
2 Reviews
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99 (I) (2009)
99 - A joy ride
10 August 2009
Imagine I asked you to describe what your life was like a decade ago... Right, me neither - so instead, Imagine I asked you to make up a story of your life based on key events that happened to you 10 years ago but fill in the rest as you like... Now imagine how much harder it would be if I asked that the story you were creating also had to bridge to the current day events back then

It is a daunting task and one which the writers of 99 have done with flair and function. The script is whip-smart in the way it combines popular trends (cell phones, bhojpuri movies, the onset of cafes) of the time with the news making events (y2k, cricket match fixing) of the time to narrate a truly innovative story. All this while adding twists and turns to the main plot that will keep you buckled to your seat for the 2hr ride.

The casting was genius - Especially true of, Soha Ali Khan (as the girl next door that you want to take home to mom) Kunal Khemu (as 'NOT the bigger-than-thou hero who doesn't need your rooting for him to make a century'), Amit Mistry (as the lil guy with a big stick - aka dimple) and Boman Irani (as the most frustrating, gambler-husband-who-you-love-nevertheless ever).

Kunal is a natural born actor and in Amit, a star has just been born.

Why you will love it : Sharp dialogues, sharper delivery, excellent acting all round, awesome cinematography, fantastic music Why you might settle for liking it : The movie is in a genre that is new to Bollywood - "What, I don't have to be awed by the hero's machismo and the heroine's svelte body?", "What, the lead characters are the underdogs that I will want to root for, rather than supermen who drive Lamborghinis and live in palaces?", "what, I will hope that the hero escapes from the bad guy rather than making mincemeat of the villains face?".

The genre is called a 'crime caper' but 99, refuses to be boxed neatly into a category and insists on being a comedy-historical fiction-and-much-more

This movie wont change your life - don't expect to leave the movie inspired and moved. It will be more like you stepped off a roller coaster ride and you want to go back to the end of the line again.

Ladies, It would be like eating a perfectly whipped chocolate mousse - Enjoy!
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Are the critics sucking up to coppola? Cos this movie sucked
24 September 2003
So, I went with great expectations to this movie. I thought the title was brilliant. Unfortuantely that was all that was brilliant. The first 1/2 hour had a few laughs and the last 1/2 hour had some poignancy. Wonder if the director fell asleep in the middle. I was irritated by the repetitive shots of the Tokyo skyline and the actress sitting on the window sill looking out. We get it! she is bored -- Do you have to bore us to?? especially when we paid good money. If it was a book, I would have skipped through most of it, unfortunately you cant really do that in a movie...
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