
9 Reviews
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Lucifer (2016–2021)
You will never find a better actor for this role
25 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Until Lucifer, Tom Ellis was unknown to me, but I instantly became a fan. I'm not a comic book fan, so I had no expectations on how the character would turn out. I went into the show with no prior knowledge and now I couldn't picture anyone else playing that role.

He's such a witty and charming character, but also selfish. I love how they combined these traits and still makes you love him. People are throwing titles like "righteous" and "kind" to explain him, but I think there misjudging his intentions.

On first glance you get the buddy cop feel with a twist. Something like Castle or Elementary. It is taking this route, but it is just a small part of the over all story.

I cant end this review without talking about the comedy side of the show. By no means is it a comedy, but Lucifer's one liners will keep you entertained. Hes full of witty jokes and stories that he pulls out, sometimes at the worst point possible. Which just makes it all the more funny.
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DC's Legends of Tomorrow (2016–2022)
So much less than I expected
21 March 2016
As a lover of the flash and arrow I was really looking forward to this. A Justice League type TV show is just what DC needs after the success of Flash and Arrow, but I'm still not impressed.

All of the characters have different personalities and a variety of powers, but so far I just don't see them working together. There doesn't appear to be any coordination or team work. In fight scenes its just everyone doing their own thing near each other. Outside of fighting they all get tasked to do something and most of the time end up ignoring orders to do what they want.

The acting and effects are good. I even like most of the heroes, but the writers really messed up this show. I understand a certain amount of character building is needed for a show like this, but 8 episodes in and there's still no teamwork, no storyline advances and so far only 1 good episode(7).
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Shadowhunters (2016–2019)
Not bad
13 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
There really is no winning for any show/movie based of a book. If they kept it the exact same as the book, the book lovers would be here complaining that its to close and not original. If they try to do anything different the same group are here complaining its not identical to the book.

There's no way to please everyone. Take the show on its own. Its not (or shouldn't be) trying to be the book or the movie, so don't treat it like its suppose to copy either of them exactly.

After the first two episodes I'm liking it more than I thought I would. The story is moving at a good pace and there's explanations for the new comers. I prefer most characters over their movie counterparts. Its different enough from the movie to keep it entertaining.

The downside is it can be a bit cheesy at times and although less so in episode 2. In episode one I found Clary to be extremely annoying. Her constant whining was hard to watch.

Overall I say its an average show so far, but has peaked my interests enough to keep watching. I'll give it at least a few more episodes before deciding.
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Unfriended (2014)
Terrible.. A truly awful movie
2 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I went to see this movie with no prior knowledge and wanted to remain surprised, so didn't look up anything about it. Damn was I surprised...

The first 30mins(ish) are watching a girl Skype her boyfriend, check Facebook and Youtube. Cinema Gold! Yes, the whole movie is a screen record. So the only action you see is through the main characters Skype window.

After this it does get into some action and there were some good death scenes. However these were ruined by the Skype calls being cut of. So what you get is a few seconds for each death. As for the horror, I just didn't see it at all. The horror scenes were mediocre at best and covered up by some very (very) loud sudden noises to get a jump scare out of people. 1 girl in the cinema seemed to be afraid, but the rest of us unimpressed.

I saw a lot of reviews calling it a modern day Blair Witch Project. If you mean they were both terrible movies that shouldn't have been made, then I agree.

Lastly.. If your whole movie is based on a Skype call you can at least use decent web cams. I don't know what budget they had, but 2/6 actors had terrible web cams that glitch the whole way through the movie. This might add to the realism, but it still sucked.
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Ascension (2014)
I wanted to like it, but...
16 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Watching the first episode I found the plot a little boring and the characters bland, but by the end of the episode the unexpected twist kept me watching.

I kept going and ignored all the unanswered questions related to the plot and advanced technology. The plot started to get better, but it only lead to more unanswered questions. They spent to much time on pointless relationship and detective plots to explain what was going on.

By the end of the third part I felt let down. If this was a guaranteed to continue show I could understand the cliffhanger ending, but as it stands the future of the show is undetermined. So if Syfy don't turn it into a real show, then they have wasted all our time with the cliffhanger ending and many, many unanswered questions. Would it be to much to ask for 5mins at the end of part 3 for a scientist to even make something up as to how that happened?..

If they do continue the show and answer some of the questions I will keep watching, but as a mini series its lacking a lot.
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The Strain (2014–2017)
Great mix of old and new styles
29 September 2014
I watched the first episode and was immediately hooked. It has only got better and better since then. I would rate this one of the best new shows of the year.

It has a unique mix of old and new style vampires. There is the old man who sees them as beasts and knows everything about them, explaining the Dracula style hierarchy to us. Then there is the CDC employee who refuses to believe and wants to explain it with science. On top of that it adds a few unique twists to there characteristics. I have yet to see a vampire show mix such different views so well.

The story line is complex, but explained very well throughout the series. Each episode moves it along at a good pace. The character development is excellent. Showing each persons characteristics and back stories before bringing them all together.

Overall a must watch for old and new style vampire fans. I'm happy to see something that goes down a different trail from the usual true blood/vampire diaries vampires we are so used to seeing.
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Scorpion (2014–2018)
Realistic? No. Fun and worth watching? Most definitely
27 September 2014
I made the mistake of reading the bad reviews that almost made me skip over this show. I'm lucky there were a few who seen it for what it is and convinced me to give it a go.

