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Saving Ryan's Privates
7 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, let the laughter at my subject line die down and then I can give my speech. This is an all-round excellent film as war films go, but it has a few technical flaws which cause me discomfort watching it. It boils down to incorrect military doctrine as the main source of trouble, which is usually the case with war films. Following military doctrine as it would have been back in 1944, the story would not gel together into a cinematic jewel that it is.

I tend to blame directors and story-crafters for this flaw because they had on staff one of the best technical advisors in the business in the person of Dale Dye.

One flaw that I did not enjoy watching is the defense of a bridge about 30 paces long crossing a lazy stream of what appears to be a foot of sewage flow. The Americans have vowed to defend this bridge but are ready to blow it to stop the German armour from using it. Ryan stays to defend his bridge and be with the only real brothers he knows, his unit.

A good technical advisor would have pointed out that the bridge would have been blown if the Germans had a credible chance of taking it (as they did to many bridges during the Battle of the Bulge come Dec '44), since the combat engineers in all Western Front armies would easily have replaced it with a widely available Bailey bridge. Captain Miller, having ascertained that he was seriously outnumbered and lacking in sufficient ammo, weapons, and resources to repel the German counter-attack at the bridge, would simply have strolled across it with his men and blown it without the dramatic do-or-die struggle that takes place in this story element. The story-crafters at the studio would have been stumped if they had to follow obvious military doctrine of the time. The raison d'etre for the climactic scene at the bridge would have been absent so their only choice is to do what Hollywood always does - film the fictional story.

And it's what they do in this film made excessively long with impertinent scenes - saving babies from snipers, rushing headlong into a German machine-gun position for no credible reason, the cowardly corporal, the team displaying a breakdown in discipline among the ranks, etc, etc. The result is great cinema - but bad history.

It's very tricky writing historical fiction and takes three times longer than pure fiction for all the research that has to be done.

For blood-and-guts realism in all the battle scenes this film wins the awards. Following military doctrine, meh.
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Attack (1956)
Another movie I won't have to watch twice
28 May 2024
Why is it that every war film has frontal attacks in it? Do writers of war films not know the least military doctrine? For the plot to work at all this film has to ignore every aspect of military doctrine of the era.

For example, a platoon of GIs attack an enemy held town with no cover - out on in the open. They have done no reccon. They have no intel on the German positions. They have no mortars, no bazookas, no artillery support, no machine guns, no armor, no tanks, no air cover, And that's the only way this story works.

Why? Because if any one of those items were available, the attack might succeed and that's not what the plot calls for.

Another flaw in the plot is that the officers of the company would have been able to file complaints about the captain. They can protest orders and write complaints without the major's permission. Yes, there's a chain of command, but no it isn't as rigid as this plot wishes you to believe.

These two major flaws make this story just plain silly.

There are also technical mistakes with the German armor. Not a significant flaw, but annoying none the less.

This is the dilemna with war movies - do we make it accurate or do we ignore inconvenient facts for the sake of drama. This film opted for the drama.

Yet another movie I will never have to watch again.
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I'm Going To Break Your Head
13 December 2023
If you wish to see what it would be like to fly from So. Cal. To a frosty, snow-engulfed island south of Newfoundland, and be cooped up in crappy digs with a shrill, emotionally needy, self-obsessed whiner hell bent on unearthing some reason to argue then skip the trip and just watch this film. You'll save on airfare, hotel bills and therapy, trust me.

To be blunt, it hurts me even to see someone else go through a relationship with someone this fragile.

Everything about this film made me cringe in fear of getting into a similar relationship where the partners, after presumably a very long relationship, are still walking on eggshells, fearful of stepping on a landmine every time they open their mouths. Geez, either grow up or move on.

And the music this relationship produced reflects the relationship to a tee, with the male culprit in the affair from hell pleading "I can change" to the satisfaction of the queen bee.

One further comment - Quincy Jones said good music has three elements - melody, harmony, and rhythm. This stuff lacks rhythm. None. Unless you find slow chord arpeggios enough to shake your hips to. And I found none of the lyrics uplifting at all.

