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Desperation (2006 TV Movie)
Movie misses the whole point
4 February 2018
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Besides the fact that it cuts a lot from the movie and Audrey it also leaves a lot of hings unexplained or they get twisted. 1.A great part of the movie is about the little voice of God, meaning in each of us God speaks but to hear Him you must pay attention.The book also explains how most of those that died refused to listen to God. Also it does not explain the "God is cruel" phrase. The movie makes God seem bad or uncaring when in fact the suffering we pass through is a way to improve us. And this is explained in the book. 2. The nature of Tak and the statues is never explained. In fact he statues are idols and Tak acts like a death god. His language is called language of dead after all. Can tah- little gods; can tak- big gods. 3. What Tak wants is to escape the pt and continue to manipulate people into becoming more like beasts and killing each other 4. The chinese workers were not mistreated. The first workers were not chinese. When the first workers refused to go in the pit they brought the chinese.They were not treated bad just paid much less. I hate how the movie producers create anti white hate in this movie. 5.Tak's ability to control animals is not sufficiently represented. Buzzards fart indeed. 6. The puma does not make sense without Audrey. 7. And the whole : "Does not matter what Tak wants" is treated as blind faith. Rather it means that they have to stop him regardless of what he wants. A few pages before the book explains what Tak wants. 8. they live out the whole sex-murder halucinations Steven and Cynthia go through which are important. Also in the book Cynthia is much younger (very small breasts) and has the hair painted in two colors (green and blue or something similar)
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one of the best romcons so far
21 May 2017
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There are a lot of things that separate how men and women see relationships. And the end of the movie goes into a question women often ask guys : "Why do you like me?" . The reason is because for women liking a guy usually means he gets x/y of her checklist of requirements. That is why the more relationships a woman has the more requirements she adds to the list and the harder it is to stay with one guy too much. But us men do not really know why we like women: we either do or don't , we are simple like that. There are things we prefer in women true but is not a checklist. We can like a woman that has 0 points on that list and do not like one that has all of them. Women think we want women with career an intelligence but while we do appreciate those they are not important. And that is the ugly truth!!!
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a great series with a crappy ending
15 December 2016
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The series is one series where the writers crap all over the audience. They build the characters and make us love them over a period of over 70 hours, they make us guess over what is going to happen and so on and in the last 10 minutes they crap all over everything. The only persons that will enjoy the show's ending are women that still believe that they have time to find a man after they build a career. Ladies, once you hit the wall (around 30) no one will want you. That guy that kept trying to be with you will be gone. He would rather be single than with you. While every character does some reprehensible things that could cause one to hate them the only character that you can really hate is Robin. While in the beginning she can be seen as a normal woman around season 3-4 she turns into a version of Samantha from Sex and the City. She becomes a narcissistic egotistical person so obsessed on what she wants that she cannot accept other people as having wants and needs. This is the type of person that deserve to die alone because her character pushes everyone away and she does not want to change, yet is the only character that truly gets a happy ending. It is middle finger from the writers to us. The rest of the show in my opinion deserves at least a 9, but those last 10 minutes are just a FU to us.
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Time Lapse (2014)
Don't get involved with crazy chicks
14 August 2016
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The movie starts with a good premise: a machine that allows you to receive messages from the future in the future n the form of pictures. One of the first problems the movie has is that 3 random teenagers figure out that the last picture is from the future at once. Can anyone say that is a person's first conclusion? They do find the guy's diary but he could have been some mad guy, why believe in it? The second problem is they never try to really test the machine. From it we see that apart from the race results everything was a self fulfilling prophecy, i.e. the prophecy happened because they believed it will happen.So someone could have photo shopped some random pictures and then plant them to see their reaction. Initially this is what I thought the twist was going to be but I was mistaken. But the writer did not think that far. So why didn't they try to test the machine? They believe changing the future will cause them to die but even so there is no reason to believe a minor change like a small item inserted in the frame at the last moment would cause damage to the time-line to cause anything. More than that hey do not try to manipulate time at all usually. For instance why not give the bookie the wrong numbers one of the days?If they plan this a day+ ahead then is plausible and the bookie would be eliminated by his higher ups. There also a number of problems with the time travel mechanism but there are plenty of people that have pointed this out. Now at the end we find that the girlfriend is a manipulative shrew and that she completely controls her bf (which we kinda knew from the moment he accepts her to kiss his friend or even before by the fact they live together with another man- I know Jasper is his friend but him living with them for more that a week let's say is unacceptable). So in the end the movie is just an warning to stay away from mentally unstable women if you value your life and sanity.
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one funny joke
31 July 2016
