
15 Reviews
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Safe (I) (2012)
It's just an action movie!
10 May 2012
No one said this was an actor's piece. So first and foremost let's stop bashing the poor little Chinese girl. Her acting is lousy at best, but that shouldn't stop you from enjoying this ass-kicking fest that Jason Statham delivers to us. The point of going to see this movie should be to enjoy an action flick. The plot's smart enough to keep you wrapped up in it,and the action is enough to have your heart pounding. We even get the obligatory action-movie car chase sequence, which is actually a pretty good one.

The story revolves around a young Chinese girl who has memorized a combination to a mysterious safe. Whatever is in this safe is coveted by not only the Triad (whom the little girl has connections to through her Uncle), but the Russian Mob and the crooked pigs of the NYPD. She crosses path with an MMA fighter who has a score to settle with the Russians, and he takes her under his protection and kicks the ass of anyone who tries to take her from him. I was impressed not only by the action but by the story line just as much. This is a well-written movie, and while the acting may be cringe-inducing at times, that is only one aspect of the film and shouldn't ruin the whole movie for you. This one should go on your watch list, for sure.

Overall: 7/10
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The Raven (I) (2012)
Cool atmospheric thriller, I was impressed
7 May 2012
This movie had the potential to be really good or really bad. To be good, this would need three things: for the set design,costumes,and cinematography to be on point, for the acting to be exceptional (especially from Cusack), and for the story to be smart and unique while paying homage to the legendary Edgar Allen Poe. Fortunately, this movie did not lack any of these three things, and this made for an entertaining and worthwhile trip to the movies.

We'll start with the best thing this film has to offer: an awesome performance from Cusack. He plays the troubled Poe pretty close to perfection, and proves his versatility as an actor. As if his performance wasn't enough to merit a viewing, the brilliant set design, costumes, makeup, and cinematography are four more reasons to check this one out. The aftermath of the killings are just brutal, the makeup team did an excellent job with this one. The movie's creepy, dank atmosphere owes much to the beautiful cinematography and brilliant costume and set design. The period is captured perfectly through these mediums, and make this movie that much more realistic.

The originality of the story line should also be noted. While at first, the Edgar Allen Poe influenced murders may seem gimmicky, they actually make for an interesting and unique plot. It's also a treat as a Poe fan to watch some of his greatest stories come to life. Don't write this off as just a gimmicky, quasi-horror film, because it shouldn't be considered anything close to a horror film. What it is is an atmospheric historical thriller, and a very good one at that.

Overall: 7/10
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The Avengers (2012)
Summer's approaching, here's the season's first real blockbuster
6 May 2012
So, every few years we get an obligatory Hollywood presentation of a comic book story. These films can be either really really good (films like The Dark Knight, Iron Man,) or really really bad (films like last year's Captain America). Personally, I'm a fan of movies in general. I'm no comic book freak, and before seeing this film I really couldn't tell you the first thing about the Avengers. But I was told this was gonna be the one, the superhero movie that I would love more than any of them. This was hyped up to be the best yet. It has all our favorite heroes, plenty of crazy action and breathtaking special effects, and a star- studded cast. So, I had high hopes and was excited to see this movie, which is rare for me when a new superhero movie comes out.

From beginning to end there is no denying that this is the year's first blockbuster. I'm not going to waste time describing the movie though, as honestly, we have seen it all before. Basic save the world plot, but with a medley of all the most famous and powerful superheros. What this movie does do is take special effects to new heights. This is by no means a thinking mans film, but it is not supposed to be. This ones about getting the bad guy, and causing a whole lot of explosions and plenty of adrenaline-pumping battles. Robert Downey Jr. shines as usual as Tony Stark, and his performance is the showstopper and shining moment of this movie.

All in all, there is something for every kind of movie fan here. It does what a blockbuster should do, entertain us and captivate us for a few hours with it's big-budget effects and simple story line. This is nothing we haven't seen before though, and while it is worth a second viewing (especially for the die-hards), it is nothing that I will spend my time raving on and on about.

