
76 Reviews
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Colossal (2016)
Why "Colossal" is one of the best movies I have watched in weeks? Heck, it should be...
30 April 2017
Heck, it should be one of the best movies of the year!!! My reviews, tend to be a little vague , so people that take my recommendation, walks into the film knowing the less, but on the things to tell: this is a movie I wish I could have watched with a pretty woman and listen to her thoughts and emotions after a nice cup of coffee, a slice of pizza or ice cream. But I thought "Giant monsters and Robots even my daughter is kind of turned off about it." Me? As a big fan of Kaiju (giant monsters defined as strange beasts - my favorite: Godzilla), I have to say, this is not your average Japanese rendition of mayhem, or the bs, of "Pacific Rim" (2013), and regardless of cheering up for Del Toro (We both were born "Mexicanos"), it happens, that Nacho Vigalondo from Spain, beat Guillermo to the punch! "Time Crimes" (2007), also written and directed by Vigalondo wasn't all of what I expected, as "confusing time travel movies" I so much prefer the highly unknown "Primer" (2004). So I prepared myself for a possible disappointment while thinking "the ending is going to be with kisses and hugs, and tears and joy , yeah, yeah,... another love story." Seriously, I believed that "Oscar" (Jason Sudeikis) was just trying to teach "Gloria" (Anne Hathaway) a visual, hard tough lesson about life, and above all what alcohol was doing to her, so he could held her in his arms and up close and say: "I am sorry Gloria all I did was for our own good, because I Love you" .

Most movies will cheer up (or not) anyone's evening, unless they are watching something like "Leaving las Vegas" (1995), or remind you of personal struggle with addictions, yes I applaud the effort of reminding the audience about excessive drinking in a less serious way.

Definitely, there is something twistily funny, to the crappy lives of each and every one of the characters, making the story a little "sad" if you think too much into it. Above all, their broken relationships even with friends, as it shows in the scene where "Garth" (Tim Blake Nelson) walks out of the bar...still the actors and writers don't give you the space for mopping.

"Colossal" has some flaws, the CGI could have been better, but the people in charge did the right choice, getting the heavy weight on the story and the acting. And is one of those movies I long for, where I went wrong on guessing and predicting what was about to happen next, most of the time.

After this, Anne Hathaway is convincing me that she can be a real actress.

Final thoughts.

Regardless of being brain washed on the premise that Hollywood movies must have happy endings (and being a man), still, I am some kind of romantic and for a moment I wanted that "Joel" and "Gloria" ending up together as benefit of both, no spoiler here! because for the first time in my life I walked out as soon as the screen went black and credits were about to roll (I needed to rush to a different place) truth to be told, the cynic in me prefers the bitter -sweet ending!.

* I just remembered the opposite to "Colossal" that is: "Blood Trap" (2015) a trapping fortress and baby vampires? good premise in every way, worst visuals and epic failure! *

But "Colossal" I will watch again as a "valued entertainment" and definitely I hope for a sequel.

P.S The rating should be better than Pacific Rim, better story, while having less CGI and "Monster/robots"
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The Guardians (2017)
To the whinny naysayers
19 April 2017
Don't care about what the bad critics say about this Russian movie, because such reviewers are, mostly, from countries that haven't even tried to do what the people involved in "The Guardians" did, and that is go toe to toe against Hollywood on a shoestring budget! Or... they are being so dumbfounded by porn-explosions-parades and recognizable names, that they have no idea how sci-fi and super heroes movies start - and if you say "The Colossal Man" "Forbidden Planet" "Ultraman" "Santo, El Enmascarado de Plata" "Dr. Mabuse" etc. etc... those that failed to recognize the value and effort of "the Guardians" foolishly will stare into space... and if I say "Shane" their only clue will be "Logan." Yes, the movie has a few flaws, but it's mostly its simplicity, that will appeal to a cinephile like me or others, yes is the Russian X-Men but it is well done, and skips to the best possible introduction, and they are amateur superheroes easily hurt particularly while being naive and overconfident, I could go on and on about this movie, but sorry, I have to go and watch it without subtitles now!
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Sleepless (III) (2017)
Ah, movies that make me laugh so hard!
4 April 2017
This is I what I call "a comedy of errors" Ridiculous, hilarious effort from Hollywood on a remake of "Nuit Blanche" (Sleepless Night), (2011). The original was truthful to its name. but this? if it hasn't been so loud I would have caught a nap.

