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The Walking Dead: Rest in Peace (2022)
Season 11, Episode 24
It's finally over. Over investment paid off. But...
24 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
You know how it is, you watch for a handful of good seasons (GREAT in the beginning) but then it declined.

Seasons was beginning to look alike: some human enemy and his evil was more of a threat than the walkers, who fell into the background. (The Govenor, Neegan, The Whisperers, Pamela Milton).

Then 2 of the lead characters decided they wanted out, and we kept waiting in vain for them to come back.

Instead they dangled Rick and Michonne in front of us in the final episode so more people would see one of many spin offs.

I, for one, have had plenty of the weird dead. Setting aside the fact that dry old corpses have the strength of 2 grown men (when the plot calls for it) or can see, smell or hear better than the living (when the plot calls for it), it kind of pissed me off when they show Hornsby lining up everyone at Oceanside and then he flips a coin... fade to black.

We hear a vague mention of him "taking over" from Luke but never see or hear anything about it. I guess we get an answer in some spin off. Well I think I'm done. It was great to begin with, not so great when it turned into gang wars.
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iZombie: Eat, Pray, Liv (2017)
Season 3, Episode 3
This episode pissed me off
30 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Peyton storms out after finding out Ravi had sex with his old boss... before that she made it clear to Ravi his opinion about her and Blaine was irrelevant.

Peyton hangs out with Blaine, stares at him lovingly, clearly cares about him and FIERCELY defends him when Ravi wants him to take the serum.

How is it worse for Ravi to have sex once (when they are NOT together) than Peyton having sex (when they are not together) then seemingly DATING Blaine, and defending how he is a different guy?

Peyton was a DA, portrayed as a smart educated woman but now they portray her as a hormone filled teenage girl who wants the guy who loves her to wait in a monestary while she dates the guy who used to be a monster? That could have been written better.
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Things we learned from Meg 2! :)
23 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A 14 year old girl is a serious scientist and will have a multi million dollar underwater suit made in her size.

Said multi million dollar underwater suits can withstand pressure from being at 7 km depth but not the teeth of a big eel.

Jason Statham can swim at 7 km depth without a suit and not get crushed.

Trained mercenaries with automatic rifles are no match for pre-historic crocodiles that walk on land for the first time.

When people arise quickly from 7 km depth no decompression is necessary since the subs are state of the art.

Submarines can freely submerge and sail right next to several Megs who won't try anything but if you try to go UP from an underwater station, they will attack right away.

Turning on the lights in an underwater station will cause Megs to tear it apart within seconds but building it in the first place was fine by them.

Escape pods from an underwater station are never attacked by Megs, only actual submarines.

Working with underwater mining in a mini sub every day will not cause Megs to attack you, only if the main character is in that sub.

Even if you are backed up by money, armed mercenaries, and an inside (wo)man who can easily fix it if your secret underwater operation gets discovered you kill your friends/employees and risk your own life in a huge series of explosions that will most likely bury you and your sub alive, just to get some action.

Megs carry grudges and will ignore a lot of people for a chance to attack a big metal helicopter to get 1 guy they don't like.

The black movie guy kliché is still alive and kicking.

Megs will only swim up beyond the natural cold barrier if the people they hate are going up there, even if there has been a big hole for them for hours.

If a Meg chases a small vessel, it will ignore all other bigger and noisier vessels in it's hate for the main character.

A huge octopus will fail to hold a Meg, if the Meg manage to bite 1 tentacle.

A newly engaged young woman is eaten by an octopus without the audience batting an eye lash but the annoying little dog must survive since people will be enraged if it dies.

Mercs will have devices and know how to jam all cell phones on an island (but struggle with simple combat).

A man can hang on the outside of a mini sub from 7 km down and all the way up to the surface with absolutely no problems with pressure, air or taking off the suit at surface level.

Seeing an empty helmet float around at 7 km depth means you should go look for your colleague because "you can't leave him behind", he will definitely not be dead or eaten.

Jason Statham can hold on to a piece of helicopter debris even though a Meg lands on top of it, he is the main character after all.

