
3 Reviews
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Casshern (2004)
I really, REALLY wanted to like this...
6 November 2004
I rarely bother to comment on a movie but feel that with this one--I must. I first heard of this film about a month ago on, down loaded the trailer, loved it! Read what people here said, pre-ordered it without thought. I was so excited when it arrived (beautiful packaging) but when I watched it I was saddened...the film is indeed beautiful but the director seemed to be bent on showing us pretty images then telling us a compelling story. I won't go on much longer but I'll jus say this. THIS IS NOT AN ACTION MOVIE. As someone has already pointed out. It has a few (non important or climatic) action scenes but these are brief. Another HUGE problem I thought was the pacing was so tedieously slow... Okay soundtrack. In all I must say that I was hugely disappointed but I can at least admire for what it is. To me it's like watching a beautiful dream that doesn't really go anywhere. But that's okay I guess...The philosphocial questions in the movie didn't bother me like it did some, I just wanted to see some kick-ass action in there. That plus the imagery and the intelligence behind the questions they raise would've made this an epic IMO. Kinda reminds me of a Japanese "Thin red Line"...

I gave it 6 (and that's honestly being very nice) out of 10 stars
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Gigli (2003)
Those Five dollars could've got me some chicken McNuggets!!!!
6 August 2003
I could've went to McDonald's with my five buck and gotten something to eat but INSTEAD I went and saw the new J-lo/ Ben Affleck puke bonanza titled; Gigli. God, I'm an IDIOT!!! The first ten minutes weren't so bad but then I realized I was in "Finding Nemo". When I made my way to the right theater- I was horrifed!This was Gigli? A J-Lo movie ALL ABOUT J-LO- Well I never! Anywho- there's only too things worse then this movie: 1, Burning to death and 2, burning to death while watching "Gigli"

for A movie titled "Gigli" -- I never laughed once! Total rip off! Horrible! I give it 4 stars **** ...out of 240!
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Chicago (2002)
What the #%@* was that?!?
7 March 2003
Hello, I'm not a fan of musicals but was forced to watch this with my girlfriend at gunpoint. Anywho, I guess it wasn't too bad. Minorly enjoyable from my standpoint. But I thought I was going crazy! Was it just me or was there a boom mike in just about half of all the shots!?!? Did anyone else see this!? Plus in about 1/6 or 7th of the shots- the top plate that keeps light out the camera lens was in the shot, blocking out the top of the screen!!! Not to mention I saw big studio lights in a jail cell, outside e.t.c. Was this done on purpose? Why would it be? I would've enjoyed the movie more if I wasn't laughing and pointing out all the damn boom mikes!!! I got so used to seeing them that I embraced him as a character in the movie. I was sad thet they left him out the closing credits: Mikey McBoom as "Johnson El Salvado". Did they not notice all these goofs? Do they not have dailies? Was the cameraman blind?! Am I wrong?! Am I too anal?!...........possibly, Can somebody please tell me???!!!

P.S.- Steve Perry rocks!...thought I'd throw that in there.
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