
18 Reviews
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Brüno (2009)
24 February 2014
This movie just is not very funny. I have to admit that I thought this guy's first movie was funny, Borat's Cultureal Learnings of America For Making Benefit of Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan or whatever it was called had some funny parts like the ice cream truck or when he performed at the big rodeo, sang his song at the bar and especially when he did the weather report on a small town news station. But it also had him fighting the fat guy scene and if you saw it you know what I mean when I say why was that ever necessary? That stuff is not funny just because it is mean and gross and the entire movie Bruno is all nothing but that stuff. The Dictator movie he did after this was even worse, not as gross but no funny stuff in it.
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Punched Up (2006– )
15 December 2009
I almost forgot about this show and I really wish I had completely forgotten about it because Punched Up was horrible! I hope that they destroyed/erased/burned/buried the tapes of this show because it was so awful I can't even believe it. Who at the comedy channel puts these shows on TV? Whoever is making these important decisions needs to have their head examined and should have been fired a long time ago, unless they have been firing people in which case look at your hiring process because you keep hiring people who don't know how to pick a good TV show and obviously do not have a single idea of what is funny. I gave up on this channel a long time ago but still see pieces of shows when I flip by and they are all terrible except for the reruns which they can't really take credit for. Punched Up had people pretending to do a "reality" show and helping out "real" people with their problems, but the main problem was that the show was not at all funny.
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Keys to the VIP (2006–2008)
12 December 2009
Keys to the VIP is just another one of the horrible T.V. shows that you can and will see on this station. The show is terrible with guys claiming to be real players competing against each other (there are two of them competing in each episode) in stupid games where they try to get girls at a bar to talk to them, get girls numbers, and so on. The judges are four other guys who also claim to be expert pick up artists but they also seem like just huge d-bags just like the contestants. The show is not funny at all and not even interesting, it is just boring watching these guys desperately try to convince us what awesome players they are (talking even more about the four judges than I am about the contestants). Nothing funny has even happened in the shows I have watched and the shows are obviously rigged. Do you really think they have invited all these people to the club, got them to sign releases, and get them on tape while these guys carry out the same stupid games with them? It's not reality at all it is just stupid, it probably even tapes in the day time. Somebody else on here wrote how they knew somebody on the show and it was all fake well yeah that is obvious, it's a fake show and even with actors it's still not funny. One of the worst shows I have ever seen.
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Cock'd Gunns (2007– )
Inside Jokes and Bad Inside Jokes At That.....
6 December 2009
Cock'd Gunns is not a bad premise for a television show, especially when your goal is to make a cheap Canadian television show. Canadian TV comedy is pretty awful for the most part, the comedy channel has a lot of really horrible shows but Showcase seems to have a good feeling for what is funny. They made Trailer Park Boys (I understand if you don't like it but you can't argue that it is one of the biggest cult/smash comedy hits in recent years on Canadian comedy television) and other decent shows like The Corporation and Billable Hours. So when Cock'd Gunns was on this channel from public access Rogers TV I thought it would be worth a watch, it is mockumentary/comedy documentary style very much inspired by movies like Spinal Tap, and apparently a lot of it is supposed to be improvised. You can tell because the show is so disappointing and unfunny. I had high hopes and gave the series multiple viewings but the jokes and characters were all predictable and paper thin, I disliked most characters especially the lead guy who just seems desperate to deliver his jokes/make people laugh. It's really a terrible show with no funny jokes and the production values are not surprisingly very low considering it is a fake "documentary" series.
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Comedy Inc. (2002–2007)
6 December 2009
Comedy Inc is the worst sketch comedy show I have ever seen on television in my entire life! The sketches they do are awful (or I guess I should say the sketches that they did do because thankfully this show has finally been taken off the air). It is shows like Comedy Inc that prove to me that Canadian television is really sick and the industry as a whole needs to be fixed somehow, because if this is the kind of crap that the comedy channel and CTV will turn out again and a again they clearly do not care one bit about the quality of their programs, they obviously want to just make whatever is cheap that fits the "Canadian made" bill, and in which case I think they should just pull the plug totally and we can just watch BBC or an American channel. It makes me sick that my tax dollars etc are going to give jobs to people like whoever produces this horrible show.
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The only thing remotely funny about this movie is the title.
2 December 2009
The only thing remotely funny about this movie is the "Lesbian Vampire Killers" title. I don't know if they are going for campy fun or just using the title desperately to try to sway horny thirteen year old boys to rent this awful movie, but the movie is just terrible. They obviously are going for the Shaun of the Dead crowd by having British comics and replacing the zombies with vampires, but the jokes in this movie as well as all the actors/characters in it are just painful. I could barely manage to get through this travesty of a film, it was totally un-entertaining on every level imaginable. Main problem was the terrible writing with lazy, predictable, unfunny jokes, but the actors were also hammy and terrible. I can't believe anybody actually put money into making this film.