What can I say? predictable, terrible directing acting, editing, and so on and so forth.

Repetitive but definitely not boring, because it is more of comedy than an action thriller,... what? anyone here was acting, my bad I thought they were joking!

"Saddest part"Jamie Foxx will never catch up with Denzel Washington!
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Scintilla (2014)
Finally, a movie that goes beyond zombies, car chases, and simplistic plots.
21 February 2015
Watching this film, brings back memories of movies like The Wild Geese (1978), Alien (1979), Scanners (1981), all of them building up slowly, and precise to get to the point of the story, diversifying without giving more than the necessary, leaving behind characters, to bring them up later, when absolutely necessary, twisting the plot to the convenience of the viewer.

And all of this to my satisfaction: to shut the mouth of a a dumb guy who posted on youtube "Leave movie making to America, please."

I just watched "The Hybrid" and even when it falls a little short on what it could be your expectations, its worth of your time, its in part, like those old 70's flicks, with the real craving for the popcorn, while you lean towards the screen for the next twist of the story, and as "The Terminator" (1984) became an "original" concept, I wouldn't discard "The Hybrid" for a sequel or a Hollywood remake, because it has the proper elements for it.

And is worth to mention of the detail, the producers managed in some of the scenes, I won't spoiled much for anyone, just be observant for heads on plastic bags and skull mask.

Definitively, I will recommend this to those who can make a difference between "Transformers" and a good, "Low budget" science fiction movie!
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Plain and simple: You must believe in Santa Claus to like this piece of trash!
8 December 2014
1. You must live outside of civilization to like this movie.

2. You must be a true redneck to like this awfulness.

3. You must have seen Santa Claus in an episode of "Sons of Anarchy" "My Brother" LOL!!!

4. You must love the worst of acting and direction with your popcorn.

5. You must like garble sounds as pathetic soundtrack.

6. You must like to be on an open space with snow, and walk like an ape

7. You must write a fake review and try to pass it as legit.

8. You must snore and slap yourself to be awake all the way to the first half hour.

9. You must own an 8mm handy cam

10. You must be an idiot to like this piece of trash!

How easy to get ten lines, I just need to repeat "You must" as the "actors" and "director" repeat the awful patterns of dumbness for this movie.
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A beautiful, moving, unpredictable picture!
15 November 2014
I am big into movies and I love foreign movies and before "Imagine I'm Beautiful" I watched a movie from Argentina, where the central character goes psycho, murderous and complete bananas, and as much as I preach into loving foreign movies,that one was a completed disappointment.

But why I am talking about that when "Imagine I'm beautiful" is centered in New York?

Well both movies go into the human psych, fears, anguishes, and while one gets bloody and weird, the one I am reviewing left me wanting more and thinking for several minutes after the final credit faded away...

What if instead of imposing our fears and despairs unto others, we do the best to change their lives and awkwardly try to make them happy?

Would the world turn for the worse?, no I don't think so, we would be just a bunch of "cuckoos" prancing smiles around and refusing to settle down with reality, bitterness and else.

I don't know if this movie will appeal to everyone but I'd really like to gather some friends around and make this movie the subject of analysis. I identified with this movie because people who know me cannot comprehend why I always smile at the world, even though when implies a little sacrifice of the soul.

As I said before this movie will appeal to those who see the world and the rest of the people in more colors than black and white.

To the producers and actors and everyone involved in the making of this movie: thank you for this soul searching statement about the elusiveness of happiness.
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Miss Meadows (2014)
Wow! One out of so many!
14 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
How hard is to find a good, good movie?

Before the ending my thoughts revolved about one thing: how to review this little gem?

