
19 Reviews
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Young Sheldon (2017–2024)
What? Such an annoying portrayl of genius, not entertaining
17 May 2024
I guess this series was not made for me, and I also never cared much for the socially oblivious Sheldon in BBT.

However I've ALWAYS been fascinated with brilliant/genius people which is how I came to watch this show in the first place. I feel like I have something to learn by watching them in action, they often possess a way of approaching a given subject that is unique and fast tracked, it can be exhilarating!

But having grown up with a father who had an elephants memory and a brilliant engineering mind, I also came to see how a good number of brilliant people are very flawed, they emphasize what they're good at and meanwhile ignore or simply don't see/ are incapable of appreciating things that aren't on their advanced critical thinking wavelength. Being around someone with a superiority complex/advanced narcissism is not fun!

So while I'm always looking for brilliance in others, I've got few illusions that they are necessarily good, kind, considerate people, IOW, low EQ.

I guess me watching this show is more reflective of me, that I would actively, intensely dislike the stuffy know-it-all twit that is young Sheldon as he was portrayed by this actor and with these producers.

As far as I'm concerned it's more the producers and director giving into the easy portrayal/stereotype of this young genius being such a clueless narcissist. I didn't find it entertaining and there are better ways of portraying a socially ignorant young genius, this seemed very 2 dimensional, like his acting. But again, this is on the producers and directors, that they chose this wooden actor in the first place and then directed him to be so stilted. I would not have green lit this project as it was, but apparently plenty of people liked the show overall, with a 7/10 rating.

Which was funny, cause I thought the rest of the show was on the charming side, i'd give it at least a 6.5/10 rating. I have never see anything depicting Texan culture in the 70's in a religious household, that's unique, and every actor other than young sheldon made for a lightly entertaining sit-com, reminiscent of shows from the 80s and 90s. Not usually my thing, but for some reason I still don't understand I didn't give up on this show and watched it all the way thru. They did make it easy to digest, 20m episodes, and pretty light fare.

I esp enjoyed Missy and Georgie and MeeMaw and the little funny professor guy. Sign of the times I suppose, that no one in that family was worried about the dad's health!

<<< Note to editors: I looked thru this and don't see any profanity or offensive words. Twit? That's in common usage>>>
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So Help Me Todd: The Broker (2024)
Season 2, Episode 9
Show is 8/10, this episode is not
11 May 2024
I gave this a 1/10 to make a point. While I'd usually rate these episodes between a 7 and an 8 out of 10, I was really not enjoying the cartoon flavor added in this espisode where Todd is imagining various bribe scenarios, each one depicted with a cartoon scenario.

So Help Me Todd is already borderline frantic, which moves it forward and gives a strong comedic element, but this use of cartoons interjected is just wrong, it doesn't work, isn't fun, and just goes too far.

As I re-watched many of the first season episodes for a second time, I'm noticing that the essential gags of the story don't run deep. Many shows I watch for a second time have all kinds of things for me to re-discover or newly pay attention to, there's a richness to the story that invites an appreciated 2d watch.

Not so with this series, the mother/son/family/firm dynamics work, it's a lot of fun to watch, but it's all surface humor.
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Queen of Tears (2024– )
Male lead is always afraid, this made it boring. Wonder if producers cared about American audiences?
17 March 2024
As a big K drama lover I've seen a dozen or so Korean dramas/comedies. Enjoy how different it is from American sensibilities, the big emphasis on families, how slow the romantic interests are to get sexual, etc. Etc., good stuff!

Gave this a solid 3 episodes to redeem itself and found myself criticizing it constantly and not enjoying the dynamics. On the surface it has many of the usual themes: the outsized importance of powerful families, the unlikely marriage between partners of different stations, the centering of everything around the family, etc. Added to that was the dramatic Mafiaesque demands of the father in law to never leave/abandon the family.

But can't get over the male lead being so lacking in confidence- he obviously knows how to stand up for himself, as seen with people he's not intimidated by, and he's able to brilliantly assess/verbalize the gist of any legal or personal matter, so he has the capability. But I just have no sympathy/patience for his character not standing up for himself, even though these are super challenging situations. And it's not fun to watch how horrible the mother-in-law is. I know that's part of the Korean mindset, but I don't find it entertaining, esp when she reveals how uncaring she is for her own daughter and prefers the younger son. And creating a best friend and sister that is always about the money and influencing the lead in that direction, just seemed shallow and out of place for the lead, who didn't seem that way.

