
4 Reviews
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Fantastic !!!!!!
24 July 2012
My my where do I begin.

To start with I did not want the movie to end at all. Its becoming more and more rare for movies as this one to come by. This movie completes the circle, as far as movie going experience goes. The movie has left me with a sort of warm feeling in my heart that cannot be said in words alone. There is something about the way French movies are made, when they get it right they are simply par excellence. Hollywood kisses concrete.

Anyway, I feel most of us humans are quadriplegic though not physically but emotionally in someway or other. But what one may agree is that when you cry you cry alone, but when you laugh the whole world laughs with you.

If just by the word "quadriplegic" you are expecting it to be a dark, heart shattering, emotionally overloaded movie then I would passionately defend against such a prejudiced opinion. One is not the physical form alone. One can have a beautiful body but a black heart and vice-verse.

A very well written, full bodied script and an exceptionally well directed movie. Characters cannot become more real than this on the silver screen. Omar Sy in my opinion has done a very good job. He lived his character and not played it. To contrast him we have François Cluzet who kept the sparks flying. Omar Sy's comments on Bach, Vivaldi etc classics had me in splits. And also do not miss out on the singing Human tree, the very mentioning of which is having me in splits.

Wow !!! that was some movie. Go get this movie guys and see it today, no now.
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About Schmidt (2002)
Excellent Movie.
7 May 2012
Some movies give answers others more questions. But sometimes comes along a movie/story that goes beyond just questions and or answers. There is also this state of consciousness where neither the questions matter or its answers.

The way the life of Warren Schmidt's has been portrayed is simply amazing and every bit true about all of us as well. If we were to compress our entire life into a few seconds one would see that there are only a few moments of joy and happiness. The rest is littered and scribbled to black with solitude, even on a busy crossing. The movie only goes to show that it takes 60+ years to realize that. But the director has done well by not taking that route completely and sprinkled it with humor to keep our attention, otherwise most of the audience would sub-consciously reject the very idea of solitude. It is scary. Every second spent seeing the movie is a well spent second. If you are feeling down and gloomy please don't feel sad you are not alone the whole planet is feeling the same at some point in time or another, no matter how masterfully they seem to be hiding it.

The movie comes highly recommended. Please rent this movie and reflect upon it.
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John Carter (2012)
Not worth the time and money.
19 March 2012
Saw the movie yesterday. Truth be told, the underlying concept has been beaten to atoms.

Talking creatures, worm holes, anti gravity ships and the entire paraphernalia of odds and ends that are expected of a sci-fi flick have been used in the movie barring the story. In the good old twentieth century we were subjected to challenges via the storyline and script. Imagination and story telling have become inversely proportional to the speed of computers. CG has become sugar cotton candy. Looks big from the outside but soon melts away into nothing.

Please Hollywood take note "Don't Make 3D movies". Had this movie been in the regular format I would have added at-least another 3 stars but alas it was not to be so. It felt so much better to see the movie removing the 3D glasses from time to time. Well, I had to do something sitting in the seat for 2 hours waiting for the movie to end. 3D is totally destroying the movie going experience. Where, the creatures could have looked magnificent on the regular format looked like peeking out of a 40" television screen wearing those glasses. I thank GOD that movies like Gladiator, Matrix and other such great movies were not made in 3D.

I know I was supposed to write a review of the movie. But I did not find anything to write about. Please do yourself a favor and stay away from the movie. Spending time with family/friends would do more good.
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Might contain Spoiler Alerts. Buts its a linear and good story.
28 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God." The whole movie can be rounded off in this simple truth. The protagonist played by Butler is good but alas it could have been better. The character could have been given more depth but has been let off loosely from time to time. There are times when the scenes are intense but end just a wee bit abruptly and the tempo changes. It would have been great if there was more of human to human interaction rather than Ramboic gun fights that seem to be happening at the drop of a hat. The movie would not have lost anything, had the scenes with trucks turning upside down with massive explosions been deleted. Great story but even greater opportunity lost to portray the suffering of our fellow humans. All in all its a good movie and worth a watch at-least once. If you could just glaze over or attend to your cellphone during the gun fights you should do fine. Last but not least do not miss out on the closing credits at the end, you will get a glimpse of the real life crusader. I cannot forget that face ever again, its a Lion amongst us Humans. Bravo.

The thing that one could take away from this movie could be that practicing is more difficult than preaching. My 6.5/10
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