
12 Reviews
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Valkyrie (2008)
An overlooked FANTASTIC film
31 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
{The below is a review that contain film plot/etc. You have been warned}

I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one who felt the film was overlooked/critiqued wrongly/under minded. Tom Cruise, while he may not be the kind of guy you like in public, is a wonderful actor. I have enjoyed every film he's done. Valkyrie has to be his Oscar worthy role to date. (I was shocked he wasn't even nominated while those who were failed in comparison). Tom was powerful. when he spoke his posture and attitude resembled that of a soldier in that time period. And when he didn't speak he was emotional, his facial expressions speaking for him. The guy he portrays was a war vet and still is a soldier. In the opening of the film he loses an eye and a hand. But the guy is still active in the military, and carries himself as if he wasn't even a cripple. Throughout the film he is pushed to the limit but carries through that sticks to me with awe. Great film and ending with the words "Long live free Germany" (or something like that) right before a firing squad. Yeah, Tom Cruise looks crazy. But let's be fair film association! The guy was Oscar-worthy in a performance that reminds you of the fallen soldiers who fought to eliminate Hitler. I give the film a 9/10, because even with the greatest film, there are flaws here and there. But a high rating because for a film about history, it keeps you watching it until the end. Watch it and judge for yourself.
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Not TOO BAD for a sequel
12 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
(The spoiler's on just in case I give away too much detail to what the film is.)

There's no argument that the sequel to "why did I get married?" was bad. HOWEVER I will say while it had it's downfalls the film itself was entertaining and fun to watch. The characters were great, the drama was terrific and the plots left me guessing what would happen next.

Yes, the story itself lacked, but it did continue from where the first film left off with. The actors/actresses did a fantastic job of making you love/hate the characters they portrayed. While we all wish for a happy ending, this film shows us all a reality to what some or many couples face. It was wonderful to see how the couples fought and managed to forgive in the end.

A movie is for entertainment purposes, and I feel it's only fair to say, to many of the people who go in to watch one, to never expect so much. This film was great and it kept me wanting to see more. The drama was great, especially Janet Jackson's character. She did a great job acting and showing us what a woman, who holds everything in to be a 'ms.perfect', ends up like...

Watch the film, if anything, and judge for yourself. I will say it gets a 5/10 because it was entertaining, with great moments. The overall story and ending killed it for me though. Other than that, perhaps one should wait to rent it and then watch it.
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Daredevil (2003)
Theatrical release: 5/10. (Uncut DVD release: 10/10)
22 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
*The following doesn't really contain spoilers; however if you're one who doesn't like to know if the film was good or not this review contains just that.* -you've been warned-

The theatrical version of this film was no doubt the worst adaption of one of marvel's coolest heroes. The casting of the film in my opinion was great, especially king pin's actor that surprised me with good review. However the story lacked so much, not really explaining much about DareDevil or his love for Elektra. It just focused so much on pointless action. With that said, the film gets a 5/10 for somewhat good action and acting.

NOW, i will say go to your DVD retail store and grab the uncut version of the film which is about an hour longer with a very different yet better story line. This film was what should have been released into theaters. This uncut version explained what made daredevil, his life, and a better chemistry story between Elektra and him. The action was far better and pointless scenes from the theatrical version never showed itself in this film. I mean it, go watch the uncut version of this film, it's simply brilliant that deserved to have been released in theaters to begin with. This version gets a 10/10. Of course, it's just my opinion. You decide in the end.)
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Ladies and gentleman, the best Inuyasha film award goes to...
2 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers

...Inuyasha 3, Swords of an Honorable Ruler!!! -applause- It's true folks, from all the Inuyasha films, this film is the best of all the installments, (includes the 1st, 2nd, and the 4th) This is because the story didn't resolve around Kagome being a damsel in distress or drama in the never ending love triangle of Kagome/Kikyo/Inuyasha. No, we are finally given a story that reveals just what is special of the swords Inuyasha and Sesshomaru possess and a third sword which belonged to the siblings father that is the trouble in the story..

The film focuses on the 'mysterious sword' later to be revealed as Sounga, the demon possessed soul looking to conquer the lands. What's amazing about this film is the fact sounga is a demon possessed sword that can control the dead as well as fight so well that even Inuyasha and Sesshomaru aren't able to defeat without working together. but there the question is: will the siblings put their own grudges aside and fight side-by-side with the swords given to them by their father, (whom we get to see in the film briefly in the intro and conclusion), without killing each other?

