
95 Reviews
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Napoleon (2023)
Joaquin could only save so much
4 May 2024
As someone who learned little to nothing of Napoleon this provided nothing to the audience like me. I was expecting something with great detail for the length of the movie. Was was given was scene after empty scene with extremely unappealing/unpleasant sex scenes (I'm no prude those scenes where just vomit inducing). We get very little of who napoleon was and very little explanation of how he accomplished much of what they decided to show us. After 40 minutes of just pretty scenery I lost completely interest (followed by four others of my guest, two of which are history snobs). I love Jooaquin but he had no business being given the job to act as Napoleon (as many of the side characters.) Everyone needs to be recasted because they all looked, sounded and acted as if they were British which through me off.
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Doesn't live up to the memory
9 March 2024
I've been watching with someone who never saw the cartoon and it really helped to see it through that view. As a show of its own it's worthy of the rating given (over all and those of 6+). As a "remake" live action version it does not do justice to the show. I do however love that they didn't white wash it. What the constructive criticism of the lower reviews are correct about is that the show lacks character development/depth and the rushed pace of the show. Watching the show as a stand alone it make little to no sense and the scenes are forced into one another making no connection with zero explanation. Since I saw the cartoon I constantly had to fill in the massive gaps.

Overall it's just ok. The fact that it's pretty and all the special effects are well done makes this worthy of a watch. With that said it is a terribly sad attempt at a live action version of a cartoon that made so many feel so many emotions. This version evokes no emotions for the characters or story. It's more of a mindless semi nostalgic watch.
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Fiction (nonfiction)
2 March 2024
Seems like a lot of people were disappointed in this movie (1st and 2nd) because they were expecting SiFi fiction rooted in a fantasy and not a slightly fictional depiction of real life. Womp womp haters going to hate. Yes we all, including myself, watch tv to escape from reality but that isn't a way to live. You can't always shut your eyes and pretend all around you is a bed of roses. One can presume they casted these white dudes to be the leads to not be stereotypical typical and to get those who aren't marginalized into liking the movie. But that's the one thing they got wrong. Can't tell a in real time story (fictional or not) and not include those who are the bases of the story.

Overall there was no need for a second movie but it was well made and included more of how we are in a police state and that's a story that must always be depicted.
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Comedy you say
23 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I had no clue this was promoted as a comedy until I read all the reviews saying how the laughed and enjoyed this comedy. To me its 90% drama and maybe a pinch of dark comedy, although I didn't do much laughing.

*spoiler-Great story of a young adult with clear signs of anxiety due to upbringing trauma (whole worlds on her should feels and loaded imposter syndrome,maybe:) I'm no therapist but babe has got some major issues).*

Well written and acted. I can't quite put my finger on it but something about it definitely didn't keep me captive. I was interested enough to want to know how it and but not give it my full attention. But definitely worth a watch if you like slice of life stories with hopeful endings.
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If only
16 February 2024
Decently promising film sadly made into garbage due to the acting which clearly would be the director (casting departments) fault. I mean we're all these people extras who never had attended one class? To be fare this write/director seems to only do E for Effort films. If the people involved aren't students trying to learn then wow. To have money must be nice just to waste it like this.

Overall only what if you are a glutton for torture and have mental issues preventing you from not finding and watching worst than student quality films. The only decent actor was the priest (with the beard).....
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Cuban Fury (2014)
Good fun
14 February 2024
What in the world are the lower reviews on about... Smh people it's a god damn comedy chillax will ya. I don't care for Chris's characters at all ever he always play a creepy perv and it really seems to fit him well (not a compliment). Best part that had me cracking up was Simon Peg. The whole time I'm watching I was "this isn't right watching this funny man (Frost) without his bff" and then out the blue. Had me dying.

The movie itself was funny and minus the unnecessary creepy human resource nightmare is definitely worthy of a watch. Because of that guy the movies definitely more of a 5-6 rating but I tried to ignore him as much as one could so bumped it up a notch or two.

Overall great soundtrack, fun dance moves (could have been better and focused on more but fun), and the ever so talented Olivia Colman stole the show toward the end *clap clap clap*
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Stand by Me (1986)
*ugly sob*
2 February 2024
Why did this make me ball my eyes and heart out so profusely at the end. I didn't think I would care for any of the characters like that and somehow it hit me all at once. It was so real. Then also seeing R. Pheonix his story always makes me sob.

I saw this movie as a kid but I didn't remember a lick of it so it was great seeing it again as an adult. If you have seen it or have definitely give it a watch. If you like real life (often drab) stories and have a little time to kill this will help lighten your heart.

No truer words than we will never have friends like those we had when we were younger.
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The Informer (2019)
Too high of a rating but
11 January 2024
As a person who doesn't like action movies I was shocked at how this caught my attention. I'd typically give these genres a 1 to 3 rating if I waste my time on them but this wasn't that bad.