Firstly we'll address what every other review has. Realism. The scenario is not realistic and full of holes, but lets be honest, what TV show/movie isn't? I'll first say I'm a computer programmer. So I can see all the technical downfalls this show has. Being in my position I also see it in every other show or blockbuster movie. They don't make anything to be 100% believable. They make it to be fun and entertaining. I would like to see them get a technical consultant to help with this problem, but I don't feel it takes away from the shows entertainment value.

With the obvious aside lets talk about the show itself. Four socially awkward genius's. Yes it does follow the role that smart people cant be socially engaging, but it does add the to entertainment value.

The first episode drops our main characters into a very stressful situation. This lead to great character development that most shows take half a season to reach. After one episode I felt I knew and could relate to each character personally. It also had its fill of ups and downs with a quickly developing story line. Over all a great introductory episode and I cant wait to see more.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Only worth watching if you love zombies.
27 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS! I will try not to give to much away, but there will be slight spoilers.

I've seen so much love for this show since it was released. It appears to have a solid fan base that will stick with it no matter what happens, but I cannot do that. The quality has deteriorated since season 1.

Season 1... Great start to the show. It had me hooked from the first episode. They had the right mix of character development and story progression. I think this was the reason most came to love it. I really cant find fault with this season.

Season 2... Started well, brought in some fresh faces, keep going with character development and of course there were zombies. I am a sucker for zombies. The problems started once they reached the farm. There was so many filler episodes and endless amounts of character development. It felt like a show about farmers trying to live without outside help, and occasionally a zombie came by. It was almost painful to watch. The season did end well, but in my opinion it was not enough to make up for mindless boring fillers that plagued the whole season.

Season 3... After season 2 I was ready to give up, but as I said Im a sucker for zombies and its the only show of its type. By now the farm is gone, there on the move and not doing so well until they find the prison. Again a good start to the season, clearing the prison, making it a home. New faces, new setting and new enemies that are not zombies. It did have a few filler episodes as most do, but the story line was really taking off. It ended well and had its fair share of twists and turns. 100x better than season 2.

Season 4... With season 3 restoring my faith in this show I was eager to see season 4. I was a little upset they were still in the prison as I would of like to see more zombie action, but that was quickly fixed when an old enemy came back for revenge. Up to the point when they left the prison it was great. There was loads of actions, good story progression and of course new faces to make up for those who were eaten earlier. Now there out of the prison and in the open world full of killer zombies that want to eat there brains, what could be better? Well I'm not sure where it went wrong, but I've never seen a post apocalyptic world look so boring and uneventful. I was expecting zombies everywhere, constant fighting and attacks. I was very much let down. What proceeded was another attempt to find refuge by walking to a new location. Every so often a few zombies would come by, or something would go wrong, but it was not enough to hold my interests. The story line dragged out the trip to the new location and very little story progression happened. Knowing how previous seasons keep their big moments for the end I keep watching. The ending was a huge letdown. It wasn't uneventful, just not enough to make up for the crap that preceded it and barely enough to call it a season finale. It ended like most (if not all new shows) do, cliff hanger style. The whole season lead up to this moment, nothing happened and now we have to wait for the next season.

Over all I am on the fence. With the flip flopping of quality through the seasons I want to give season 5 a shot and really hope it is great. I want it to be great. Even when this show started, we were long over due for a zombie show. That being said, I still have a voice in my head that tells me its going to suck. My eagerness and love for zombies will not be enough to save this show. If season 5 is a flop I think its time to call it on this show and move on. Hopefully other networks will see the appeal of a zombie show and we will have some competition and choice.

To conclude.. If you share my love for zombies then you should give it a go. It might be enough for you to over look its downfalls and continue with it. On the other hand if you like fast and in depth story progression and a show that keeps you on your toes, this is not for you.
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Salem (2014–2017)
Worth the watch
6 June 2014
I was on the fence about starting this show, until I came here and read the ridiculous 1 star reviews that actually made me give it a go. I just finished episode 1 and thought I would leave my opinion because a lot of people seem to be confused between this show and actually historical events.

For anyone who wants a 100% accurate retelling of real events from that period. This show is not for you. It doesn't claim to be accurate and doesn't try to be. Try the history channel for nice documentary.

Although a dark time in US history. There were no real witches. If this show was accurate it would be a simple small town that randomly kills innocent people for religious reasons. Perhaps that is what some of you expected from this show, but I would find that boring and repetitive. I'm happy the writers included witches and obscured some facts to make it entertaining.

This show is an entertaining twist on a dark time in US history. I don't think that means its insulting or aimed towards idiots (as some have said). I believe its what it is: a supernatural show loosely based on historical events.

Now for the show itself. The plot so far has been fast paced with some slightly strange aspects (no spoilers). The acting is so-so and the sfx were a lot better than I expected.

The only bad thing I can say is.. The brothel doesn't make sense. I'm not talking about historical accuracy. The writers have clearly setup a town ruled by religion. It seems anyone who disagrees with the religious order ends up beaten or killed. Yet they allow a brothel. I believe in this aspect the writers have tried to use sex scenes to keep people entertained and I don't think it is needed as I found it entertaining enough without those scenes.

Overall a good show and I will keep watching.
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