I found the fist episode very amusing, it was so over the top with the usual sappy love dynamics, and realized that the story had just covered a lot of ground very quickly to establish the prologue. And the ice temperament of the main female lead, that was ok as well, that gives the story someplace to grow, just glad she wasn't a dangerous psychopath like the best friend in MARRY MY HUSBAND.

I blame this on the scriptwriters/casting director/producers/director. While the actor obviously has a wide-range, the writing and directing and conception is way off, personally I'd never green light such a simplistic story. Apparently this is aimed more for Korean audiences, which I assume is where the 8+ rating on IMDB comes from. Like many shows, it can take awhile before the appeal is completely obvious, but for me 3 episodes is enough, this show gets a double thumbs down, it's frustrating and awful watching how small a thoroughly competent guy makes himself. It's bad enough that he's living with and surrounded by this awful in-law family, but to have absolutely no one on his side is way off for me.
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Shahmaran (2023– )
Promising, too slow, wanted more nudity
23 March 2023
Good energy btw the leads, but they kept stringing the story out. Wanted to see the beautiful Shahsu naked, this is a fantasy movie after all, would have been a good payoff after all the slow moving suspense endlessly stringing us along.

There could have been more clarity about the stakes for the Basilisk characters, what all these people would gain/lose depending on if the prophecy was fulfilled or not, and who the different groups are- all basilisks?

The only real story was about this ancient prophecy coming true, and it's never clear why Moran can't confide in her what was really going on, perhaps he doesn't want her to die?
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Same film as Avatar 1, don't waste your time unless you see it in 3D!
31 January 2023
I saw the first Avatar in 3d and what a ride! Saw this one in 2d and while visually stunning, it didn't have the same impact without 3d.

When I saw the first Avatar my initial reaction was, No, this isn't realistic, greedy corporations wouldn't be so ruthless, and then I thought about it, and unfortunately the depiction is probably not that far off from what the world has seen from military backed commercial interests. But I still didn't want to see that kind of violence on these beautiful people and their world. But even with these criticisms of the original, the total package still got an 8/10 from me.

This one is a repeat of the first film, so even with the stunning visuals it's a 5 or 6/10. Even the evil, jacked up military leader is the same exact guy! The only thing that has changed is the scope of ambition, this time they want to colonize the whole freaking planet for humans who've messed up their world. And while many love the realistic violence, I've gotten really tired of seeing people slaughter each other and the environment, though to be honest, showing the battle between technology and these water people was pretty unique.

But still, is portraying this kind of good against evil the only story to be told with a budget in the 100s of million dollars and a subject matter that is beyond stunning? Knowing what I know now, I definitely wouldn't have gone to see it in 2d. In 3d it'd be worth it for me to put up with this outworn trope of a story just to see this gorgeous world they created.
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Cashback (2006)
Frozen time requires a muse
20 March 2022
Could relate to this young guy. To have a wordless appreciation, even fascination with the beauty of women is something that affects, afflicts many of us. It was easy enough to contrast his artistic eye with that of his crass workmates, and his quiet manner was altogether respectful.

Loved the full body treatment of a handful of gorgeous women. I wish there were more films with nudity of all sorts, but esp of beautiful women.

My biggest takeaway was the frozen periods of time where he was in contemplation while drawing his thoughts and feelings. I thought as a storytelling device that literally freezing time worked really well for his slow style, and I know the feeling well.

In my version of freezing time I've gained some distance from the onslaught of reality and distanced myself, taking refuge in my personal bubble. From there I can view things from afar, no menacing proximity to avoid.

So perhaps his freezing of time is not the same as my retreating from outer demands, in his version he's actively pursuing his artistic discipline. I wish they would have developed this theme, I'm sure that there is much much more to say about the intersection of frozen time and art.

But what does that mean? We can't take it literally, no one is capable of freezing time, so what would the actual experience of metaphorically freezing time be if you don't have the luxury of having the world literally come to a halt around you-?

I suppose he was demonstrating it in how he moved and related, there was a very inward, quiet gaze, and with the right muse he could slow his internal world down to where he could capture in his art the pull of her beauty.
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Cuban Fury (2014)
First 'fat' film that I found inspiring
18 March 2022
Really enjoyed this. I've done a lot of dancing long ago, and could really relate to the urge to express yourself with your body, found it fun and exciting to watch! And unlike most 'fat' films, I wasn't repulsed by the overwhelming awkwardness and basic social stupidity/lameness that these characters usually demonstrate. Instead you're first shown the ebullient spirit of his teen self, and can understand how shut down he became after being horribly bullied. And then you're shown the shy/meek guy who is thoughtful and sensitive, a good friend, as well as smart and accomplished within his field.

