
52 Reviews
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Are the other reviews paid or what?
14 March 2024
The acting and the music is like really really bad and cheezy. No way anyone can think this is quality. The music they put on for emphases is like something out of a show for kids or a bad porn film.

Hardly made it to 10 minutes before I lost interest. Just a minute or 2 and I felt this was really bad.

I can´t say anything about the whole film since I have better things to do than to torture myself through this bad music and acting..

Seriously Netflix need to stop putting on things like this that are just too low quality. Not sure what else to say to get all the characters in... the review.. There. The end.
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The Abyss (2023)
Boring boring and some more of that.. boring stuff
11 March 2024
Thought I would check this one out but it was worse than I could even expect. No character development. The acting isnt that good and I really don´t care even after 40 minutes if anyone dies or not. I guess that wasn´t what they aimed for? I never have high hopes for native/swedish films but still this must be a bit extra bad. I really cant keep focus on this.

No idea why they don´t put any focus on character building. Isn´t that the point. To care?

The ground is shaking and some more shaking. Maybe it´s not suppose to be exciting but more of a drama. But Im not feeling that either. Just stay away unless you like boring films.
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Reptile (2023)
Good acting doesnt make a good movie
19 October 2023
I manged to watch it half way through so not sure I should rate the whole film. But that´s all I can take of this boring piece of crap. It´s no tension and the only thing that´s mildly exciting is the sound or "music" which leads us to nowhere.. No idea how this can get such a high rating cause.. it´s beyond me.

Nothing wrong with the acting.. well not much. But not one likable character. No build up. I actually don´t care who did it... or did what. I´m rooting for no one.

It´s described as dark on Netflix.. Is it cause you have no hope that you will be able to focus on it till it ends? Cause I quite quickly lost the attention for it. It´s missing ... so much. I like.. nothing about this at all.

And no idea why it has to be such a "long" review of this movie cause it doesn´t deserve it. Boring... boring and long.. Now done.
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15 July 2022
It´s not bad I guess but its not good either. It takes more to make a good film than a man in a wheel chair. And on top of that.. the language it have to be a real good film for it be watchable. Not much happens. And then I lost interest and just had a look on and off. I dont get whats so special about this one... at all.
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The Teacher (2022–2024)
Not that engaging
24 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Kind of tired of ageism and double standard. Older teens are not kids and kind of tired of people taking the moral high ground since of the "poor kids". I didnt have any sympathy for that teacher in the end and think she got what she deserved for ruing a persons life. Who cares if someone is 16. How many isnt the same age that does bad things and breaks hearts. People are not by default horrible just cause they are older. We are all humans. As long its not a real child which its.. not. It´s like people forget how it was to be younger and now anyway under 18 is a "child without a brain". Just stupid.

The series was sadly not that exciting either. I found myself not into thing and it wasnt that surprising twists and it was obvious that kyle was lying.
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Bull (2021)
Too all over the place
4 June 2022
I cant quite follow this. Feels like I jumped into the 5th episode of a tv-series and missed a lot about the characters. No build up or anything. Too scattered to even get into it. The acting isnt bad but it doesnt feel like a film.
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No chemistry
2 June 2022
Not my kind of show. Dont like the music, dont like the characters or the acting.. or Henrys hairstyle. Only time I can over look this kind of music in anything is when Im in the mood for really cosy christmas film.. just with no expectations.

It feels like it jumps straight into the show as much as they jump in time. Could have been good with a different director maybe.. and style.. and music.. and. I cant even get through the first episode.

And no the characters have like zero chemistry.
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Could have been good
5 April 2022
The acting were thy of the great.

The film were thy not.

That is pretty much all I would like to say about this film but that was too short to pass as a review. The acting is really good all around especially the children, but the film is going nowhere and its not exciting at all. Just odd and gloomy. And to remember the lines with old style of talking is impressive as well. But takes more than that to make a good film.
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I find it rather good so far
24 March 2022
Seen an episode and going on ep 2. Not bad. But the boy playing Patrick is very distracting since they look nothing alike. The boy has brown eyes and look italian or something. Not sure why they had to do that... The main character has obviously not brown eyes... Not on the slightest. If it wasn´t for this thing it would be only good. But this quite annoying. I dont get the feeling its Patrick as a young boy at all.
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A film about not much at all. Overacting.
9 February 2022
The best about this film is "Dr houses" sarcasm. That's it. Oh yea and it's not too much of an effort to watch when you are ill. Wouldn't have watched this otherwise.
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Incredibly boring
30 January 2022
I could hardly get through 30 minutes what felt like 3 hours. Nothing intriguing och exiting or feeling of anything. Feels just like they portraying things... like a piece of painting in an art gallery. Staring out my window is more exiting than this.
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Syskonsalt (2000 TV Movie)
Theater acting
7 January 2022
Theatrical. I dont feel the characters. Feels like a Swedish play and not a film. Doesn't feel natural at all sadly. And I mean the acting. What else can one say to make this review long enough. Wish someone would make a film like this with a bit more real feel to it. Feels more like they are squeezing out emotions instead of just being real.
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Knutby (2021–2024)
2 November 2021
Sadly overrated. Had some hopes for this one. Seen two episodes and it feels rushed and lacking depth. No character building. Just feels like its portraying what happened without letting the viewer feel any for anyone. Too bad. And the acting is not all there. Some are better than others. I have liked the actress playing "eva" ( obviously Åsa ) in other productions but doesnt feel like this is the role for her. It doesnt feel genuine.