It really is an amazing film for the story line and actual character development in the film. Sesshomaru's character throughout the show has always been dark and secret, yet in the film we see more to what his father meant to him and just what kind of a person he is. Another plus side to the film is the action build-up where our heroes, along with sesshoumaru and his crew of Rin, Jaken and Ah-Uhn, along with the sword maker Totosai -i think i spelled his name right- fight the army of the dead, literally, controlled by Sounga and the man known as Takemaru. (a samurai who battled against Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's dad and lost)

As great as this film is, it only gets 9/10 only because of one character who remains consistently annoying throughout the film in my opinion.

KAGOME just can't seem to remember the hero's name, since she's constantly shouting/screaming/saying/whispering his name at least 100 times in just one sentence. Like, i'm glad she's no damsel in this film and actually does some ass-kicking with a headstrong attitude. But it's not needed to have someone shout the hero's name, especially when the hero is either fighting, saving someone, trying to get something done, does his own thing, or is busy.

The old gang, Miroku, Sango, and Shippo are great too, with the role of supporting our hero. Miroku and Sango even have their moment which is really sweet to watch. So all-in-all, watch the film cause it's great from start to finish with fantastic action and a few romantic moments. A must for any Inuyasha fan.
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Dragon Ball Z (1996–2003)
Top of the line anime hit
2 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers

First off, dragon ball z to me was the best show ever when i was a kid. I mean, for a girl with 3 brothers and an older sister who was away at college most of the time, what else was there to watch? -lol- anyway, the show was addicting because of the action. That's it. The show, for me, was only a huge hit because of the non-stop-well-drawn-out action sequences. The story itself made the action cool. You know the simple, 'your-an-evil-guy-so-i'm-gonna-kick-your-ass-for-it', is all kids need to know for a show to be good.

Looking back now, i see some flaws here and there. Mainly because of one character no one can forget. GOKU. I mean, yes I'll admit i loved the fact he always saved the day. But that's just it...HE always saved everyone. When will it be trunks turn to shine, or vegeta the saiyan prince to become the king and beat the baddies to be known as the hero? In every season, it's always goku that saves the day. -with the minor exception of the 'cell saga' where his son took the credit of killing cell, only he had some HUGE help from goku; where even after that season gohan went from cool strong kid to wimpy weak adult- So long story short, i give the show 8/10 because of two reasons that made it miss out from 10/10.

#1: GOKU continuously saves the day,making everyone else in the galaxy/planet look like weaklings even though they train and work hard to become strong. (it does get tiring when the same guy saves the day. Sort of like 'oh hey, the world is in trouble just get goku over here.'

#2: *For a show with lots of guys that are strong....where were all the ladies that could kick ass!? the only one that did was android 18, and she was a villain turned female hero. i wonder why exactly, or was it because the creator realized there were no gals on the winning team? Aside from that, the show had some huge fan bases of women, so the least they could do was make a girl just as strong as the guys. I mean really, was it that hard to draw up a woman with saiyan powers, or did the creator only like it when the guys turned platinum blonde with their long hairs? -lol-

Overall, a great show to watch that set the standards for anime. -my personal opinion of course-
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Fringe (2008–2013)
Complex..... yet entertaining
2 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Fringe is another creation by j.j.Abrams which isn't all that bad. I'll admit, at times the story seems 'far-from-reality' but then again it's a TV show, not suppose to be in the line of realism. (especially when the creator is j.j. Abrams.) Personally, i think the show is fresh with some originality where a mad scientist is on the 'good-guy-team' and the well-dressed nice folks are the 'evil-mastermind'. Seriously, i know the show can be weird sometimes, but weird in a good sense. The monsters, mysteries, and action seems pretty cool and entertaining. If you're planning on watching this show to compare it to 'X-files', or even the reality of life, don't even bother. Watch the show knowing it's pure fantasy with a HINT of realism. nothing more, nothing less. the show scores a 8/10 because thus far, it's having me want to see what happens next with some raised eyebrow on the episode plots as well as the story in general. Good enough to watch? my opinion, yes it is.
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Dark Angel (2000–2002)
What started out great, ended with a bad heart-ache.
2 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Dark Angel was a fun and exciting the beginning however. As the first season ended with what i thought was a promising future for the show, began with a second/final season that was just awful.