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First of all let me say that the movie was not funny. None of the jokes were funny. The only joke that I found funny I am not even sure it was meant to interpret it like this. The lesbian chick compares the proton gun with a balloon. But Melissa MCCarthy looks like a red balloon so that was funny.The man hating stems from this movie really hard. i could have ignored the dumb blond receptionist guy although saying that he is retarded would insult people actually retarded. I could have ignored the guy that screams like a little girl or all of the ghost buster crew treating ghosts like nothing. No surprise no fear is just a run in the park. When you see this kinda thing the first time you get startled, but they do not seem to know how to act seeing something scary.What I had could not ignore is that even the evil dude could not be left to be the evil genius archetype. No, he just stolen their invention because hey apparently in that pamphlet of a book there were detailed schematics of something they did not think of inventing yet. Also except for the smart chick that leaves the teaching position you cannot empathize with those women. They are angry mad as hell feminists.If that thing were real I would be more afraid of them instead of the ghosts.I mean they are the archetype of the mad feminist. So basically the whole movie is an attempt to prove that women are better and smarter than men. Also the CGI is way worse than the 2 original movies.Literally every ghost except the marsh-mellow man and the logo ghost are literally Normal bad 3d objects to which blue o green smoke effect has been added. Think about a Scooby Doo movie.
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Mr. Nobody (2009)
trying to be smart but failing
9 July 2016
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I would have given it a 1 if it were not for the great music. Although the movie is edited in great manner it misses the mark. You wait and wait for the movie to have a point but it does not. Spoiler: everything is happening in the imagination of a kid and nothing is real.Also I hated how they try to whitewash the mother being a whore cheating with an old fart on her husband and the blonde wife remaining obsessed by Stephan after getting married and having a couple of kids. Made e feel a bit disgusted by women in general. The movie tries to force you to choose which life is the real one and it would actually work since he gives a number of clues like him regretting messing up his relationship with Ana. Or the fact that the scenes with the Asian girl are so rare so is clear they are not part of reality. It would have been a great puzzle to solve and in the end find out the true path the person took. But no it had to get all philosophical for no reason. Here is a clue for people that wrote this garbage: you have to choose . Not choosing is a choice, the worse choice you can make because you release control of your life.
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they finally managed to do a decent job.
25 June 2016
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The movie starts with a talk between Hercules and the dwarf. The dwarf proposes a valid plan with irrefutable logic. Yet Hercules refuses the plan because he is so self absorbed and goes with his own plan who would have worked if Hercules would have been to sacrifice his life. He was more than willing to sacrifice the life of friends and disciples but not his own. If you do not get how his plan would have worked watch http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119099/?ref_=fn_al_tt_2 . In the end Marek realizes following Hercules is a bad idea and that she should start thinking for herself. Too bad it took her 4 movies but guess better late than never. I guess the only thing that stunk was how they resurrected two characters like pulling a melon out of the screenwriter's ass. Marek could have used her own power to revive Dagen by depleting the life from a bad dude, but apparently it would have been too simple. Also Hercules is incompetent. He just had too each her how to draw life from just one person instead of everyone around.
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mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the biggest c%^t of all?
21 June 2016
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To answer is a close call between Hercules and Marek. But on to the review. In the first 10 minutes of the movie Hercules states that he purposely sacrificed one of his group to prevent the Darkspore for falling in the wrong hands. And the Marek goes in a boring journey like in LOTR to be convinced that the only way to prevent Szorlok from succeeding is sacrificing her friends. Because apparently they will be killed just by following her regardless of her choices. Now of course like always the person that basically is asked to save the day is Dagen but again he gets nothing out of it because she just can't give him even a kiss, she just can't... cough cough bullshit... Oh and if you thought the dialogue in the previous movies of the series were poor then you must check this one out. I cannot understand how come everyone says 2000 gold or 600 gold just in old games. Problem is no speaks like that in real life, because it does not make sense. 200 what of gold? crowns, ducats, pieces, grams, kilos? You cannot just say 200 gold and leave it at that. But to be fair to the movie there is one scene that in my opinion is brilliant: the redhead tells marek: I am amazed you speaking so highly of love? Do I seem so unfeeling? (translation: do I seem so cold-hearted?) You do seem to ignore Dagen's feelings for you! (translation: your heart is cold as ice biatch!) or something like that. At which she makes a face like Whaaat? I had no ideeeaaa! even though he endangers his life a number of times to save hers without anything to prompt him to do so. You may say thane did the same but Thane was saved by death by her and made an oath so he was bound to defend her. On the other hand Dagen was just an unpaid mercenary, he owed no allegiance. oh and even though he frickin' tells her this directly at the beginning of the movie.
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Mary Sue's journey continues: the dark elf's D
19 June 2016