Last time an actress impressed me so much was in (1980), when Gina Rowlands played the central character in "Gloria", never the less both characters are alike and so different at the same time! Cathy Holmes deserve recognition for being sweet and though,kind and "mean" lovingly and heartless.

Certainly do not expect "Death Wish" there's no Charles Bronson in here...just a very feminine vigilante, that I just wished that would have walk towards the sunset and be happy...

I think I got my ten lines so, I just have to say: This is a movie that won't disappoint!

Any chance for a prequel?
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The final twenty minutes I would call it: E-She phone home and she really messed up!
24 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Blend X-files with everything else! What do you get?, nothing worth of your time or mine, in other words if you have watched, "E.T", "Close Encounters", "Fire in the Sky", even "Independence Day", "Friday the 13th","Jurasic Park", "Scanners", "Alien", "Poltergeist", "Nightmare on Elm Street", "The terminator" and so on, then you are familiar with every cliché and formula in the book, so do yourself a favor, just move along because there is nothing to see here! This would have been a great short film instead of a long feature film.

The final twenty minutes I would call it: E-She phone home and she really messed up! And here goes the "Spoiler": They probably got killed because in the eyes of the soldiers they looked like aliens.
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Chemical Peel (2014)
Why did I torture myself? This movie really scared me!
24 October 2014
No there's no ghosts, zombies, or insane serial killers, but something worse than all of that combined; a chemical spill going airborne! Burning your skin, making you gasp for air, driving you mad and insane with panic, fear, terror.

Through the whole movie I wondered: why I am torturing myself, but I couldn't walk away, now I am seriously considering a gas mask and protective gear! The acting is not the best, but who cares, the story and unfolding drama is so compelling, that it makes this movie more than a horror film, a fair warning for all.

As a young man, not far from where I used to live, a terrible explosion burned people, houses, cars,and no movie before made me feel back to that horrible event. and I shiver thinking what if instead of gas, it had been a mix of lethal chemicals traveling fast for miles and miles?

And that is the reason "Chemical Peel" is a movie to watch if you want to scare yourself, this upcoming Halloween,after that you won't need a ghost story!
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Dog Eat Dog (2008)
Colombia made a hell of a good movie!
24 October 2014
A few hours ago, I was talking with two female acquaintances about violence in movies, and how difficult it is for them to cope with this issue.

Truthfully, after watching this film, I felt some of the emotions and feelings they described,why? the violence in "Dog Eat Dog" is intense but I am not talking about the physical violence, I am not talking about the blood and gore, but the mental and psychological turbulence that the characters have to endure, and with them, us the viewers. It is like watching Reservoir Dogs for the first time, but darker,with elements of black magic, that can be understand by the Latin culture, in a different way than Hollywood standards.

Because of the atmosphere created in this mentally- violent story, I felt proud of understanding two languages,because even though I am not from Colombia, I was able to sync with the angst and desperation of these bad guys, even though I found them despicable, all of them! each in a different way. And still I found myself wishing for the bad guy, (as I did for Bruce Willis in "Pulp Fiction") to find his way out of the mud.

I did not find comedy in this movie, "Sierra" is not funny in any way, he is just the classic bully, sarcastic and brutal with a smile on his face. As a crime story it fills with meanness, nastiness and despair, and unlike "Bummer" (2003) , there is no, loyalty or camaraderie, or honor, it is a cold world where money means everything to the extent of chopping another human being into pieces.

I found it even "Hitchcock style" building up, getting into your nerves and making you feel the heat of their city, and like in 'The Plague Dogs" (1982), you feel like all hope should be abandoned and discarded.

As I have said in my reviews, I have seen it all and hardly get impressed by a movie, unless it's one of those rare gems as "Cold Blooded" (2012) or this time "Perro come perro".

I really recommend this one, but if you are not really into movies as a form of art, better stick yourself to "Transformers" or "I Frankenstein'" or "Sin City" because they are easy to digest and comprehend, I said this because I think you may be really unhappy not catching up about who was "Adela", that is easily identified in the movie "...vos como te llamas?" The rest is to put two and two together.
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The Salvation (2014)
Thank you sir, I mean Denmark, may I have another?
13 October 2014
True cinéphiles will get my reference, and that is how I felt, having a second western for the evening after watching this film.