I will give you the best couples therapy advice I can think of - you two should develop a sense of humor - it seems to be seriously lacking in your outlook on life. There wasn't one funny, uplifting or philosophically enlightening moment in this film and if it comes on TV again I'm going to turn it off and have a chat with the dog.
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Great dark humor.
13 December 2023
I loved this film. I write dark humor myself and I couldn't do any better. The story has elements of style that are incredible to see even if they appeared in a big Hollywood production. They do everything right from beginning to end. The story resolves the only way it can when the dark protagonist falls off the twig. This reminds me of so much European and British dark humor it makes me proud to have come from Quebec. The characters are true to their Quebec setting and yet nothing about this film is cliche. I watched this in French with English subtitles, but I speak enough French that I could have enjoyed it without them.

Loved it. C'etait ben fun! When I write my next screenplay, I'll call on these guys to make the film.
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This film deserves burial at sea.
8 December 2023
This remake of a great classic film is terrible. It has given me a new appreciation of the film making skills of the original writers, actors, director from the Fifties. Why on God's green Earth you would remake a perfect film is beyond me. Are you saying the original story was poorly executed? Who would finance such a disaster? Probably a Space X cadet with too much money. WHY? WHY? WHY? This remake has the taste of yesterdays bubblegum that you took off the underside of an auditorium chair. This film is about as entertaining as watching the original in reverse. This film needs to be burned with a stake through its heart. GOD - WHY WHY WHY???
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"Attack of the Killer Tomato"
24 November 2023
This film will have you muttering oaths of revenge in your car.

I have a serious question for the cast and crew of this film. DO THEY NOT HAVE ACTING SCHOOLS IN CANADA? God, you guys are worse actors than three-year-olds lying about stealing candy.

Here is one mistake they all make and it's hard to watch a complete movie knowing they don't have the skill to pull this off. They all, without exception, put the volume to 10 on their emotions, so that every emotion is expressed to the utmost, like they're experiencing chocolate for the first time. No subtlety at all. No character at all, they could all be playing the same person.

The next mistake is the writing. It's bad. It's very cliche and does something you should never see in a film - it talks too much. Instead it should show. The bad girl TELLS you what she is going to do, TELLS you she's angry, TELLS you why she's motivated to do what she is doing when NO ONE IS THERE!!!. I'm betting the scripts had so much dialogue it was written into the margins. LESS is better. SHOW the character DOING things and leave it at that. TRUST that the audience is WATCHING and don't explain it to them like they are idiots. Too much of this is ON THE NOSE, and if you don't understand that statement you shouldn't be in the business. The fact that it is so means the director is also incompetent, the production staff, the script writer, the actors, none of them spotted it and put up their hands.

The filmography reflects very cheap production values with close shots everywhere, so that you can't tell we're a thousand miles from Philadelphia - a sure sign this film never ran in theaters. It is possible to make a movie cheaply, but couple it with bad acting and a poorly executed story, that's a formula for Canadian gov't subsidized rubbish.

Canada, can you please subsidize acting schools and writing classes for these people as well as their salaries - thanks.
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5 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm Canadian so don't fire off insulting replies about Americans. This movie and almost all others being filmed in Canada has many faults. They are all easily spotted by their trademark signatures. They are cheaply made. The actors generally have less skill, that's first. The writing is weak and they don't consult experts for the story line. For example: "I'm Detective Miller and I'm arresting you because I think you've been engaged in illegal activity." Five-year-olds can point out the legal weakness in that stupidity. The director does not do establishing shots - too cheap to get permissions, so they zoom in on a corner of a house instead of a neighbourhood establishing shot. The music is weak, none of it requiring permissions, all original and weak. The editing is weak - scenes with no emotional punch drag on and on. Child actors with minimal experience. LIghting is crap, sets are crap, costumes are crap, locations are crap, and on and on.

These faults and many more help identify the source immediately to viewers. Where in hell does the money come from to pay for these poorly executed stories. The Cdn government pays for them to be made. That's right - money from satellite & cable subscribers gets forwarded (mandated by the CRTC) to film producers for Canadian content. It dies on the vine. The finished product goes back to the service providers - no first run in theatres, no sales on DVDs.