I particularly liked Ian Shains character cajoling and then demanding he show his passion. It was only in the dramatic that he emerged from the trap of his low self-esteem and hiding.

I also appreciated how they had a continuous acceleration of his dance capabilities that came in waves, each more powerful than the last, and within the span of an hour or so I could see how this big guy could be such a dance phenom. Masterfully done.

Of course, it beggared belief that this stunning and young woman boss would be so open with her new work colleagues, esp the guys, and that she would let herself be so inviting with him. What a stunning beauty and smile! Fantasy land.

Though I do tell myself, however humble my appearance may be, that it's my ability to dance, enjoy myself, laugh, be a good listener, that I too will find my sweetheart.
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The Wave (2019)
A Fun/Intriguing Second-Viewing
23 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Loved Theresa, was fully pulled into the psychedelic world because of her ease in being there.

Justin was a trip, could really relate to how dis-orienting it was to experience the abrupt reality change-ups that happened with hardly any rhyme or reason.

The recurring theme/message being broadcast thru repeated phrases that have a syncronicty generation effect, ultimate aim to see a more balanced, harmonious relationship to the world and universe at large.

Have to admit I didn't get why he needed to die.

Despite Theresa teasing him about taking so long to get up to speed, towards the end he finally started adapting quicker and more dynamically, I was starting to like and enjoy Frank and his new found cool, so I didn't like seeing him die at the end.

Would have liked scenarios where he re-enters the world as a new man, in cahoots with all the now familiar and rando characters that showed up in this collective dreamscaper/psychedlic-reality. That would make for an amazing 2d season or movie.

My rating was my reaction to seeing such a low one- there's some substance to this flick that I find appealing, esp after the 2d viewing.
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Worth watchin, a very South Korean production!
12 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As an American that spent 2 months on a work assignment in Busan in South Korea 20 years ago, I have limited exposure to S Korean culture. At the 4 star hotel I stayed at I thought the Koreans I met as hotel staff reminded me of 1950's America, very traditional, if you weren't married before 30 or younger, there was something wrong.

Had a hard time following the story at first. Tae Sul and Tae San, brothers, way to close in spelling for me to distinguish easily. After watching 5 episodes I ended up reading the synopsis for those episodes and re-watching part of them.

Besides love time travel dramas, I was hooked in mainly 'cause I enjoyed seeing genius/brilliance in action. So many super hero movies reveal characters that have extraordinary powers but usually they've done nothing to deserve them. It's fun to watch someone who can use his smarts for every situation he gets in, and at one point reveals himself to be somewhat cold/uncaring except for what he's concerned about- that seems realistic based on smart people I've known- more worried about saving his brother than the world.

I don't watch many Korean tv/movies. It's so overly dramatized by American standards! It's all about the sentimental attachments to family, and even the 'jerks' sometimes care as well. For my tastes, they could cut way down on the sentimental moments which are often dragged on for too long, but no worries, there's always the remote, and I do want to see other cultures in action without being impatient or judgemental.

Found it amusing if not a bit disturbing that the main female character was very capable and battle hardened but was portrayed as more a child in many ways than a woman. Couldn't tell if she was 16 or 26, though my guess would be a wisened 20 year old with very childish attachments- so maybe she had to grow up too quickly and never grew out of her child stages, but still, seemed consistent with how I've seen S Korean women portrayed in media.

Overall I've been enjoying it and like the doling out of episodes every week, it's just too easy to endlessly binge watch a series, and given the subtitles to read and the cultural differences, a little goes a long ways!
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Patriot (2015–2018)
Watched a second time!
14 February 2021
This dark horse comedy-drama was worthy of a second watch. Almost no fast forwarding even for the second viewing.

It was actually more rewarding watching the 2d time because I realized how much his supposedly dead pan face was conveying thru his eyes, as well as with the Luxembourg cop. I developed my attention to and reading of their supposedly expressionless faces. A lot of subtlety that I missed the first time cause it wasn't overdone.