The first season focused on a young woman whose living out a pretty normal life in a post-apocalyptic world where the only good job was working at an express delivery service. -mainly where the young woman, known as max works.- It turns out though that max is actually a genetically engineered super soldier that's an escapee a secret government corporation, known as manticore, was/is after since she escaped at age 11. -not sure of the age- Anywayz, from here it's known that max is a cat burglar looking to make some extra cash. Here she meets the reporter known as 'eyes-only' whose out looking to make the world a better place. From here on out with occasional arguments and jokes max and 'eyes-only' work together to bring down the baddies and find max's 'family' which are her comrades that also escaped the evil manticore. You see to me this show was great. I mean the first season was fun with an original story that kept me wanting to see more. The acting was done right as well with twists and drama that made the show watchable. HOWEVER, upon the second season...things went terribly wrong. Without giving too much away, the second season basically strays from what the original story was all about to confused story lines with far-fetched complicated plots that UN-successfully launched the supposed 'third season'. Long story short, first season was much better than the second. -see it for yourself and you'll know why- i give the show 8/10 because it's the first season that makes the show great. the second was SOMEWHAT ALRIGHT, but very confusing with UN-liking stories as well as characters. but hey, who knows what you would like.
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Supernatural (2005–2020)
Entertaininly devilish cool show
2 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
-The spoiler warning is on just in case there's something in the following that may 'spoil' what the show has in stored for anyone who would want to check it out-

So I had actually never heard of this show until i surfed the channels and discovered it myself. I can see why this show isn't advertised a lot -as it should be- because of the theme 'demons-are-amongst-us'. But i gotta say instead of the old cliché of 'crosses-being-stabbed-in-demons-heart' or the old 'spray-holy-water', the main characters kick ass the fun way with super powers and good old fashion hand guns. A must see show that i'm surprised not many are reviewing. -then again, the theme of it all isn't all too inspiring.- The show's very entertaining in a 'devilish' sense, and the episodes are never a let-down. Fast-paced, great action sequences, and moments that keep you wanting to see more. 9/10 cause there are few things here and there like annoyance of characters. Other than that, watch the show and keep in mind it's all 'make-believe'.
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I can't believe I sat for the whole thing....
31 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sure many of us went into the theater, sat down with our friends/family, and expected the film 'dragon wars' to be a film about....oh, i don't know, dragons in a war or something. I mean, what a curve ball upon watching just the first minute of the film!! -shakes head- my younger brother was thrilled about the film and was just as disappointed, urging me to stay with the old classic, "I'm sure it'll get better soon!!" I am telling you now, it only got worse.


The film was actually about an evil dragon looking to have the 'ultimate power' found within a young woman. (or something like that, cause honestly the film was so confusing with twists and uncleared dialogs.) So this young woman knows that and does everything she can to 'stay-safe'. Then there's this reporter kid who, since he was young, knows he's got to protect this woman from the evil henchman that want the evil dragon to rule. (sighs disappointingly) Can I just say the acting, story, and the whole 'dragon war' title was awful? the only exciting part of the film was when the good dragon fought the bad dragon. Then it was ruined with the young woman offering her life so the good dragon can have the 'ultimate power'. The animation was SOMEWHAT ALRIGHT. (Meaning it could have been MUCH better) Alas folks, I give this film -10/10 but sadly i can't give such a rating so i'm stuck giving a 1/10. Seriously, if you really want to see why the film sucks, go knock yourself out and rent it/buy it. but don't say no one warned ya.
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Ultraviolet (2006)
Not at all what was expected, but still a good film
31 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Milla Jovovich is a great actress in my opinion. She can be a bad-ass and has the body to take on any stunt. Saying that, i would hope the character(s) she plays have a good story to it. (Like Resident evil) Sad to say that's not the case in this film.