Well I may dust off "Silverado" or "Unforgiven" for tonight!

I am so glad westerns are made from all over, New Zeland, Mexico, Denmark, Italy, and I completely disagree with the "pastry" reference from one of the reviewers...

Denmark has proved enough about good film-making, not just that, Hollywood itself likes re-making Denmark's series/ movies (Bron/Broen -The Bridge, "The Killing", "The girl with the Dragon Tattoo", "Headhunters", "Easy money",to mention some of the list)

And Mads Mikkelsen, has become one of my favorite actors he is what Liam Neeson, in my book,has never accomplished, that is... real acting. Whenever I watch Neeson I think he is going to burst laughing in the middle of a dramatic scene.

Well this is a review for a good western, and even though Sergio Leone was awesome, "The Salvation" stands on its own.

The best of all, there is not gratuity nudity or offensive language, but it has all the elements and a good story behind the shootings and violence, not great but good enough!.

My only complain would be the acting of Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Delarue, and thankfully Eva Green do not speak a word through the whole movie (I also believe she may burst laughing in the middle of a dramatic scene).

After my meanness towards Neeson and Green I have nothing else but recommend "The Salvation"
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Horns (2013)
if you hadn't read the book, the movie deserves 6 out of 10.
9 October 2014
Mixed and contradictory review!

Disappointed, "Horns" the movie, wanders far away from the book.

First of all 'Lee' gets his eye permanently damaged, instead in the movie he loses .......! What? I could go on and on, I'll just say this: in my book, the movie is worth 5 out of 10.

For most of the two hours, the acting never reflects or captures the real essence of the characters, becomes ridiculous, and rushes to the point that I wished they have never made it as a movie.

WHY? because for us,the ones who read Joe's Hill writing, we watched on the screen a bag of lies and misconstructions, and what do you do in front of a liar...? you mock and laugh, and shake your head in disbelief.

But honestly if you hadn't read the book, the movie deserves 6 out of 10.
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Red Hill (2010)
Nothing else, but recommend it!
7 October 2014
An Australian Western that goes into my favorite's list! Like "Good for Nothing" (2011) ...a great ending to a well crafted story.

Even though I predicted the real situation, I went along with it, because instead of ruining the movie, the "why" and "how" became the valuable questions, to separate the good from the bad, "Jimmy" is a combination of Clint Eastwood, Charles Bronson and Eli Wallach (without the cynical grim) I just wished that the black panther, could have been more relevant and be somehow one reason for a sequel!

The ending it will touch you, let's leave it like that, as always no spoilers in here.

So if you are looking for shootouts, and horses with a simple scenario and a good story, "Red Hill" is for you!
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Day of the Falcon (II) (2011)
Certainly a movie to be seen!
4 October 2014
Why? hard to explain... not really! Without trying to get your sympathy for my reviews, I will share something not so private: my dad before teaching me how to ride a bicycle or to properly talk, he took me to movies, talked about every actor and director, therefore I love movies, he died 41 years ago, when I was eight years old, and while watching, "Day of the Falcon" I wished he had been sitting next to me, like he did on "Laurence of Arabia".

On this times of so much abuse for Especial Effects and CG, a story like "Day of the Falcon" is so well crafted that easily translate to the movie screen, is so refreshing, so "cool" as we say these days, that after the ending I could still feel the magic of my long gone childhood after the matinées with warriors, pirates, horses and men in turbans or hats, dinosaurs and else, and because of that feeling, and magic, I recommend this almost unknown and pretty much, ignored movie.

Every actor from the most famous or not, delivers, the photography, the sceneries, everything! Creates the ambiance that every movie should have for us in order to keep on loving films!
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Boyhood (I) (2014)
Way better than I expected!
15 September 2014
I was drawn to this film for the story, behind it,...12 years on the making, then Patricia Arquette and Ethan Hawke, but beyond their acting it's the way this film becomes captivating, and realistic, in one way or another, I saw myself, friends, mothers and fathers, and I felt like touching present and past... Do I need to say more?.