I dislike stark portrayals of violence, but this was one of those shows that made it OK thru the lens of mockery. That the US had an outside-the-law CIA program that counted on people like his intelligence officer father to take a NO and try to make it a YES by being successful with non-sanctioned operations- this was satisfying to see! No idea how close this is to reality. It does make sense though that by the very nature of black ops operations that this kind of thing is not completely out of the ordinary.

Kind of marveled that they could do so much with so little, and weave many disparate stories together and keep my interest while doing it. Really enjoyed seeing a good-hearted guy that feels obliged to do dreadful things, seeing how it was destroying him. And the people around him who ended up supporting him once they saw his suffering, even to help him do terrible things. Also loved that the Luxembourg cop was more interested in arresting his father than him. Of course it didn't hurt that he had somewhat soulful/sad eyes, was very good looking, could sing fairly well, and had an almost inhuman level of endurance and capability. Those things never hurt!

As dark as it was, it ultimately was mostly an affirmation of friendship and family.
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Endlings (2020–2021)
Family dynamic, surprisingly good
30 January 2021
Loved it- got across hard lessons felt with a family dynamic, mostly cared and somewhat engaged with the struggle of everyone. They managed to get in occasional words of wisdom without being overbearing.

I suppose it's mostly a child/teen audience this would appeal to. After all, the parental figure let ALL the kids go on endless adventures often involving incredibly dangerous fanciful creatures. AND, from about 9 to 15, they all had some serious blaster action in play, a ray of pure energy that fought and contained the creatures they were saving into traps made for transporting these last-of-their-kind creatures to a world where they could thrive again.

So kudos to have so many great and abstract themes of saving animals and caring for each other. I appreciated that there was not anything that was generic, i thought all 4 of the kids told me enough of their stories that I could relate and see the tragedy of their life / parenting that maimed them, and so cared about them in at least a basic way.

Once they got past the inherent defensiveness with each other, it was very cool that they had one big compelling challenge/demand to solve one after another. I was somewhat envious that I was not one of these young characters, given the adventure of a lifetime, a place to really grow up.

I could have watched much more and would have enjoyed seeing what they'd do with another season or two. I'm 66 by the way, just last week.

I'm really curious how it works these days. There are so many good actors and scriptwriting. Being able to create a group scene must be insane, unless you have strongly figured characters that will have a strong-known-understood response/reaction, making your job easier as the scriptwriter.

But at some point there HAS TO BE some back and forth FROM the raw script and everything you imagined TO the flesh and blood actors, who of course would infuse the ideas with some of their own gusto.

I'm just incredibly curious how different combinations of directors/producers/writers/actors/etc collaborate effectively. I think that the people on the ground interacting with these kids had a good heart/wisdom and could bring out the elan and inherent sweetness of all the characters. They knew well to stay away from corny, and made sure that the kids got to be kids.

Fantasy well played!
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Watched it twice and probably will again.
7 October 2020
This was such great fun. And the second time around I noticed more than ever how Maddie Philips? was pure emotion, emoting at all times and in all ways. I also 'got' and enjoyed the girl humor of things not always making much sense, it's fun to have disorienting moments like, "Huh, what just happened, only a teenage girl would be in these mind spins!". I really admired their comedic timing with each other, that's some amazing flow. I'd have liked to have been on the set, what charm and brilliance.

I'm writing this cause I'm bummed it's cancelled. What???? This was great TV, something I'd watch with friends and family, good laughs abound. And I was thankful that they didn't lean in with the Christian nonsense. In fact, both of the characters saw it for what it was and didn't take it very seriously. Good job on that

Anyways, YOU DECIDERS, please decide to do another season!
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Loved it even more the second time
22 June 2020
Thought it was a fun, whimsical English frolic the first time, and was impressed with Kelsey. Then I saw Boss, him as a Chicago mayor- my god this man has acting chops, his character was downright frightening, something I've rarely experienced (don't care to for that matter), but it convinced me all the more about what this man was capable of.

Upon watching Breaking the Bank for a second time I could better see and appreciate all the little touches and flair he added to the role. Was charmed by Tamsin Greig as well, re-enforcing English and female stereotypes, but in a very fun way.

Was very surprised to see the 4.8 IMBD rating. What??? I'm an American with an appreciation for British humor. The only crock was that a no-nothing was invested with that kind of power, and of course, that his Japanese friend and he were able to get back in the drivers seat so easily.

