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Highly unrecommended movie
22 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is very modern and forward. It is about 75% in English. It is aimed at English-speaking multiplex-going young audience. Basic plot is similar to DDLJ. Acting is below average.

Unfortunately they are portraying a wrong picture and setting a bad example for the youngsters. Tanisha is shown drinking from a bottle, or taking shots of tequila about 5-6 times in the movie. The director does not even acknowledge she is an alcoholic and has a drinking problem. All through the movie she only wears bikini tops whether she is at work, at a beach or at a wedding. The heroine of the movie doing this makes the youngsters feel this behaviour is acceptable.

The less that is said about failure of Uday Chopra doing Shahrukh Khan's DDLJ role of arrogant girl-chaser, the better. The movie is about equality of sexes. But equality should not be about making the same mistakes, instead about doing the right to do the right thing. If men have been shown as chronic Casanovas in movies, does not mean women should also portray same behaviour.

Even though the movie is made in light-hearted fun spirit, it promotes so many wrong social notions in the name of being forward, that "fun" part of the movie makes no impact. Not even in Canada women dress like this, or guys behave like they have shown in the movie. It is certainly not a reflection of Indian society or even Canadian society. Perhaps they should have a disclaimer at the beginning stating, "All characters and events in the movie are imaginary and do not reflect the actual culture of the cities and countries mentioned in the film." The only good thing about this movie is the length, 1.5 hrs, thank god.
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Sarkar (2005)
A small step by RGV -- A great step for Indian Cinema
10 July 2005
This is an amazing movie with mind blowing performances. It is truly an artistic film. The director admits he was inspired by Godfather. There are definitely some similarities between the two. People also find a resemblance of the characters with some Indian politicians. It is fairly true.

The movie is fast paced. Editing, cinematography, background scores, direction... all fall in place. Ordinarily, Govinda Govinda in the background would have reminded the audience of Govinda the actor. But the sequences were so intense that the movie absorbs the whole mind, leaving no thoughts of the outside world.

Amitabh does complete justice to Sarkar. He has an intense stare that can capture your mind. Kay Kay performs well. Supriya Pathak fits well as a middle class Marathi housewife. But the best part is the phenomenal rise of Abhishek.

On the whole, the Indian version of Godfather is a success and meets its muse in every respect.
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Duplex (2003)
Sickest Movie
12 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This movie starts off as a funny one. The old woman makes the couple go through the worst situations for her selfish purpose. The couple is so cute, we cannot help but pity them for their condition. The agent and the cop add to their misery. It starts to seem that the old woman is inherently evil.

** SPOILER ** I was hoping till the end that the couple would finally get rid of the old woman. But movie has a nasty ending. It turns out to be a wicked plan to torture landlords. With all the bad things they go through, they have to sell their house at a loss. Inspite of her mean acts, the couple even saves her from the fire.

It was shocking that the old woman does not let out the truth about their hatched plan in the end. It leaves you feeling it is a cruel wild world.
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Jury Duty (1995)
Waste of time
12 December 2004
It is a bad movie that gives wrong idea out to the public. There is no way that wasting taxpayer's money can be made to look funny. The guy is healthy educated guy and living on his parents money. And then he decides to live off tax payers' money like a parasite. That certainly does not count as funny.

Being a jury is a serious business. Making a comedy is a serious business. Unfortunately, the movie maker seems to care for neither. I would not recommend this movie to anyone. It is a waste of time.

The actors did a fairly fine job in the given scope. Story and direction failed the movie.
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Mahabharat (1988–1990)
Long live the legends!!
6 December 2004
Mahabharat was a landmark in Indian TV industry. It did to TV in 80's what Kaun Banega Karodpati did in 2000. It carried on what was started by Ramayan - an epic saga series.

Many Indians who gave no more importance to the epic, those had forgotten it, and most importantly the kids who would have had no chance of learning about it, were greatly helped by the TV version. Its greatest achievement was to revive the lost pride in the culture.

Though the special features will now seem kiddish, the costume will seem gaudy, yet I appreciate the details that were achieved with such small budgets. Fast-paced episodes aptly covered the whole epic in just 94 episodes.

I would recommend it to all Indian parents bringing up children in western countries to help kids learn about our great culture.
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24 (2001–2010)
Great idea gone corrupt
22 September 2004
The idea of events happening in one day in real time is innovative. It has the suspense and drama to keep audience stuck to the program.

However, the plot-twists, though provide immediate rise in viewer-ship, are not good for the long-term health of the series. The series should be strongly plot based. However, they should reduce the number of episodes from 24 to, say half. That way they will not have to build unbelievable stories such as Kim in season 2, to fill up time. Season 1 was merely about excitement and the events did not add up in the end. Season 2 had a strong story not executed well due to the length of time to be covered. Useless sub-plots divert attention and make viewers feel cheated.

