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A Good Director Takes it to the Next Level
6 January 2020
I did not expect much, I enjoyed the first two, but really just put this on in the background tonight. The next thing I know I'm glued to the couch watching Gerard Butler Bruce Willis his way through a gripping old-school action flick.

It's not going to win any awards but it's extremely well-shot, the director has a great eye for action and his pacing is on point. Most third entries in an action series are take it or leave it, Angel Has Fallen is definitely worth a watch.
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See (2019–2022)
A Gorgeous Fantasy Epic With Intense Fight Choreography
6 December 2019
I get it, people don't like anything that doesn't seem "familiar" - and because See has a fairly Out There premise, I understand why some can't get into it.

That being said, I have never seen anything look this good on my Iphone XS Max. The cinematography alone is enough to watch the show. I mean it is PHENOMENALLY well shot. It looks like The Revenant meets Horizon: Zero Dawn - just without the robots everywhere (at least as of episode 7). Watching Jason Momoa in this role is captivating. His fighting style is like nothing I've ever seen, and it FLOORS me every time there's a fight. It's so kinetic and brutal, it's like a ballet of wrestling and blades. Very cool stuff.

Give it a chance, Steven Knight and Francis Lawrence have done a great job here, and I'm looking forward to the season finale.
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3 from Hell (2019)
Don't Let Your Expectations Ruin a Great Flick
8 October 2019
I hate coming here anymore, but I feel like I have to at least try to stem the tide of entitled millennials forever spouting their dissatisfaction. That being said, The Devil's Rejects is one of my all-time favorite horror movies, so when I heard Zombie was making a sequel I was ecstatic.

Now that I've seen 3 From Hell, I just don't understand the negative reviews. The only thing I can guess is these kids just weren't around back when movies were just movies. When midnight screenings and double features were a haven and the internet was just a myth in a Gibson novel. Everyone these days is spoiled by an over-saturation of quality entertainment. I get it... But I also remember reveling in Dawn of the Dead and Toxic Avenger and I Spit and Last House... So I reject your youthful assessment of something you barely understand.

Zombie has done something special with 3 From Hell. It's half a dozen movies in one, and they all work together, and it's awesome. It's a 70s true crime doc, it's a prison movie, it's a WOMEN'S prison movie, it's a home invasion movie, then last but not least, it's a WESTERN!

What's not to love here? I honestly don't understand. We've got Otis, doing his thing. We've got the new family member, the Midnight Wolfman, played perfectly by Richard Brake... and we've got the captivating Sheri Moon Zombie as Baby, even more warped and twisted by years of solitary confinement.

This is exploitation at it's finest. It's a sick and twisted time machine that shows us a glimpse of a time when opinions didn't dictate art.
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The Innocents (2018)
Deserves Got Nuthin' To Do With It...
6 June 2019
... obviously, because this show deserves a second season.. at least a finale of some kind... but no, instead Netflix leaves one of its best shows just hanging.

I am currently halfway through the season, and I love it. It's got heart, it's got story, and it's creeping slowly toward a boiling point. No need for set pieces or big special effects, just a human story with a twist. A great mystery, as well as believable love story.

My problem is, in searching for news about Season 2, I find none. I also see hints and headlines about a cliffhanger ending, so I'm in a quandary... I want to see what happens, but if it's just going to leave it hanging why should I invest more in this show?

This is Netflix's problem. They pump out SO much content, they flood their own market and bury stuff that shouldn't be buried. If they had just marketed this show AT ALL. I mean come on, Mistress May from Bonding has her own faked Twitter account for Christ's sake.

I don't want to get half a great story. So why should I bother keep on watching? Netflix, if you're going to put out original content like this, PROMOTE IT.. don't let it hang. What a shame.

Maybe I'll finish it if they announce a second season...
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THIS is Sci Fi Horror - Done Perfectly
17 March 2019
What starts out as a straight "hard" science fiction story along the lines of Mass Effect, takes a turn for the surreal in this immaculate short.

A truly shocking ending, the kind that sticks with you because it touches that one last nerve you thought no silly animated short could ever touch.