I just hope this film gets to be appreciated and an Oscar, would be in order and "Boyhood" certainly will have a place among my favorite movies and list of recommendations! Ellar Coltrane, is a young talented actor and I will be looking forward for his next film.

I could not say that I agree with every event this movie presents, but in these times, when so much FX and super-heroes and shootings, a movie like this is something I really liked, but in fairness, I have to add, this is not a movie for everyone.
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Better then the first one!
8 September 2014
Regardless of the similitude of the plot with the first one, this time it becomes an emotional journey.

I won't spoiled for the ones that haven seen it, but for those who already did ... how messed up, I mean the scene of the car next to the railroad! I saw it coming, still shock me up!

Even thought our heroes Nicholas and Javed seemed not to learn from their mistakes, we keep roting for their survival, and that is what a good movie manage to convey, a real connection between the viewer and the characters on the screen,(hopefully the Ford Brothers make it big on the movie business).

The cinematography is excellent, the main actors deliver, and the writing is good enough and the directing is superb. So to the ones I review badly, watch this one, you may learn something, and for the ones looking for a good zombie-movie, "The Dead 2: India" is one to be seen.
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Funny, witty, interesting, captivating...
6 September 2014
It sounds like a comedy, and certainly, the way the movie plays undermines the seriousness of the subject, (no spoilers here!) but that is okay, because not always do things have to be so gritty, dark and brutal.

In a way, "Big Bad Wolves" is the antithesis of "Prisoners" (2013), and this is not a bad thing, because "Big Bad Wolves" does not toy with our emotions, anger or despair, but with our curiosity, with our doubts, all the way to the final scene that fades into the elegance of irony and what we already knew.

The acting and the atmosphere creates what I crave most in a film, and this is: unpredictability; who really did it?, why?, where? These questions became irrelevant, because we are just in it for the ride that provides a good movie like this.
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This is the perfect movie for you to watch... IF...
4 September 2014
1. If you know nothing at all about movies.

2. If you think dumb movies are perfect for a movie night.

3. If you are part of the crew and have no shame.

4. If you lock yourself in a room with nothing else, but a copy of this bad movie.

5. If you believe in "favorable", fake reviews.

The acting is terrible, laughable, incoherent, ridiculous, with horrendous special effects, and guns probably bought in the dollar store.

...I think I made my point, this is a bad, dull attempt for a movie, inspired by "The Terminator". So without more "Ifs", I am signing off.

Since my review hurt the susceptibility of the guy that proclaims "Huge movie fan! Love indies as much as Hollywood!" well I do not want to get personal, I do not have anything to prove, If I am call a "troll" for giving an honest review , so let it be!

Anyway I felt like editing my review omitting the "ifs"... where to start.

6. Of course! ... whatever name to disguise this "Perfect: Android Rising / Battledroid / Terminator Rising " I agree: "it is nothing like "The Terminator"! that is impossible!, never the less, one of it's titles is: "Terminator Rising "

"Juvenile"? I'll take it as a compliment. Now let's go Back to the movie in question: this movie is so bad that makes "Eve of Destruction" (1991) a masterpiece, at the very least in that movie I had the pleasure of enjoying the acting of Gregory Hines.

Thankfully the other reviewer, gives the whole description of the movie, and to describe an "emotional performance" see "Alpha Dog" (2006) , "Just Another Love Story" (2007) , "The World According to Garp" (1982) do you want cyborgs ? I have a good one!... The one where a cyborg melts itself in front of Sarah and John Connor!
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To Strike (2013)
An insult to cinephiles!
17 August 2014
If this is the best that Pakistan can deliver in action movies, please stop making them while you're ahead!

Unfortunately I must comply with a minimum of ten lines, so, let me try:

Waar is an insult to the viewer's intelligence, regardless of it's own agenda.

It's so full of clichés, that you do not need to understand the language, or be on the need for subtitles; same over-dramatic music and heroic speeches that I have seen in 50 year old action movies.