But what the hell, other than the usual Hollywood sleight of hand to make the story go 'round, I really enjoyed the daughters role in bringing her dad to a more compassionate place, and his final speech was just brilliant. Of course this was made in 2012, so the shenanigans of wall street were fresh in everyones mind.
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Big disappointment
14 April 2019
Saw Mary Winstead in Brain Dead, which is the only reason I watched this film. She absolutely killed it in that role, so there was a lot of good will and openness for me going in. 6/10 is generous, but for some reason I still like her.

For starters, she was playing a stand-up comic and I didn't think she was all that funny, and to go out of your way to bring up gross images that are supposedly funny regarding women may be part of the point of the film, but I didn't like it at all. Maybe women try to be as gross as men with comedy, I don't know 'cause I don't go to comedy clubs, the other female comediennes seemed to be going for that effect as well.

And, once again, maybe this was deliberate, but to have her pacing around topless in her apartment rehearsing for her act was a real turn off. I would guess that 10% of the population at large looks good naked or nearly naked (at least for me), and it takes away somewhat from my seeing her as attractive, as in an attractive leading lady. Guys are guys (unfortunately, I wish I wasn't so affected by the visual), but a film is a visual medium, I didn't appreciate having that bit of mystic removed.

That it was revealed this film was a vehicle for victims of abuse towards the end explained alot. But overall, I didn't feel that much for this character, I didn't feel like I got to know her, just saw mostly her acting out and having a very defensive approach to life- overall something women may relate to more, but it sure wasn't entertaining.
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V (2009–2011)
Fantastic actors and performances
21 November 2018
Just to be clear, I inflated my rating. I'd normally give it a solid 7 or 8. There were numerous plot holes, the ending was not what I wanted, etc. But as someone who loves sci-fi, this kept me watching with enthusiasm, and it seems to be flying under the radar for as good as it is. It's also super difficult to find on IDBM, it just doesn't come up under search results, finally just looked under Elizabeth Mitchells filmography.

An absolute 10 however was Elizabeth Mitchells performance as the other lead human character. To see someone who was so calm, more-than-competent, and very present in her roles as mother, wife, lead agent in the FBI and as the leader in the resistance movement, she was outstanding in every role and the challenges that came with balancing all of it.

I really enjoyed all the outrageous tech the aliens had, as well as the resistance movement that also existed amoung the aliens. Other than obvious plot holes like why the resistance didn't leak their information on the internet and other question marks, I felt the series deserved at least one more season of brinksmanship as things escalated between the humans and aliens. Instead it comes to a chilling finale all to soon.
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Candy Jar (2018)
Not worth the time to watch
28 April 2018
My initial draw to this film was that these two characters would be debating with all the intense energy high schoolers are known for. That's a real feat to pull off well, the split second timing and in and outs of the debate topic. Turns out that this kind of 'debate' is based on READING your research as fast as you can for 8 minutes, there was no real debate, very annoying to listen to, and there was no real demonstration of their brillian minds, we have to take that on faith. Huge disappointment, and gave very little for the film to run on.

Other than that, it's your typical story of boy and girl that don't like each other until they fall for each other, and over achievers that spend all their time studying, and realize what they've been missing out on their life. Wasn't worth the time to watch. I think these actors had it in them to pull of real debates, but the creator / scriptwriters took the easy way out.
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Second Chance (I) (2016)
Wow, million dollar story and realization
13 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I don't this know if this gives much of anything away, but I'm not sure where the line is, hence the spoiler alert. This review is of the Pilot episode.

Like everyone, I have my favorites, and this movie appeals to many of them. Being older myself, the story is gripping, the idea of having such a glorious second chance.

What I like about its unfoldment is they didn't do a direct transmission of the decrepit and addled character of the old guy into a new skin. Instead they showed a more innocent, early days instinctual way for him to be, infused with the freshness of youth......... And then using that energy in a very focused way, staying true to his calling and family connection...... It blew me away how effortlessly he was focused on solving crime, all the while so devoted to his family. The wizened experience of the old man lending gravitas and insight to his endlessly-capable and driven newly-young self.

To my surprise I found myself thinking of the character of the old man while I was watching his younger self acting thru a strong and capable body - I could see both of these characters at once - which felt both odd and magnificent......... And then seeing on the screen as well as recalling in my own life, the capability that rushes forward when of healthy, vital body, and freshly ambitious, unscarred psyche............ A memory much appreciated at those times when that élan and boisterous optimism seems just out of reach.