The people making this dogcrap need to know the truth about their product so they can change. Canada is making movies much the way a communist country would, and the result is just as watchable. And it's why anyone in Canada with real talent has to haul ass south of the border.
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Blue Steel (1990)
10 stars NOT!!!
10 December 2020
First minutes of watching this I said it was probably written by a woman who knows absolutely nothing about police procedure, human behavior or firearms. Watching it further just ticked me off further. Be warned. it stretches credulity to the point of distraction and ire. Hopefully the director/writer has since grown in skill. If not, she should stick to fairy tales - it's her forte. This movie is so bad I kept wanting Jamie Lee to take one to the head so it would come to a peaceful end, like a coup de grace. Unfortunately the director is very cruel and prolongs the agony to the point that Amnesty International should protest on the viewer's behalf. It's one of those movies that Radar on MASH announces over the P.A. and Hawkeye Pierce lifts a leg and let's a stinker out. This film should be shown at bio-engineering schools everywhere as a perfect example of the skillful way L.A. recycles garbage and turns it into movies. The only entertaining thing about this film will be these comments of derision.
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Oh, the Humanity...
4 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The portrayal of the American flyers bombing the sub was over the top. Some Germans like to say 'You had your murderers too' which seems to assuage guilt for them for their ancestors' crimes against humanity. Unless one cannot see the difference between the two sides, let me state it clearly - The Germans had institutionalized murder from the very top to the bottom, with the occasional protesting humanitarian below, their opponents were institutionalized humanitarians with the occasional murderer in the ranks. I'm sorry, but having American flyers laughing after the bombing and saying "Let's go back and strafe them", that ranks in my book as propaganda and if it were more truthful it's probably something a German flyer would have said, since it was part of all their campaigns to strafe civilians fleeing the fighting. They strafed, in order, Polish, Belgians, Parisians, and Russians to clog the roads with panicked civilians, and to force them in a given direction to block advancing armies, much like a sheepdog biting at the heels of animals. It's not possible to enjoy this movie while knowing the facts of how the Germans behaved in WWII. Also not historically accurate is the fact that an odd triangular cross exists in place of the Nazi swastika, and the Kapitaen gives a traditional instead of the 'Heil Hitler' salute while receiving a medal from Doenitz, due to the fact that both are illegal to portray in Germany today. With good reason.
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Trainspotting (1996)
15 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Rubbish! Shock value high, with human feces top of the list. Dead baby, toilets, fingers in anuses, 345 uses of the c**t word, homicidal maniac with a knife but no known motive. You get the picture. It's got a high rating, don't be fooled; that's probably from all the scat-fetish people. Excessive, boring and unnecessary over-narration during the film attempts to shed light on this waste of celluloid and give it some meaning, but that fails too. Perhaps the editor got it backwards and all the good bits went into the bin and the rest became Toiletspotting. They succeeded if the attempt was to portray the effects of a drug addiction gone bad, waiting for the end to come to our suffering, even if that means death, because that's what you'll be wishing before this movie is over. Please God, kill me now. What amazes me is how trash like this gets funding! If this is the best Scotland has to offer...Choose life, choose a movie with a story and some redeeming social value. By the way, principal narrator, it's 'three piece suit' not 'three piece suite',(Soot not sweet). The fact that there wasn't a re-take to get that right should tell you loads about the production values.
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Black Book (2006)
Hollywood can't beat this!!!
2 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has everything!!! I was disappointed at the end because I didn't see Hitler fly into Paris on a Zeppelin balloon, jump on a bicycle and win the Tour de France, bribing the officials with stolen jewels from murdered Jews. But other than that, it simply has everything. Every single plot twist ever shown on the screen before, or to be found in pulp fiction smut magazines of the Forties. Naked sexy chicks? Got it. Mean Nazis whipping and having sex with said naked sexy chicks? Got it. Nazis shooting double-crossed innocents? Yup, got that, times three or four! I must correct other reviewers who seem to think this movie was based on fact. The titles actually say that it was inspired by true events. It was also inspired by the cigarettes they smoke in Holland that are not legally available elsewhere. I will give the writers some credit – there actually was a second world war, but that's about as far as the movie parallels reality.

There are, in point of fact, about twenty betrayals and double-crosses in the plot, and a few false double-crosses where the lead character is thought to be a double-crosser but isn't really and she must prove her innocence before she can be killed. So on that score, this film wins on sheer volume and repetition of a plot mechanism. It becomes somewhat difficult to bear when we see Canadian soldiers hand out rifles to captured Germans after the war so they can shoot one of their own, a gentle, kind-hearted, sweetheart of a man who's in charge of the Gestapo and secretly saving the lives of guilty resistance fighters.