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The Ron James Show (2009–2014)
27 November 2009
This show is horrible. Ron James is okay as a stand up comedian I guess, my dad likes him and sometimes on his stand up comedy specials he had jokes that were funny but his TV show is just horrible. The jokes are all really bad. Even the parts where he does stand up it is just awkward and not very funny, like he is just talking to fill up time because they don't have any good sketches to do. The sketches are all really bad, not funny at all. He does one thing where he plays a little kid, I guess it is supposed to just be funny visually because he is an old man playing a kid who grabs his crotch a lot etc but it just is really unfunny. This show is terrible and the CBC needs to put better shows on that younger people might find funny instead of putting the same old people on TV all the time.
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The Cleveland Show (2009–2013)
27 November 2009
This show is horrible. The comedy simply is not funny at all, I have seen every episode so far (I think) and have not laughed one single time at the "comedy" they are presenting. I don't mind them changing the character of Cleveland Junior but the new son just is not funny, I can see not being able to put a whole series around the original Cleveland Junior but if you're going to replace him, make him funny. They are going for a Family Guy type comedy show here but the jokes are just bad, the writing is awful, and the characters got really boring really fast. I don't really like any of them, don't look forward to the show, and still am very disappointed watching it. This show was a mistake from day one.
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Girls Will Be Girls (2005– )
24 November 2009
Girls Will Be Girls is one of the worst television shows I have ever seen in my entire life. I can not see how so many bad shows get made by the Comedy Network but out of even all those awful shows Girls Will Be Girls is still one of the worst. Girls Will Be Girls and Pop Cultured are probably the two worst comedy shows they have ever made. But Gutter Ball Alley, Punched Up, Hotbox, and a few other shows are also really bad. House Party is another really bad one. I hope this network fires everyone who makes these shows and eventually comes up with somebody who can put a good show together for us. Either that or they should just take the network off the air and replace it with just reruns of good old comedy shows or something.
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Gutter Ball Alley (2001– )
23 November 2009
I remember this show, it was just horrible. The host was a d-bag and not one funny thing at all happened on the show, ever, which is seemingly odd considering that this show was on a channel called the Comedy Network. Then again most Comedy Network shows are quite unfunny and awful anyways. Basically they take two desperate to be on television no matter how low they have to sink to do it contestants, then they bowl for prizes of up to about thirty dollars cash, and they have to do humiliating stunts when they miss, etc. And they had an ugly middle aged man in a diaper with a big bottle, and all of the stunts were kind of humiliating but never in a funny way, the people on the show weren't even enjoying themselves. One of the worst game shows in the history of TV.
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Who Likes This Diarrhea?
23 November 2009
Who likes awful "comedy" shows like Little Mosque on the Prairie? The only two kinds of people I can think of who watch this are: One, Muslims and self-proclaimed Liberal defenders of every ethnic group who are so thrilled there is a show about Muslims that it doesn't even matter if the show is good or funny at all (which it is not). Two, old people and people whose idea of comedy is incredibly predictable, badly written, stale jokes.

CBC needs to really take a look at what they are doing and who their audience is. If they keep only writing comedy for really old people then guess what will happen, their audience will die off soon and they will have no audience left. I'd be curious who even writes for this show? Do you think it's actually Muslims, or hip, funny young people? No, I bet it is old white guys who have been writing the same jokes for the same kind of bad CBC shows since the 1960's.

When you look at the CBC comedy shows there are, Air Farce was only finally just taken off the air (thank goodness!) but we still have lame ducks like This Hour Has 22 Minutes and Rick Mercer that we are paying for, not to mention this poor excuse for "comedy" Little Mosque on the Prairie. It is supposed to be offencive and funny? Only the CBC would think this lame show is at all offencive or funny. Shame on the CBC for squandering our tax dollars on shows only a few people would bother watching.
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House Party (2008– )
23 November 2009
I don't even see what they were trying to do with this show. I saw several episodes and it seemed like what they were trying to do was show the same party from different character's point of view each week. It seems like it could have been an interesting idea but this show was just awful. I am with the other comment poster who said "is the Comedy Network trying to ruin itself?" I don't know what they are thinking half the time. I don't get the feeling they even knew for sure what they were doing when they started taping this show, it is all disjointed and disconnected and just seems disorganized. The jokes are all really bad and feel like they were just thrown in last minute, like "hey it might be funny if we have this guy throw up now, or have that person fall down now, or put in a bad sex joke here". The acting was terrible but mainly the problem was the writing, if there even was any. What a bad show this was.