This short and Suits need to be turned into series, NOW.
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Love, Death & Robots: The Witness (2019)
Season 1, Episode 3
Welcome to the Next Generation of Animation
17 March 2019
This short blew us out of the water! It is twisted, hyper-kinetic, and sexy as hell. Plus I've never seen animation like this before. It almost looks like it is filmed first then layered over with different forms of CGI visuals... ending up with a VERY real looking landscape and characters. Highest recommendations.
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Better Than Wonder Woman
10 March 2019
THIS is how you do a female "superhero" movie. First of all, it's not even a "superhero" movie, it's a sci-fi action film that just so happens to take place in the Marvel MCU. More along the lines of Guardians of the Galaxy. In fact, this was funnier than GoG, Chris Pratt's schtick is getting stale.

And how friggin amazing is it that actors don't have to worry about being old anymore? (lol) They can just put them in the computer and viola, digital de-aging! I knew Sam Jackson would steal the show, but I did not know that a 1998 Sam Jackson would. I grew up in the 80s/90s, I graduated in 94, this movie does for the 90s what Stranger Things did for the 80s. It makes me yearn for a simpler time when not everything was "smart" yet.

I digress. Brie was great, the story wasn't too cookie cutter, and the best Marvel special effects yet. I really liked the plot, a soldier on the wrong side of the war is a classic, and it's done well.

On a personal note, this movie friggin rocked. To see my kids faces while they watched, and all the other girls in the theater, it almost brought me to tears. It has such a good message. Bravo Marvel.

The Stan Lee tribute heels tears in the first 30 seconds, and sets the tone for the whole movie. Great stuff!
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Patriot (2015–2018)
Better Call Saul Meets The Americans, In The Best Way Possible
17 December 2018
I'll be the first to admit I wasn't sure about Amazon's Patriot... A show about a pot-smoking burnout spy who has to get it together for a new mission sounded ok, but from the guy who made Pursuit of Happyness and Walter Middy? I was expecting some feel-good hijinks, some tolerable humor maybe... but DAMN! Stephen Conrad from left field turns in one of the best shows of the last decade.

Michael Dorman should be winning awards for his portrayal of John Tavner, who not only hits every single dramatic and comedic beat with perfect ease, but he sings like an angel as well! You see, John is a highly-trained intelligence officer, and he's down in the dumps after a failed mission (and out of his mind with depression and PTSD). He spends all his time smoking weed in Europe and performing hilarious folk songs that detail his missions. Dorman deftly walks a tightrope between action, violence, comedy, and grief, while also doing an excellent job on volals.

Season 1 follows John undercover as an engineer at an industrial piping company, where he hopes to thwart Iran's nuclear ambitions through a series of catastrophic mission failures and hilarious folk songs. Season 2, which premiered in November, deals with the fallout of Johns exploits in Luxembourg and his attempts to keep the dam from breaking.

Terry O'Quinn is brilliant as John's dad and handler, and Kurtwood Smith, Michael Chernus, and (believe it or not) the Dude From the Bowflex Commercials Chris Conrad all turn in outstanding support work, making this one of the best casts on tv as far as I'm concerned.

I sincerely hope everyone watches this show and Amazon renews it for another half dozen seasons. These guys deserve it for the work they're putting in. Hands down the best show on Amazon Prime. High Castle is great, but Patriot is next level.
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Masterfull Spycraft With a Heart
1 December 2018
I'm sorry but anyone that watches this and doesn't see it for the expert filmmaking that it is, is just daft. Park is working at the top of his game here, handling a subject as tricky as the Israeli/Palestinian conflict with dignity and intelligence.

The performances are all top notch, the story is intricate and compelling, and it honestly feels like you're watching a movie made decades ago... in a way that doesn't feel overly nostalgic or spread too thin. It just feels like a really good 6-hour spy movie, and Florence Pugh absolutely shines as the Little Drummer Girl.

AMC is doing a good job of imitating HBO, with all that Walking Dead cash.
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The Predator (2018)
So It's Still Cool to Dislike Fun? Cause The Predator is a Lot of It..
14 September 2018
Predators was good, a little too lean in my opinion (theg could've spent more time with the characters instead of trimming it down so much), but it was still a good continuation of the Predator universe. Shane Black's follow up, The Predator, is a great R action movie. It does a good job of world-building, character development, and keeping you laughing while the action mounts to a crescendo.

The editing is a little jumpy, some strange cutaways and one character's death towards the end that was COMPLETELY botched (I couldn't even tell who died until I counted the survivors in the next scene) - but my expectations were pretty low, and I can honestly say it was way better than I feared or hoped. The cast was hilarious, Olivia Munn got undressed twice (no nudity you pervs) and Holbrook flushed out the one-dimensional hero well.