The film also can win the Most Implausible Coincidences award for all the incidents that it uses to move a sluggish plot forward. For instance, how did the evil Dutch doctor (muahahaha) know that our intrepid Jewish heroine would convulse in uncontrollable grief upon hearing of the death of her Gestapo-boss lover? So that he could inject her with a 'sedative'. (muahahaha!!!) And why did the after-war prisoners (collaborators) haul up a cauldron of sewage twenty feet into the air? Is that what you do with sewage? Haul it up in the air? Just so it could be poured by the gang of haters onto our heroine? Did they know she'd be there? The worst of the implausible events is when the resistance fighters try to kidnap a double-crosser who leads Jews to their deaths in order to steal their wealth. The evil-doer (muahahaha) puts up a struggle and gets the upper hand, and a religious zealot has the only working gun, but he can't shoot because he'd be taking a life. The heroine is being strangled to death but the Christian can't kill to save her. The villain calls her a 'damn' whore and the Christian is so overcome with anger at the swearing that he is now able to start shooting the evil swearing man. He fills him with bullets and his friends have to pull him away from shooting more, not for choking a woman mind you, but for blaspheming. Only gold leaf can be stretched this far, but credulity, mmmm, not so much.

Here is some truth about Holland's contribution to the war. It had a popular Nazi party. It fielded more than 25,000 soldiers to fight along side the Germans in Dutch SS divisions on the Russian front. This film about intense underground warfare, a complete myth, is nothing more than an attempt to firmly lock the closets, paper over the wall, and hide the skeletons of a not-so-glorious past. That can be the only explanation why such a fantasy could receive government funding. Blackbook is a brilliant example of inept writing, re-using plot twists and double-crosses, sex and violence ad nauseum, not until the story had come to a logical end, but until the funding ran out. Unfortunately, it also succeeds in draining one's patience, and I apologize to the actors. It must have required extreme professionalism to give top notch performances without bursting into laughter after each take, and to their credit they did not.
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Deserving of Praise
6 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I rarely give out praise for a film, but here is one that I have enjoyed watching the second and third time. Excellent story, rooted in reality, well crafted, great acting by the world's best, great and accurate costumes, comportment, sets, historical accuracy.

The story guides you to the seminal moment when George is reading King Lear with the Minister from government and regains his sanity in one of the finest moments in cinematography, which could only have been portrayed, ironically enough, by elite stage acting. Why is this so? Because the Royal Family would have carried themselves like stage actors back in the 18th century. Whether the directors and actors knew this or it simply came together, it's absolutely brilliant.

In short, kudos. I give only 9 out of 10, because I thought the machinations portrayed in Parliament and of the Prince were a little exaggerated.
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The 39 Steps (2008 TV Movie)
BBC Plans to re-make Casablanca with Rick as a Shoe Salesman
1 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The BBC must be full of clunk-heads to remake a film-school-classic- that-worked into something that is a disjointed series of random plot points full of anachronisms. It was painful to watch this, even though the acting is very good and the scenery and sets are exquisite. Hannay, a bored ex-pat mining engineer, too easily jumps into the role of a heroic swashbuckler saving the country with very flimsy motivation. The rest of the plot, equally severely disjointed, is an homage to a great film where things DID work organically.

Here are a few problems with the script. The plane that shoots through the propellers wasn't invented until two years after WWI began. Airplanes in 1914 weren't even equipped with guns of any kind, the pilots shot with pistols. Any self-respecting writer would have checked that with a little cross-town trip to the Imperial War Museum. Maybe the director put it in the film against objections. Doofus! When Hannay runs across the moors and tumbles on the ground in front of the lady's car, why does she jump out and assume his name and that he's the liberal MP from London? This isn't a comedy but that scene makes it one. Was she expecting to meet an MP cowering in the moors rolling in crap? Yes, very well done.

The sexual innuendo worked very well in the original film because it was germane to the era. Handcuffed together and sharing a bedroom was a bit of juicy no-no in 1935. Showing a bit of stocking here and there was racy for the time. In this film, they decided to modernize the love affair but it doesn't work because the writer through confusion or a series of script meetings with executives forgot that we were trying to portray that era, not the current one.