Billion dollar underwater stations have no emergency handles or controls, anyone from the surface can take over remotely and completely.

If you are walking to an underwater station and running out of air, you should stop to talk often, or at least slow down and enjoy the view.

If you hold a Meg in a tank, a flimsy gate will hold in it check for years until it decides it want babies.

If you care about the oceans you will live in a container for days before you emerge when the ship is at sea, not to catch them red handed when they dump radioactive waste or take pictures of them dumping it at sea but to take pictures of their log book, to perhaps sue them later and hope it will stop them next time. Simply taking the pictures when they reach port would rob you of living in a container for days.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Been a long time since a gem like this appeared.
28 February 2023
One of the most beautiful scenes I've ever seen is in this short but powerful and well written mini series.

The characters are well written, the acting is top notch, and it takes a wonderful turn as you start to suspect things.

There are very few things I think could have been done better in this one.

I've seen a particular scene in episode 5 a handful of times, and I cry every time. You'll know when you see it, and if you do decide to see these 7 episodes there's very little chance you will regret it.

Of course if your choice of entertainment is switching off the brain and turn on the Kardasians, then maybe skip this on... or give it a chance nonetheless. ;)
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Stargate Universe (2009–2011)
Mature and Superior Stargate.
22 January 2023
I watched all of Atlantis but not all of SG:1.

They were both similar in target audience (pre teens or early teens) and similar in small individual stories, light hearted, and action packed.

SG: Universe went a very different direction: We got to know all the characters deeply, every episode was well written with no goofs or silly plot holes for the sake of advancing the episode.

It was probably darker, the threats felt more like threats and less like "this week's goofy minor hick-up" or McKay talking about how he only has 10 seconds to save the world and that he would like people to give him some space and quiet time, because it's SUPER important that he does this now... with now only 3 seconds left!

That's fine every other episode if you are 12 and just want the day to be saved and there's nothing wrong with that. LIght hearted and nothing to invest too much into.

But Universe was for grown ups and I don't recall a single thing I thought was stupid or illogical. Even the "conscience swap" with people from back on earth was done elegantly and intelligently.

The reason it was doomed from the start was all the angry Atlantis fans who never forgave the cancellation of Atlantis, which means an open boycot was determined even before the first Universe episode aired.

A shame, so well written, and that score! I've heard that many many times ever since, it was masterful music for each episode, kind of like Firefly.

I still watch all 40 episodes from time to time, you can too if you want a really good show with an open ending. :)
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Someone called this show REALISTIC? And got likes?? :D
4 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love zombie movies. That's why I watched from the beginning. And I've enjoyed a lot of it.

But realistic? (I'm not talking about a walker is unrealistic, that's the premise of the show).

The stupidity and super walkers are getting some votes down, the new walkers (drowned, burned, torn in half etc.) they come up with are cool and well... you've all been there, when you've watched 5+ seasons you want to see how it ends.

I dislike how it became less about "walkers" and more about whatever group of people wanted to kill the main characters THIS season.

Let's take a look at some of this REALISM you all like so much:

1. Nomatter how decayed a corpse is, it can move around and better yet, it can SEE or SMELL or HEAR if you are a living person or a freshly dead one... unless you have a mask on, then you don't smell like a person who is alive anymore(?)

2. Even after 10+ years no dead brains or muscles completely deteriorate although there would be nothing but bones left. In real life all tissue is gone within less than 5 months! But let's say the global sickness that turns people into undead delays the decomposition... like a LOT. ;)

3. A 300 pound guy can be pulled down by the skinniest walker if it just grabs his pants slightly... this has been a recurring thing throughout all seasons when the walkers are SUPER strong even with no muscle left. Just ONE walker can keep a person from moving. Sure it's a TV show but why not just have 2-3 grab on to knock a guy over instead of an old dry heap of bones pulling with the strength of 4 horses? Why the super strength?

4. Walkers seem to be easy to redirect some times, or easy to forget what they were doing and other times they keep clawing at a house because someone went in 6 hours ago even if there isn't a sound from that house. Whatever the plot calls for.