Overall: 7/10
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Takes a basic horror movie plot and makes it completely original, this could be the one that saves the dying genre
1 May 2012
Wow! I'm surprised. Genuinely surprised. I watched the trailer for this film and wrote it off as another cliché slasher flick meant for 16 year old kids to make out to on a Friday night. I told myself I wouldn't go see it, as it would be a waste of money and I'd leave the theater disappointed in yet another failed attempt at a horror film. But, after a few more viewings of the trailer, and after a few friends raved about it, I decided to hit the late showing one night when I was wired with nothing else to do. From the near-perfect opening scene, I knew this movie would be more than I expected. And it proved to be just that. From start to finish, this is a pulse-pounding, terrificly acted, well-written and ultimately great film. Not just a great horror film, but a great film in general. There are so many twists, turns, and curve balls thrown at us that you can't keep track. The special effects and makeup is top- notch work, and this is the first movie I've seen in I don't know how long that actually had an effective jump scare! I know, I couldn't believe it either. This film is truly great because it takes every tired, played out genre cliché and breathes new life into it, making for an entirely original and thrilling movie. This one is highly recommended. If you're a fan of horror films but have been disappointed by every single one since last year's Insidious like me, then you will be floored by this flick just as I was. If you're not really a horror fan, you will still find yourself falling in love with it because of it's sheer originality and brilliant screenplay and performances. Don't miss this one folks.

Overall: 8/10
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You just shouldn't try a three stooges remake.
25 April 2012
So, Hollywood's done just about everything at this point. It's remade, reinvented, revamped, and recreated old Hollywood hits as well as old classics of the television screen and stage. But, shockingly, this is the first time since the beloved Curly, Larry, and Moe faded into showbiz lore years ago that their side-splitting shorts have been adapted into a full-length film. What makes the film even more interesting is that the stooges now live in the present day. The problem is that the three stooges were one of a kind. Many of us can do your typical stooges impressions, but no one on this planet can capture the humor of simple slapstick comedy the way the stooges did. Here,our three lead actors put forth a wonderful effort to do so, but I almost felt wrong for watching them try. Duplicating the stooges just cannot be done, which is a big part of why this movie did not really do it for me.

Putting the stooges in modern times is another reason this movie failed to live up to it's potential. The stooges were not just a group of comedians, they were the humorous outlet that many common folk used to escape the horrors of the great depression. Placing them in a modern-day setting takes a lot away from their original charm. And don't even get me started on the marketing tool that is the inclusion of the Jersey Shore airheads. Just, why? Do we really need to see these people everywhere we turn? They have no place in anything having to do with the Three Stooges, and are simply here to attract the teenage masses.

All in all, this movie was not bad. It was entertaining and enjoyable but only at times, and there are a few funny instances and classic slapstick gags that will always net a chuckle or two. But the Three Stooges are legends, and their original genius work should just not be touched. The fact that they turned their classic shorts into a Hollywood production geared towards younger children is not a surprise, but it is a disappointment nonetheless. Skip this one if you're not a fan of the Stooges original work, but give it a watch if you were. It's worth the initial watch, but I know I won't be giving it any more than that.

Overall: 5.5/10
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Dimmly lit snooze fest, literally almost fell asleep multiple times
12 April 2012
First off, this movie probably would've been more entertaining if Harry Potter was the main character. It's not like we weren't all picturing it already as we watched this, and honestly I would have rather watched the boy wizard romp around looking for clues to the ghostly mystery than watch boring Arthur Kipps try to. I was so excited to see this movie, as the trailers looked genuinely creepy, the set design looked spot-on, and I was intrigued by Daniel Radcliffe playing anyone but Harry. What I thought would be a dark throwback to the classic haunted house ghost stories of old indeed was just that, only a very poorly executed one. This movie really is just one big waste of a plot, a waste of the cast and crews effort, and a waste of my (and everyone else who went to see this snooze fest)time.

