
8 Reviews
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Drive (I) (2011)
One of the worst films in history!
2 May 2013
This movie is so bad that I would rather do anything then to have to watch this movie again, yes I would rather die. There is this strange euphoric music playing in the background scene to scene that is just pointless but it's there for God only knows why. All the actors are talking like the have taken very large amounts of sedatives and almost every scenes cuts before the conclusion of each scene happens. As a viewer you can still put the pieces together but it's just retarded. Here's an idea: finish the scene! Oh and have the actors act like they are awake and talk to each other like they are normal people who talk like normal people do, not doped up mental patients. Wow, maybe I should become a director? I sure as he!! could have made something better than this pile of horse 5hit!
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Great cinematography but major plot hole.
30 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I just saw this movie again the 3rd time. I saw it a few times right after it was released in 2007. I have to say I must have been really tired or just missed the first 20 minutes of the movie both of those times because there is a huge plot hole right at the beginning. Again, I must have missed it and now I have to rate this movie down big time. I used to think this was an excellent film but I must have slept through or just missed the key parts that really makes this movie suck.

To be fair there are plot holes through out the whole movie. But the one at the beginning of the movie is so big that the remainder of the movie never would have happened if it were a real life situation.

I still think the cinematography in this film is great and Tommy Lee Jones narration and character are good but he's still the worst sheriff in all of Texas. There is no way you can make me believe that the hick Josh Brolin's character at the beginning who is smart enough to know how to hunt stealthily is going to be stupid enough to take that thirsty Mexican some water in the middle of the night after taking that bag of money from that drug scene gone wrong, dead bodies all over and guns all over the ground, NO ONE on GOD's Earth is that stupid and has as good of wits as Brolin's character portrays, doesn't happen!

I honestly don't know how I missed that part of the movie the first 2 times, I must have been on a hot date and was more concerned about her than the movie. I noticed Javier Bardem's character is tracking Brolin with some kind of device but the hick dude would have checked what was in the bag as soon as he got it to a safe place, even if he thought the bag didn't have some kind of tracking device he would have checked the bag just to see how much money there was and would have found it accidentally. Maybe I assume too much here, but I don't know one white collar or blue collar man who wouldn't count the cash as soon as they were in a safe place with it, do you? To me the entire previous part of the movie is a plot hole, literally thrown into the script to create the story.

In real life Brolin's character would have discovered the tracking device thing once he got back to his trailer while counting the loot then he would have taken the tracking device thing to some dumpster in the nearest large city and thrown it away. Went back and grabbed his woman and moved to a nice remote location of their choice.

Plus, I couldn't help but notice that no where in any part of the movie does it ever explain why Javier Bardem's character ever even starts after Josh Brolin's character? How does he even get the tracking thing?? The only part that could possibly lead the audience to this assumption is when Brolin is for no reason whatsoever bringing the Mexican some water in the middle of the night and then the group that comes after him. They might have some how unbeknownst to the audience tipped off Barbem.!?!... The only thing it ever lets the audience know is that Javier Bardem's character is basically like the grim reaper and likes to kill people. The audience is just supposed to assume he knows Josh Brolin's character has the loot and that Bardem some how got a tracking device that is tracking this phantom bag of 2 million dollars. That whole section of the movie makes no sense at all because there's no explanation as to how he knows these things.

The whole movie pretty much is a major plot hole! Now that I re-watched the whole thing I don't see how this won best picture, but then again most of Hollywood has been stinking it up lately, even though this came out 6 years ago. Still sucks! This movie is way, way, way superbly over rated!
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Paul (2011)
Movie was overrated
8 April 2013
The movie wasn't the most awful movie I've ever seen but seriously it was a fly by night flick nothing that memorable all and all it sucked! I guess it fun to see it one time. A friend of mine was playing it at his place the other night and nothing about this movie was enjoyable a second time I was annoyed or bored the whole time. Stupid area 51 alien cliché crap that is just old as hell now. Truly the movie just drags and I really hate the whole stupid God deal they have to throw in there it actually might be funnier if they would have left that whole scenario out of it. As soon as the chick gets the little God doesn't exist spiel she just starts throwing all normal morals out the window, making atheist look like imbeciles which I found disrespectful. Just because a person doesn't believe in a higher power doesn't mean they would just start drinking alcohol to their hearts content and start taking their clothes off for any person they meet. This movie may not have been rated the highest or considered one of the greats but it still sucks in too many ways to really give it the light of day, or night.
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Courageous (I) (2011)
Excellent Movie!
14 March 2012
This movie truly captures how normal people react to real situations that occur in real life, especially when it relates to family life. I saw a few movies in the last few months that were clearly ridiculous, fictional, Hollywood rubbish when pertaining to family life. I'm so pleased to see this kind of work being done, and this kind of message coming across the big screen.