5. Spending ammo on slow moving walkers seem to be the favorite thing of the main characters, so that when they have to fight one of the many MANY groups of people who want to kill EVERYONE, they have none left.

6. A weak flimsy wall around Alexandria can drive the plot for episodes on end, making a quick moat and some barricades would be too easy.

7. Remember that ONE episode in season 1 or 2 where they drove a car slowly and honked the horn to drive every walker within a mile far FAR away from the camp? That worked great... so they never did that again except briefly in season 10.

8. Even though walkers never truly decompose they seem to vanish quickly enough to never really pile up when a dozen is killed in the same spot.

9. Last but not least:

What drives the walkers?


Primal instinct of eating you say?

Funny how they never eat more than a few bites off the torso and then leave the rest of the person alone in spite of their constant hunger... almost like they WANT a new walker among them (with functioning arms and legs) to be easily recognized by former friends! ;)
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1899 (2022)
Of course it got canceled?!
3 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After watching all episodes I knew we wouldn't get more. And that's okay.

Loose ends, unanswered questions, actions done by main characters only to build suspense or to leave the audience wondering about more stuff.

It had some coolness to it and a nice setting but WAAAY too many plain dumb ilogical things to be renewed.

Everyone keeps speaking their native language to others even if they do speak a little English or German, which makes sense in a crisis, the first 2 minutes of it, then makes NO sense. Daniel is portrayed as a villain and ACTS like one until we learn he is a good guy. Why did he lure a little girl to him and "kill" her when we thought he was the villain? Just to give the audience more to wonder about, it seems. The list goes on.

It had potential but was never going anywhere.
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Archive 81 (2022)
OK build up but with Thor-syndrome and no ending
25 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the first couple of episodes but pretty soon Melody started to suffer from the Thor-syndrome. Just as Thor seems to become dumber for each Thor movie, Melody became dumber with each episode. Making inceasingly stupid decisions, like the lonely blonde going into the scary basement because she hears a noise down there.

Just like bad scripted horror movies, characters are made stupid whenever the writers need something to happen: "Oh I can't go to the police with Jess, I will stand here and be captured to further the plot... because reasons."

Halfway through you pretty much realize how it will end: it's won't.

The ending makes very little sense: Samuel should get back to our world with Melody but he didn't which could also mean Dan was just mentally ill the whole time.

Either way not a very good ending.
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Robert Reborn (2019)
Worst acting I've seen in a long time
7 October 2022
You know how you've seen good writing and bad acting or bad writing but good acting and it somehow makes a B-movie decent to watch?

This doesn't have that.

At all.

I find it puzzling that they seem to go our of their way to find people who can't act AT ALL.

Either that or they over-act on purpose because they know it's a crappy movie and it fits the budget of $ 300? (including lunch)

Either way I couldn't get past 20 minutes of poorly written dialgoue made even worse by bad acting.

I've seen cool characters in horrible movies and it made the movie okay. Who writes this stuff? And are the "actors" just volunteers who know the writer?
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Things we learned from Thor: Love & Thunder
5 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
1: If Jane Foster wears a helmet that conceals her forehead, Thor won't regonize her.

2: Thor has a terrible illness that means his IQ drops about 15 points for every movie he makes.

3: A God Buther will cut of an arm, or non-lethally stab characters on screen but kill Gods off screen. He doesn't like an audience.

4: Zeus is now what he used to be.

5: A director who really wants to be an actor will play the immortal, and very annoying, rock-narrator in his own movie.

6: "Love & Thunder" is code for "put all our kids in a movie and have fun".

7: Every serious moment MUST be diluted with 2-3 unfunny jokes.

8: The Guardians of the Galaxy had a cameo in this movie. (So did Sif, Darcy, And Erik).

9: An Axe can feel jealousy if you talk fondly of other weapons or look too long at a hammer.

10: Mjølnir is no longer a "whoever is worthy" kind of a weapon, it's more of a pet.