The plot is an awesome classic horror movie plot. A young businessman travels to do business, and in the process discovers strange occurrences in and around the house in which he is saying. He soon learns of the history of the town, and sets out to put all the pieces of the puzzle together. Yep, I thought it sounded entertaining too. It first hit me about 20 minutes in, when I began to realize I had been watching Radcliffe walk around since I sat down. Yes, it really does take a good 30 minutes before anything remotely interesting happens. And from there, it only continues to drag along at a snails pace. The scares are effective at points, weak at others. I was genuinely startled only twice the entire movie, and had trouble staying awake for the duration of it. This was the result of a combination of the near pitch-black lighting of the film and the crawling, dragging, stagnant pace of it. Also, stick-in-the-mud Kipps might possibly be the most uninteresting protagonist in horror movie history.

All in all, this movie is a waste. There is nothing positive that I can find to be said about this film. The only bright spot is the beautifully creepy house, the set design really as a whole is exceptional. Also, the movie shows that it is capable of inducing fear, but chooses not too in favor of jump-scares and quick disturbing images. The horror genre has reached a new era. The era is dominated by the found-footage sub-genre, and there has been a found-footage flick for just about every plot. I thought The Woman in Black would be the film that revamped the classic era, the era of straight up creepy ghost stories/haunted house thrillers. In reality, it was the film that made me lose almost all hope in the current state of the horror genre. The ideas are clearly running out, and I'm afraid that the genre might be on it's last legs. I hope I'm wrong, and that this film is simply a mishandled mistake and not an omen for whats to come for the genre. One things for sure though, The Woman in Black is a poor,poor film, and will soon be forgotten about and disregarded.

Overall: 2.5/10
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Silly comedy, not as funny as you think
7 April 2012
I'll admit, I was a little disappointed in this movie right here. I went to the theater with hopes high ready to laugh myself silly, figuring that I was sure to judging by the look of the trailers I had seen. However, instead of a gut-busting comedy, what I got was a silly little movie that got old relatively quickly, and wore out it's welcome sooner than I thought it would.

Don't get me wrong, 21 Jump Street delivers a few hilarious sequences. The Peter Pan play sequence, for instance, had me laughing harder than I've laughed during a movie since last years 50/50. And the party that the two bumbling cops throw is a pretty funny, entertaining part. But really, aside from a few one-liners and quips here and there, this movie offers up nothing original and is overloaded with clichés. For example, a loud, angry black cop. A scary, villainous motorcycle gang. An overbearing and slightly gay-tinged gym teacher. Yep, just about every comedy cliché can be found in this one.

What this movie does have going for it is Jonah Hill. The funny man never seems to disappoint, and in this one plays the dweebie Morton Schmidt to perfection. Channing Tatum isn't bad as his counterpart, and the two show decent chemistry on screen. Also, watch out for a movie-stealing cameo towards the end from someone we all know and love (myself especially).

All in all, this film does not live up to the hype. It is a funny ride through a decent storyline, but not much more. Don't go in expecting your gut to bust, as you will be very disappointed. Go in with an open mind and you will be entertained, as this is an entertaining film with some genuinely hilarious moments.
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Epic adrenaline rush of a film
4 April 2012
I'll start this off by letting everyone know that I've never so much as picked the Suzanne Collins book up. I had no idea there was a book called "The Hunger Games" until I saw the trailer for this film. I don't know why, but something about this movie stuck out to me upon my viewing of the trailer. Maybe it was the premise of teenagers brutally fighting to the death as a game and tradition, or maybe it was how the movie clearly demonstrates the unbreakable love between siblings. But for whatever reason, I knew I needed to see this film.

I went with a friend of mine who had read the book. She assured me the book was fantastic, and she was sure I'd love the movie as long as it followed the book. After it was over and I asked her how closely it followed it, she seemed a bit disappointed. But, having no previous knowledge, I didn't find many major flaws in this film.

Jennifer Lawrence is a fantastic young actress. Her performance in the great Winter's Bone was remarkable, and she doesn't disappoint here either. She plays our protagonist, Katniss Everdeen, who takes her young sister's place in The Hunger Games, a brutal but traditional game where 24 teenagers battle to the death while the entire country watches. The action scenes are tense and awesome, and Katniss proves herself to be an extremely intelligent player as the games go on, finding clever ways to pick off opponents. Lawrence's portrayal is really a joy to watch, as is the film itself.