The writer cannot take any credit for a job well done here because he borrowed from something that already worked and meddled. Is that thunder I hear or Hitchcock's spirit growling in the wind? Hey BBC execs, why not re-make Gone With the Wind or Casablanca?
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Murder at the Presidio (2005 TV Movie)
This is a murder alright, but the script is the victim
15 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie should be watched by anyone who wishes to learn from bad examples. God, it was a struggle to watch this. When the end came, it was a mercy, like the end to a long bout of cancer. This is a murder alright, but the script is the victim.

Let's get into the problems. As a Canadian, I could spot this piece of trash as from Canada right away. I was standing in line at the bank once, a long while ago and this guy in line behind me starts talking about the government grants he was receiving to make a film. "Doesn't matter what trash we make, so long as it's Canadian." As a taxpayer, it gives me a nice warm fuzzy feeling.

This script was not reviewed by seasoned professionals. It's got too many clichés in it that are obvious. For example - the cop with mental problems. This cliché is done so badly, we only find much later why he suffers from guilt that drives him to drink. When we do, it's hard to imagine all that self-destructing behaviour coming from such a complicated set of circumstances. I'm self-destructive because my mother baked a vanilla cake on a Wednesday and I like chocolate on Thursdays. The cause and effect are so disjointed in time we wonder, "Why are they telling us this?" The conflict cliché. The Captain of the MPs claims jurisdiction in a murder case. I was half expecting the newspaper boy to rush in and claim jurisdiction. "I delivered newspapers on this base for years buddy, so that corpse is my responsibility. Back off!" The love interest cliché. The woman MP quickly jumps into the sack with a stranger she just met. Now I ask you, is that love? Why not insert a porno movie at this point for two minutes and then go to commercial. It would make as much sense.

Overacting: Okay, lots of it here, from the MP Captain to the mother-in-law, it's hot and heavy coming from the lesser roles, playing for the cheap seats. If you want to be noticed, why not be noticed for doing a good job instead of hamming up the role. It's level jumping, and it's not permitted.

Miscasting: Jason Priestley is cast in a very minor role here wearing his Perry Como smoking jacket. Sound the trumpets, a star has arrived. I kept expecting something to happen. He must be in this for a reason. Nope. Hoping for more, like a hanging participle, it simply was an incorrectly cast.

Also, while we're on the subject, that danged Texas sheriff warnt from nowhars near the Lone Star boy. To my ear, he hails from somewhar up in Wisconsin. Might as well have cast a London Bobby in this role.

Factual Errors: Hire a goddamn technical consultant, you cheap pigs. Soldiers shave, they wear the correct cap badges and don't call non-coms "Sir". If you can't afford one, watch another film where they do! I'm surprised you didn't have World War Two Shermans driving around in the background. People watch LAW AND ORDER for 20 years because it's technically well written. Lawyers write for the show. Take a page from their notebook. At least do some fact checking.

Crap Cinematography. Filmed using 70's vintage video instead of film , obviously not quality digital when witnessing the colour bleeds, faded backgrounds and motion blur. The director was doing the "you-are-there" jiggle cam for the first 10 or 20 minutes of the film and gave up on it. You can't do Jiggle Cam with cheap video. The executives probably had to have their eyes checked after watching the daily rushes. Lot of HDTV's probably get returned to the store after watching this.

Believability. Nothing kills a story molecule quicker and deader than the .44 Magnum Bullshitter. It's a huge cannon of a gun that shoots blobs of diarrhea onto the pages of the script. The smell can repel you for several pages of story and take your mind away from what's happening on the current page. The sheriff in Texas picked up the phone and called San Francisco based on a badly drawn composite. "Yeah, we've got your guy. I was picking my ass looking for something to do and I noticed the striking similarity between one of our rape suspects and your stick-man drawing here and I thought, what the hell, let's call up the Presidio for a laugh." Also, don't sheriffs in Texas talk with a drawl. Why not cast Tevia from fiddler on the roof. Ah, but I repeat myself.

