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5 June 2024
I love the original Strangers and will even stand up for the second one because it actually did something surprising. Those who saw it will hopefully know what i mean. But its also surprising (in a bad way) that they churned out another one here.

I watched it out of curiosity. Thinking it was a prequel, and to start with the positives. It still has the suspence of the original turned up high. So is a half scary movie.

But then there's the negatives. It won't be a surprise to anyone who saw the trailer that the movie is just too much like the original. Which isn't even that old. It probably won't be a surprise either that the couple in the movie are literally the dumbest characters ever, and have multiple chances to get away that they don't take. The guy in the movie even manages to lose his inhaler not once but twice, and that's not even as dumbest thing he does.

What is more surprising is that this is the first part of a trilogy, and there are things in here that make it almost impossible to be set before the original. So is it a prequel? A remake? I don't even think they know. But i do know that this movie should be the last, as there are only a few stabs at anything new here, and there's definitely not much else you can do with it as a series.
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Sting (2024)
Pretty good
5 June 2024
"Sting" is a nice little horror movie that starts of with minimal CGI, and builds up to big old school practical effects at the end. So this little movie gives horror and movie fans what they're craving really.

Its "Arachnophobia" meets "Batteries not included" if anyone remembers those. As an ever growing spider wrecks havoc in an apartment block. But the movies more than that as it makes a nice change from all the ghost/possession horror movies we constantly get these days.

Thing is it could have been even better. Its comedy almost gets there but is cut short, and the movie makes you think its going to have the guts to go darker at one point, only to back track and cop out a couple of times by the end.
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29 May 2024
They've been talking about doing this movie for years. So i was all up for it. But does it live up to the standards of the excellent "fury road?" Unfortunately i found alot of this movie to be stuck in first gear.

I'm maybe being too harsh with the rating because there are positives in the movie. Most of the action is as good as you'd expect with alot of real stunts, and Chris Hemsworth steals the movie as the villian. I loved the middle hour or so of it, and the film had alot of style and cool design work like all the Mad Max movies have had.

But there were just as many negatives. There wasn't really a plot and it was all very this scene, then that scene, then this, then that. I didn't know what was going on the first half hour or so, and then found the last half hour very underwhelming and anticlimatic.

Plus there was alot of bad green screen and CGI despite what people say. Can Chris Hemsworth not drive? Because he was just being dubbed into the truck he was in, and even the cracks in his windows were CGI. I mean come on! I get people being on fire being done with CGI but some of this was just lazy. Not to mention the movie takes the scenic route and is way too long.
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13 May 2024
Love the last 3 "Planet of the apes" movies. With "Dawn" being one of my personal favourite movies of all time. So was happy to see more. Though wondered if it would be half as good without Andy Serkis and his previous team.

The good news is that the makers of this movie know what worked in the last ones, and are trying to stick with it. The story and characters come first, and the top notch motion capture is just a bonus. Really capturing the performances of the actors, and bringing more life to talking apes than could have ever have been imagined back in the first Charlton Heston movie. Which is nicely referenced a bit too. There are tear jerking and funny character moments in a sci-fi story that has extra layers to it too. Like most of these movies have had. Plus its all going in a promising direction. So its a great movie.

Unfortunately though alot of people left the cinema before the end, and there are reasons for this. As a series overall it does feel like its going in circles. No spoilers but i've seen some of this before. Even in that Tim Burton version. Plus one thing that was setup in the previous movie just goes back on itself here.

This is all while leaving unanswered questions so you "come back next time." But the thing that bugged me the most is that this new main character looks exactly like Ceaser for no good reason. This as well as a few other open endings will probably be answered next time. But who knows what they'll call it. As they must be running out of cool sounding titles by now.
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Abigail (2024)
Pretty good
7 May 2024
Heard great things about "Abigail" and no wonder. Its basically in the vein of the better Evil deads. But also has a build up that fleshes out the characters more than one of these survival horror movies deserves.

Its slow burn first half and over the top bloody second half probably means it won't be for everyone. But its a comedy horror really, and i thought its comedy built up to getting more and more out there throughout. It's "The Exorcist" meets "From dusk till dawn."

The cast is decent overall but its really the creepy little girl that's great. Even if her dancing around can get a bit too daft and into "Megan" territory. There's also alot of characters explaining what's going on which sometimes seems unnecessary or out of place amongst the carnage.
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Civil War (2024)
Really good
7 May 2024
This movie could have gone either way. It looked like it could of been too political and divisive at first. But then again, it was made by the increasely great A24 studios, and had good word of mouth. Turns out its a great movie that should get people talking.