Cons: writing of some characters and plot (holes, redundancy, loopty loos). The characters chosen to look like tough criminals look like puppy dogs (especially comedian playing rookie cop; who I love in anything else, he's very funny).

Pro: actors doing their jobs to work with what little they were given. Concept.

The ending insinuates a second part is due. Seeing as this had money and covid issues I doubt we will ever see it unless some producers decide on a day they feel like wasting some funds and taking a chance at entertaining as wee folk.
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Pose (2018– )
Mixed but joyous feels
2 January 2024
It's definitely not my type of show yet I freaking loved it (not every episode but as a whole). Some characters made me want to stop watching (Pray, Elektra, Angel, Damon, Candy, The Council, Judy -but I don't like her in many thing). Lol I know that's about half the cast but they did grow on me as the seasons went on. This definitely wasn't something I could binge. Majority in part because I didn't care for the characters, some acting.... but also because of the tears. I cried for characters I didn't like, I cried for the love that was shown, and I cried for the fight that disgracefully had to be fought. I cried because it's my story. Although it wasn't a masterful piece of media, any person willing to tell the story of struggle of any and all people deserves to be viewed by all.

Do yourself and the community a favor and don't compare it just accept and appreciate it for the piece of story it is.

(But being for real this is definitely more of a 6-7 rating, if you must really know and hate like Candy rightfully would).
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Mixed crowd
1 January 2024
Seems there is a divide of those who want real life displayed truthfully in media and those that can't handle it and don't want it at all or just a sprinkle.

This is for the latter. This sprinkle of seriousness makes this movie a comedy/drama, sadly. If you still haven't seen this movie but read the book then don't, unless you want to be infuriated and bored. Unless also you want a disneyfied version of the story.

I watched this movie as a kid and thought I loved it. I can see why I loved it as a kid. But having read the book in my later years and rewatching this version I had to revise my 9star rating. This movie as a whole definitely does not deserve higher than a 5 rating. But because there are parts (acting, singing, cinematography) that were really well done you can't fully fault all of it because of the director or producer.

I havent seen or read anything about the newer version but hopefully they remade it with the intentions of depicting the true words that should be brought to those who don't/can't read.
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Have to love people eh...
24 December 2023
I love it when people say a documentary doesn't provide enough evidence (what they as normies consider evidence) which said evidence (even for them) is provided. I love it when people say a content isn't a documentary because it is "one sided" as if those type of documentaries don't exist. As if "one sided" documentaries aren't credible (sorry for all the victims that have said documentaries on other subjects).

Whether you think we humans are the only living creatures on all planets in existence or not this doc was a great addition to the subjects. With the way they presented and explained what was presented to the filming and well placed cgi. They helped to visualize what the witnesses were explaining. The story was well written for television viewing and well researched. Sure if you like to watch things on this subject not too much was new but keep in mind it isn't for you who believes and wants to finally be told "hey it's really really real and happening" it's to continue showing and explaining. It's to keep its foot in the door to kick it wide open. So try not to let the info go over your head because you heard it and act out negatively (missing the whole message) but keep your ears open to the info and actually do your part to change for better. Stop being a Debby downer bro.
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Shining Vale (2022–2023)
21 December 2023
Such hard "critics". If you are one of the small few odd balls who have a censorship ear issue with cursing then you might not care for this hilarious potty mouth filled thriller of a show. Also if you are a religion that doesn't care for other religions and or satanism. Ok so with all those lameos out of the way us heathens can pop some corn and watch these pagans conduct their sacrifices in peace.

I'm shocked at how well everyone acting is. Brava cast, brava. I do wish they gave the son more to do/say (more awkward stuff, i dont know something). I really hope there is a third season because nothing is wrapped up in the latest (2nd) season. I hope it's revealed that the mom had a hand in all this and the dad was a sacrifice (or something of the sort).

Not related to the rating but do baby sharks not grow up? I often wonder about people who illegally smuggle animals they have no business pretending they can in anyway care for.
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Why the hate
20 December 2023
Unless you didn't enjoy the first film i dont know why you wouldn't like this one. It's identical to the first one. They literally changed nothing but locations. It's the same cheesy "dialogue", same stoopid one liners. What's not to like? :)

This definitely is rated to high but seeing as nothing was new I couldn't very well down vote it since I did enjoy it just as much as the first one. If it doesn't take you much to find humor or fun in silly things then this will be right up your alley.

Nothing but silliness for silly Billy's. Just pop a squat, grab some snacks to keep you occupied while this melts away a couple brain cells.
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The Remaining (I) (2014)
I'm a glutton for torture
19 December 2023
If you're like me then this dumpster fire will be your cup of tea also.