11: Thor can bestow the power of Thor to others through Zeus' lightning bolt but will not do so against enemies like Thanos, it's saved for fun occasions... or maybe he actually needed Zeus' lightning bolt to do it.

12: When Thor has gotten dumber over 3-4 movies he will start pouring beer on weapons and think it makes a difference.

13: A gay woman becomes king, not queen. Because equality and stuff.

14: This movie was the worst Monty Python attempt ever. I liked the holy grail a lot better.
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Resident Evil (2022)
Things we learned from Resident Evil
21 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Random order:

1: For all the shady and dangerous stuff at Umbrella, two 14 year olds with a key card and a recording can get access to everything, no need for better security.

2: If you hear growling from a locked box, open it up and start taking pictures, no need to find out what's in there. What's the worst that could happen?

3: If you work with dangerous mutants every day you get careless, just like everyone else working in labs, making vaccines etc.

4: Umbrella can travel anywhere in Europse (perhaps even the world?) Within minutes.

5: If you transport people from A to B, make sure to make a pit stop in a nest of monsters that hunt by sound just to make the trip interesting. Keep driving is boring.

6: Even after years of living with monsters, every encounter should still surprise you and make you freeze up, yet somehow you will survive it all.

7: When Umbrella wants to keep a woman alive they have 20 guys with automatic rifles empty clip after clip into a compound knowing full well they can't hit the chosen woman.

8: If you want to feed a mutant queen, you have to kill a guy with a chainsaw, then cut a specific slab of wrist meat and throw to the mutant... that is ALL she eats. If she gets hungry again, you have to kill another person for that particular cut of meat. The rest you can throw away.

9: If you take a notebook from a mutant, start reading right next to him, no need to leave the room first.

10: If a woman has a daughter and realizes she is a bad a mother as she was a daughter herself, she will take a job far away for months at a time to get away.

11: What you think is a quick flash back to childhood and root cause is actually 50% of the show and the sideline teenage drama.

12: When you dodge because of a camera in a tv, you have to go very low to the floor on your way down but on the way up just bend a bit as you run past.
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The Office (2005–2013)
Overrated but fun
16 June 2022
If you can ignore the fact that Steve Carrel's character is WAY too far fetched to be believable in any way, it's a fun show!

Mostly carried by some of the other characters. The dynamics between Pam, Jim, and Dwight are hilarious and a pleasure to watch. Jenna Fischer is such a delight and you can't help rooting for her and Jim.

Personally I get annoyed at how unbelievable Michael is. Noone that oblivious, childish, lazy, borderline retarded person with no social skills would ever have a job as a manager for more than a day without being replaced or demoted to janitor alone on the late night shift where he wouldn't bother anyone.

I heard so much praise about the show, and do I enjoy it but I didn't expect realism to be out the window and people pretending it's normal.
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Goosebumps (2015)
Things we learned from Goosebumps
12 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Nice enough movie, not one to be taken seriously. Still inspired me to do this.

In random order:

1. If you have a world-ending threat in your magical books, make sure you keep them in an open display cabinet with the universal key 3 feet away.

2. If you want to trap all the monsters you have written, you might forget to mention an invisible boy or other monster but remember to include your beloved NON-monster daughter-character... because reasons.

3. If you want to save the girl next door, invite the dumbest, nerdiest kid you've met to be your sidekick.

4. An evil magical dummy can appear/disappear and make things disappear in the blink of an eye but he won't use those powers to remove the only threat to his existence, in the form of a book being written right in front of him, nor will he help all the monsters he has power over, because that would be too easy. He likes to watch from a car instead.

5. Driving a car in a movie means looking at the passengers 60% of the time or more... it's a rule.

6. If you run from a werewolf, keep stopping and look behind you to make sure it's still after you.

7. The generic annoying whiny kid will be scared and squimish all the time but have enough calmness to spit out annoying questions and one-liners constantly.

8. When a girl tells you to be quiet and not open a book, you must keep asking her questions and try to pull her away from what she's doing even though she seems to know what's going on and you don't. You absolutely also know when to open a book to catch a monster better than she does.