And finally, I'm bringing this critique to a close not because I have run out of things to say, but because I'm tired. If you feel exhausted too, then you know what this film has in store for you. Lou, you hitched a ride on a wild turkey here, son. At least that part of it was entertaining.
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Wonderful Movie, Wanted to Break Out In Song Myself
21 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This film leaves me with an odd feeling, probably because of the many incongruities portrayed. For instance, we are introduced to a mining village where grimy, underpaid wretches, some of them too old or too young, all sing happily on their way to deadly work! The story relies on many tragedies, some that occur at the mine on a regular basis. There are strikes that last a year, dust explosions, accidents and lay-offs that cause half the family to move to another country. How can the narrator then introduce the story about a happy valley in Wales? It's a story about religious hypocrisy and a cruel persecution of a pregnant woman by church deacons, teachers that cane their students until the bone is exposed, a mine that causes the town to become without colour, consuming their native sons in accidents at regular intervals. It's about a union that smashes windows in the house where the union leader lives with his father who is not a member of the union. It's about a father who did not permit his adult sons to speak at the dinner table! Make up your mind, either it was a happy little valley or it wasn't.

It tries too hard at tragedy and fails miserably in its repeated attempts. First there is the union which divides the family, then there is the daughter who marries the mine owner's son she doesn't love but has a flame for the preacher, then there are the sons that are torn away from their mother, then there is the son who loses his ability to walk due to a spill in cold water, then there is a cruel teacher who beats students senseless, then there is the mine which randomly consumes the father. If you were to write this today it would be rejected. Readers wouldn't get through this work without filing it under G. Pick a tragedy, one only please, and use some writing skill to develop that properly.

This film is typical of the sagas of the era, like GWTW et al, which struggles to create an irony that might have existed only in the minds of those who lived back then, and because of this flaw is quite dated and irrelevant.
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Max (I) (2002)
Anachronism Factory
16 January 2009
This film mirrors Hitler's own speaking style in the way it jumbles the truth, weaving fact with fiction in such a frustrating blur one can only respond to what it says by blurting emotional responses at the screen. In Ian Kershaw's exhaustive study "Hitler", and quite fully supported by the semi-autobiographical "Mein Kampf", we find that Hitler had already been a struggling artist (and had given it up) long before the outbreak of World War One, had a fully developed political agenda rife with anti-Semitism which was the Zeitgeist of the day(feeling of the times), and was hired by the military to give oratory in the public parks because of an already well developed talent for his anti-Jewish harangues. His talent for the diatribes was noted by the army because his comrades in the trenches had become sick of listening to the endless vitriol and had complained to higher-ups "that he wouldn't shut up". All the qualities that Hitler is portrayed by this film to have developed in some form of crisis while deciding between art or politics, this artistic flair for polemics, had already taken shape many years before. In "Mein Kampf", one reads from Hitler's own pen that the question of whether the Hasidic Jew he encountered "was a German" arose when he was in Vienna, which was about 10 years before the start of World War One. Curiously, Hitler himself was not a German either! There are many anachronisms in this film. One merely has to see a German military greatcoat of the era in a photograph to know that what Hitler was wearing was probably some Canadian military surplus of WWII. The rest of the costumes were very anachronistic as well, looking like the costume manager just rummaged through the neighborhood Sally Anne for old clothes. For instance, in 1918-1919, at formal gatherings people still wore top-hats. Hitler wore a top-hat to his inauguration in 1933! Collars were higher on the neck, sports coats had belts in the back at least, if not in the front too, and the leading edges of coats had round or tapered edges not square. The houses were decorated in a fashion not seen until Ikea came along, arc-welding, cars, and on and on. Some of the coarse language by Max's women friends can be seen to be out of place as well.

Although all of these inaccuracies turn the film into a "what if" scenario, it still scores a few points with its implied assertion of Hitler's sexual dysfunction and the interesting proposition that if Hitler simply got laid at an earlier age his interests in life may have been diverted away from murder and imperious expansionism. But then again, he may simply have been a happily married despot. One tends to forget in these deep studies of Hitler's mind that it required an equally disturbed national psyche to follow him into the abyss that was Nazi Germany.

