
3 Reviews
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Insidious (I) (2010)
30 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so people told me that this movie is so scary that you have to turn it off half way through. That's not true, and being only 12, even I didn't find it that scary. The scariest part of it was probably all the devil things, and the fact that it may happen to you, and it makes you jump like 2 or 3 times.

The thing I like about it is that its one of them movies where you have to think about and figure out whats going on. The ending just freaked me out, I have to say. You think everything is going to be okay, it's all sorted, everyone's happy, when BAM, something happens.

I didn't really get the meaning at first and i had to look it up on google and read a couple of reviews.


Well, this is what the movie is basically about and what it means, please don't read if you haven't seen it yet.

Well a little boy called Dalton falls down a ladder and goes into a coma the next day, but the doctors don't detect any damage done to the brain. The parents take Dalton home, and the mum keep seeing things such as demons and ghosts, but the dad can't see any of it. They end up moving house because the mum gets too freaked out, but weird things keep happening in the new house as well, such as a little boy running around and a room getting completely trashed.

Later on, some ghost-buster people and a lady come in to help them, and it turns out that Dalton is an able astral projector and he went too far away from his body, into a place full of them devils.

During the movie we also find out that the dad never likes his pictures taken, and that he keeps seeing a devil woman in his dreams, who also appears in pictures of him , closer and closer each time.

The only way to get Dalton back is for the dad to go and astral project him self. He goes to get Dalton who does back into his body.

What we see at the end is the dad coming back to his body just when the devils are about to reach it, and wakes up.

Everything seems to be fine, but all of a sudden the old woman snaps a picture of the dad, who goes crazy and chokes her to death. Later on, the mum comes into the room and looks at the picture, and instead of the dad being there, there is the devil woman that kept appearing in all of the other pictures was there all on her own.

What I think it means is that the devil woman was trying to take control of the dads physical body and in the end she got into it, which means it was still his physical body, but the spirit was the devil woman.

The old woman could probably sense the spirit in him, and took a picture to make sure.. Well that's about it , 7/10 for the movie overall
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Very good movie, quiet scary.
30 December 2011
Okay, this is a scary film actually worth watching.

I've seen quiet a lot of vampire/zombie movies, and this one stands out to me, because even though it sometimes uses a bit of gore, that's not what makes it scary.

It's the tension. You just don't know what is going to happen next, the atmosphere is very creepy and the movie just gets through to you, like you can almost feel the Alaskan cold. Most scary movies I see end really badly, this one sort of did as well, but with a bit of romance.

The thing that scared me the most about it is the vampires, I mean, you wont want one of them coming into your room at night.

Overall, very good and worth watching..

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30 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I'm not gonna judge Justin Bieber, I'm gonna judge the movie. I don't like Justin Bieber and everything, but this movie is just awful

Some friends, who are also Bieber fans recommended it to me(me and most of my friends are 12 and 13 year old). Well, I though I could watch it, just for a laugh, I mean, how bad can it be?

Well, I got it from Blockbusters and watched it. The first thing I have to point out is how boring it is, I swear I was turning delirious by the end of it...

It has a load of mumbling on about how "talented" he is from people such as Usher, and I hate the fact that Bieber is trying to seem all down to earth, when he's just a proud little ass (could of said something worse but I don't really want to use foul language). And i swear, every 5 flipping minutes there had to be a reminder about how "hard-working" he is...

Well, I sat through about 50 minutes of it, and then forced my self to watch the rest of it the next day.

AND as well as that, the music in it is terrible, and there's a hell load of it.

Don't watch it, and don't say I didn't warn you if you do!!
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