The positive: everyone's acting from main characters to one second of fame appearances. The sound effects. The lighting. The things that went bump in the night. The beginning of the film toward the middleish (it starts to loose us nonbelievers and fanatic nutjobs around here).

This really could have been a solid 6 if the story was developed before filming. I myself am not biased about a film stories so long as they are entertaining. What make it entertaining is all the positive points above but most importantly an actual story. An actual story that is fully developed for the screen.

Cons: the clear racism (where are all the non Anglo-Saxons). The unclear unexplained reason behind why people are left behind (is the kid from the library supposed to be gay. Was cheating on his gf his only sin... etc).

For this movie they should have explain things fully to us heathens left after the (insert proper religious jargon). As someone mentioned they should take the time to point out all the other religious cults and how they faired in this scenario. Show more. Show us what happened to the main characters that they deserved to be left behind and then explain why they couldn't get back into the "almightys good graces". And explaining or show how and if those that appeared to have kissed enough as5 panned out.
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Us (II) (2019)
Harsh critics huh
17 December 2023
Many of the lower reviewers state they didn't finishing watching, fell asleep watching and one hilarious person only watched the trailer. That gives you an idea of the small minded imbecile that come on to forums like these to spread their ignorant hate.

When I first watched this, in theater, I must admit I didnt care for it because I allowed myself to be fooled into thinking this would be a traditional horror flick. So I gave it a 6. But seeing as it came to netflix I said why the heck not, sometimes watching something you didn't care for can turn to like (maybe love). As quickly as it arrived to netflix it was already on its way out so I rushed to watch it.

Mostly it was all the same feelings. It wasn't horror scary but the concept is unsettling. Also fyi I've been watching lots of docs on our planet and beyond this helped get in the mood (thing ancient civilization, ufo, space docs). So I got into not as a "oh this is scary" approach but "huh, interesante" approach. So hence a 7.

Anyhow give it a second watch if it wasn't your cup of tea the first time. It's not like it's poorly directed, acted or written. Everything is really well done on that front. It's just ok though. Could definitely be better. Maybe a part two with all the explanations actually explained with a main focus on the actual happenings/creation of the experiments.
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10 December 2023
This is something alright. If you grew up watching low budget shows (90's and earlier) then you won't have an issue with this directive style. If you watched odd ball shows like supernatural or once upon a time (and far more) then you won't have a problem with the theme. What's gosh awful is the story, dialogue and acting (partly I assume due to the dialogue and directing).

I watched to the end but I kept hoping it would end. Yeah it made me laugh but not due to anything they did but because the show is so laughable. Nothing to be taken serious.

Again if you watched supernatural this is definitely up that alley of goofiness. Oh and do be sure to watch it in its original language. Although the English dub was more accurate than most it's still awful.
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The Killer (2023)
18 November 2023
Did you enjoy American Psycho? If so then this is a perfect modern take. Full of dull dry nothingness to entertain the last brain cell pleading for death. Will death ever be granted? Watch to the end to find out.


Save yourself. Turn off the movie and never look back. If you liked this main actors acting as Magneto then again this may be the bland cuppa for you. The only saving grace of this lack of action/drama was Tilda. The second I saw her I thought, oh my gosh finally some blood will be pumped into this corpse. Sadly the few seconds we get to revive are quickly snuffed out.

This is a movie where nothing happens and nothing can be said about it. Enjoy.
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Lopez vs. Lopez (2022– )
15 November 2023
Hope they'll do more seasons. Even though I'm not a fan of sitcoms (it's those damn laugh tracks or and live audiences) I enjoyed this. Partly because I am a fan of George Lopez but also for the rest of the cast. I really loved the telenovela live theater scene. That was so well done.

I honestly have nothing more to say. I'm at 300 characters y'all so just turn away. Pop yourself in front of your tv and watch the show. I watched it while doing very minimal chores so I can still follow the story. Just did some dishes and sewing. I was more bored of sewing than this could ever be.

Don't be a crab.
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Dead End (2022)
30 October 2023
This was a funny quick binge mini tiny series best watch in its original language, obviously. Never dub people, never dub. The only aspect I didn't like was what they decide to do towards the end. That really ticked me off. I mean who does that??? That act nearly made me hate the show as a whole because it made me feel like it was all for nothing and my time was wasted. But it's too funny and has great kill scenarios to get too pissy over. Also that kid needs a good wack upside the head!

