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Isekai with a bit deeper story telling and Character Development
7 August 2022
I am a Isekai fan and seen almost aall the good stuff out there. However most of them does not focus on the protagonist's past or real life.

This one here tries to explore that and with a better success. As thehero, Rusy was introduced, his motivation to keep pushing the boundries and keep moving forward is kind of his fighting back at the second chance the life has given to him. Despite the fact it has all the regular leveling up, guilds and adventures of a normal Isekakai, yet this looming large past life has given more depth to the story telling and made is better than the others.

So if you a fan of the genre, go watch.

You wil definately enjoy this one,
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Nobody (I) (2021)
Felt like Spoof of All the Similar Genre Action Flicks
7 August 2022
Well the setup for the movie was too common, One sper special guy, running away from past, hides himself in humdrum of daily mundane life, and one day his past catches up.

From John Wick to many others, but rather than focussing on the gritty black/grey story telling, it was an light hearted attempt to tell this genre in comic way so as to expose the thin line premises and absolutely baseless story telling, supported by long and well chreographed action sequesnces.
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The Real Stars are the Dialogues
1 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Its an out an out stylish electrifying crime thriller which reminds me of the good old 70's cinema. A movie full of magical background score, powerhouse acting by Devgan and Imran and above all super cool dialogs (listen to them carefully, they are the real winners).

The movie portrays rise of smuggler Sultan Mirza (Ajay Devegan) in the Mumbai crime scenario. Sultan is a stylish smuggler who made money by trafficking the contra-bands and used his might to help out the downtrodden. Sultan loves Mumbai and wants it to be clean and for that objective he cuts a deal with other operating crime lords and distributes the areas of Mumbai among themselves so as to bring the inter gang rivalry to an end. Because of his larger than life image, many youngsters start to idolize him and among them is one small time thief, Shoaib (Imran Hashmi).

Shoaib is a son of a policeman and does not have much of a future yet wants to reach to the top and live a luxurious life and for that he is ready to anything. Soon he crosses path with Sultan and starts working with him. Soon Shoaib rises in ranks due to his daredevil attitude and a shrewd mind and wins the trust of Sultan. He soon becomes the close confederate of Sultan. Where Sultan had some principles for life, Shoiab has none and thus when Sultan leaves his temporarily leaves his Empire, he entrusts Shoiab with the responsibility.

However, because of power and money hungriness of Shoaib and Sultan's never compromising attitude towards certain principles, both head for a showdown.

Though loosely based on the lives of legendary smuggler Hazi Mastan and his protégé Daud Ibrahim, this flick takes creative liberty to tell the story with many imaginary sub plots yet the director is able to maintain the realistic feel to the movie. However, the end is bit clichéd but then "who is complaining"!!

A worth a watch for the style, panache, background score, decent performances by Huda and Kangna and once again, for its dialogs. So till the next time, "Duaon me yaad rakhna"
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CC2C (2009)
Desi Gulliver travels one more time!!!
17 January 2009
I really don't know what had gotten to our producers, directors and stars as most of their time is wasted on promoting movie for things that are either absent or not actually worthy of promotion. CC2C is doing the same thing again. There is no problem in promoting a movie but what actually hurts me most is that these movies creates so much hype that every movie going soul becomes eager to have a "dekkho" and after their tryst with the movie before they can forewarn any of the other people, the movie collects a fortune and hailed as a commercial success. Now as you all know, our beloved Bollywood is slave of box office thus before the "janta" can say that what a rubbish movie it was, similar kind of movies will not only be announced but also will go on floor. this makes industry blind to good and experimental scripts and it keeps on churning out Hollywood's garbage with the thinking that our audience like this kind of movie.

Now coming back to CC2C, it is one of many travel stories in which Akki baba goes to Alien land to spread the "great Indian culture". In "Namste London", he went to London to rescue a confused damsel, in "Sinng is Kinng" he saved his friend from the clutches of organized crime and now he is saving a Chinese town from the wrath of a Villain named Hojo. What I am unable o understand is that why to set a movie in foreign location even if the same story can be told in India? Except making it sellable in foreign territories, I don't see any benefit whatsoever.

Apart from this the movie suffers from editorial negligence as at least 40-45 mins of movie could have and should have been edited to make the film interesting. In absence of that, after the initial 15 mins of movie, the movie becomes repetitive and boring. The main reason behind that they had put the same people (Akshay, Deepika, Ranbir and Hojo) in various situations again and again that too in a non creative way. Apart from that movie has only 3 main locations, Chinese village, Hojo's Hideout and the Great Wall of China. Same people in same locations with a one-line story, end product is a silly movie that takes itself very seriously.

