
6 Reviews
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CSI: Miami: Presumed Guilty (2009)
Season 7, Episode 15
Worst guest star of all time!
10 February 2009
I normally enjoy this show, although it is basically "CSI for Dummies." Doesn't have quite the intellectual/science focus of the other two CSIs, more flash, MTV style filming, and showcase for improbable technology than serious crime solving. But still it is a guilty pleasure. This particular episode, however, was brought down considerably by the performance of guest star Sean Puffy Puff Daddy P. Diddy Combs, or whatever he is calling himself today. "Don't give up your day job, you are definitely not an actor, even though you obviously take yourself very seriously," I just had to laugh. Pathetic guest star garners this episode 6 stars. Without him, the story line and regular stars would have been closer to an 8.
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Paparazzi (2004)
Found this movie disturbing, but interesting.
30 May 2005
We were on the edge of our seats while watching this movie because it manages to create suspense on several different levels. Found it disturbing because of the vigilantism. A part of you wants to see the filthy paparazzi in this movie destroyed, while the part that governs your everyday actions realizes that you could never do what the "protagonist" does, although I could see how he might feel that nobody else was going to do anything. I, along with a wide circle of my friends have never, and will never even look at a tabloid, let alone buy one. We are all intelligent enough to realize that what is in them is not worth the paper it's printed on. I know where to go for actual news, and everything else gets ignored. In addition to this, I have no interest in the personal lives of people I don't even know. I pay them to do a job, i.e., every time I go to the theatre, video store, or buy a movie or similar entertainment, I am paying my part of those performers' salaries to entertain me. I don't care who they are and what is going on with them any more than I care about the personal life of the individual who checks out my groceries. They are just people, like everyone else. That being said, I do think celebrities have privacy rights just like any other individual, but paparazzi will continue to indulge in activities running the gamut from disrespect to criminal behavior as long as people are ignorant enough to buy their drivel. And when people get hurt, or die, they should be punished, albeit by the legal system. From people's responses, this movie definitely makes you think, and I considered it entertaining enough to be worth the time. At least it shows the paparazzi for the First Amendment raping, libelous scum they are.
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Dust (I) (2001)
Beautifully filmed, full of metaphor
11 November 2004
To those who gave this film a negative review, you obviously missed the point! This film was meant to have an "everyman" feel to it. This is why the characters seem to be clichéd! They are meant to be. This movie is subtle, and requires an intellect to truly appreciate what it is trying to say. The viewer is given a rich, tapestried view of the 20th century, from its birth to its waning years. The movie also takes us not only across the century, but around the world, through the growth of global transportation. I found it fascinating and compelling, and had no trouble following the narrative. It is a film that you must give yourself to, and trust the writer and director to answer all your questions as the film progresses, and he does. Manchevski is a true artist. I would also watch this film just for Adrian Lester's amazing performance. It is a treat to see him on screen, it doesn't happen often enough. Don't listen to the naysayers, SEE THIS FILM!
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The Audrey Hepburn Story (2000 TV Movie)
Why, why, why
30 April 2004
Why did one of the world's most beloved actresses end up being portrayed by one of the world's least beloved? On behalf of all the many Audrey Hepburn lover's and admirer's out there, who valued Audrey for her on screen work as well as her life's work for the less fortunate, this raping of her life story is so offensive I would give almost anything to see it undone. I don't understand why this was allowed by Audrey's family and estate. I can only hope that some day, a more appropriate actress will perform a more convincing tribute with a much better script.
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Touching Evil (2004)
Almost didn't watch this, glad I did.
24 March 2004
I am a huge fan of the original BBC series "Touching Evil" with Robson Green. US remakes of Brit TV have been largely disappointing in my opinion. I expected this to be t he same. I was pleasantly surprised. I LOVED IT. It is not the same show, and this is good. I think the biggest problem with some remakes is attempting to make a straight copy. This show has an identity all its own, although it is based on the same premise as t he British version. I found myself sucked in to the story and glued to the set, so to s peak. Jeffery and Vera are believable in their rolls as the two lead characters of David a nd Susan. Jeffrey's performance was unexpected, he showed great vulnerability, without l osing his leading-man presence. I was very impressed. The dialogue is well written, w ith plenty of dark, wry humor thrown in. The show was well-paced, with an appropriate a mount of action and suspense. Didn't find a minute of the two first episodes u nwatchable. Please give it a chance so that we can find out just where this show can t ake us. Especially since they don't seem to be making any more of the original series. Try it, you'll like it!
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Pukka Tukka (2001– )
Absolutely love this show
28 January 2004
As is obvious from some of the other comments, not everyone understands that this is just a cooking show. It is not a soap opera. It is not about "characters" it is about food, lovely, "pukka" food. And "Pukka Tukka" is clearly spelled that way to provide the show with a fun, catchy title. No one will spell "tucker" wrong because of it. "Pukka" is Brit slang for well-cooked. I wouldn't want anyone's comments to dissaude you from watching this whenever it airs on your local network or cable station, and buying it whenever it hopefully is available on DVD, because it is well-done (pukka!) and great fun. Also check out Jamie on "Oliver's Twist," "Naked Chef," and "Jamie's Kitchen." His cookbooks are great as well.
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