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The Ray Bradbury Theater: The Playground (1985)
Season 1, Episode 2
Shatner will be Shatner
24 October 2020
William Shatner's acting is basically the same, whether playing Capt. Kirk on "Star Trek" or Mr. Underhill in "The Playground." His acting is stiff and agitated, his speech staccato with pauses in unnatural places. Part of this could be attributed to the part he's playing, but very similar to his Capt. Kirk. This episode indeed does have a puzzling but sad ending, though took a while to figure out exactly what has happened. Agree with other reviews that something missing in this climax of the story.
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The Dead Zone: Unreasonable Doubt (2002)
Season 1, Episode 5
Reasonable Doubt
4 October 2020
This episode was a bit simplistic. Honestly I'd be surprised if a jury prospect who had a reputation like John Smith would be allowed to serve on a "real" jury. He too easily was able to change several juror's original preconceptions and make them more objective to the facts as he described them. The episode was positive in its ability to show how people's past experience can prejudice them in their future decision making.
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Star Trek: Voyager: Bliss (1999)
Season 5, Episode 14
Voyager crew on LSD?
1 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was an above average episode with suspense. How can Seven possibly save the day (and the Voyager)? With all but 3 characters brainwashed into thinking their journey would finally come to a happy end with all their wishes coming true, How can Seven save them all after she's zapped? With Naomi's help, as well as the Doctor's, she contacts the alien, Quatai, also trapped in the Monster. Together they work out a way to get the Monster to vomit their ships free. What really puzzled me, and what I didn't see in other viewer reviews, was why did Quatai turn around and go back to the Monster to be eaten? Was he in a symbiotic arrangement with the Monster? Or did he still want to try and destroy it??
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Murdoch Mysteries: Me, Myself and Murdoch (2010)
Season 3, Episode 5
"Three Faces of Eve" prequel?
22 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
My TiVo machine recorded this episode without my knowledge, so definitely was a surprise for me. The menu only called it "Murdoch Mysteries" and TiVo considered it a new episode. As soon as I started watching, it appeared a bit strange as the characters seemed younger and more stilted than the most recent episodes. Inspector Brackenreid's presentation was definitely more stilted with lots of shouting and demands for Murdoch to solve the case. He became much more amiable as the episodes progressed.

Ms. Phillips did an excellent job portraying the Charlotte character, with the contrasts involved in the various characters she portrayed. The ending was somewhat confusing to me when the Taylor family tree was being explained, including the mother's name change and status of siblings. This was the weakest part of the show to me. All in all, very entertaining and definitely a great who-done-it!
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Trying hard to imitate 2001, without much success!
16 September 2020
I give in a charity 5 because of the best efforts of the main actor, Katee Sackhoff. There was good 1 on 1 with the AI and she showed true emotion. I agree with some professional reviewers that the writer tried to put too much into this movie and the director was not able to cope fully. The attempted mirroring of 2001 was obvious, from the shape of the 2nd ship (robotic) with its spinning parts to the seemingly LSD-inspired light show at the end. Really impossible to know for sure who was human any more or what was really happening. Signs of "the singularity" in play it seems.
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High Life (2018)
Only watched to the "end" as curiosity got the better of me.
10 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I agreed completely with Metaflix's review of 24 April 2019. So many unanswered questions. Was the mission to explore the black hole or to test out ways to strengthen the human genome against the rigors of space (radiation, etc.), or all of the above? Everything came to a head when crazy Boyse killed the pilot and took the shuttle to survey the black hole, or whatever. She seemed to explode when sucked up in the vortex. This leads to more violence aboard the ship when the Doctor is attacked, etc. Ultimately, the doctor walks out of the airlock without a spacesuit, leaving her body intact (goof noted). We note the major effort of Monte putting all the bodies into spacesuits before dumping them into space.

How did Boyse's body end up in the cryochamber (apparently otherwise intact)? Did the shuttle return to the ship on autopilot? Did they have a spare shuttle as seen at the end of the film?