Look out for a decent acting turn from Lenny Kravitz as well, as well as a strong performance from Josh Hutcherson. It is these performances that make the movie special, and make it such a thrilling and enjoyable film. I cannot speak as a fan of the book, but as someone who loves to watch a good movie, I was very pleased with this one. And if you are a fan of smart, clever action-fantasies, you shouldn't feel any differently.

Overall: 7/10
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The Grey (2011)
How an action-thriller should be done
22 March 2012
I'll start off by stating the obvious : this is not an uplifting movie in any way. It's dark and disturbing, and at times hard to watch. On the outside, it's an action-thriller packed full of realistic creature violence and plenty of suspense. Look deeper, however, and you'll find a chilling meditation on what is worth doing to survive, and just how meaningful life really is.

The story revolves around a man named Ottway (played with brilliance by Liam Neeson). He is a rifleman protecting oil rig workers from wolves when they are drilling in areas of wolf inhabitance. After a plane crash, Ottway and a small group of men end up stranded deep in the freezing cold and lonely heart of wolf country. Through the men's efforts to survive, they learn much about each other and their lives.

The cinematography is beautiful, capturing the cold bare landscape perfectly. The camera-work is eerie and mesmerizing, and the acting is top-notch as well, especially from the always brilliant Neeson. The wolf scenes were wonderfully brutal, and while sometimes unrealistic, they do the job in striking real fear in the viewer. After all, imagine if it was you stuck in the cold surrounded by wolves, with very little in the way of defense. The last thing I will say is the movie's ending was perfect. I can understand why some may be disappointed, but at no point in this movie was I more on edge. The intensity and passion that is packed into the final scene will leave you shaking.

We may only be pushing four months into the year, but this is still the best movie I have seen in 2012. It's a bleak film, but a thrilling and wildly entertaining one. It will leave you thinking about your own life, and putting yourself in the character's shoes. Don't go see this if you don't like movies that stick with you, because this one will be sure to make a home in your brain for a few days.

A classic, man versus nature action-thriller for the ages.

Overall: 8/10
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Chronicle (2012)
A cool story, but enough with the found footage gimmick
19 March 2012
I wanted to see this movie since it first came to theaters. I knew the basic plot and thought that with the combination of special effects, the storyline, and the gimmick of the found-footage film, that this film would be original. In other words, I had high hopes and may have expected a bit too much from this movie.

The plot is simple : a few kids stumble upon a creepy hole in the ground that gives them the power of telekinesis. Also know as the ability to move things using the mind. One of the kids begins to use the power in destructive/evil ways, and the film takes off from there.

The problem is getting to this point. The beginning is very slow and the exposition is a bit boring. The film doesn't really get going until they discover their superpowers. Even at points between then and the climax, the film stalls.

The special effects featured in the film are realistic and beautifully done, but again, nothing game-changing or special here. All in all, this movie was weird, visually stunning,and genuinely acted, but at points boring and sometimes cracked under the weight of the found- footage gimmick. It was a good movie and not a bad way to kill an hour an half, but I'd wait to rent this film before you shell out the full ten dollars.

Overall: 6/10
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Project X (2012)
Documentary-style party film meant for teenagers
18 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
So, a movie about a party gone out of control. Like we haven't seen that before. Where Project X separates itself is that the film is shot in documentary-style. The plot is simple : three high school losers attempt to make a name for themselves (and get laid) by throwing the most epic house party ever for one of the boys birthday, while a friend of the group films the whole thing. What was supposed to be a fun party with enough girls for everyone to get laid quickly turns into the most epic of ragers, complete with an angry midget, plenty of topless girls, drugs, a ton of alcohol, and even an angry man with a flamethrower.

Bottom line is, this movie is meant for teenagers. No doubt the high school crowd will love this movie for its nudity and drug and alcohol consumption, and will fantasize about throwing a party as crazy as the one in the film. The acting is alright at best, and the documentary- style presentation takes away from the film. Can't a movie just be shot normally anymore?