Another Low point of movie is its songs as non of them is too hummable and are forgotten (along with the movie) as soon as one walks out of theater. Amazingly, the transformation and training of Akshay that has to be the highest point of the movie where audiences get connect with the anger. Frustration and emotions of the protagonist (remember ROCKY SERIES I-VI) is the totally non-happening last 1/2 hour where all of your hopes of compensating bad comedy with a good action, vanishes. So all I want to say is that all those who are looking for action, watch dubbed Chinese "kangfoo" (I don't know why Akshay pronounce kunfu as kangfoo?).

Actors like Ranbir Shauri and Mithun are completely wasted as their roles were stereotyped and boring. Deepika fought well and convincingly for a bollywood heroine but hers double role was a completely non starter and she could not impress me. Chinese Villain Hojo (Chia Hui Liu) was portrayed as menacing but nowhere he looked or acted that evil, even his martial art skills were neither explored nor used. Both Chia Hui Liu and Roger Yuan (Father of Deepika) are very good Martial artist but Alas! What a Waste? Basically CC2C fails as a action movie also as most the stunts are "visibly wired" thus lacks authenticity. Above that, the camera work was not that good as most of the time it fails to convey the ferocity or skill level of the fighters. On the other hand, Akshay has limited talent for Action, Comedy and Acting and by churning out movies after movies he is over stretching himself as well as his fan base. What he actually need is to take a rest and wait for a Script, a real script.

So my verdict is: Do something else but don't go to theaters rather I have a better suggestion for you, Watch Sita aur Gita/ Chaalbaaz along with a Chinese martial art movie (Snake in Monkey's Shadow is my pick) at the comfort of your home. I promise you'll thank me..
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Ghajini (2008)
Cinderella meets Memento
2 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
In totality, it is a good movie. It's a movie that was not only successfully made but also successfully promoted. Though, there is always some anticipation associated with Amir's movies as most of the time he promotes the movie through many channels and for many days and Ghajini was not an exception. Since last one year, he had walked and talked about Ghajini. And as if it is not enough, he had offered a scheme along with the offer, "watch the movie and watch the newly chiseled body of Amir for free". The movie was properly made and in fact better made than the original Ghajini (which was overly dramatic in its treatment). The climax of the movie is different from the original one and is far better.

The new face of the movie, Asin, came as surprise package and she not only looked great but also acted nicely. The background score is well executed and is able to hold the mood as well as to engage the audience. However, the songs are too many and are at wrong times and except "Guzarish", most of them failed to create any lasting impact on the audience.

Now comes the action that is the greatest part of the movie and is thoroughly well executed. The action choreography was done brilliantly and was completely able to convey the anguish and frustration of Amir. The action sequences are well executed and for the first time (Ghulam can be treated as an exception) Amir looked convincing when he beats up a whole lot of bad guys that are too many and too big for man of his size. Amir had not only sculpted a good body but also presented it nicely on the screen.

However, the most entertaining and soul touching part of the movie was not the climax but rather the comic as well as emotional scenes between Amir and Asin.

The soft, funny and soul touching Cinderella type love story of A business tycoon (Amir) and a gold hearted, beautiful looking middle-class girl (Asin) was so brilliantly written and executed that I felt that it had all the potential for a separate movie. However, the another Highpoint of the movie is that the way both sides and stories of Amir, pre and post the murder of his beloved, were told. The alternative narrating style was well executed and able to build suspense.

Despite all the good things I have written about the movie I am very sorry to say that "Ghajini is not Memento", it just cannot be. Basically Ghajini is just another love & revenge drama that has Amir in it. That is what the movie is and it never lift itself beyond that (though the potential was there). The only difference this movie has with other love and revenge dramas is that here the male protagonist is amnesiac. Sadly though, Amir acted below his standards and most of the time he acted as if there is no difference between being mentally retarded and being amnesiac. No Sir, they are not just one and the same thing. He had used too many stupid head moments and tilts, strange stares, acted unnecessarily confused and walk with abnormal gait.

The movie never attempts to explore the plight of an amnesiac. Only thing that it ever attempts to show that the male protagonist is suffering from anterograde amnesia that it gave Amir one or two scenes in which he forgets about his current past. Surprisingly, tattoos that have played an important part in the classic "Memento" are of no use in Ghajini, except for acting as an excuse to show how beefed up our Amir had become (come on Amir, stop this pseudo-rivalry of you and Sharukh, you are better than him even with both your hands tied down behind your back and a mask on your face).