Don't believe the people who just want to poo poo everyone's fun. If you want a good action flick with lots of gore and one liners, this is one of the better in recent years. And I can't wait for the obvious sequel.
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
Jack Ryan Is The New 24 - In The Best Possible Way
2 September 2018
I'll start by saying that Tom Clancy fans will be totally divided by Amazon's new Jack Ryan show. The world Clancy built is completely tossed out the window in favor of a modern terrorism show. That being said, it's still a great show.

One of the best action shows on TV was Fox's 24 (at least the first five seasons) and Amazon has done a good job of taking what made it work well, and transplanted it with Clancy's characters. This is a bold and risky move, but I think it pays off.

What they've created is smart, well-paced action that takes the time to show all sides of the "war on terror". If you're a Tom Clancy fan, you'll probably be disappointed in the direction they went- but if you like Homeland or 24, then Jack Ryan will please. The story is good, the action is well executed, and John Krasinski shines as the latest iteration of the cold-war hero.

Can't wait for season 2!
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Don't Mind The Trolls - Solo is Great
11 June 2018
I've been watching Star Wars movies since before most of these reviewers were a gleam in their daddy's eye, and I've always wanted to see the origins of The Falcon, Han and Chewie's friendship, and of course - The Kessel Run, on film. Alden Ehrenreich makes a great young Han, and Troy from Community makes a great Lando (yes, the name is LandO, as in Land-O-Lakes, not Landau as in Martin). The supporting cast was supportive, if not interchangeable, and Daenerys Targaryen always brightens up a room.

If you grew up playing with Star Wars figures and imagining your own early adventures of Han Solo, you'll be happy to see one of those childhood memories brought to life. Ron Howard's direction was near expert, the story was swindle after swindle, sprinkled with easter eggs and enough swashbuckling to make it a Han origin story worth your time and money...

Cause let's face it.. we are never going to get Saving Private Skywalker, and we are a long ways from a KOTOR movie, so like anything in life it's really about managing your expectations. If you want to see a fun movie that mines your nostalgia and is fun to watch with your own jaded and hypercritical kids (which is what most of these reviewers sound like honestly) then you won't be disappointed.

It deserved to do better at the box office, as there was really nothing wrong with it unless you're the type of person who stores Wookiepedia pages in their memory. I mean come on, it's from the guy that made Willow.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Family Friendly and Extremely Well Done
15 April 2018
Yes it's a little hoaky, but it's Lost in Space. The "why the hell are they doing THAT" is kept to a minimum, and the drama doesn't dissolve under its own weight. The action and suspense is extremely well done, the effects are movie quality - even the robot suit is a cool modern twist on the old show's staple presence. Neil Marshall directed a near-perfect first episode, and the rest of the season doesn't disappoint.

Plus the fact that it's kept an 11 and 17 year old glued to the screen all weekend is a feat in its own. Great job Netflix.
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Funny (If a Little Standard) Action Comedy
25 March 2018
If you like Workaholics, 21 Jump Street, or Office Christmas Party, then you'll get a laugh from Game Over, Man. It's clever, it's gross, and it's funny, but its not going to win any awards. If you're looking for something to watch on a weekend evening (or hell, even a Sunday morning), then you can pick way, way worse movies.

The Workaholics guys are hilarious, and Die Hard is a great movie- so you add the two together and you've got Game Over, Man. There's a lot of gay jokes, dick jokes, and graphic violence... but it's done in a good self-depreciating style that the 3 leads pull off.

With this movie, like anything else, it's all about your expectations. If you're expecting movie magic, watch something else. If you just want to laugh and watch bumbling idiots do funny stuff, then give it 90 minutes of your life.
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The Mist (2017– )
Better Than Other "TV Horror" Out There
2 July 2017
Besides AMC, HBO, and the occasional FX show, there isn't much out there for good TV these days. A lot of shows TRY to make programming that doesn't suck, but they can't help it... they're shackled by the same old TV tropes.

I was extremely reluctant to give The Mist a chance due to it being on a Reality TV network like Spike... but I watched the first episode and surprisingly it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it might be. The Mist was the very first Stephen King I ever read way back in middle school, and I love the Frank Darabont movie (especially the amazing ending!).