The last 20 minutes or so of the film was the most peaceful, just Monte and the now teenage Willow. Some reviewers referred to the "sad ending," but I couldn't be sad because I didn't really know what ultimately happened. The both get in the shuttle (suited up appropriately for space) and assume to head for the black hole. The last we see is the couple in their normal cloths, Monte asking Willow if she was ready and she replying in the positive. Then we see the white screen, we hear Pattinson's sad song, and then see the ending titles.

In conclusion, this was a film that one would either love or not care about. It was so confusing and the dialog sparse, as Metaflix noted. Hard to feel for any particular character, except baby Willow.
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Prodigal Son: Internal Affairs (2020)
Season 1, Episode 12
Why was it powered up?
31 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was full of energy from the get-go, starting with "the incident" and then showing a prequel of what led up to the incident. With interviews of each major member of Gil's NYPD team, we get more insight into Bright's personality and his apparent driving force. Great surprise ending!

Spoiler: I had an issue with the ending, however. Why was the electroshock machine plugged in on the desk between the doctor and Bright, and within easy reach of Bright? This was a major goof by the NYPD, if not an episode production goof. Without this makeshift weapon readily available to Bright, there would have been a shootout and who knows who would have been killed.
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The Answer (III) (2015)
"The Answer" has more QUESTIONS
26 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A gave 5 stars as this was the director/writer's first effort and I was able to watch the whole movie through with some curiosity of what the ending would bring. Where was the package from Mom for the previous 20 years. The Post Office that far behind? The "Jane of all trades" girlfriend was almost comedy relief. Also, how was this handful of "evil aliens" to colonize Earth with just a few pregnant "one time use" women taking 9 months each to bring a half-alien to Earth? Not too practical. How did the aliens get here? No ship shown. How did they bring all those gas tanks of their atmosphere with them?

In summary, I'm glad I didn't pay money for this video. Watched "free with ads" on a streaming service. I won't be looking for any future movies from this director.
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Robot & Frank (2012)
Sad Comedy
17 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I continued watching this movie as I hoped for a positive, clever conclusion. However, we find the Robot committing suicide at the hands of Frank, supposedly to help Frank. However, Frank ends up in assisted living anyway (a luxury jail cell, if you will). We see one happy picnic scene with the family and Frank is left all alone, seeing other residents with their robot helpers. He appears to yearn to have his robot friend/partner back. The one surprise was to find out that the librarian is actually his ex-wife, though this is not told in words but in images/photos and actions. It was truly a sad ending for me, seeing no happiness for Frank at all!
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Humans: Episode 6 (2018)
Season 3, Episode 6
Two Episodes to Go!
13 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The positive notes didn't last long in this episode (i.e. illegal to attack "green eyed" synths). Sam brought a breath of fresh air to the family, with the help of Sophie and the rest of family. However, by the end of the episode darkness overshadowed the Hawkins family, Mia, Max and the other synths at the Rail yard.

Having not seen the last two episodes or read any spoilers, I'm hoping for something positive to happen by the end of this season. Wondering about the green-eyed synths in hiding, found by Mia when she delivered a package to the proper person. Will they become a force for right? And was Sam's wish to resurrect Karen (his mom) more than just a child's emotional words?

The critic review linked here to Louisa Mellor of "Den of Geek" echoes the majority of my feelings about this episode and the third season to this point.
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Humans: Episode 4 (2018)
Season 3, Episode 4
12 August 2019
This episode indeed was bittersweet, with its happy and tragic moments. It being some time since I saw the first 2 seasons, it took awhile for me to recall exactly the details of what came before. Given full sentience, we see how closely the synths compare to humans. This is a complicated story, with a number of subplots paralleling the main theme of synth survival in a human-dominated society. We are still to learn if the synths will evolve to a "higher plane," as is hinted at by some philosophical characters.
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Burden of Truth: Guilt by Association (2019)
Season 2, Episode 4
How did DNA find the suspect?
8 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Indeed, there is more than one plot in the series to date. The story gets a bit bogged down at times, but still keeps the audience in suspense.

My nagging question, however, is how did Luna become the suspect based on the DNA? If she'd not been arrested before, what would the crime scene DNA be compared to? DNA isn't magic!
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The Orville: The Road Not Taken (2019)
Season 2, Episode 14
Best episode of season!
26 April 2019
This episode appears to "borrow" as much from Star Wars as it does from the Star Trek universe, mainly in the space chase scenes and the great music accompanying these and other parts of the episode. Really quite similar to John Williams' scores for a number of action and sci-fi movies, including the Star Wars sagas. The CGI was 100% better than used in previous episodes this season. The bridge(s) didn't look like cartoons for a change!