So the trailer/teaser suggest that milla is this renegade woman who takes on a lot of baddies in a cybernetic world with the saying, "..I come from a world you may not understand.." Truth be told she wasn't lying. (laughs lightly) This film centered mostly on 'six', a kid whose blood can kill off jovovich's race of super enhanced humans. Then the film gets more complicated with jovovich juggling back and forth on whether or not to save the kid or simply kill him. Then you got her character who can kick anyone's ass not matter the numbers they come in. For example there's a scene where 'six' is held hostage against her renegade comrades. There must've been at least 6 guys that charge at her and she just swings her sword at them and they all fall backwards dead. *tsk* okay, we get that jovovich's character is a bad ass but come on...a bit of realism wouldn't hurt anyone. Needless to say the story wasn't as interesting as jovovich's character and fight scenes. The fight scenes were especially interesting as well as motivating for me not to leave the theater. She does kick ass in scenes like in the library where she fights off a bunch of soldiers and before that entering a room where soldiers are armed with swords.

Overall the film get 5/10 only because for me the entertainment was met. It had humor, action, and a character that kept the film going, somewhat. (jovovich's character mainly.) So check out the film if your into fast action and fun. Keep in mind, there's no real story here, just enough for action though.
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Inuyasha (2000–2004)
Wonderful anime with NOT-SO wonderful characters
31 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This anime show was entertaining and fun for the most part that kept me watching and even getting the entire series. HOWEVER, like all good anime shows, there were characters that made it painful, as well as drag the show to it's not so wonderful ending...


For those who know the show or don't, here's a quick recap: Teenage girl stumbles onto magical well. Teenage girl gets dragged into well by evil demon. Teenage girl gets dragged into feudal japan and thus begins her adventure with a half demon/half human, a demon slayer, a monk and a demon child in gathering a sacred jewel shard scattered across the land. This is so it doesn't fall into evil hands like the ever bothering and never dying demon Naraku.

It's pretty cool and very entertaining. But as i mentioned before there were characters that made the show often times not fun and just annoying where you wanted it to end.

So there's the character Kikyo that made it to the top of the, 'i-hate-this-character-why-won't-he/she-die-already!?', list. The problem with kikyo is that she's a dead priestess who, in the past life, loved the half human/half demon and now wants him dead yet still claims she loves him. ...not the kind of character that makes sense, since she's always switching sides and constantly disrupts the flow of an episode she's in. There's also Kagome, the teenage girl who stumbles in the well. i mean, she is the reincarnation of kikyo in the present life, with all the powers of a priestess....yet she doesn't have the 'stamina' to be headstrong. always the damsel-in-distress, and can i say she might have a slight amnesia problem cause folks, she constantly screams/shouts 'INUYASHA'!!! i mean either she needs his help or wants attention that makes the viewer get a headache. I can go on and on about other characters but the main characters i felt that made the show drag to it's not so great finish were these two. Though in the manga kikyo dies, the director/creator felt it necessary to keep the dead priestess alive in this show for some unknown reason...and kagome? come on, you'd at least think she'd grow up.

NOW, by now you're probably not thrilled to watch the show. BUT WATCH IT!! it's very fun with it's other characters that put the well-earned effort into making this show fun. Sesshomaru, Miroku, Sango, Koga, even Inuyasha make the series and the films worth the annoyance of two characters. My opinion, the show gets 8/10 cause of the two characters that made it miss out 10/10. But hey, maybe you'd find the characters i don't like enjoyable. it's all up 2u in the end, so watch and judge for yourself.
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Elfen Lied (2004)
A compelling and controversial anime....simply the best
28 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Elfen Lied has a unique story with diverse characters that make this show a must-see. For me, I wasn't all that interested in the show,only because...


...I had heard the show contained lots of nudity and scenes with naked children either being harmed or in one case abused by an 'evil' step-father. However upon watching the first anime, I was hooked. I mean, yes there's a lot of nudity and an episode involving a young girl whose step-father was a disgusting pervert who should have been killed in the series(Personal opinion). But all that plays into just what the series is about and the story behind it. Towards the end of the show anyway it all starts to make sense and the nudity winds down a bit...just a bit anyways. Without going into further details, all i can say is watch the show, because the story itself is compelling with plenty of drama, blood/gore, and suspense.

Also, I personally enjoyed watching the show in it's original Japanese language with English subtitles. Don't know why, but when the English voice over is done, much of the important dialogs is either left out or told differently. With twists & turns, you couldn't ask for a better anime series where the action is great and the characters are interesting.
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