Spike's The Mist is good... I don't know what these reviewers are talking about, but the show I'm watching is well done, the acting is solid, and so far it's a great adaptation. I like the things they have changed and the things that are the same, and how it's not even really clear that there IS something in The Mist... It's still early, but after 3 episodes I'm in.
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Are We Watching the Same Film?
9 April 2015
The more "user reviews" I read on IMDb over the years, the more I am convinced that people post things without A) actually paying attention to the movie or B) A lick of forethought or critical thinking skills. The Dark Valley is a genre film, a revenge western set in the Alps instead of the Rockies. For anyone complaining that the main characters' motivations aren't talked about, did you watch the beginning? The opening scene explains it all in a matter of seconds. I mean come on you lazy viewers!! He only pulled out his pocket watch a half a dozen times to get the point across.

The Dark Valley is brilliant BECAUSE it doesn't treat viewers like the idiots that (obviously from these reviews) most of them are... There is no "I'm here to do THIS because of THAT" scene... It literally is not necessary if you just watch the movie. Sam Riley is great as The Stranger that so many have played in Westerns before, the plot is straight forward, the acting top notch, and the camera work is hauntingly beautiful. What else do you need from a Netflix gem?

And really? You didn't like the movie because of the song at the beginning? Sounds like something my teenage daughter would say... But seriously, it's an Austrian movie so OF COURSE it's going to have bad music. :) Too lazy to pay attention to nuance, but not too lazy to make asinine generalizations on the Internet.
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The Babadook (2014)
Misunderstood Masterpiece of Psychological Terror
20 November 2014
Forget the silly name, The Babadook is an amazing little piece of film. It's not that people are disliking it, as I believe they are misunderstanding just how deep it is. I would bet money that most people missed the whole point of it because the director gives just tiny hints along the way.

On the surface it comes across as the story of a mythical creature called Mister Babadook... A monster that somehow finds its way into the lives of the two characters. However, it's the "somehow" that tips you off to the real story here. Don't just limit this movie to a haunted book, that's doing a disservice. Think of what the Babadook symbolizes during the film, there are a couple of very specific flashbacks and "visions" that point to what exactly the monster might really be. I won't spoil it, but I guarantee it adds a whole new dimension to the story... And makes this slice of celluloid and tight little thriller that side steps the conventions and goes for the psychological scares. It reminded me of The Orphanage and Dark Water, with some Shining on top.

The way she slowly becomes affected by the monster, and how it plays out in the end, all work perfectly due to some top notch acting by the two leads and a brilliant scriptwriter. This movie kicks but, and scared mine right off!
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Art Just Exists, You Don't Have to Accept It, but That Doesn't Make It Ugly or Worthless
29 April 2014
Lars von Trier's new two-part shock-fest is nothing of the sort. Well, it's two parts, but it's not shocking if you've ever enjoyed a Chuck Palahniuk book. Charlotte Gainsburg and Stellan Skarsgard are brilliant, the supporting characters are adequate for what they are in regards to her story, and the film is a must-see for anyone who enjoys a little less Disney in their art. Who knew Sam Whitwickey could really act? Nymphomaniac is one of the most misunderstood films of the last decade, really. If you think this movie's disturbing, rent some of von Trier's earlier work... You'll never look at a 2x4 the same way again. Or Bjork for that matter.

Everyone should probably watch this movie, if just to challenge their own ideas about sexuality and gender roles in a sensationalist society where the only opinion anyone has is "that sucks dude, screw that." Which isn't really an opinion, by the way, since an opinion requires thought and cognitive capabilities that is obviously lacking from 85% of internet users. Just saying something is stupid and writing it off is, in fact, the opposite of an opinion. It's a rejection. It's not even taking the time to really look at something.

Simply, Nymphomaniac isn't well liked because it doesn't have Eva Green or Abbie Cornish in it, it's as simple as that. If Emma Stone or Olivia Wilde played Charlotte's role this would be the most anticipated film of the decade. People don't like the movie because of their preconceptions about sex, beauty, intimacy, etc... This movie throws all of that out the window. It's about sex, but completely lacking sexiness. It's about horrible deeds, but without the cathartic resolution. It's about a woman, but she's not your typical "Hollywood babe," so therefore not attractive somehow.

