
3 Reviews
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One helluva Soundtrack!!! Oh, and the movie rocked too...
15 July 2003
Okay, first off, any soundtrack that includes Megadeth, Pantera, Biohazard and Sepultura has got to rock... Cemetery Gates is one of the greatest Pantera songs ever. That said, let's talk about the movie.

This movie would be on a top-five list of my all time favourite horror movies. Everyone pulled through with great performances, particularly Zane, who stole every scene he was in (who unfortunately went on to do Titanic which I had the displeasure to see). Great story, great performances, definitely lives up to the Tales From The Crypt name (better than Bordello of blood). So good it goes up to 11.

11 out of 10 stars.
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Jason X (2001)
The worst of the series...
14 June 2003
I watched this movie for kicks, I didn't expect much, and it didn't deliver. For those of you who don't know the plot yet, Jason is cryogenically frozen and thawed in the future where he starts killing people on a space ship.

Okay, this was the worst Friday I've seen yet (though, I haven't seen all of them, only 1 - 4 and this one). Jason is a large, brutish machine that never seems to die, and is some sort of supernatrual boogie man that is indestructible (at least earlier one, he could be stunned long enough for a chase scene). It's campy, and tries to be a comedy, but doesn't hold up well.

It's zany, it's crazy and I never laughed so hard as the sleeping bag scene, but all and all, I only ever saw it once, and I'm never gonna watch it again.

1 out of 10 stars.
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ARRRGH... What happened? The second was so good!
14 June 2003
Okay, first off, does anyone else out there see a resemblance between Jason and the disfigured guy from the Goonies? Check this movie and the Goonies out, and see for yourself.

Okay, one word to sum it up... "BORING". Okay, the acting was okay, the gore was medium level (not a full blown slasher yet), Jason was as cool a killer as ever, the problem, nothing happens for about an hour! Jason should have started killing a lot sooner, and they SHOULDN'T have shown his face. He looked too much like the disfigured guy from the Goonies. There is an upside to this though, Jason get's his goalie mask in this movie, which has become his trademark.

Okay, plot... Six campers stay at a Cottage on Crystal lake, one of which (the survivor) had a run in with Jason two years earlier, and survived. All but her are killed, and she sticks Jason in the head with an axe. And you think he's dead? Guess again, there are more sequels...

Jason had edge in this movie, the characters were good (except the Tommy Chong wannabe), and it had the proper setting for a good Friday the 13 movie. It's just that nothing really happened in the movie, and the fact that they showed Jason so much, ruined the effect of seing his face in later movies.

All in all, the second worst of the series I've seen yet (but I've only seen 1-4 and Jason X), Jason X was the worst.

2 out of 10 stars.
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