9. A monster needs to be close to be sucked into a book, unless you write a book to suck all characters in, then it will have a mile radius.

10. A lonely man will write a beautiful daughter to come alive and keep him comapny but never ever write about a beautiful loving wife because that would be weird.

11. If the police get's a call about a domestic dispute they will never look around the house as long as the man of the house says it's okay.

12. If you come running to your mum screaming: "Hannah's in trouble!!!" The only natural reaction is asking "Who is Hannah?" in a playful suggestive manner like your son finally got some.
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Black Crab (2022)
Good stuff, potential for greatness but too many missing pieces.
23 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Good acting, realistic action (Can't stand movies where people are shot 4 times and just brush it off like a bad cold) and very cool setting with some beautiful shots on their travel across the ice. Gave a nice feel of the cold bleak reality there were in.

Unfortunately there were too many unanswered questions for this to be really good. You felt a bit short handed when it ended.

Here are the spoilers!!

(the questions):

Why did masked men (beginning of movie) kill people ON SIGHT but the main character and her daughter were not only spared?!? But separated and brought elsewhere?

Why did the chief officer woman die immediately after falling through the ice?

Who were attacking Sweden (or Europe?) And why?

Why did the main characters automatically assume the bio weapon would kill everyone? What knowledge did they have of bio weapons?
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What's with the Devil's Triangle?
19 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this movie was entertaining, Salazar was quite cool, and I laughed HARD when Gibbs gave the captain's hat to Scrum: "This is the proudest moment of my li..." The genuine joy in his eyes for that brief moment, it was hilarious. I would see the movie just for that.

But here comes what puzzles me:

Jack lures Salazar into the Devil's Triangle where the ship explodes and they all die... and become ghosts.

Later, an imperial ship sails into that triangle and is attacked by Salazar. Salazar hates pirates but attacks an imperial ship.

So Salazar dies from jagged rocks and explosions, EVERYONE who sails in there in the future encounter no rocks but a crew of ghosts who want to kill everyone?

So the first victims of the triangle become ghosts? Seems there were lots of ships before them. It was just odd to me. And why was that place tied to the compas?
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Avoid this complete waste of time.
18 February 2022
I've seen my fair share of cheesy horror movies, many of them have some redeeming qualities and you usually know what you're in for.

Not this tragedy. It felt like 4 hours of passive women screaming, screaming, screaming, and waiting to die.

Logic is out the window, normal human behavior is out the window. Survival instinct is out the window.

I had to fast forward not to throw up... which is very rare for me.

I feel like 20% of my soul has been sucked out by this steaming pile of crap.

Don't waste your time!
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
Things we learned from 5 seasons of Cobra Kai
12 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
1. The quality and plot goes from Johnny Lawrence to teen drama... fast.

2. Any kid who has never taken up any sports but prefer roleplaying and computer games can become a karate champion in a few months.

3. If you watch your sensei do an EXTREMELY efficient punch to the chest a few times, you can then master this punch in EVERY fight to come, without missing, and then win every fight. (Kenny)

4. All adults carry 20-30 year old grudges and are ready to start fights because of them.

5. All kids in the valley have either been or will become a bully.

6. If you watch a Chinese master do a paralyzing punch to the arm and/or leg, you can learn this efficient way of incapacitating an opponent but you are only allowed to use it in the same season you learn it, even if you get your butt kicked later.

7. A new cool sensei straight from Asia has to sound angry ALL the time to make sure people perceive her as a bad guy.

8. This new angry Sensei will then make 2 students compete for a stick on a table, and declare the one who kicks the other, AFTER she won the stick, the winner?!

9. After a single round of karate a young person can determine what style of karate her opponent is using.

10. Making 50 year olds look good at karate is not easy... at all.

11. Johnny Lawrence is still the badest dude who can take multiple kicks and punches to the face, and still beat up 3 well trained guys half his age.

12. Noone will notice an obvious bribed judge, even if his looking to Silver for approval all the time.

13. A super careful criminal in Mexico will trust and open up to anyone who helps his son, in spite of being on edge all the time.