The producers will have to trade off between the greed of 24 episodes/season and the long-running of the series.
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City of Joy (1992)
Precisely why I hate it
20 September 2004
The Western society has been fed ideas about India being a poor country. Movies like these only make those beliefs stronger. Such illustrations make it all the more difficult for Indians to be accepted abroad. Agreed there are poor and homeless in India, but why is there no representation of educated people if not the successful ones.

I totally hated the idea of the movie portraying Patrick Swayze as another Mother Teressa. In my opinion this movie has shown India in a very bad light giving wrong notions. It is unjust to discuss only one aspect of the society. Exactly the reason why people ask me, "When we go to India, can we hire an elephant right outside the airport so we do not have to walk on the roads so full of filth and snakes?"

Those who want a second opinion on contemporary Indian society should watch "Monsoon Wedding".
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Beautiful Tibet
19 February 2004
I like this movie for the depiction of Tibetan culture. I have never been there, but the scenic beauty captured in the movie inspires me to visit that place. It is not the best movie, but at least someone has made an effort to bring out the plight of the Tibetans. I have been to Dalai Lama's monastery in India, which is home away from home to Tibetans since 1959. They are peace-loving people. Why should their country not be freed. Their cause has been quite under-rated at the global level. "Seven years in Tibet" brings about awareness of the situation of Tibet.

There are some flaws in this movie. The length makes is dragging. It fails to represent the reality and modernism of Tibetan culture. Some say that there is a discrepancy in the portrayal of characters and their real selves, and that the facts have been twisted, that the Chinese never landed their plane in Tibet before the war etc. But I look at it as an attempt to bring the Tibetan issue to light. So even if some people were not actually as shown in the movie, the history remains intact. Tibetans and others who are under oppressors need more such attempts to provide them a mouthpiece for voicing their issues to the world.
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Friends (1994–2004)
I loved It but What the hell are they showing now
5 February 2004
I always liked Friends, I buy each season DVD, the day the release it but today's episode (5th Feb 2004) the one with Striper was disgusting where they show that late when Ross was in college, he kissed Monica (his sister) thinking she's Rachel.. How disgusting is that.. how can they show that and when there wasn't any need for that.
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Chanakya (1990– )
In the times long ago
5 January 2004
Dr Dwidevi made his first acting/direction TV venture with "Chanakya". It came out in times when several other historical and mythological series were popular. It is interesting how "Chanakya" captured the attention and minds of people in between such glamorous shows.

"Chanakya" is a result of a lot of detailed work on life of people during the rule of the Mauryan Dynasty. The sets, costumes, language & pronunciations and cinematography separate it from other costume dramas. The characters are not cardboard cut-outs. They are well-rounded and have depth. Chanakya is one of the shrewdest characters in history. He has been played so well that he virtually comes out of the screen.

On the whole, "Chanakya" reminds us that 'kutil' and shrewd minister of the Mauryas is not merely history. He created history.
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Pinjar (2003)
Epic Saga
5 January 2004
Another detailed work on the subject by Dr Dwivedi takes us back in time to pre-partioned Panjab. Dr Dwivedi chose a difficult subject for his movie debut. He has worked on all meticulous details to bring the story to life. The treatment of the subject is very delicate.

Even though we have not been to the region during that time, the sets and costumes look real. Unlike most movies made on partition, this one focuses not on the gory details of violence to attract audience, but on its after-effects. The characters come to life. Priyanshu Chatterjee has given an impressive performance. Manoj Bajpai has acted his heart out showing the plight of a guilt-ridden man. The rest of the cast has done a good job too.
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Rarely explored sentiment...
5 January 2004
We do not come across movies on brother-sister relationship in Indian cinema, or any other language or medium. This relationship has several aspects which have not been exploited in movies or novels. Typically, a sister is depicted as a pile-on who can be used for ransom in the climax. This movie treats the subject in an entirely different light.

It is inspired by George Eliot's novel "The Mill on the Floss". The brother is very prosaic, all-good, the blue-eyed boy who is a conventionally good son and a favorite with his mother. The sister is romantic, wild and defiant of the unwritten rules of the society. In spite of this, the love of the brother-sister is the winner.

This movie is about the love of the two siblings who are separated in childhood and revival of the same feeling when they meet years later. It is also the quest of the subdued brother to reunite with his sister who has chosen to be wild to defy the world.

Although the movie and the novel are set about 3 centuries apart in two distant countries, yet the sentiments are the same and still hold true.
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Bharat Ek Khoj (1988– )
Made with love, to be cherished
9 December 2003
This is an impressive presentation made in the eighties, of the history of India based on a book. It was and still remains one of the notable TV series of India.

It brings to life the history of India from the earliest times known-- Indus Valley Civilization to the Aryans to the present day India, covering epics like Ramayan, Mahabharat and works of Kalidas.