Overall, this was an entertaining trip to the movies. Some parts are actually hilarious, and I found myself laughing out loud more than a few times. Don't go see this expecting to watch a typical movie, instead be prepared for a 90 minute party. The movie is meant to entertain by showing the lengths that teenagers will go to too throw "the craziest party ever". And it does exactly what it is meant to.

Overall: 6.5/10
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The Lorax (2012)
Don't expect a carbon copy of the book
5 March 2012
Instead, go in with and open mind and prepare to be entertained. The newest Seuss book to be adapted to film happens to be one of the great author's works that I enjoyed the most growing up, the Lorax. The first thing you'll notice about this film is the animation. The colors are bright and vibrant, and the animation is excellent. Another bright spot in the film is the musical numbers, the songs are catchy and creative and add a nice spice to the movie. The main thing about the movie though, is that it follows the book loosely. It is by no means a direct adaptation, but keeps the key plot elements while remaining a modern-day animated kids movie. Fans of the book shouldn't be disappointed, I certainly wasn't. I left the theater feeling satisfied and proud that one of my favorite Seuess stories was done justice on the big screen, as so many animated films don't deliver. But this is one worth seeing, and will be enjoyed by everyone from the youngest of Seuess fans to the very oldest.

Overall: 7/10
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Safe House (2012)
Clever action-packed thriller with a great turn from Reynolds
4 March 2012
A new Denzel Washington movie is never a bad thing, especially when it's an action flick. Ryan Reynolds is always good too, but the role of Matt Weston is a different one for him. I'm used to the Van Wilder Ryan Reynolds, so I wasn't sure if his performance would fall flat or if he would be able to hold his own, especially opposite the great Washington. But hold his own he did and then some. He was perfect for the role of a low-level CIA agent tasked with looking after an international criminal named Tobin Frost (Washington) in a safe house. When the safe house is attacked, Weston escapes with Frost in tow and from there the film turns into an action packed thriller with multiple twists and turns. The film's first 30-40 minutes is slow, almost painfully so. There was more than one instance where I regretted paying to see it, and I considered leaving the theater at one point. But I stuck around and gave it a chance and I was glad I did. The first portion is needed to set the film up for the last hour and a half, which is loaded with gunfights, car chases, and plenty of surprises. The performances are great, especially from the two leads who work very well together. I like this type of roll for Reynolds, and I wouldn't mind seeing more rolls like this to come from him in the future. There's nothing new or groundbreaking about the movie, but that's to be expected. It delivers what it set out to deliver ; an entertaining and exciting popcorn-muncher with an exceptional plot and exceptional performances.

Overall: 7/10
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Act of Valor (2012)
Entertaining and realistic war film
3 March 2012
I was excited for this one. Being a fan of war films, I thought that casting real active-duty Navy SEALS for a movie was interesting and should make for a more realistic film. The film lived up to my expectations. The film had a better story than I figured it would, focusing on a kidnapped CIA agent and a connected terrorist plot against the United States. Deployed to try and thwart the attempts is the Bandito Platton. The action scenes are exceptional and the the violence is intense, but it sure is fun to watch. The movie's major flaw is the acting, as it's plain to see most of the SEALS are not very well-trained actors. However, looking past this, this was an action-packed two hour ride that takes us inside the world of the America's bravest, and the real life situations that they are faced with on a regular basis.

Overall: 6.5/10
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Decent horror movie with a few genuinely scary moments
28 February 2012
Exorcism films have been done to death. As have found footage films. So I wasn't expecting much from this film, but I decided to go just to see if the two genres would work together. Surprisingly, this movie wasn't bad. It was actually a pretty entertaining little movie, and I found myself actually getting scared at some points. There's an extremely tense scene between Isabella and her mother that will have you on edge the whole time, and while the ending was much loathed by the group of friends I went with, I thought it was a clever ending. Predictable, but clever nonetheless. The film takes a little bit to get going, but when it does it brings you in and if you view it with an open mind, it might actually scare you. A decent blend of the exorcism and found footage subgenres, I recommend this to anyone that's just looking for some creepy entertainment and not too much more.

Overall : 6.5/10
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