14. Mexicans believe that 18 year old boys can be employed by the FBI.

15. Putting 2 kids in a fight against a grown up will determine which of the 2 kids is a natural born leader.

16. Silver's OBVIOUS traps work wonders on a dim witted Daniel.

17. Mike Barnes is still cool.
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How It Ends (2018)
You've seen it before, and it was enjoyable and forgetable.
27 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After 30 minutes you know exactly what this movie is going to end up doing.

Movies like "Vanishing on 7th Street" and the like that have a cool idea with enough supsense to make it worth watching.

Well, until the end, because you never get an explanation for anything, they don't know how, they just had an idea and didn't know how to wrap it up.

A shame so many movies do this.

This had some nice camera work, nice scenery, decent acting but the day after "stuff happens" it's the wild west. That happens REALLY quick, even for a gun loving country like USA.

All that build up and no release, just so you're prepared.
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Airplane Mode (II) (2019)
Like 5 sec videos/vines? Then don't EVER watch this garbage!
8 October 2021
Like most others who have seen this, I enjoy a lot of those little 5 sec videos, they're fun, clever, short.

Logan and the gang thought they could make a funny movie. They could NOT.

In fact, not even 5 seconds of this movie is funny.

Overacting, lame jokes, insanely poor script.

The 1 star is for reminding people how addicted they are to scoial media, and that wasn't done much.

If you enjoy big fake boobs, you will give this movie 2 stars perhaps.

Amanda Cerny was hardly in it, so if you enjoy looking at her as much as the next guy, you're even disappointed there too.

It was almost only Logan Paul who was better, and funnier, in the 10 seconds he had in Baywatch the movie, than in this waste of time.

Go see the 10 worst 5 second movies, and you will have wasted less time, and had more fun.
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Stake Land (2010)
Good ideas, great acting but why on earth...
15 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Let's start without spoilers:

What I really like is the realism of the movie... yes I know there are vampires but a young kid who has a very cool mentor doesn't become a ninja over night. He freezes up, misses and is generally quite real.

Their journey and their encounters are well written, the acting is good.

However... spoilers coming (if you HAVE seen the movie, feel free to answer):

1. Why do they BOTH (Mister & Martin) run OFF into the night, away from their camp and AWAY from a sleeping pregnant woman?!?!??! WTF?!?!

They see a glimpse of someone running past and both chase after it into the night with zero visibility. Where did THAT come from?? Every time they encounter vampires they stand back to back and let them come at them but now, because the plot requires it and they are running out of time, they just leave the sleeping woman behind to be taken?

2. And she is taken by.... a talking thinking vampire with all memories intact. Soooo, if you LET the vampires take your blood WILLINGLY, that's what happens?!?! Spread the word then!

Of course they encounter an extremely pretty girl, Martin's age in the end... well, bye bye realism and hello Hollywood. I can live with that, they do exist but still... ;)

It felt like different writers took over the last 15-20 minutes, didn't it?
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Things we learned from Army of the Dead :D
21 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I miss these lists, they were fun!

This movie was somewhat entertaining but also (and mostly) annoying:

Spoilers, and in random order, enjoy:

1: A leader zombie on top of a tall building, can look at a helicopter flying away, then give it 1 mile head start, go down to ground level, and still out run the helicopter on his dead horse.

2: The more people talk about a nuke coming, and time running out, the more relaxed they will feel and the slower they will move.

3: If a nuke is on the way and a helicopter comes to rescue you, you must still wait for the pilot to deliver a speech and give you permission to get on board, before moving at all.

4: A piece of make shift metal for a helmet will act as a magnet for all bullets aimed at that person, and will never even have a mark on it, after 10+ hits.

5: A woman who says she has a plan, while holding a zombie head, will keep staring at the helicopter taking off, probably because she remembered she didn't really have a plan.

6: The Military generally needs their orders given 2-3 times before reacting, and they will then react very slowly and with seemingly no training.

7: Having dark skin protects you from massive nuclear radiation in the same way it protects you better from the UV rays from the sun, compared to a very pale person.