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A number of questions are answered, you have some character development (not too much, but a bit) and the story progresses a bit. The main problem is that Marek is so obsessed by Qole's body and her desire to hump him that she makes bad decision after bad decision. In the end the warnings from the only smart person in the team (that Marek uses like a battery for her powers) , Dagen prove to be correct and Qole to be actually working for the bad dude (did no one except me saw that coming? I mean it was pretty obvious) and betray everyone. I was full of glee as he was killed. But Marek cried for the bastard. Meanwhile the one that saved her at least 3 times so far (Dagen) does not get even a kiss because she thinks of him like her personal slave. Not even a thank you when he comes to save her. She thanks Thane but not Dagen. Is not like Dagen did everything to free her from providing the cash, finding the new owner, making the plan to force him to sign her release... oh wait, he did! At least a thank you kiss would have been in order. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rejMgYXSn8I
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The story of Mary Sue begins
19 June 2016
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OK, so our main character is the definition of Mary Sue knowing a lot of complex things she could not have learned as a slave. You may think "Hercules" taught her but it seems he only taught her some basic magic. Another interesting part are the mythical creatures or rather lack of. The CGI is extremely poorly made , so bad that I know movies from the 70-80's that have more realistic monsters than this one (Sinbad's journeys for instance). The only thing that was interesting was the redhead who was hot as fire and the only character that was not paper thin was the half elf. Most of the dialogue sounds like written by a kindergartner and he story is pretty much non-existent. Also what happened to all that trapped people? weren't they supposed to save them? That being said I cannot say I did not enjoy the movie as the redhead is hot.
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Goosebumps (2015)
Nice, but not that much
19 March 2016
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I gave a 4 because despite the awful story, the non-scary elements and despite every character (monster) is a lamer version of a character belonging to SK which apparently this writer surpasses (maybe in his dreams) from the clown (IT) the giant praying mantis (spider end of IT) the car (Christine) and so on. Then we have the extremely predictable story. By the time of the parent daughter fight I knew she was a monster. When it was revealed monsters came from books I knew she was one. Also another problem is that you never think that maybe they will fail or that anyone will actually die. You already know everything will end up fine so you are in no way impressed. The whole typewriter thing reminds me of "In the mouth of madness" and many others that hare a similar subject. But unlike those it is never explained how come the typewriter has that power, there is no explanation behind where those characters came from and so on. Also a lot of characters were not believable including Zach and Hannah. But despite all that I cannot claim I did not enjoy it so it has a 4 from me.
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The Faculty (1998)
the movie just blows your mind; it's great.
14 November 2015
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Although the movie walks on a well treaded path that of an alien parasite which controls humans and infects them one by one the movie still manages to be very enjoyable. One of the things I liked most is that it starts with several stereotypes and during the development it is shown the real person behind those. There are a lot of surprises although you know some of the persons that are infected from the start. Some may say that the idea was copied partially from an outer limits episodes and it does have some elements in common but the fact that it develops on those ideas makes it a movie on its own and not a copycat.All and all this is a movie full of comedy that in the same time keeps you tense until the final moment. I really recommend to anyone that wants a horror that will pleasantly surprised by it. The only fault I can find is the main villains monologue. But It is not such a big deal and will give it a 10.
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Deep Dark (2015)
Too much about being an artist (read bum) too little content
11 November 2015
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To understand why this movie got from me only 4 you must understand that the content is only 20 minutes, but is stretched to more than an hour with boring stuff. For the first 15 minutes nothing happens. The story starts with a bum that thinks himself to be a great artist and his sad mother who has to support him and tries to bring him to reality. Then you have about 10-15 min of him trying to sell his garbage as art. Then the real story starts as he discovers a strange hole in the wall of the room he rents. Unfortunately too little is spent explaining stuff about the hole and too much on his artist life. With the help of the voice from the wall he manages to sell his crappy mobiles and that is about it . In the end he leaves the hole and puts a painting frame on top of it that does not cover it trying to be artsy and failing. Although the movie has great potential in the story of the voice in the wall the author chooses to be a failing artist and a bum instead and concentrate on how hart it is to be a struggling artist (read bum). The main character (and most except the mother and his uncle) are not the kind of characters you would care about so nothing that happens to them seems important. The hole does not become too big and is never explained anything about it. Here is my theory on the hole and how it should have developed: the creature from the hole is lovecraftian monster that tries to get in our world. It needs human energy to cross the tunnel and enter and being a big creature it needs a lot. Its attachment to Herman is because he called it and is the main anchor to this reality. His art incorporates parts of the creature itself which the creature can use remotely to absorb energy from the buyers. If the creature would manage to get close enough to this world it would start consuming humans as apparently this is what eats. But of course the author chooses to play the bum part...
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The Hallow (2015)
great idea poor performance
6 November 2015