Overall it actually feels quite politically neutral, and doesn't feel like the lecture that you might expect. As its really about the journalist characters caught in the middle, and shows that nobodies perfect. Least of all the journalists. Its really more of an antiwar movie. But on top of that it feels very oldschool for a modern film. Focusing more on the story, the characters, and building up to a big finale. Instead of just being all explosions and war. Which is more than i was hoping for.

Some will find it a slow burner. But it was never boring as it built towards its action. With the later scenes of the movie really paying off with some tense, as well as action packed showdowns.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
7 May 2024
Thought "The Fall guy" was an original movie. But turns out its a remake of an old tv show. Was a bit disappointed by that. As we've already had enough remakes. But its a cool movie.

I struggled to get into it at first when i thought it was going to be nothing but the soppy romance (which does go on a bit) but it gets way better when the bad guys turn up, and its all carried by an awesome soundtrack.

Its a good comedy all the way through. Even if not all the jokes work. But its the action that really pushes the movie up. There is some CGI in there but there are also alot of real stunts and the movie overall feels like a genuine love letter to stuntmen. When in this day and age, it could have just did everything with greenscreen.

So it feels like an original movie in the end. Or at least its a new take on action movies.
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3 May 2024
Not sure why i even saw this. As i've not liked any of these movies (except for skull Island). But i was told it was so bad it was good and was unintentionally hilarious so i checked it out for a laugh.

Unfortunately though its not so bad its good its just not good. Though it is slightly better than the other bad movies in this series the bads still outweigh the goods here. The action and effects are cool and there is actually a story of sorts. But with Brian Tyree Henry back as the annoying comedy sidekick. The movie still doesn't have anyone to really route for throughout all the carnage.

Its story is all building up too a big fight of a finale. Which is awesome. But still has all the issues these movies have. All the destruction feels like its not really effecting anything, and the unintentional laughs feel odd when the intentional laughs just aren't working.
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I.S.S. (2023)
2 May 2024
I randomly went in to see this film knowing next to nothing about it, because it at least sounded like it had an interesting plot, and its only an hour and a half long. Unfortunately though, even though the general idea is good. It just takes too long to get going.

The potential to be good is still there. But there's just too much floating about in space chatting in the first act of the movie. Which doesn't do a good job of setting up the characters for later.

It does get better later to be fair. But for such a short movie, it just takes way too long to get there. There were only about 10 people in the audience and 2 of them left. So that should give you an idea of whether this is a movie for you or not. Its ok. But also not good enough to get away with its left open ending.
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26 April 2024
"The First Omen" came out of nowhere really. It also feels like its going somewhere by the end. But unfortunately most of it is dull build up to that interesting finale.

Now i love the original Omen. It wasn't a hardcore horror or anything but was still a classic with that creepy kid and tremendous music. But this one has more or less the same "scares" but less.

The problem is that a modern audience expects more from horror and (outside of one scene) this film just isn't scary. Infact you'll find yourself either rolling your eyes or laughing at the bits that are supposed to be. Basically you don't even have to have seen the original to have seen all this before. Everything is very familiar and alot of the movie is very predictable.

Nell Tiger Free However is great in the movie, and if you're patient enough that last 20 minutes or so is half decent.
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Monkey Man (2024)
26 April 2024
"Monkey man" promised some oldschool adult action, and with Jordan Peeles name attached it all sounded very promising. But its bloody action is all it really has going on.

The trouble i had with it was that i just wasn't engaged with the story and there's an overuse of flashbacks and montages that gets tiresome, and feels like these scenes are only there to drag things out because of the lack of plot.

There's a good bit of humour in the film too. Which really saves it from being a total dud. But with it looking like action films are (hopefully) making a comeback. This will unfortunately become way more forgettable over time.
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5 April 2024
Stayed up late to watch "late night with the devil" and wish i hadn't. This movie won't give you nightmares. If anything it'll help you sleep.

It looked like it had a good concept, and was trying to have that creepy 70's vibe. But the film has a tedious pace, some poor humour, and just when it gets to the stuff it's all building up too. It just ends up full off itself.

Worst of all though. (Apart from one spooky if predictable moment) It's just not that scary. They really found a great actress to be this movies "Regan." But they even manage to blow that with the over the top voices and twisted movements. Stuff we've all seen before in a hundred other exorcist rip-offs.

My friend who i saw the movie with hated the confussing ending most of all. But i didn't think that was the worst part of the movie. All i can say is if you don't like the first half hour or so it doesn't get any better. And it even "breaks for commercial" every 10 minutes. Which is something no one trying to watch a movie wants.
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Pretty good
23 March 2024
I thought that "Ghostbusters - afterlife" had some promise, but was maybe too similar to the original, and overdid it with the nostalgia, while only having our original heroes in there at the end. This sequel is pretty much in the same vein. But i enjoyed it a bit more because the original cast were in it more, and the big bad was someone new this time.