Shame on those that wrote the overrated reviews: probably, people who may have something to do with the film or people that may have (unfortunately) seen twenty movies in their lifetime.

Do not waste your time on this awfulness or get so comfortable that you can nap and watch it on an "easy plan": over three nights, thirty minutes at the time.
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Seriously... stay away,
18 July 2014
This movie is a futile attempt to scare you, even though it had its moments, it is what it is, a sophomoric film destined for the trash, no point in wasting your time describing all the flaws in it.

Piece of advice if you really want to "enjoy" this overlong story, read the description and move along, if not, prepare yourself for disappointment.

Generously, I will give three stars out of ten, because of those few crafted moments, but after that, it's childish at best, moronic and incongruent.

As much as I love foreign movies, this one will be in my "Never, ever watch it again" list!
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Three-60 (2013)
What a Joke
16 December 2013
I really like twisted endings, especially when they are so cleverly crafted that they shock and amuse, well this is not the case.

Without spoiling it for anyone, I have questions-for everyone involved in this movie.

However, before that, I have to mention that I was really intrigued about how it would end,( it was really late, and twenty minutes before the end, I went to sleep), because as interesting as it seemed to be, it was losing its appeal as an outstanding idea for a movie.

I have to mention that even though I had given a pass to the lack of a real character development I was still into it.

Let's get to the questions and arguments: Is it morally right for the characters or anyone in real life to forget about our own principles just for our own benefit? What about a commitment for what we really believe and pursue?

IF the character in peril had been more valuable than the life of so many innocents (at least in the eyes of the ones watching the movie), I would have "accepted" it.

And yes, I tried to put myself in the same situation, and yes,I get the point!, "the drastic change of heart in the main characters" (even though is merely a betrayal to what a decent human should do), after all, that is the way they were introduced to us.

Without argument: the "moral dilemma", (unfortunately), in here is resolved with,just a quick: "cut and that's a wrap." and that is unreliable and the main problem with this movie.

As I said, I wondered: what I would have done myself in real life? But... the writers, actors, and director did not provide with a real motivation to feel for it, the undeniable justification for the ending do not exist, and certainly, just because,"I am doing the girl" and I made a mistake, do I have to betray anyone or anything that should have been more important?, not just for me but for others...

The credibility fails as the interaction between the filmmakers and viewers developed in a different way for what it was intended.

After all, the consequences of the actions are the result of reckless and erratic behavior combined with a misguided-moral-compass of the two brothers, and it becomes difficult to figure out who comes more dumb and senseless: Mario, the 'genius' (?) or Guillermo and let's not talk about evilness because who 'is the less despicable and rotten' in here, truthfully not even the "bad guys" after all they just become spectators for the human misery, and just a caricature of what they could have been. To add to it, what a waste for the talent of Joaquim de Almeida.

I truly understand the point of the story: changing heart and mind in a full circle, but I have seen shorts that described in a more powerful way what this movie intended.

By any means I would say: "stop watching as soon as the bedroom scene , after the question in the hospital,after the car accident, then get a notebook and write your own ending", because unfortunately, TRES60 (2013) does not give real space for discussions on any moral, philosophical or whatnot issue at least not with the way it was presented.

Finally I have a recommendation for these filmmakers: "Would You Rather" (2012) because that is the way you convey the message on a movie.
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Mickey Virus (2013)
I really enjoy this Indian film!
15 December 2013
This is what happens when millions and millions are not invested! Minds get creative, and within the right direction the result is smart, funny, and twisted.

Even though this movie is cheesy on its elaboration by Hollywood 's standards, it has all the elements to keep the interest from beginning to end, the plot is a little predictable (if you have paid attention to details) Still, it manages to mislead in some of the predictions that any of us would have made.

Seeing that most of the reviews where from India, I almost did not watch it; happily I made the right decision!

The first part of the movie is kind of funny, and the screen is filled up with a beautiful,actress, and as commonly on Indian movies the songs serve a double porpoise, filling into the fun and romantic aspect as much as the dramatic and adventurous theme.