And all that was taken to the next level at the end, seeing the cussed determination of the old man, unrepentant, unrelenting, fire in the flash of his gaze. And it was trippy how they altered the old mans voice at the end. God I love present day movies and TV!
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Six Feet Under (2001–2005)
Not entertaining
13 January 2016
Liked this show for the most part, thought season two was substantially better than season 1, but there was something I just didn't like. I reviewed all the characters in my head and all the Fishers were fine- they each were compelling actors that held their own interest and problems in an engaging way. And then I looked at Brenda and her family and realized why something seemed off.

For starters, they said she has a 180 IQ. That's ridiculously high, photographic memory and physics genius level, and at first, when she was being her flirty / flighty self she seemed at least brilliant, and I've always had a fascination for the genius types. But as the relationship with Nate got more serious and she became more her sullen / depressed / morose self, any real brilliance seemed to disappear and she seemed like an intelligent but thoroughly average neurotic person. My guess is that anyone with an impossibly high IQ like that would be an insatiable book reader, possibly endlessly creative (not all genius types are, some are more academic than creative), but in any case a force to be reckoned with, not this soppy character that Brenda turned into when things got real. What throws all of this over the top for me in just plain rejecting her and her family as anything I want to subject myself to, is seeing how depressingly horrible her family is, esp the mother, and in complicity, the father.

I unfortunately watched one of the season 2 episodes before going to sleep last night and had the most awful sense of depression, having the example of the mental cruelty and obliviousness that the parents exhibit, passing their sickness to their children, and the helplessness that Brenda struggles with in not knowing how to move past it. I really can't believe the mother character, matricide would be a fitting end for her. It gave me some consolation that the Billy character seemed grounded and not caught in the miasma after being detached from the family when in the hospital and getting good help.

Plain and simple I don't consider that entertainment or worthwhile on any level to see that level and kind of dysfunctionalty. It could be argued that if it upsets me this much and triggers my own sense of depression and helplessness that it's good writing/acting. But for the same reason I don't watch horror movies or anything that depicts unusually cruel and detached and sick people, I don't need that example in my brain. It's not as bad as witnessing violence first hand but it's a close second.

Thumbs down to to the producers that felt they needed this kind of awfulness to "make it real" and be attractive to an American audience that is presumably jaded unless shocked. As it is, I'm not watching anymore of the second season or beyond, which is a shame.

Otherwise, all the reflections on death, growing up and old, relationships, etc., I thought were well done and worth the watch.
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Supergirl (2015–2021)
As bad as it gets
16 November 2015
Don't know a thing about Supergirl comics, I just love good sci-fi and was excited to see this new series.

Watched the first episode and couldn't believe how bad it was. The acting, the script writing, the hopelessly pathetic "super hero", the instant caving into bad press, the instant bad press generated by a jaded? public (how could the public be that quick to judge?)

That it's based roughly on the Superman story of her being affiliated with a news agency in a lowly position is OK, not super original, but as long as the actors and script writing makes it interesting, so what. But for her to be so groveling and with such stupid / ridiculous scenes coming from the scriptwriters is not acceptable.

I don't think its a spoiler to say she's up against criminals from her home world from the very first episode. So not only is there little to no development as she's growing up and into her powers (she doesn't even use them for cripes sake in her formative years), she has zero self-confidence and once she does bust loose with her powers to help others, she's pitted against the strongest, most evil adversaries imaginable, and a public that is passé on super heroes and are super critical of her from day one.

My favorite superhero stories give you background as to who they are as a person and what they're willing to do to seek their revenge / help others / have a moral conscience / etc. Here, nothing. If you identify with someone who isn't self confident but ultimately has value, then you might think I'm being too hard, and as a guy you might think I can't relate to what a young girl would be going through.

But I'm sorry, there's little to no character development here, its like we're plunged right into the 3d season of a B movie quality TV series from the 80s or something. I watch mostly movies and TV series of the last 15-20 years because of how amazingly good acting, scriptwriting, production values have gotten.

Not so with this bomb, I wanted to give it a second chance, and did watch the 2d episode only to find myself going over and over again, "Wow, this has got to be the worst scriptwriting I've seen In forever", and while the acting is not great, I mostly blame the scriptwriters and producers for such a lame concept of how to draw an audience into a story of a female equivalent of Superman. Don't waste your time, judging by the D- to F quality of the story so far, I'm sure it'll continue to disappoint.
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