There is alot going on in the movie, as they really want to make more of these. So there are alot of characters coming and going. It really felt like they were throwing everything at you hoping something would stick. But this wasn't bad as it made for a movie that wasn't boring. Out of the newcomers Kumail Nanjiani gets the laughs, and there were plenty of gags in the movie overall. Though not all of the jokes worked.

Overall its a fun movie that largely plays it safe, and doesn't take any chances. An example of this is at the end when it feels like Bill Murray was going to say something huge that got cut to keep someone happy. The other thing some will find missing was that emotional gamble the last one had. So its not brilliant or anything. But a decent family watch.
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14 March 2024
"American fiction" promised it was a comedy drama with a message. But despite almost having enough drama, and nearly enough laughs. The overall result is as underwhelming as how the main character finds everything.

I struggled with the movie because i found that most the characters did nothing but moan, and largerly wanted to be treated like they were something special. Like the Sterling K Brown character. He's caught doing all sorts and everyone's cool with it. But he still complains.

The story is also a problem overall. As there isn't one once the movie decides its not even going to have an ending. Or something. But the drama and humour has worn thin by then anyway.
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13 March 2024
"Dream scenario" looked interesting, and it is. For 80 percent of the movie i was thinking it was actually amazing. But unfortunately that last 20 minutes or so sucks alot out of the movie.

Its such a weird premise and Nicolas Cage is on top form. Genuinely giving one of his best performances in years. As he looks borderline unrecognisable. Its such a funny movie, and has alot of arty moments going on without being full of itself. Managing to be a hilarious satire (especially one laugh out loud scene) that also gets serious when it needs too. Infact it almost gets into horror territory, and its a shame it didn't keep going with that. Or with its humour.

Instead it all takes a sharp left turn towards the end. Which doesn't totally ruin the film. But it was so close to being a 10 out of 10 movie. Its a shame it took one or maybe even two gambles too many by the very end. Still well worth a watch though.
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10 March 2024
I wanted to like Dune part 2. I really did. But instead i have to be honest and say that i didnt think the movie was all that great, and is massively overhyped.

I felt like part one was all the buildup. So this one would be all the action. Especially as i watched the old 80's Dune a few days before. To start off with the positives. Most of the action is great. Austin Butler is also a positive as a creepy villian. But the way he just kind of shows up half way through and then doesn't do much till the finale. Is a strange choise. Especially when villians already setup in the last movie just kind of hang around.

Overall I was disappointed in the film because it was way too long and slow. The plot seemed all over the place, and i struggled to take the seriousness, the overuse of made up languages with subtitles, and the daft costumes seriously. Maybe i shouldn't have gone to see it after a 10 hour shift at my work. But i still felt underwhelmed with it after such buzz.
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The Iron Claw (2023)
Really good
13 February 2024
I'm amazed that there are actually some genuinely great movies out just now. After almost thinking 2023 was a pretty poor year all round. The Iron claw though comes in late as possibly one of the best, and is only let down by one (major) creative decision.

I've never been all that into wrestling so you don't have to be a hardcore fan to be into the movie. Though the wrestling scenes are genuinely well done. The film is more of a tragic story. That will be truly heartbreaking to most, as its all set around a tight family. This unbelievablely true story has great performances. Particularly by Halt McCallany as the tough father in the movie.

Zack Efron however is the star, and its hard not to apprictiate how jacked he got for the movie. But on top of that he also gives a surprisingly heartfelt performance. The film overall is very sad. But there's also enough humour in there to keep it from getting too dreary. I was almost calling this a 10 out of 10 flick. But after hearing afterwards about part of the story being left out for no reason. I have too knock it down a bit. The cinema was the busiest i've seen it in ages though. So word has spread this is an oldschool film that you should definitely see.
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Saltburn (2023)
Pretty good
12 February 2024
I really didn't fancy this movie if i'm honest. But was convinced to give it a watch on streaming. I was either being talked into watching something great or watching something gross. But turns out it was a bit of both.

I was struggling with the first half of the movie. Which felt like it just had some grossness to keep you're attention until the good stuff. Which is the second half the movie. The sharp turn around half way through is where the film gets way more interesting, and really showcases what a star lead actor Barry Keoghan Will most likely become.

There was enough dark comedy throughout the whole thing for it to be a decent watch too. Only that grossness (particularly one scene) will still have alot of people skipping it.
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The Holdovers (2023)
5 February 2024
When i first started this film i honestly wondered what i was doing watching a movie set in a posh private school, and thought i'd fallen for those 5 star ratings on the poster. But would be bored with the movie. As it went on though it really did reveal itself as a 5 star movie.