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To those that did not understand what the movie is about, the movie is about faeries in their original version. Problem is the director did not make a thorough research and basically constructed everything with little connection to the actual creatures. for clarity I will first explain what faeries are and how they were regarded before Disney transformed them from evil to good creatures. The word fairy refers to any magical creature from the European folklore and no fairy was actually benevolent or even benign but rather pesky and malevolent. According to Irish folklore mainly faeries were split into two groups: the Seelie Court and the Unseelie Court. The Unseelie is what was later to be named monster having basically a pure destructive behavior. The Seelie Court was more like the Mafia meaning that as long as you paid your protection tax and did not mess in their business you were relatively safe. Some of these creatures were associated with minor fertility deities and such part of they toll they required human sacrifice. Most fairies walked either in disguise or invisible and could get severely offended by the most trivial thing. And if you offended a fairy being maimed was the least that could happen to you. Acting as the Mafia people tried to stay on their good side out of fear and usually called them "the good folk". One of the most common thing the fairies did was kidnap children and replace them with fairy children. After the switch the human child would be raised by them and eventually marry a fairy and such the two bloodlines combined. In his place was left either a fairy child or a piece of wood or other enchanted object that the parents were bewitched into thinking to be their own child. In the first case the child would grow up to be very wicked and disobedient while in the second the imitation would appear to get sick and die.Changelings also explain the fairy godmother story which is more tragic for the parents that it seems since the child is a fairy child that makes their life hell. (Puts a different note on the whole fairy godmother stuff right?).Anyway to make a long story short there were various ways to check if your child is a changeling and ways in which it would be possible to get your child back, although usually they failed. And now to the movie. The first thing that annoys about the movie is the lack of exposition. There is little to no explanation to what is happening until the very last minutes of the movie. Second problem is that it tells the story in a very fragmented way that is not actually engaging. Half of the time you do not even understand what is going on. The third problem was how the director decided to portray the outside appearance of the fairies. In all stories the fairy folk look very beautiful but in the same time they have something of the pale look of a dead person or a ghost. So instead of creating some strange creatures maybe some humans with strange eyes and teeth that grow to be fangs would suffice. To me it seems he went to much towards the gore aspect rather than sticking with the drama between the parents which should have been central to all. One of the parents thinks the child is a changeling the other does not want to believe it and so on.
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completely disappointed
16 September 2015
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Although the fight was pretty good everything felt off.First of all they chose to resurrect Freeza. The problem is that Goku has fought a ton of stronger foes in that time and yet F is just a danger? Really? He barely could beat child Goku when confronted in hell with the help of Cell. And now is like uber-strong. Goku defeated the dragons and almost everything in between. I bet his grad daughter could beat Frieza. Also there was no buildup, the characters of the destroyer and his servant were just fillers, Whisp's comments made no sense whatsoever as well as his ability to turn back time. Also the fight was boring. No suspense no turns of situation. It just wasn't DBZ . It was just bad fan fiction.
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Continuum (I) (2012–2015)
so the bad guys and the good guys are bad
30 April 2015
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From the very beginning you are presented with a totalitarian state controlled by a small number of huge corporations. Humans are just cattle micro chipped with no actual freedom. They do not even have the freedom to think or dream since everything is recorded in the corporation mainframes at the end of each day. Then we have a female super-cop and some freedom fighters. They go back in time. And here is where things get to be messed up. Apparently the freedom fighters want to remove the corporate power from the world (which is a real threat of freedom in today's world already) and the cop chick wants to stop them. The strange thing is that the producers of the show want us to believe that the freedom fighters are terrorists and the evil corporation that owns human being is the good guy. I am at this point mind-f******. Do they really believe us to be so stupid? well apparently so since so many voted with 10 for this propaganda.
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Maleficent (2014)
misandric feminist crap
26 April 2015
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The way the movies twists everything makes me cringe. Notice how maleficent looks exactly like a demon. Also notice how everyone repeats that there is no such thing as true love. Not that the original story was about true love (the prince rapes the princess and her twin children wake her up; oh and the prince is already married), but it is a product at its age. An interest thing is how the fairies and magical creatures are presented as good. Even if some worshiped them, they were never seen as actually good. They varied from impish and benign to evil. They had an interesting habit of stealing children, making people sick and basically doing evil stuff if anyone upset them. The people from ancient times feared them and had varied customs to keep them pacified, some involving giving them gifts. he whole story is started because a fairy believes that she had be deprived from her offerings. They have a mobster mentality. Also interesting enough all men are seen as incompetent or evil. This movie is full of man hate feminist propaganda and is a piece of utter garbage despite the great acting of the actors and the great imagery.
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Predestination (I) (2014)
could have been great
30 November 2014
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First of all the movie could have been great if there would not have been the whole sex change thing. By adding this shitty inclusion the movie stops being sf and more LGBT propaganda. And feminist propaganda of course.

