
13 Reviews
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This Film Was Brilliant. It's Unlike Anything I've Seen Before.
6 April 2020
I got 30 seconds into the Trailer and knew that I had to watch this film. It really didn't disappoint. I'd put it up there with films like Super or American Splendor. There are certain films that you can enjoy but know that you could live without, this isn't one of those films.

I loved every character in this except for the younger James at certain moments because he is just so infuriating. He can be having the perfect moment and just ruin it in an instant.

The film is about love and friendship, it is a truly romantic film along the lines of Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. It's a person torn between his life's work and the love of his life. It's got laugh out loud moments but I wouldn't call it a Comedy. It's just a great film.

I took a star off a perfect score because there was a slight moment in the film towards the end that I didn't think was necessary. It doesn't take away from the film but it felt a little forced. I loved this film though and I can see me watching it many times in the future.
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Guns Akimbo (2019)
If You Like The Trailer, You'll Love The Film
12 March 2020
This film is absolutely insane which is to be expected if you have watched the trailer. For such a crazy experiment of a film, I'm surprised they put so much effort into making him so likeable and funny despite the non stop action.

I loved the style of this film and the fact that his character was so not meant for this world. The only thing I was annoyed with was the way the camera would roll on some of the shots at the beginning of the film. It kept making me feel sick even if it was an interesting shot.

Regardless, if you like the sound of Daniel Radcliffe waking up with guns bolted to his hands, you'll love this. It doesn't take itself too seriously but has good character development. You really can't ask for more.
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Really Enjoyed the Film but Too Many Diversions...
11 October 2019
El Camino is really good but I can't help but feel a little disappointed. Maybe I was hoping to see more of how Jesse was going to integrate into a new life rather than tying up loose ends which didn't feel necessary.

The trailer also set me up for disappointment as there was so much speculation around what things meant and when they actually happened it was just pretty pointless.

We all know Jesse, we know what he's been through and constantly showing us what came before really takes time away from showing us what could happen next.

I'm at the end of the film feeling like I was at the end of Breaking Bad and the question hasn't changed. Whats next?
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Brightburn (2019)
This is just lazy!
16 September 2019
I hate reviewing a film when I'm only a third of the way into it but I really can't stomach any more. This film had so much potential but I have seen it all squandered away already.

What if Superman was evil? OK, well why is he evil? Was he bullied? Once he realises what he is, does he simply view the human race as ants? Is it genetics? No! He's possessed!

What a lazy way to write this film. He's nice one minute, then he's evil the next because something is possessing him. May as well leave out the superhero stuff and just rewrite the exorcist.

Also in what context did he play peeping tom on the girl? Was he possessed then or was that seriously the first thing he thought to do when he realised he had powers?

I came here to check out some reviews to see if the film was worth another hour, from what I can tell it's not and these are the reasons I'm quitting early.
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Alan Partridge hasn't changed but his new show is Perfect!
25 February 2019
I've only ever watched 'The One Show' once and I couldn't believe that people actually watched that garbage, so what better show for Alan Partridge to turn up on than a blatant copy of the show.

I've often seen the sly digs between presenters during the News and wanted to continue watching as the cameras stopped rolling and this new show provided that but with one added extra, Alan Partridge.

I don't want to ruin any of it by dropping spoilers but I suppose anyone who already loves Partridge is going to watch this anyway. I'm only writing this review because there is only one other so far which gave it 1 star which is completely unfair. If you love Partridge then you will love this.
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Black Monday (2019–2021)
The Pilot was Perfect. Can't wait for next week!
21 January 2019
Just watched the pilot and thought it was great, I'm really not getting why it has so many negative reviews. I also loved I'm Dying Up Here which was cancelled after 2 seasons so I'm guessing this will go the same way.

Don Cheadle is amazing in it, the story was great, the characters were funny and well written. It isn't laugh out loud funny but that isn't what I want from this kind of show.

It isn't a stand up set where each 'bit' has to land. It also isn't The Big Bang Theory with their one liners and canned laughter. It is a good show and given Seth Rogen and Evan Goldbergs involvement in Preacher and Future Man, I have high hopes for this.
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This Is Us (2016–2022)
Good but also a little fake.
21 March 2018
So, I've nearly finished Season 2 after binge watching this show for the last week with my other half.

It's strange because I really like This Is Us, however I can see what they are doing to make me like it, they are forcefully making me feel for all of the characters on screen in probably the laziest way possible.

I film wedding videos and use the speeches and emotional music to tug on peoples heart strings. I know what I'm doing and it works perfectly, for a wedding video. The makers of this show use the same approach, however the entire 2 Seasons so far are a series of speeches rather than conversations and its just so fake.

Its like I'm watching some master puppeteer but the strings are far too noticeable. I just wish that the show would stop relying on having a speech in every scene and put the effort into making us care without being so forceful.