Edit: Have to say I thought it got better by the third episode. Maybe just more in the mood for it.
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Really good acting
15 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Shocked by the first horrendous event you start to, in some sense, feel a bit of what they feel. The acting is really good and you feel how they suffer. No idea how people find this film boring, cause I thought it was one of the better ones I´ve seen in a long time. Might have wished for a slightly more satisfying ending, but otherwise good.

But always frustrating with films like this since I want them to be helped... But of course if that would happen the film might be over. Interesting how it was some "purpose" so to speak, of why the kidnappers did what they did even though I didnt side with them. Especially since the main villan killed innocent people as well.
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Trial by Fire (I) (2018)
The acting..
4 October 2021
This is pretty bad. From the cgi to the acting. I couldnt get past 20 minutes even. If its based on true events or not doesnt help. I get zero feeling for the characters. Feels like its just rushed and no effort to make it genuine.
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Älska mig (2008)
Just because its about bullying does it make it a good film
21 September 2021
Sadly very amateurish. Fake crying.. bad acting. This doesnt move me at all. Wish it did since it´s about something that should but it just.. doesnt. Wish this was executed it a better way with believable acting. Nice try but.., The dialogue is weak or lack of dialogue. No depth to any characters.
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Bloodline (2015–2017)
Keep the camera still ffs
20 August 2021
What is this crap? Episode 1 and 30 minutes in feels like 2 hours. Nothing happens. I dont care for any of the characters. And I dont think I ever liked the actors in anything else either.

It feels like watching something someone filmed on the mobile when drunk.. So pointless. Who cares about anything with this. Does it get any better.. ? Cause im turning this off..
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Dogtooth (2009)
Not sure i can add a second review or add something
16 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The killing of the kitten made me feel sick. WTF is this film ????? Wish i had been warned. That was in no way ok what so ever. Note to myself.. Dont let a weird bad film just go on. Turn the crap off!!
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Dogtooth (2009)
I rarely say worst film ever but..
16 July 2021
This might be it. I seen a lot of bad films but this is one pointless piece of crap. What is this?? No emotions. Like a robot reading a book. Anything else than this will be more interesting.. Even watching the weather forecast is 100 times more exciting. You who rate this anything above 1 of 10... Don´t you need more in life than this? Wow...
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Obsessed (2009)
If you looking for a disaster movie, this is it!
13 May 2021
Cause this is a real hail storm of clichés. So predictable. No real surprises or anything. I gave it 2 stars and not 1 cause the colours are ok to look at, the sound is ok and nothing much upsetting. Smooth ride of nothing to worry about. If you want to sit through a movie and make fun of how bad it is cause absolutely no creativity went into this, then.. yes this is it.

Whats up with these singers that needs to be in really bad movies..
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Brightburn (2019)
Is it suppose to be so bad its funny?
8 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So I had a look at imdb and no its suppose to be a horror drama.. The...****...?? Its really so bad its funny but not funny enough. Bad acing bad script Like a parody and amateur hour. 25 into the film and the acting is almost bad as porn acting.. People who give this above 5 and up to a 10.. are you paid or what?

And yea.. Why would any one notice a broken lawnmower thrown like a mile away..
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Why no top class with Australian shows?
19 April 2021
It was watchable but not great. Lame how to put something about Jehovas Witnesses when they dont bother to do the research to make it believable. JW dont have any crosses anywhere neither do they believe in hell .. So the whole reference to the church was just stupid. Some other less genuine stuff as well but I watched it all. Lacking the real depth unfortunately but keeps you watching anyway. But could have been so much better.
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The "music"
10 April 2021
This is my shortest review ever. But the start off with the music and that style... I turned it off and the beginning of the movie... Im not a masochist. Should come with a warning "viewers advice to not watch.. country music and southern cliches up ahead".
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Shelley (2016)
If I only could rate it under 1.
14 March 2021
If I wouldn´t have done other things in the mean time I wouldnt be able to finish it. so incredibly uneventful and boring and .. cheap. They saved tons on cutting the electricity hah.. I dont get how anyone can rate this crap higher than this. It´s not creepy it´s slow as .. f. Second movie Im trying to watch with the blond actress. Well the only good thing about this it might prevent people from getting pregnat if they dont plan it....
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Scott & Bailey: Congratulations (2011)
Season 1, Episode 1
Not too bad part from..
26 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not too bad consider story and characters. But my main concern in this episode is what should be, i guess, a corpse... is clearly alive and have movements under her eyelids.. Distracting. Not sure why they thought that would be ok and not do a re-take. Use someone that knows how to be still or dont use a real person at all.. thats what i think. Too bad on what seems to be otherwise an ok show to watch with good acting.
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