The ideas that stem from the movie are the two lines that although false feminists keep repeating forever: that they do not need a man (so she impregnates herself so that she do not need a man anymore), and that they can do everything a man can (this kinda lengthy to explain but a large majority of women cannot do a lot of the things men can do; yes there are exceptions, but they represent less than 1%)

There have been a lot of talk about the possibility of what happens in the movie. It is not possible and here are the scientific reasons:

1.even impregnating herself it still does not guarantee the child is a clone of herself. Actually in the worse case scenario there are 3^22*2 possible versions of herself.That is 2.762.119.218 possibilities.

2. even if she would be genetically same that does not guarantee she makes the same choices in each loop. Proof are identical twins.

3.the genetic code is degrading itself. Cloning herself basically means that in each loop her DNA code will keep accumulating defective genes as a result of increasing entropy. In a few iterations she would become sterile.

4. why does she do it? why does she impregnate herself? it is illogical.

In a word is a feminist version of the terminator series.
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Avalon (2001)
a movie about games written by someone that doesn't know anything about games
22 November 2014
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At first I found it amazing that a lot of people liked this movie so much. Then I remembered of the Forer effect and everything was clearer.

The movie is very vague and all over the place and does not know that it wants. Also as someone that have both played games and worked for a brief time in the gaming industry I saw a lot of problems. But let's take things one of a time. Let's explain what happens in the movie.