When we examine Germans and the question of Nazi Germany with any truth, we see an advanced people much like ourselves, and so the examination should become one of introspection. People incorrectly try to pick apart the mind of Adolf Hitler looking to pin all the blame on a curious freak of nature, forgetting the influence of Nietzsche, and the thousands of anti-Semitic publications of the era. The moral, missed by the authors and so hard for the history re-writers to accept, is that we are all capable, given the correct circumstances, of becoming Nazis.
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Enough with the Jiggle Cam Already.
18 February 2007
The good story and action scenes have a high potential for a great movie. However, the director has ruined this film with the "Jiggle Cam" effect. If the point is to make it look like it was a seasick camera operator with alcoholic withdrawal symptoms, then the effect worked. I watched this on TV and was praying for the commercials. The action scenes are a blur of incomprehensible snippets from a bad dream, pieces of jiggling camera flashes that confuse the viewer. Who is shooting who, what car is he in, why are we in an office and why is the cameraman jiggling around? Whose viewpoint is this shot from? Code Blue, in room 410, bring epinephrine STAT! This director went over the top using the effect with the result that a great film was made into a cliché hospital TV show. Jiggling the camera is cliché already. There, that ought to get the message across. Hollywood, ENOUGH WITH THE JIGGLE CAM ALREADY! IT HAS BEEN DONE TO DEATH!
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Laughable attempt at philosophy or golf
4 June 2006
I love the game of golf. I love movies with a good story. Hollywood has great success with fantasies but unfortunately golf is a sport that defies fantasy. Golf is a sport about things that you cannot portray on the screen and anyone who has played it seriously knows this well. Golf is an internal sport and it is very scientific. Magical characters don't suddenly appear in your head to show you the putting line that twists like a 30 foot boa over the Pyranees. Golf is about spending hours on your own on the putting range. It is a mental sport and if you had an ex-girlfriend chatting in your ear like a parrot while you tried to hit a drive, or a fictional Will Smith uttering maximus excrementia in your other ear just before a 200 yard carry over water you and everyone else on tour would probably shoot a lousy round of golf, perhaps your worst.

This movie illustrates everything that is wrong with Hollywood when it goes bad. It makes up fantasies, and suckles the world's children on them making them believe that heroism and success are merely a figment of the strongest imaginations. If I imagine and focus strongly enough I can simply hit a 3,000 yard drive. What's next Mr. Redford, SpiderMan Joins the Tour? Stay away from golf stories, they're mostly internal, sort of like chess on grass. By the way, Matt Damon is most obviously not a golfer.
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The Gunfighters (1987 TV Movie)
Two-bit, good-fer-nothing, oat-munchin, low-down, yella-bellied melodrama.
13 February 2004
Look at any western and you can tell when it was made. How? Simply look at the haircuts and judge when they were in style. Two of the protagonists in this movie have eighties-style hockey-hair, and the older protagonist has kept his hippie-days hair. That means the film was made in the eighties. The costumes and makeup are also terribly anachronistic with Matt wearing a Levi's low cut jean jacket and tight jeans and his old girlfriend wearing lip gloss. And is that Ronnie Hawkins singing a nauseating bluesy crossover country tune from the start of the film to the end? Did they sing like that in 1870 which this film is trying to depict? The story jumps from one melodrama to the next, bouncing from a power hungry evil villain stopping honest cowpunchers from watering their cattle, to a bar fight with whips, to a self-defense killing, to stage-coach robbing, to train robbing, to jail-train breaks, to... well, when the three are assisting a birth for a hapless woman on a runaway stagecoach you get the feeling you are watching a combination of ER and the Titanic, with horses floating around in the background. One asks when they might resort to yelling "Code Blue, Ranch Shack Six, Stat" with the jiggle-cam jumping to odd corners of the room at violent jerky angles. Everything in this movie was done before, in several genres! Like Sam Goldwyn said, "Gimme some new cliches." I must find a hobby. One which requires the usage of glue and unusable DVD's. It would be a better way to spend my time.
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World War II in the Pacific
20 January 2004
Documentary of the old style, something that would be considered propaganda today. Very often the story is dictacted by the available film clips rather than the other way around. This documentary series is told with a blustery, booming voice. The intro theme music is almost propaganda itself. Sometimes the facts do surface and are interesting but it can be difficult to wait for them. The enemy is always "sneaky and cunning" the Americans "brave and stalwart". Sometimes the narrative wanders off the topic simply becuase of available film footage. This is not the standard that we expect today but it is interesting none the less.
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