Its a comedy drama. But don't expect huge laugh out loud laughs, as its more of a drama, and the comedy is a bonus on top of that. The reason the movie is so good though, is that it really delves into these characters, and gets you thinking about why they act the way they act. I was tearing up at parts of the film and i rarely do that.

The movie is honestly never boring, because its so well written and is so well made and well acted that its pretty much flawless. Its destined to be a future Christmas classic as it really is heartfelt and funny, and parts of it will stay with you long after its done.
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Really good
5 February 2024
This Film should really appeal to the Netflix documentry crowd (which includes me) as its all about the mysterious death of the title, and leaves us trying to solve the crime ourselves along the way. So if you love being an amateur detective you should love the movie.

The film goes through the whole build up to the crime, the whole investigation afterwards and then the whole court case. While exploring how it effects everyone involved. Lead actress Sandra Huller is 100 percent convincing as the murder victims wife and prime suspect, and her son being caught up in everything is great too.

The movie will keep you engrossed and keep you guessing, and the only thing stopping it from getting the full 10 out of 10 is the obscure ending. Which some will love. But i hoped for a bit more.
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Jackdaw (2023)
Decent enough
2 February 2024
"Jackdaw" is a dark Brittish thriller that looked like it could be cool with its badass hero and plenty of motorbike action. Plus it also stars Jenna Coleman and "This is Englands" Thomas Turgoose which is a bonus. But I wanted to like it more.

There are some decent little chases and shootouts, and a genuinely scary looking villian. But the plot is pretty straightforward and more and more unlikely things happen as it all comes to a finale that just fizzles out.

Its still decent enough though with its promising start, its overall style and cool music. As well as its nice cast. Still making for an above average gritty movie.
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Pretty good
30 January 2024
Overall i enjoyed "The End we start from." But throughout the movie it felt like i was always waiting for it to move up a gear, and then it just ends.

Its all about surviving during an egological crisis. A problem made all the more challenging for the fantastic Jodie Comer. As she's just had a baby amongst the chaos. There's plenty happening in the movie but it focuses more on Comer, her backstory and the human element. I think i felt slightly underwhelmed by the movie because we've had so many more eventful post-Apocalyptic films and tv shows that this up close and personal one feels very different.

In short. What could have been an otherwise average movie is given a boast by Jodie Comer and by an ending thats rushed but satisfying.
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Baghead (2023)
Decent enough
30 January 2024
Ok maybe i'm way off on this one. But i went into this movie blind and knowing absolutely nothing about it, and came out liking it more than the people who took me to see it and were looking forward to it.

I mean its not a perfect movie, and it did have a couple of lame familiar moments. But overall it tried it hardest to be different and avoid the same old thing we've seen time and again. It had a decent plot with a couple of twists, and good acting. But is a mild horror really. So won't keep all fans of the genre happy.

Its a strange one as there's nothing terribly old but nothing amazingly new in the movie. But i'd say its worth a one of watch. Even if my friends would say it isn't.
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One Life (2023)
Pretty good
30 January 2024
Knew absolutely nothing about the legendary Nicholas Winton until someone recently told me. Then when this movie came out others praised it. So i had to check it out.

The film switches from an older Winton during the 80's played by Anthony Hopkins. As well as by a younger Johnny Flynn In 1938. Who at some angles is a spot on match for a young Hopkins. The movie shows the heroic stuff Winton carried out. While an older Hopkins years later shows that he was very proud about having done anything.

Its great that the movie tells this guys story as we should all remember him. But I've got to be honest about the film and say it took me a while to get into it, as it has quite a slow start. Once you get to that last half hour or so though you'll need the hankies. As it becomes a more and more emotional watch. Definitely a decent if not amazing tribute to the man.
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The Beekeeper (2024)
Pretty bad
28 January 2024
Not sure why i went to see this one as i've not seen most of Jason Stathams movies. And if they're anything like this one i won't be in a rush to revisit them.

The movie looked dumb, and it is. Statham is a beekeeper. Both metaphorically and genuinely. Infact the worst part of the film isn't how repetitive and boring the action gets (where Statham is practically untouchable). But the cringey push to make ex-military beekeeper tough guys a thing. You'll definitely get some laughs from how ridiculous it all is. But half the time I couldn't really tell if they were intentional laughs or not.

I guess there is enough decent action. Like the farm scene, the middle office attack, and there's a decent brutal fight scene near the end. But even the most promising part of the movie - setting up the great villian for a well deserved ass kicking later. Doesn't pay off. So overall, pretty poor.
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