A huge time span has been depicted on the screen. While making it descriptive, it also maintains the interest of the audience. At the same time it became an informative tool for students to remember the major historical events in chronological order.

There have been tele serials that have lasted longer, that have presented the epics in a greater detail, but none could match the depiction of a detached narrator in the background.

This comment cannot be completed without the mention of the shloka chanted in the series. It was extremely melodious and pioneer-idea. The only other TV series that gives it a competition is "Chanakya", with similar taste in music and art direction.

"Bharat: Ek Khoj" was a small-budgeted non-glamorous project not threatening to sweep away the viewership ratings. However, it turned out to be one of the best made in the Indian TV history.

Shyam Benegal made it dearly. But what still remains uncertain is whether it has all the facts laid right?
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Bhago Boot (2001)
Not just a children's film
30 October 2003
This is indeed an educative film for children, the kind which are unfortunately too few in Indian Cinema.

However, it will be unfair to classify it as merely a children's film. The movie is about a 10 year old boy who meets a seclusion-lover stranger on his way back from school. Over a period of time, the two learn from each other. The child learns to take interest in his education. The stranger learns that no man is an island, and life can be beautiful if we look at it from a different perspective.
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Paar (1984)
Puzzle : One boat to take across a Sheep, Tiger and Bundle of Hay
30 October 2003
We have solved puzzles about a man carrying a sheep, a tiger and a bundle of hay across a river in a boat. This is tougher. A herd of sheep, a pregnant wife and an overflowing river, with no boat... Who goes first?

Since it is a movie and not a puzzle, a poor man crossing a river with his pregnant wife, and taking along a herd of sheep of his landlord, has several underlying themes. The overflowing river is like the raging landlord. The unborn child represents home. The herd represents money. The poverty-stricken couple decides to go for raising some money for their child.

This ordeal sums up great performances by Naseerudin Shah and Shabana Azmi into one.
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Saudagar (1973)
An off-beat Amitabh movie
30 October 2003
It is a general notion that Amitabh has acted in typical "Masala" movies only. But there is more to him than meets the eye. Here, he has taken on serious cinema.

This is one of his early films. He has given as terrific performance, which went unnoticed in the star-dust of his hit films. He did not return to serious cinema again. This side of him has not been exploited to the fullest. He has immense talent. That's why he continues to surprise us even after ruling the industry for more than 3 decades.

However, if he gives another shot to such films, he can leave an indelible mark. His best is yet to come.
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Party (1984)
Movie about the elite
23 October 2003
This movie is aimed at the elite artist class and how they escape their responsibility towards the society, even though they have the perfect mouthpiece in the form of their art.

The movie starts as a party gathering of rich people of the society, consisting of artists, their patrons, critics, and socialites. It is a celebration in the honor of a recipient of a literary award.

As the movie progresses, it unfolds the personal lives and the tension among the pretentious guests. There are mixed feelings of jealousy, pompousness and love for popularity.

Amrit, another literary person, is not present in the party. We form his character from the comments of the guests. While most of the guests look down upon him, he is the only one to stand up for his responsibility of writing about and participating in the problems of the society, in this case, the problems of the remote tribals.

He comes on the screen only at the end of the movie.

Overall, an amazingly beautiful film, breaking the regular-movie mold. movies.
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Aghaat (1985)
Intense film
23 October 2003
This is another film which deviates from the regular Indian movies.

The movie raises the issue of exploitation of factory-workers by their employer. A worker named Chotelal, played by Pankaj Kapoor, gets injured while working in the factory, and his family is poverty-ridden. There is a powerful performance by Om Puri as Madhav Verma, a truthful Labor-Union leader with high morals and strong leftist ideas, fighting for a workers' rights.

The opposition Labor Union tries to use this incident as a means of wooing workers to join them by getting higher severance package from the employer. Madhav Verma is also sucked into the game to save his Union. Hence, what started off as a fight for Chotelal's rights becomes a fight for the existence of the 2 Unions.

The political games played by the trio of the 2 Labor Unions and the employer come into the forefront. But Chotelal and his wife are always in the background reminding Madhav how he had gone back on the promise to truthfully server the workers.

Great portrayal of the dilemma of Madhav, and Chotelal's wife as a constant reminder to Madhav of their pain. Interestingly, she has only one dialog in the end, and plays the rest of the role through her expressive eyes.
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The Touch (1980)
A different face of the Indian Cinema
23 October 2003
As opposed to the general notion of Indian movies, this is not a regular run-of-the-mill film.

It is a sensitive movie, with intense performance by Naseeruddin Shah in the role of a self-respecting visually-impaired principal of a blind school, who hates the society for pitying people like him. He works towards making his students self-reliant. Shabana Azmi plays a social worker who has a troubled personal life supporting him as a volunteer. The movie depicts the relationship between the 2. The pride of the man and the sympathies of the woman are the cause of turbulence in their relationship.
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