However, you can't deny that this film is art. In it's own way it's beautiful. It's hilarious. It's desperately sad... And yet these are the emotions WE feel because WE are watching it. The film itself isn't anything but a mirror held up in front of our beliefs and our preconceptions. Nymphomaniac isn't anything ground breaking. It all but squanders its chance to challenge and instead finds contentment in reflection.
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Don't Believe the Haters
27 March 2014
Listen, I'll keep it brief... 300:Rise is a worthy sequel to one of the most overrated pieces of pulp trash out there. We don't have enough navy battle movies, and this one boasts some kick-ass ship-to-ship action. Yes there is so much CGI blood you could fill ten Red Weddings, but so what? Everyone heaps praise onto the first movie, but beyond looking cool as hell, 300 was soooo cheesy and took itself SO seriously, you can't help but giggle through the whole thing. It's basically soft-core. So 300:Rise is exactly what you would expect in a sequel... Slow motion, monologues, epic cinematography, and sweet ass special effects. If you're expecting Rome or Game of Thrones you're watching the wrong movie.

But come on, Eva Green alone is worth the price of admission. Then again I'd probably pay $8.50 to see her drink a Coke for an hour and a half... But that's because the woman is gorgeous. And that's the thing about this movie. It's gorgeous. All flash, little substance, even less history... But what the hell man? You paid to see the sequel to 300. What exactly were your expectations? Mine were met and exceeded.

If you're a die hard 300 fan, this movie is probably not or you. Which is weird... Because it takes itself less seriously and still manages to kick ass. Even if the Tidal Wave of CGI blood gets a little old, I imagine that's what hacking at another person with sharp blades probably looks like.
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Iron Man 3 - Brilliant Despite Its Flaws
4 May 2013
Only because I've seen SO many bad reviews on here am I compelled to write an unbiased review. I'm not an Iron Man comic fan, but I'm a huge fan of the film franchise and Robert Downey Jr. So any hang ups others have with the storyline, I don't care.

I can tell you that the script, the dialogue, and the Downey are brilliant. I'm giving away my old age when I say I had Lethal Weapon flashbacks through the entire movie. Iron Man 3 is truly a triumph for Shane Black, and I give him props for fighting back from the brink and coming through looking good! The plot is complicated and doesn't always seem like there is one, but that's only because Black is playing it close to the chest for the big twists toward the end.

Tony Stark can't sleep in the wake of the Avengers, and he's having trouble coming to grips with his most selfless act at the end of that movie. Basically, he's a selfish guy, we love him for it... And yet here he has gone and given his life to save humanity (it was pretty much a fluke he survived, so I'm giving him props too for going all the way with it). You'd be pretty messed up too if you were a super-rich playboy one day, a introspective entrepreneur the next, and then nearly killed by sacrificing yourself to save Earth the last.

This movie is all about personal demons. It says so from the start... And why wouldn't it be? Both Black and Downey probably share the same sponsor... These guys have been to hell and back... They know about demons. From the first frame Tony is fighting his demons, and since life has a funny way of knowing when you're struggling, events begin to unfold that have him questioning his very existence as Iron Man. Can he save the world and protect the woman he loves? Can he be a selfless protector and an OCD hermit crab at the same time? Can he move away from a past full of trampling over others to get to where he wants to be? I realize these are pretty big themes for a summer blockbuster, but Iron Man 3 isn't your every-day actioner. This isn't The Avengers. This is an intensely personal film that finalizes the 3-movie-arc of Tony Stark's transformation from what he was, into what he will be. For a solid hour in the middle of the movie he's not even in the suit. He's out solving a mystery, chasing leads, and chumming it up with a surrogate child/inner child in Tennessee. Throw in a maniacal terrorist, a power-hungry industrialist, and an army of T100-looking Extremis soldiers, and you've got yourself a summer movie! I would have like more exposition with Rebecca Hall's character and the background on Extremis, and I would've liked more of a fore-shadow than "Mark 42" but all in all I have very little complaints about this film. It's well acted, it's hilarious, the Air Force One scene alone is worth price of admission, and I bit my nails the entire movie. I don't know why everyone seems to hate it, and by everyone I mean the few thousand people that troll IMDb... But I loved it.

Every single choice the filmmakers had to do the same old thing, they chose something else. Just when you think cliché is about to happen, Black spins it. It's really fun to watch. Plus like I said before, if you're a Lethal Weapon fan you'll love this flick. There's a Christmas theme, snappy one-liners, a buddy-cop-flick feel, and even an Xmas tree lot! Come on, how can I be the only one catching this?? The finale even takes place on a BOAT! (I realize that's Lethal Weapon 2, but you're getting my drift here right?) Brilliant movie. Don't believe the negative hype. It's smartly made, smartly written, and I think when all of these haters watch it again they'll realized what they missed before and change their minds. Go summer 2013 movie season!
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