I am a Christian, I know sometimes my reviews are not Christian like. I apologize for that, it's just that some films are so full of filth that it truly gets me angry. However, this film was a very pleasant surprise. I am not a Baptist but the message is clear and the power of the spirit, or Holy Ghost is definitely carried through these types of films.

I really hope people in general regardless of religious faith can see that the disregard of parenting duties will ultimately bring destruction upon society at large. The message of this movie clearly spoke this message to me. We are responsible to train up our children in the way which they should go, if we do not do this it will not be many generations before a complete collapse of normal, peaceful society. There are some places in the world where a person can see that the disregard of these duties has already destroyed peaceful normal society.

Happy, peaceful societies begin in the home.
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Chronicle (2012)
Is Hollywood just turning into pure garbage, or what?
23 February 2012
First off, I'm just getting sick of people who keep trying to tell me that I need to go into the movie with no expectations. News flash!!! It's a freaking movie!!! Movies are generally a replacement for theatrical plays. The main difference is that movies allowed the audience to view the actors doing things that were not possible on a regular stage. They are supposed to have a story line, no really, movies really are supposed to have one. This may be too hard for some people to believe, but that's what movies originally were supposed to do, they were supposed to have a story. Whoa, this just might be to much for people these days to believe.

That's right folks, movies were originally intended to be a type of stage act, a play, but now on a big screen. Either 2, or 3 acts, some high points and some low points. Heck you could even try for 4 acts if it can still be decent.

Some of these director's might have so much money that they can just make a movie that is pure dog doodoo and it won't hurt their budget, but people are being starved for a real story these days.

I just hate going to the movies lately! Everything I have gone to see in the last year has been extremely disappointing! I used to go to the movies all the time from 1995-2005 and was seldom disappointed. In the last 2-3 years I have seldom been satisfied.

Well, I guess I should get to my review, so heads up:

***********************Spoiler Alert!!!***********************

OK, so Chronicle is using yet again the "home camera shooting" fashion, like that other extremely disappointing series of movies that started with "Cloverfield" (2008). Yes, for those of you who agree that it totally sucks, and detracts from an actually enjoyable movie going experience, it sucks very much.

I was immediately turned off once I realized that it was shot in this style, but I decided not to be completely closed off to what it might offer. I sat patiently, waiting and praying for something still worth watching. As the minutes went by the words of my friend came into my mind, "try not to have so many expectations when you go to the movies." He gave me that advice because I hated another movie I saw recently that he enjoyed.

Nevertheless Chronicle continued to get worse with every passing minute. Three teenage boys, a younger brother, an older brother, and a friend find some hole in the ground and explore it. They find some large foreign object, and then it cuts to nothing. The next time you see them they have telekinetic powers and begin to experiment with them.

Horrible story plot points, no explanation is given as to how this happens. The audience is just introduced to the fact that these kids somehow gain telekinesis, so brace yourselves for that one. I suppose we don't need a complete drawn out map, but it wouldn't hurt to at least have a tiny bit of explanation.

They continue to experiment and soon realize they have a power much greater then originally recognized. They can do many things with it including flying. Eventually, one of them hurts someone and they feel bad because of it. They try to make some rules to control their powers but eventually give into the darker halves of their own conscientiousness.

*******************NO MORE SPOILER PAST THIS POINT******************

This movie does contain the elements of a story line, but still falls short of clever plot points, good screen play, and lacks true cinematography.

I'm awfully sick of the Cloverfield cinematography. One was way more than enough directors, yes I'm directing this comment directly to Hollywood directors!!! Stop using this God awful type of cinematography!!! IT SUCKS!!!!!!

It's amazing that a movie with an actual story line (albeit a God awful one)like this can still make a movie like "The Tree of Life" (2011) seem not as bad as it really was. I still think The Tree of Life is worse.