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Popcultured (2005–2006)
23 November 2009
Pop Cultured is maybe the worst television show ever made. I am not even exaggerating when I say that it really is possible that this is the worst show that has ever been put on TV. I know that if you went through every show ever made in the world you would probably find some old shows from the 1970s or something made in Croatia with a budget of about five dollars that are maybe even worse but considering the quality of shows we have in North America and the fact there is a real budget, etc, with this show being available in like thirty million homes, then the amount that this show was a total fail really becomes apparent. Those who have seen this show know what I mean. The show hasn't even been on for years, I just signed up for IMDb so I can check out movies etc and yet still here I am, years later, coming to this page, one of the first ten pages I visited after I signed up for this service just to complain about how awful this show was. Worst TV host ever, worst interviews, worst guests, worst sketches, worst on screen talent, worst acting, worst writing, worst directing, worst overall production. It confuses me just trying to figure out how something this bad was even allowed on television in the first place.
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23 November 2009
Family Guy used to be a really funny show. Now it is getting less funny, but what is way worse is that The Cleveland Show just stinks and then this travesty gets put on the air? Seth McFarlane came across as a total d-bag on the show and it obviously was not just an act, the guy seems like a huge real life jerk. The Alex lady seemed really nice and had a couple bits that showed off some good talent (her stand up joke and the Zellweger impression were okay) but over all this show was less funny than pretty much anything I've ever seen on Fox. It was just terrible! Right up (or down) there with that Star Wars Holiday Special, infamously bad TV.
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Howie Do It (2008–2009)
Is this entire Show a Joke?
23 November 2009
Howie Do It is such a horrible show that I can only think that maybe, just maybe, the entire thing was just a really bad joke. Who on earth would put a show this bad on TV and actually expect people to watch it? I can't begin to say how awful this show was. Howie was a terrible host, and what was with him always wearing a stupid disguise (just a bad wig usually) and always calling himself Larry? The pranks were all really bad, what is the point of copying a successful old formula like Candid Camera and not even updating it to be better, or funny in today's world? This was a really bad show with really bad performances, bad hosting, and bad writing. Bad idea from the get go, all around terrible show.
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23 November 2009
The comments already left for this show are way more funny than the show itself and they are all accurate. I feel exactly the same way, that I am very disappointed at how far Rick Mercer has fallen when he used to do some really great things on This Hour Has 22 Minutes but now he is just clowning around, going places and talking to people. He does some bits in the studio about things going on in the news but they are never funny at all, just really sad and predictable jokes about headlines. Most of his show is him going somewhere to talk to people, for example this week he is going to a rodeo and the video pieces are all of him making funny faces and acting scared of the wild horses, etc. He used to be funny but has gotten way less funny since leaving This Hour Has 22 Minutes and that show is also not funny at all any more. Now that Air Farce is off the air (finally thank goodness!) Mercer and This Hour Has 22 Minutes have got to be next in line for the axe, just old tired predictable comedy that almost nobody finds funny any more. It's sad really considering Rick Mercer used to be the funniest man on Canadian TV!
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Hotbox (2009– )
Horrible, Horrible, Horrible.
23 November 2009
Hotbox is horrible. It is horrible, horrible, horrible. I have not seen one single funny joke on this show and have not even cracked a smile once.

Obviously this show is made for potheads but who wants such a stupid audience anyway? Has the Comedy Network just given up then, and said well maybe we can do okay with the worst audience there is? The sad thing is I don't even think there are potheads out there who would find this show even the slightest bit entertaining. There is nothing funny on this show.

Saying "creams" over and over while a guy rubs cream on himself isn't funny. It seems like it should be funny but so does the idea of Robocop selling cereal. Somehow the people on this show could not get anything funny out of any of their ideas. Probably because they're all potheads? They probably find themselves funny. Good thing because otherwise nobody in the world would be enjoying this show. Shows like Hotbox are why I am ashamed of Canadian TV.
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Not Funny
23 November 2009
The last two or three seasons of this show have sealed the deal for me, I used to be a big fan of this show and it used to be the funniest show on Canadian television, but now it is just awful. The comedy on this show is tired and predictable. Now that Air Farce is off the air (and I am so glad that show is finally gone) CBC really needs to take a look at their other tired shows. This Hour Has 22 Minutes has just got to go, it has been on too long and it just isn't funny. It doesn't even look like the people on the show are enjoying their work any more. Really lacklustre performances and really bad writing have done this show in. CBC should also get rid of Rick Mercer's new show, it hasn't been on very long but that show just isn't funny either, it is just Rick Mercer going places and talking to people.... yawn! CBC needs to shape up and stop making comedy for just old people. It's a shame to see how far this show and Rick Mercer have fallen.
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