I haven't said much positive about the show however I have rated it a 7 because I am addicted and will be going straight back to finish the season after this review.
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Here and Now (2018)
Excellent Pilot, feels very much like Six Feet Under with a twist...
13 February 2018
I normally don't watch series with less than 8 stars on IMDB because I usually find it to be the most accurate site for averages. Having listened to Tim Robbins on the Nerdist Podcast however, I thought Here and Now sounded intriguing.

The Pilot had everything that Six Feet under had. It has great characters who are already being fleshed out in just a single episode and the story is something that I am already hooked by.

I don't usually leave reviews but the users of IMDB who were so quick to come on here and slate it (some after only watching 20 minutes of it) made me feel that the program was made more because of them and not for them.

This is a worrying time when so many people feel they can spew hatred simply because there are gay people in a TV show. Ironically, I am pretty sure that the series will tackle these issues head on. Its just a shame that so many feel emboldened to share homophobic and vile views when all this is trying to represent is life.

The funny thing is that one of the adopted children had a good conversation about how they were adopted so their parents could show how progressive they were.

In an age of binge watching shows, this is one that I will be happy to wait each week for.
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It's Well Worth Watching but Far From Perfect
13 July 2017
I really enjoyed this Netflix Special. I wasn't sure what to expect going into it as I had never heard of him but I definitely want to see more of him.

He reminded me of Bill Hicks in some aspects with his attitude towards the audience and self loathing for his own depravities.

Where I wish he took a bit more of a Bill Hicks approach though was to go a bit deeper with the politics. He clearly has some funny views on the future under President Trump but I didn't feel as though he was educating me on anything whilst making me laugh.

That last part might sound a tad ridiculous, after all he is a comedian but I guess I say it because some of my favourites such as Bill Hicks and Frankie Boyle are able to mix pure filth with deep political thinking and I feel as though Rory Scovel could have entered their league if only he had the boldness to use this as a platform to make people think whilst entertaining them.

Overall though this is well worth watching and I will definitely be watching his future shows and genuinely hope he can move up a notch from pretty entertaining to doing some ground breaking comedy.
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Okja (2017)
Massively Overrated
7 July 2017
This film was an absolute mess. It felt as though it didn't know what it wanted to be throughout the entire film. Bouncing back and forth between Schindler's List and Grown Up's 2 with overly stereotypical characters that are either pure evil or saints.

There was barely a story line to this film, only forced emotion which you will become aware of when it hits you during three scenes in the film. I will give them credit for forcing emotion in these tiny moments but I do not appreciate the method in which they do it. Its nothing more than lazy writing in my opinion.

Even though I am only giving this film four stars (partly due to Jake Gyllenhaal's strange performance), I would recommend that you watch it. If only to witness a unique mash up of genres which will only serve to irritate you to no end. It's still worth sitting through it so you can see how out of touch movie critics are these days.
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A Dark Comedy which is Perfectly Cast
23 February 2013
This film is amazing.

Don't let the fact that it is coming straight to DVD in many places put you off.

Each actor was perfectly cast (in my opinion)... even Johnny Knoxville who I have never rated, or really thought of as an actor, was brilliant.

Its a Dark Comedy that slowly unravels whilst keeping you on the edge of your seat the entire time before ending perfectly.

I did almost give this film 9 out of 10 but when I thought about it, I couldn't think of a single thing that would lose this film any marks.
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Stake Land (2010)
Excellent, Honest and Brutal Film.
29 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I have just watched Stake Land for the second time, first being at the Cinema when it was released and I can't stress how amazing this film is.

Its so rare to find Vampire/Zombie films that can make you feel so much for each and every character. I genuinely cared what happened to every one on screen whether it was wanting them to survive or wanting them suffer for what they had done.

The film was made perfectly in my opinion, the acting was brilliant, the sound track suited the films mood and the director did a fantastic job of making the entire film seem so real and meaningful.

The only reason this film hasn't got above 8 out of 10 is because of all the Twilight fans getting upset, or people complaining that how they became vampires wasn't explained.

Why does it matter? They created a world in which vampires roam the earth and it has been done in a way that makes you feel something, and be thoroughly entertained. What difference will it make if they explain that they were always in the shadows? Or a science experiment went wrong? Just enjoy the ride.
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Road Kill (2010)
The worst film I have ever seen!
31 August 2010
This film is absolutely terrible. I really wish that I had read previous reviews before watching the film.

It doesn't even deserve one star. It is so bad, it made me sign up to this site to write my first ever review.

When the closest the director had come to being part of a horror film was playing the role of a paralysed victim in 'Saw' it really says something about the quality that the film is going to be.

The story makes no sense what so ever, the acting is some of the worst that I have ever seen, the characters have no depth at all and the FX are so unbelievably bad, all of the props could have easily been found on Blackpool Promenade. The film actually made one and a half hours feel like a lifetime. I was hoping each scene was the last but kept thinking that it must get better... it didn't.

Avoid this film, do not let anyone talk you into watching it, if you do you will seriously regret it.
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