In more than 60% of the movie (the whole sepia thing) most things are not real. Is hard to tell if any part in the beginning is real. The class Real is the real world. The people in the hospitals that are in a coma are actually players that just logged out of the game and never returned. It is interesting to note that there are very few people in the first part of the game and that there appears not to be anyone in the hospital except the coma people. Also we do not see children animals (except for the one dog) blood (you would think sooner or later someone will cut his fingers with a knife).

In the second part of the movie (Class Real) we see all the normal elements of real world. A lot of people said the colors were too bright, but if you spend a lot of time only seeing shades of gray and sepia when you get outside everything is brighter. The reason why the man disappears when she shots him is because she has mental break down. She cannot accept she really killed someone and here mind just rewrites everything.

The dog in the car is irrelevant. She just noticed it because she likes that type of dog (maybe did not have one in real life). The reason the dog appears on some posters is because her mind creates hallucinations.

How about the Bishop? This is the complicated part. I believe that originally the game was created to brainwash people into becoming assassins. Also the man at end probably tried to pull her off from the game even on the risk of his own life but failed. The message "welcome to Avalon" can mean either that she is a coma dreaming new levels, or that she just logged back on after killing the man.

OK, now let me tell you what I find stupid and proof that the person directing this movie never played a game in his life:

1. If they have technology for full VR then they will not have graphics this shitty.

2. The random characters on the screens. It is the only thing copied directly from Matrix and in fact is one of the most stupid things about Matrix. Why would they be there? Making images from fonts has not been used for a long long long time. (if you did not have windows 95 on your computer you probably never seen such a game).

3. The way object appear and disappear is stupid. Usually there are wreckage and dead bodies in the area for a while. They usually disappear either after a period of time or after you leave the area, never disappear instantly.

4. All the characters in the game are the same. In a real game like warcraft or whatever every character was significantly different and at high levels you would not be able to change your specialization so easy. Actually to change your specialization you would usually have to lose all your exp, and most of other stats.

5.scenes repeated continuously and boring scenes like her cutting vegetables... really? was this interesting for anyone?

6. No matter how realistic a virtual world is, usually the AI of the NPC is sacrificed. This means that doing something totally unexpected to a NPC (for instance kiss a waiter or punch it) will cause an strange and unrealistic response.

I has high hopes for the movie. SAO-sword art online (at least the first part) was a great implementation of the virtual reality game idea.
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The Host (2013)
31 August 2014
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I found the movie very good. I would have changed some of the story, especially at the end. The simplest thing I believe it is to make a list with things I liked and did not like:

  • I liked when the seeker killed another of their race - hated that the writer decided that it was the human's fault. It complicates things and makes the aliens much more perfect than they should. Would have been nice for the aliens to have a dictatorship type of society where although at the surface everything is nice and well, all is maintained by eliminating people not conforming. -though that the decision to die of the alien Wanda was illogical. 1000 years is a small amount of time. Adam was 930 when he died and when he was asked how he thought about life he said: "It was like entering a door and exiting another". Another problem are the useless complications due to the seeker's host. As I said making that murder the host's fault was mistake. Also they kill a lot of people, but no one is judged. The host kills another human. Even if possessed by the alien is still murder, but no one judges her. At the same time everyone is horrified they killed a few aliens. So killing from your species is irrelevant, but killing some alien worms is OK?