Give it a watch, not dubbed, and prepare to laugh and be shocked. I personally think it could of used a tad more goofiness and more raunchiness.
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Heavy (1995)
20 October 2023
I really like Vince in anything he's in but this? They did not let him shine enough. They did not show grief well enough. What they did do was show how they hose who aren't actual friends or family are quick to abandon you. But it was hard to get into that stories aspect because it was so so so boring. Also why tf is it called heavy? This dude is not heavy (not in this film). Debbie definitely could have let loose a bit more. Be just a tad bit extra. The drunk regular added zero to any scene they were in and it was a lot. Livs acting was as usual, meh, surface no substance (not the fault of the script it's just how she acts). Overall why was this made?
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The Thaw (2022– )
Not good but not awful
20 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
People anything dubbed is going to be trash, do yourself a favor and learn to read. With that said the subtitles are trash. I like to watch media not in my 1st language in their original language first then when I feel I'm missing something because the acting is not adding up with what's being "said" (written). I'll go back hear it dubbed, with the subtitles, and see what's what. 98% of the time the subtitles are I'll translated. Which is unfortunate because one would think if the voiceover actors have the script in English then surely all they have to do is write that script as the subtitles. Not hire another company to misinterpret the original script.

Anyhow the show itself has its moments. In my opinion it's good because it kept me wanting to know. But what gets a bit distracting is how they wrote the main character. At work she appears to be the only competent detective (everyone comes off a jaded incompetent lazy pigs) yet in her "personal life" she makes a lot of rookie mistakes. *spoiler* she turns her back on her active kid a lot leaving her vulnerable to her work life. She's reckless and hot headed where it really isn't called for. *spoiler over*

Overall from all the polish movies and shows I've seen this one definitely has potential to be great. Maybe if they do a second part they can get different writers for her role. And make the other detectives less incompetent and lazy to work.
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Horimiya (2021)
Cringe, but bearable
18 October 2023
This anime is just like any slice of life anime but with two super cringe main characters. Everyone but them are likable. Really even Miyamura is likable but when they weren't in an abusive relationship. Kyoko always comes off shallow except for when they are with their sibling. Her having to be an adult fast because of neglectful parent may justify why she sees unhealthy patterns as romantic. We don't get to see Miyamuras family like but what we get is that he's a helpful kid who got bullied in school. This could be why he is a people pleaser. Overall it's definitely not a memorable anime in any way. According to the streaming service I use I've seen this once before but since I couldn't remember anything about it I tried again. Yeah it's a waste of time but meh it's good background noise being that there is no real story to be told.
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Sharp Objects (2018)
15 October 2023
Sucks masterpieces like this one are hidden away. Luckily I recently got access to hbo and have been binging hard. This gem would have never come into my life. Just wow! Amazing. Well done brava. Everyone did a great job in playing their characters from main or side characters, hell even minor extras. *claping*

The ending is just. Wow. I knew something was off about them but never did I think they alone were the full culprit. I was thinking accomplice because they may have been afraid of being killed. But well.... I really hope this gets picked up again. Let us see and not wonder indefinitely of what Camille chooses. I need to know and I'd rather not assume because clearly the writers got this in the bag.
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Asking for It (2021)
11 October 2023
Well I didn't know about the 1 star comment so I looked into it (out DOT com/news/2022/4/21/director-eamon-orourke-reportedly-punched-trans-comedian-grace-freud). I also didn't know about this Ezra person but I did know something always rubbed me the wrong way when they'd appear in something I'd be watching. I normally don't care for news to affect what I read or watch but the message of the men and now knowing facts on two of the irl humans I bumped my rating down (op 10). Seems now the creator of this may have just used this to let out their true nature whilst trying to appease others to get their foot into the door.

This movie pissed me off but was full of characters taking charge and using their well justified rage to teach others manners. And all that action and well executed acting made me originally post a 10 rating. However as stated above it sucks when people use the power they have or might have to spew hate and or justify their ignorance.
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Dani Who? (2019)
10 October 2023
No reviews. I've never come across a movie or show that left the people speechless. And yet still a low overall rating lol. This was a refreshing show to all the awful Spanish context out there. All we get fed are dramas, awfully unfunny comedies, or crap filled action flicks. We have to look hard to find anything of substance and this made it through. Sadly mostly unheard of and as quickly as I found it it was quickly removed (Hulu).

This sci-fi action packed show had me hooked from the first scene (it's very wayward pines with its message). I originally added it to my Hulu list because of the plot and the fact that it didn't appear to be a typical Spanish show. I was upset there weren't any English subtitles. But I quickly got over it since it forced me to stay focus. But then again as a person who didn't get taught my native tongue subtitles in my first language would have been a huge help with anything I may have misunderstood. Everyone's acting was superb and well portrayed.

Overall if you see this review quickly catch up so that maybe it'll be renewed since we have had no show like it before.

However since this show is from 2019 do be prepared to be greatly unsatisfied due to never being able to know what'll happen next with this creatively written story. The cliffhanger is super upsetting.
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