A person should not have to be deciding which movie was worse, please make something that amount to more than horse pucky on the side of the road directors!!! Gosh!
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Spork (2010)
A movie for teens only.
7 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I'll admit it I'm getting too old for stupid kid/teenage movies like this one. From what has been mentioned I suppose this movie met with some teenage audiences, but I wasn't even able to get passed the 45 minute mark.

This movie pretty much turned my stomach, once the main girl gets home and her girlfriend calls up and wants to head over to the dance club because she's all that or something... Then they head over there and all that crappy noise starts up and she's dancing like a little hooker. Then the blonde haired girls start up their stupid dance. Just way too much immature junior high crap for me to ever want to remember again, ever!

Sadly, as I mentioned this might very well hit home with kids in that age group (Junior High Age), which should be all the reason a parent should never let their teenage kids see it. A good parent for the sake of humanity should never let their kids see this, so as to not encourage them to such retarded behavior. But a good parent should see this movie to see how their teenage children behave when they're not around.
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City of God (2002)
You have to be kidding me!
3 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I CAN NOT believe this movie is so highly rated! This movie is misleading in so many ways, starting with the title "City of God", how pathetic. City of the Legions of Hell would have been much more accurate.

There is nothing good about this steaming pile of dog crap. It is nothing but an unbelievable blood bath of raping and murder, even from little children none the less. There is no main character, or even character progression on the parts of any one character that you follow for any amount of time in the whole mess. It's simply a non stop blood bath of sickening human filth that just go from one scene of rape, torture or murder to the next. Oh yeah, and don't forget you're not even following anyone specifically throughout the movie either. It's just random nonsense.

There may very well be people in the world that do behave like this, but there is still law enforcement. The whole poverty stricken population in the country is not in a state of constant murder and rape, or they would all be dead eventually.

I'm not entirely sure what the director's purpose was but it feels almost like a hidden political message. To my best ability I'd say that message is that poverty makes people kill each other, which is complete Bull SHlT!!!

Total waste of your waking life. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME on this worthless pile of crap movie!!! Even if you don't please rate it down because it is way too high up in the decent films rated section for how stupid and wasteful of a movie that it is.
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Entertaining, but unfortunately unsatisfying.
31 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
When I was searching for a good film to see last night I saw that this one had some of the highest ratings. So I chose to attend this film. Sadly, after attending the movie I was left wondering why it was so highly rated.

I have to give the acting a big thumbs up. The characters were very well portrayed, and the reactions to these situations was well played. I am able to say if these situations were happening to someone in real life that even I would have felt very much like the actors. I may have possibly even reacted the way they did at some points in the film.

I just have to say that the film began down a path that became very unsatisfying very early on. This was of no fault of the actors they simply portrayed the characters as if these situations were real, and did quite well at it. Unfortunately, Hollywood is sticking more and more unrealistic combinations together again.

The family life portrayal on the big screen is becoming more and more unrealistic as time goes by. The sad thing is that when more people see this behavior played out by big Hollywood titles it slowly creeps it's way into the home.

Realistically though I know people from all walks of life and can assure that most of these scenarios are far fetched. Children of 10 years of age using the foulest words known in front of their parent(s) without discipline. A seventeen year old daughter talking like a whore in front of her parent(s). The seventeen year old daughter bringing home her new disrespectful boyfriend to go on vacation with her without previous notification.

In real life the ten year old would get put in the quiet room for half an hour per word. The seventeen year old daughter would soon be looking for a new apartment, or stop talking like that in front of the parents and 10 year old. The seventeen year old's boy friend would be beaten half to death by the father, or driven to the nearest gas station to call home for a ride.

I could believe the situation with wife to be completely possible in the context of situations this film portrayed. I will add that if any man or woman doesn't show their spouse affection for that long of a period of time then such problems can arise.

Again, coming back to reality; hopefully, no one is dumb enough to allow their family to get as distorted as this film portrayed this family. I believe with little effort this entire scenario could be made nonexistent in the world today.

I know a wide variety of families from all walks of life. People living in the finest mansions to people living in trailer parks, and rarely have I ever met a family in such a disaster as the one portrayed in this film.

I have to rate only 3/10; 3 for the well played characters by the actors. -7 stars due to the incredible lack of realistic family life that is continuously portrayed by these types of films.
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