2 Reviews
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1 May 2003
This has to be one of the worst movies that I have ever seen in my life. I wasted four dollars and seventy-five cents to view this pathetic, worthless piece of trash. It's basically a waste of film. I rather have my self beaten to death by Michael Wincott on a Thursday afternoon by a swing set while Dan Hedeya watched with a puzzled face. I went to see this film-trash with my simple-minded girlfriend. She enjoyed it. I can't believe that i didn't notice that she was an idiot until now. Since she loved the movie, i dumped her. I don't date idiots. But, I am warning you all out there, don't waste your time and your hard earned money on this movie! All the people who like this movie are stupid. Don't get me wrong, i like the show. But, this movie is completely horrible on all levels. First off, WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO SEE A TV SHOW IN THEATERS? All they did was put their worst stunts on the screen and called it a movie. The movie should be called "JACKASS: The worst of the worst", or "JACKASS: The worthless movie". How could of this movie make 22mil on it's opening weekend? That shows how stupid America is getting. What ever happened to the idea of putting out a good movie in theaters? The movie watchers are just taking the easy way out in life, by not turning on their brains. While watching this filth, I felt like gouging out my eyes, and screaming out for Charles Dance and Charles S. Dutton to come and save me. But, i resorted burning my self with my lighter to vent my anger, witch was the most pleasure the I got from entering the theater this day. So, please, don't rent this movie, do it for your futures! Go out and rent good movies! If you like comedies, go watch classics like Uncle Buck, What about Bob? Trading places, Christmas Vacation, Coming to America, etc..... There are plenty of them out there. So instead of following the crowd, and renting Jackass, don't be one, and go rent something good.

Until later....Shhh
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The Making of 'Alien 3' (1992 TV Movie)
26 April 2003
I have been an alien fan for many years. When I bought Alien 3 on DVD, I had the delight of watching this "making of". It's informative and entertaining, not simple minded like the countless of other "making of specials" I have seen. It's a must see for any alien fan. There's nothing much else to say. But, there is one very big disappointment. THERE'S NO PETE POSTLTHWATE interview. That over-talented actor had the nerve to do the "LOST WORLD MAKING OF", and not the "Alien 3 Making of"! Also, I think there was a little lack of ADVENTURE'S INC'S MICHAEL BIEHN. If you have the Alien 3 DVD, go watch it now! It will make you want to cry out for butter milk. And you will be home in time for corn flakes. Oh yeah, there is another Alien 3 trailer attached at the end of making of. So, if you don't have the Alien 3 DVD, wait.......a new boxset it on the horizon. Im getting all excited just thinking about, and you know what's it going to be better than? right?

Basically to sum it all up, I rather be at home on a Tuesday morning watching "MAKING OF ALIEN 3", then be out on a Friday night with my girlfriend.

Till Then, .....shhh
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