Basically this movie has disappointing me more than anyone else as after this I had started to believe that Amir is more of interested in making movies that look different rather than being actually different, otherwise there could not have been so many holes in the script and treatment. All the time that he wasted on shaping up himself and subtly promoting the movie could have been utilized in making the movie more realistic and deeper (without actually losing its commercial value).

So, my verdict is, watch the movie for Asin and when you come back then rent "Memento", watch it and then calculate how high Christopher Nolan stands than A.R. Murugadoss.
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Death Note III but without the good things of Death note
28 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I Liked "Death Note I/II" too much, both at conceptual level as well as executional level thus as soon as I saw the poster, I grabbed the movie. However, this movie was a disappointment to me as it laked all the good things of Death Notes movies such as tight paced plot, adequate and intriguing twists n turns, the mental battle between Kira and L and the Reaper....

For the starters, movie plot involves the last 23 days of legendary L as he tries to battle out a group of environmentalists whose plan is to make world a better place for living by spreading a deadly Virus (mixture of Ebola and Influenza virus) and thus reducing the size of ecological footprint of mankind by reducing the number of living people rather than researching new energy efficient technologies etc. Wow! what a bunch of green crusaders who do good by killing people (have not they thought of any thing else???) However, L successfully saves the day with the help of a small maths genius and a not-so-small daughter of an virologist. Though L tries to pull out the old charm but most of his acting is focused on acting goofy (read here, eating so nonstoppingly that makes the average viewer nauseating, and sit, walk and type with such an awkward body postures and movement that merely watching them, hurts).

Another dampener is that there is no one intelligent enough to stretch L's mental abilities to the last point (as Kira did earlier) rather here L acts more like anyone secret service agents (he even throws something to save the lil kid in the movie). However the makers of this spin off must have forgotten that if it is any other secret service agent movie than please there are better options than watching almost physically disabled L. So in the end, it is a movie with a hole ridden plot that dwells more on mannerism of L rather than a good storyline.

Come on Guys, Bring Kira Back Please and please Bring the Old L back, at least one more time.
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Gutterballs (2008)
Gutterballs is aptly named as Gutter is where this Movie Belongs
16 December 2008
What the hell a 5 point rating doing here? This movie is a trash movie where Buckets of Fake Blood is used to give the horror and gore feeling to the movie but that was so overdone that it started to feel nauseatingly idiotic and stupid. Completely unnecessary Sex Scenes, and doubly unnecessary gore in a Movie Plot which over-over-stretched (the whole bowling setup does not give much room for the story).

I really could not understand how anyone can actually write, produce, direct,act, edit and release such a movie? It is a plain wastage of time (and money) to watch this movie. The movie lacks originality, credible acting, bad background music (that completely fails to create and hold the fear factor), third rate makeup, poor camera works (watch "them" if you want to know what a camera angle can do in a horror movie)and last but not the least completely nonsensical reason for the killing. Though I tried hard but I could not find a single thing to write positively about this movie (even the girls are not that well toned and had pathetic figure to flaunt).

However I know that there are people who will still dare to watch this movie and may later find some stupid justification for their crazy decision yet I am writing this review to try and save people from the horror of watching this movie. And If I can save one poor soul than My job here is more than Done, Amen!!!!
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Transporter 3 (2008)
I am 3, Transporter 3. (A caricature remix of Bond and Bourne)
14 December 2008
First there was Bond, then came the Bourne(my personal favorite) which was later followed by our own "Transporter". The first movie as quite entertaining because of the normality of the plot as it was about a person who delivers,that to without any fuss. But from the second edition and onwards he idea started to lose its edge because of its superficial characterization of the protagonist and one line plots. And this is the point where Frank Martin (aka The Transporter)is different from James Bond as well as Jason Bourne. Therefore, transporter series comes out as a caricatured version of other similar movie series.

Now coming back to the current movie "Transporter 3", all one gets is an action flick with some cool martial art moves and some adrenaline pumping "car stunts" but nowhere the movie lift itself from being a mediocre action movie. Basically the problem with the movie is that it never answers some vital questions such as: 1. Who is this Frank Miller? What is his past? 2. Why he is doing all this transportation stuff, especially when he is being portrayed as a good soul? 3. Why the hell some odd goons trust him for some small package delivery especially when they seem very much capable and resourceful by themselves and given the past track record of Frank where he had proved himself as a "Black knight in shining Armour"? 4. Above all, how many times one can actually convert a single line plot into a full-length movie?

Our Frank Miller tries to copy the elegance, style and resourcefulness of Bond and hand-to-hand combat skills and doggedness of Bourne so as to better both. However, he falls short of both of these characters. So in the end we are left with a B grade movie that has been publicized as well as packaged like an A grade movie.
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