CONCLUSION: But with all the faults I found the movie enjoyable.I was surprised it was written by Smeyer .I hated Twilight before hating it was popular, yet the movie is OK. It is not great and has its faults, but is is enjoyable.The biggest fault as I said was making the murder the host's fault. I am tired by the "human's are awful" propaganda.
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new age propaganda movie
25 May 2014
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The film promised a lot and did not deliver.As many movies today is full of sh*t from the New Age Movement ideas . The stupidity is beyond limits and all it does it promotes pagan ideas. Basically the whole idea is this: "if pagan deities indeed are real, human sacrifice is logical and we should not be judgmental on people who adhere to those religions!". But I am getting ahead of myself. This is just the stupid impossible to enjoy end. I downloaded this movie to see a horror movie full of clichés. For me most of them are like comedy due to the stupidity of the actors. And the movies has a promising start in this matter. But then the movie twists and there are all the people that basically control everything in that gigantic movie set. And if this would have been all it would have been OK. There are tons of movies that play around the idea that some rich people find entertainment in the mutilation and murder of others (hostel for instance). It was a bit a disappointment because this was not what was promised, but it was livable. Towards the 2/3 of the movie another twist appears. We find out that people that constructed the facility did this because they believe that pagan deities will destroy the world if they did not. The movie value deprecated even more at this point, but it was still tolerable (in the end I wanted a movie full of clichés). But the end totally ruined it. The CGI hand that makes it look like the deities were real ruined it for me. If they just left at that. If there were some crazy dudes that worked for rich people with lots of money even crazier than themselves it would have been OK. But the movie maker wants to make a step more in twisting everything and makes the gods real.Also the sentence "Humanity must leave place for something else" has been overused by advocates for New Age Movement that have in plan removing more than 90% of the earth population because "we harm nature" so much that some people have become so brainwashed they actually believe in it. Of course they do not want to be themselves that die, but everyone else. It is a very disturbing movie indeed. Some claimed that the viewers are the gods. No, the pagan gods. , IE demons are the gods (the last screen shows a fire titan- I doubt any human has hands made of magma). I am tired of all this New Age pagan propaganda! I am tired of people defending witches and paganism and presenting in a favorable light! They kidnapped and killed people folks! All of them! And the witch hunt in Salem started because some of these pagans kidnapped and sacrificed kids. The horror of this made everyone suspect everyone.Witchcraft is never good, and pagans should be put in jail.
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31 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I will first say why I gave 3 stars although for many the movie did not deserve even one. For someone that did not read the book or seen the original series, it still may be enjoyable so it cannot be a total waste. But for any true fan of HHGG the movie proved itself to be a total disappointment. First of all the characters are entirely butchered. For some reason Ford becomes black, Zaphod loses a head out of two he originally had and every joke that made the original show funny is made in such a way that it becomes anything but funny. Also much could have done with CGI. If they would have just replaced latex max with CGI and some futuristic look for some thing and just leave it to that that would have been great, yet they changed everything and butchered it without thinking just to make it fir the time frame. Also spoiler alert, the question to the famous 42 is where is a certain street where Arthur will meet Trillian for the last time and where he kills the last reincarnation of Agrajag. The entire point of the universe proves to be the love Arthur holds for Trilian who is not re-payed.
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6 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Although in the beginning it had some very funny gags, in the last 20-30 minutes the movie manages to ruin every good part it had by becoming so full of al the "teen movie" cliché that you have see in any movie. Really , I do not think they left any out. So in my opinion , ask a friend to cut the 10 minutes that were good and do not watch it. The whole airport thing, and the part where the new kid teaches them how to sing rock, I mean all have been used to death. Also the guy is such a Gary Sue that it makes him really annoying. Oh and for the record VAMPIRES CANNOT HAVE BABIES. They are dead you frikin idiots.Also 118 is not the same as 18.
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Spellbinder (1988)
femme fatal trap
21 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the movie a lot and was very well done. As some others have already said it has the same motif as "the wicker man" the first version (not the one with Nicholas Cage). What I would like to note is the group of people the witches belong to. Even if it is in reality a form of Satanism most practitioners do not see it that way and call it neo-paganism. I feel like Wicker Man expresses much better that part. In most cases those groups that practice neo-paganism (Wicca for instance) may seem benign in nature as they do not do sacrifices almost never. But in certain conditions they do animals sacrifices. (like when a new witch is promoted)Also in very specific case they all also do human sacrifices as the Wicker Man showed. It helped the movie a lot that Miranda is gorgeous, and the acting was very good. The symbols used though should be better documented.
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13 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I did not see the series, but the movie was pretty good until the taint girl (cartman with a sex change operation) came into the picture. Then it was all like crap, crap, not funny, crap until close to the end when the taint chick dies. Then its got a few funny lines and that is it folks. Another lame part was the inclusion of the corpse girl. That was not funny but just disgusting. What I liked most was the Jewish producer trying to bypass sabbath day restrictions. That was hilarious.Also hated the fact that Claire died. I would have had porky die or xandir instead.Also the joke with ISRAEL is rather lame . They could have made the robot name Azrael for instance.
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