I really expected there to be a cliffhanger at the end of this episode, but agree because of the renewal of series unable to foresee, it was felt best to not leave the series hanging in midair. Good blend of humor and other emotions present here. Lot of technical terms used, no doubt mixing pseudoscience with current known scientific principles. Good job Seth, writers and rest of crew.
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Night Gallery: She'll Be Company for You (1972)
Season 3, Episode 10
Good try, though no cigar!
26 April 2019
Frankly, I was expecting more with an episode staring Leonard Nimoy. This was basically a one-man show for Nimoy, with the couple other characters there just to fill out the plot. Agree with reviewer, thatsweetbird, about general quality of "Night Gallery" series as a whole and specifically the production values of this episode. Nimoy did his best with the material he had, portraying the new widower whose hopes for a better future for himself didn't exactly pan out as expected. I'd rate HIS performance a 9, but overall a courtesy 6 for the episode as a whole.
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Back to romance and relationships.
19 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After the last several excellent episodes, we're back to the romance/relationship game. Even with the time travel touch, still the same issues between Kelly and Ed. Ed's attempts to make things "right" by dating the young Kelly don't work as he had hoped.

The redeeming factor was the surprise ending. We'll probably see followup from this episode, no doubt in another season (if allowed).
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Sci-Fi TV movie for "Nickelodeon?"
29 March 2019
Excellent movie for the Teen/Preteen set. It sets out to teach lessons in cooperation, ethics, etc. At about 10-15 minutes into the show I was ready to turn it off, it was getting so boring and going nowhere. Once the physics teacher got more into the picture, the plot began to hold together. The science was basically a means to an end. I doubt high school physics could teach these youngsters how to build what they did, even with the added "resources" the teens had available to them and what their grandmother tried to downplay.

A "feel good" movie for the family, but not in the same league as "Star Trek" and other television sci-fi.
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FBI: Apex (2019)
Season 1, Episode 17
Politics versus law enforcement
28 March 2019
This was an excellent episode, with one character error "goof" as noted in the "Goof" section for this episode. Of course, if things had been done as the writer of this comment suggested, the show would have had much less suspense and political comment. Maggie again made her emotional promise to victim's family member which got her into emotional and other troubles in previous episode(s). I caught it before OA commented to her. Also again, Kristen up to snuff finding evidence and narrowing the suspect pool.
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The Orville: Lasting Impressions (2019)
Season 2, Episode 11
Ghostly Romance??
22 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The meat of this episode could have been made into a 30-minute episode rather than the 1-hour it took up (actually about 45 minutes minus the advertisements). I almost found myself reaching for the remote to fast-forward through the idle chatter! The Bortus and partner instant cigarette addiction added a bit of humor. Of note, couldn't the doctor check the reference texts and find the formula for Nicoderm?

Also, I doubt Social Media found on a phone such as Facebook or Instagram, along with a collection of selfies, texts, emails and music, would give enough foundation to create a simulation good enough to produce sensible dialogue. I certainly wouldn't want an autobiography made using my cell phone's data!

All-in-all, romance is The Orville's weakest link!
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FBI: Invisible (2019)
Season 1, Episode 16
Kids who want to be famous
13 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After the opening scene I thought to myself that there would not have been a show if the father had only walked his daughter outside and waited until she got safely into a taxi. However, that's where all the action began, with the help of Social Media. This was a fast paced episode, trying to keep up with who the culprit(s) might be, interspersed periodically with Kristen's dilemma about applying to be an FBI special agent and if this would be approved. Lot of emotion at the end. Better than average episode.
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What more can be added to this episode?
4 March 2019
This episode, the first half of the season finale, is definitely full of intrigue, suspense and surprises! Practically every main character is involved one way or the other in the various events shown so far. We see pluses and minuses in character not previously expected. I feel the finale will bring a number of changes, especially if the series goes on to #13.