8: A young woman with no military training will have trouble shooting a zombie in the head at point blank range but can hit 8 running zombies in the head with 8 bullets, from a distance.

9: A movie can last 2½ hours and still have very little character development.

10: People will call a young man "a kid" and make fun of him, because he's the nerdy safe cracker, in spite him having huge biceps and broad shoulders, like we know all nerds generally have in real life.

11: Noone will question why a billionaire wants a team to retrieve pocket cash for him.

12: A random woman is important to save, except if she gets on a helicopter, then we don't even have to see if she survives or not.

13: If a billionaire wants a live zombie head for himself, he won't just send a few hunters with a net to retrieve the first zombie they encounter, he will send an entire oblivious team with a mole in it, with a bank heist cover, and hope his mole can come through, because that's more fun, and the first option is too simple.

14: If 2 people on an elevator sees Zombies when the doors open, they will freeze up completely, because who expects to run into zombies in a city crawling with zombies?

15: Custom made hand grenades become fire balls when they explode.
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Shadow and Bone (2021–2023)
Started off so well...
21 May 2021
Loved the setting and the feel of this place although I was concerned with the teen magazine cover characters all over the place.

Then, after much talk about it, and building up this "dark fold" they have to cross the big dangerous place, life or death in the blink of an eye... They don't prepare the passengers for the journey ONE bit, a quick 10 second speech is the training they get to save their lives if something happens.

Who would throw away lives and materials like that? Anyone with a brain would spend DAYS or at least HOURS (if you are in a real rush) preparing everyone for that journey and the perils ahead.

With 2 extra hours of work they could have build a MUCH safer ship but I guess they thought this would look cool and take the story forward.

If such bad writing creeps in, in the very first episode, I cringe to think what will happen in a few episodes.

Such a shame.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Both really good and really bad
9 December 2020
Well, it's TV... I guess you can say that with a lot of stupid decisions but it's a shame you HAVE to, isn't it?

Visually stunning, great cast, and a lot of good sci fi problems that are handled with something resembling science, a lot of good things about this show.

But who on earth would let a 10 year old emotional boy be in the middle of life or death situations again and again?

No matter how bright he is, he is a CHILD... think about it, you and all you know is in danger, REAL danger, would you bring a 10 year old to save your life or tell him to help back at the base where he can't do anything wrong?

Stupid decisions and emotional decisions are okay in my book, bright people get it wrong some times, in the middle of a crysis, after not enough sleep etc. People make mistakes in real life it's fair game they do it here.

But bringing a child into situations where he isn't even strong enough to make a difference, the only thing he can do is get it the way and cause problems, and if that's the ONLY way you can make up problems for the people on the show, get better writers!

Noone in charge of a space mission would leave anything but sorting socks to a 10 year old, there is a reason you only see grown up astronauts in real life.

EDIT: Having seen season 2 and 3, I very much like the visual effects. I don't like how time is of the essence because a huge danger can arrive at any moment and they (time and again) have time to hug, joke around, talk about personal problems, BEFORE they get going. That reminds me too much it's a show where they have to remember their dialogue at all costs in all situations.
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The Silence (II) (2019)
Has its moments but seems undone
6 December 2020
First a big warning: They show some of the movie (mainly in the beginning) from the deaf girls persepctive. That's fine, can add some extra... HOWEVER, they thought it was a good idea to play a very annoying constant tone whenever that happened... to show she didn't hear anything but a tone that drives everyone crazy?

I had to turn my tv down. You have been warned.

The cast is solid and the story isn't bad but it just seem to suddenly end, with some weird unaswered questions. Not much new there.

If you liked "A quiet place", you might like this, it's like the cheaper version of that.
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Underwater (2020)
Edge of the seat for 90 minutes!
6 September 2020
I saw the good names cast in this and ignored the low score. That was a good idea. It was a really good movie! I'm not sure what upsets people about this movie, perhaps they expected sex scenes with pale vampires because Kristen Stewart is in it but I would definitely recommend this movie! It's been a while since I was caught up by nail biting action /suspense like this.
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