Certainly, if you are looking for an uplifting time, this is a movie for you (still be ready for some unfortunate moments for some of the characters that we get to care, but resembling some natural things… I just have to say: "c'est la vie".

Overall if you are interested on foreign-entertaining movies as I am this one will provide for a good time.
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House of Bad (2013)
Trust me; it is a major waste of time!
6 December 2013
To begin with:

Heather L. Tyler: horrible, terrible acting! Hopefully I'll never see her in another movie again, unless, she pays for good acting lessons and comes back in a better movie and role, that gets her an Oscar or something acceptable.

Sadie Katz: amazingly fit and hot and a great job in such a terrible movie, so out of five on her acting I'll say is a four. Looking forward to see her again!

Cheryl Sands: good acting and potential future in the movie business.

Directors and writers, epic failure as director; writing it has to be less boring, remember is for a movie not for reading while commuting to work.

I really wanted to like this House of Mad, bad, boredom or whatever the title! This movie should have been 30 minutes shorter, I assure you even with all the screaming is a "doze off" sorry, I would recommend it to someone I dislike very much in order to ruin their evening!

By the way is time for fake reviews or people who don't know anything about movies to stay away from The Internet Movie Data Base.
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Thanks to the bad reviews because I really enjoy this movie for what it is!
13 November 2013
Yes, I really enjoyed this..."whatchamacallit" comedy? Black humor…?Fake sci-fi as the background to a forbidden love story…? Because that's what it is, without all the romance, but with all the cheating caused after one night stand. I wasn't disappointed at all, even though the ending weakened for a couple of minutes. To be honest it gave me some smiles, a laugh and a satisfied grin on my face after the final credits.

Unfortunately for those waiting for E.T and fireworks… well, change the channel! But if you are a guy that had given up on the girl of your dreams to do what is right, or if you are the girl, who wanted the "other" guy, well this movie is for you.

This is one of those occasions when I am more than "happy" because I speak and understand perfect Spanish even if it is from Spain, because the movie is fun to watch after you discard the expectations for little green Martians.

The movie is not slow, it just elaborates the proper scenario for the situations and circumstances, it's a story of the absurdities of a particular situation on the first two days of what could have been the antithesis of "Independence Day" (1996).

The acting is really good: a little flat for "Carlos" (Raúl Cimas) still, acceptable, and "Angel" (Carlos Areces) does a good obnoxious and insufferable neighbor, Julián Villagrán ("Julio") does a very believable role(I only wish not have seen his nudity!) and finally, I am looking forward to see more of ("Julia") Michelle Jenner's acting work! So, thumbs up to this one, just remember no "E.T" in it, just a couple of explosions.
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A Japanese movie that you have to see
9 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Even though the premise is kind of the same as "S.W.A.T. (2003)" and after watching the final scene of "Drug War" (2012) from China, where I felt that I wasted my time and was cheated; "Shield of Straw" was different. First, it will get the best of your curiosity, then it will become absorbent of your own feelings and moral values. And If you become so involved with the movie (as I do sometimes), you may be wanting to kill "Kiyomaru" even if you don't get the billion, let's make three billion (if the subtitles where accurate). And here is where I see one of the flaws, because we know that one way or another "Kiyomaru" won't live to enjoy his psychotic killer instinct toward innocent lives.

A movie critic argued that the billionaire "Ninagawa", "should have been arrested straight away", but that would have been more unsatisfactory than the convoluted ending; besides let's not forget that the money was spinning heads left and right! Cops from all levels were involved, mobs, bystanders, and anyone willing to help in murdering the bad guy.

The movie certainly has plot holes but it doesn't intend in any way to be remembered for being smart, and if you disregard logic a little bit, it will get your attention for its acting and pace and because it has the elements that "S.W.A.T" never had even with the frenetic shootings, explosions, and car chases.

I understand that opinions will be divided, and I don't believe that anyone will come with the perfect way to end this film, because irony is just a big part of it.

Overall,this Japanese film delivers and entertains and I would certainly recommend it, after that is up to you to hate or like my opinion or the film.
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