Of note, the cinematography started us off in the strange mystery mood of this episode. We see a scene shot at an angle (45 degrees) as well as the elevator shot of Detective Murdoch, shot from the floor up. Definitely suspense, waiting for the finale to come!
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Philosophy can be entertaining!
29 January 2019
I became interested in watching this movie after seeing a preview for it on another DVD I had borrowed. This piqued my interest, seeing the 3 people portraying Love, Death and Time. We saw that the Will Smith character was depressed, but didn't know exactly why.

The movie itself seemed to start off quite slow, but it did show us the before and after of "Howard's" emotions after the major event in his life, which we eventually learn about in flashbacks and such. Each of the main characters had issues which needed resolving or at least being able to live with in a positive manner. The ending did totally surprise me - I didn't see it coming at all. Brought a tear or two to my eyes, which doesn't happen easily. Will Smith did a great job here, proving he can do more than just comedy or action flicks. Well worth the 90+ minutes of time to watch!
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The Orville: All the World Is Birthday Cake (2019)
Season 2, Episode 5
Looks, sounds and feels more Trek-like!
25 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Agree for the most part with what jimdarling and MrGoog have said in their reviews. Best episode for me since "Home." Pleased to see no significant emphasis on romance in this episode. What impressed me most was the music. There were many threads of melody which appeared to me to be from such Trek masterpieces as "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" and the Klingon segments in several of the movies. I honestly don't know how they got around copyright laws, this music was so similar, especially in the space flight scenes.

SPOILER SECTION: This show also paralleled the original Star Trek in its portrayal of social inequalities and prejudices. We have prison camps for people with the wrong astrological sign rather than unfavored national or religious origins. Surprised at the apparent machine-gun killing of prison guards by Bortus and Kelly. No mention of this in the balance of the episode. Doubt the Union would favor this.

Weak points as mentioned in other reviews include the pseudo star made and launched within 12 hours, and literally just seconds before Bortus and Kelly were to be executed by firing squad! See jimdarling's scientific explanation. Also, if negotiation by the captain could have prevented Bortus and Kelly from being sent to the prison camp in the first place, there wouldn't have been a story.

Overall, if one doesn't overthink the science or logic of the episode, it was best of season to date.
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Not yet 10/10, but on right track.
19 January 2019
Grateful that more actual sci-fi and space travel action was used in this episode. However, the romance scene at the beginning seemed to drag on too long. Quite interesting to see how this evolved through the episode, however! I seem to recall something similar in one of the Star Trek episodes. Captain Mercer followed in the footsteps of Capt. Kirk in doing what he felt best for all at the conclusion of the episode.

Negative for me was the emphasis on 20th-21st Century Earth culture and entertainment. This show is set 400 years later, as the captain says. Could you believe people of our day making so many references and enjoying the entertainment of the Baroque Era (ie: Bach, et al). Also, the CGI isn't as fantastic as many claim here. The bridge to me looks all too cartoonish. Well, can't have everything! Keep up the good work, Orville.
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Bull: Separate Together (2019)
Season 3, Episode 11
Missed the main piece of evidence!!
15 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Right during and after Bull's meeting with the defendents, I kept saying to myself: "Get to when the niece told her boss on phone her combination to safe!" They all knew it was her combo which was used, yet no one asked her if anyone else had access to her combo. She seemed concerned about verbally telling this to her boss, but then did it! Doesn't she know about texting?? Of course if Bull, et al had this info, show would only last half an hour. Would have left a lot more time for the subplots of Bull's heart attack history and his on again/off again romance.

Quick ending as well, so "easy" to find the real robber. Usually this show has much better plots and action.
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Vera: Broken Promise (2017)
Season 7, Episode 3
Artistic cinematography and clever, complicated mystery.
7 January 2019
The cinematography in this 7th season has definitely gotten more artistic, especially with the segues between scenes. Many shots of plastic sheets and fragments thereof, seemed to be making an underlying statement about mood of the episode.

Vera seemed to be more determined than ever to get to the bottom of why the victim died. She wasn't going to be stopped by technicalities of the law or university instructions or rules. She wasn't going to let things fall through the cracks on this case, even if it took standing up to a high priced attorney or high-minded ex-police officer.
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