
6 Reviews
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Monster (2003)
Who are the victims?
6 July 2004
I watched this movie recently after seeing Nick Broomfield's Docu, The Death Of A serial Killer. After reading a lot of user comments,most of which I agreed with,ie.that this is a very fine film, albeit lacking in some areas.What I am surprised with, is only a few contributors are making any reference to Aileen's state of mind at this stage in her life. I don't condone murder, capital or otherwise and surely this woman's fate was to serve her time in a facility for the criminally insane. I for one, am of the opinion that Aileen had lost her mind and was clearly insane at the time she was committing this heinous crimes. I was very impressed with this film. Theron was spellbinding in the lead and fair play to Ricci, I thought her performance was top drawer. Patty Jenkins has to be commended on a wonderful directorial debut and portrayed some very emotive and contraversal issues with poise and balance. The question for me was exactly who are the victims in this film? The only answer that makes any sense to me, apart from the obvious, is that Aileen had died a long time before these murders ever took place. Surely society as a whole must take a little responsibility for letting people as vunerable as this fall through any form of safety net. Enough said, I rate this movie as one of the best I've seen in a while and would have no hesitation in recommending it.
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Mystic River (2003)
A Highly Watchable Movie On The Human Condition.
21 June 2004
This movie has really restored my faith in 'Mainstream' American movies. After a decade of some really bad movies winning Oscars and being Hyped as good film, it is refreshing to watch a movie that respects an audience as adults with a concentration span of longer than 15 minutes. A story that engrosses from the start and can let the individual make their own interpretation of a motion picture. Like sculpture or any art form it is lovely to be allowed to form one's opinion without some 'Exec' wanting everybody with views as bland as themselves. Art should encourage debate and Mystic River caused my girlfriend and I to agree on some points and disagree on others. So enjoyable to discuss the more subtle aspects of movie making. Well, back to the movie. What were people thinking giving The Two Towers Oscar for best movie? I think in fairness it was a visual triumph, but does this not have more to do with the availability of CGI rather than the true vision of directing? John Ford and Huston both would have turned in their respective graves. I mention these men as I feel they were true storytellers. Clint Eastwood extracts wonderful performances from all the cast. Both Oscar winners are tremendous and I felt Penn gave a thoughtful, intense performance similar to that of the very underrated 'State Of Grace'. The same compliment can be given to Tim Robbins also and Kevin Bacon impressed as he usually does. Particulary good I thought was Laurence Fishbourne as the cynical cop who gives a beautifully understated performance when less actually means more. Not since 'In The Bedroom' have I seen such a thoughtful well put together piece of film. Congrats to all involved.
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Hugely Entertaining
30 December 2003
Just watched this movie over the Festive season and boy did it add to my enjoyment. No synopsis here boys and girls. It was just a very entertaining movie, great soundtrack and acting. And by the by, whoever said Illeana Douglas is ugly should visit the local optican.
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Midnight Run (1988)
Great fun, marvellous script, dynamite chemistry
25 July 2003
I was very surprised to see this movie only score 7.5. To me it is one of the best comedies of this era, up there with Dirty Rotten Scoundrels. The chemistry with De Niro and Grodin was superb which, alongside a wonderful script made for wonderful viewing. The supporting cast were to a person, a delight and Yaphet Kotto was a revelation. What more can I say? If you haven't seen it do so but be careful, as it's normally cut to ribbons for TV. So down to your video store, rent it out.You're guaranteed to laugh your socks off.
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Witness Protection (1999 TV Movie)
good acting, tedious,lacking suspense,predictable outcome
22 July 2003
I watched this last week on my new DVD player(Yahooo),beats video hands down. I'm a big fan of Tom Sizemore,Mary Elizabeth Mastriantonio and Forrest Whitaker. I was expecting a lot more from the movie and maybe my expections were too high!! It started out well with the attempted assasination on Bobby and his subsequent efforts to convince his bosses that he's clean and not on the take. I thought for a guy of his standing in the Mob his protestrations would be taken a little more seriously but no, no one believes him. Not even a sit down! I don't know, maybe I'm watching too much of the excellent Sopranos,but this smacked of lack of imagination or laziness on the filmmakers part. Then it's immediatly off to the witness protection programme, hence the imaginitive title?? Here we meet nice Steve played convincingly by Whitaker who's maybe a little too nice. We know he wants to help but he got more and more wholesome as the film progressed and I soon became irritated with Mr. Goody Two Shoes. Tom Sizemore was good but as the film progressed he looked as though he was just going through the motions.Mastriantonio tryed to give it here best but hysteria and melancholy are hard to portray in what was becoming a more and more soap opera style of film. Sizemore,after his pep talk with Whitaker,was just too quick too change his outlook and accept his new way of life. It seemed to me everybody wanted to wrap it up and pick up their paychecks. This might be unfair to the actors who did their best with a very dull script, lazy and unimaginative direction and a hokey ending,especially the son's decision not to posse outta Dodge at the earliest opportunity. You wouldn't have seen my heels for dust,especially as he had a crazy about him girlfriend and he's supposed to be 18. Did these guys ever hear of hormones? Good for a rainy Sunday afternoon.
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to say how much I enjoyed the social aspect of this movie
26 May 2003
I recently purchased this outstanding movie on video. Michael Redgrave has always been one of the finest actors of his generation and his performance in this film only serves to strenghten my opinion. I was very surprised by the way a film of this era, concentrated so much on the social and economic deprivation of the mining community in Great Britan, surely one of the largest workforce of the time. The struggle for better conditions and the respect of their employers as workers and human beings is perhaps the crux of this story but the underlying sub-plots of human greed and subterfuge made sure my interest never waned. It is to me most memorable as a story of the ordinary man, struggling through adversity, always with dignity and self-respect. Despite the often bleak surroudings and the fact that it is also shot in B&W to maximize this atmosphere, it never depressed me and left me feeling good,long after the last of the credits had rolled.
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