, maybe the director was trying to get across to the audience that he was a novice, which we all know he is not, he is a cop that has fought terrorists and crime rings etc. He is not a librarian that plays ignorant when the guns are out and bullets flying around him. He almost ignores what is actually happening in the movie.

When i say he acts ignorant he is having a conversation with someone and the bullets are flying around he just does not come across as the true hero we all know and have come to enjoy watching.

At this stage in the characters life it is impossible to make his character look like someone who is new to all of this , but the director seriously tries to give that impression.

So what if he is not in LA or DC or even America, he is still the same person.

I found his character so bad at the beginning that i was going to switch the movie off and just call it a written tomato like so many movies being released these days from Hollywood.

But i managed to get over the initial 50 minutes and then the action actually prevented him from making too much of a mess of the character. SO i would say watch the first part to get to know the storyline , try to ignore Willis and by the last 20 minutes you will get a glimpse of what this movie could have been.
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Zero Hour (2013)
This is just so sad
27 February 2013
Well it was cut after only airing a few shows, i am not surprised the main character was dreadful. He on his own managed to destroy what would have been a fun filled blockbuster, this is what happens i think when you get actors that are past there prime or have not reached their prime, or as this character portrayed that he just did not want to be making this show, that's what it felt like. This genre of show is something many on the internet were really looking forward to but the studios just cannot or don't want to do it right. Did they not have people watch this after it had it's final cut. There is no excuse for being so bad, no excuse.

And the frustration the other actors must have, i mean they have a wonderful script and a good advertising campaign and it has all been ruined by one person.
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26 January 2013
As a school project this would have been impressive but in reality it is a movie created and funded by someone wanting to make money. Well they will do that i am sure but this director and the actors will be shunned for a long time to come unless they also widely condemn the director. There is no excuse other than laziness to produce something this bad, was nobody interested in releasing something worth paying for, this is where Amazon should allow refunds of DVD's as it is just a complete rip off at any price. MAybe if a movie gets under 3 in rating people must be offered the choice of getting a refund, at least then the director will not benefit from sci-fi fans wanting to see something with at least a storyline.
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John Carter (2012)
Movie of the year
9 December 2012
This was one of the most watchable movies I have watched in many years, and as a sci fi fan I had more than enough entertainment to last me months of drought when it comes to sci fi.

The acting the directing the editing , all were done in a way that makes you appreciate a story that although far fetched was so entertaining I am going to watch it again after writing this comment.

Yes it seriously was that good, I never watch a movie twice, well apart from the fifth element, but this is going to get watched a few times over the next few years.

If you enjoyed the Fifth Element then stand back and be prepared to be blown out of your seat. It has been very underrated and I hope that if anything my review will encourage at least one person to watch it
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Alex Cross (2012)
Patterson oh Patterson
8 December 2012
I was really looking forward to this movie after having read many of the books written by Patterson and I must say my eagerness to watch it as soon as it was released maybe makes my review a little more negative than it would have been if i did not know and understand the character Alex cross, one can never compare a book to the movie, but the basic building blocks of a story must remain intact for it to be at least partially successful.

I can not see any of the Patterson magic in this movie, to be honest it is one of those movies that will go down in history as being overrated and misunderstood by both actors and the director. The Alex cross from the books is nowhere to be seen, there is too much of the "leave it up to the audience to decipher his inner thoughts" and this lets it down.

Hopefully anyone looking at the director and editors of this, to do work in the future will look at this and decide that maybe taking a chance on some college graduates would be a safer bet.
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Banned in Australia
30 April 2012
After watching the first movie it was my expectation that this would be just as bad, and it was. Although at times the acting was good it was missing something, when i watch a movie and an actor is just nor believable it ruins everything that is good about that movie as i am so distracted i just want to walk out.The storyline was not very strong and the filming in my opinion was not what people look for when going to a cinema. This movie is the perfect example of why people are turning to sharing movies with each other over the Internet. It is just a waste of money and time sitting in a cinema which you do not want to leave because you have paid good money to watch something that was just not ready to be released.If producers are going to continue producing this type of entertainment they must not expect people to willingly pay to watch it. I am sure with a rewrite and a good producer this movie could have created a great fan base as the ideas behind it are fantastic, it could have encouraged a whole new genre of movies and been entertainment that people are prepared to pay to see, this movie just disappoints on too many levels to even try to analyze it more than to say i gave it 3 stars for the idea and took seven away because of the conversion of the idea to the screen.
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