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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Innocence (1998)
Season 2, Episode 14
Heavy Drama Twists, Power Battles Ignite!
29 May 2024
Simmering tensions come to a boil along with a lot of implied subtext. Every flashpoint seems to ignite here with all the main characters, along with references to previous episodes to connect the dots. Plenty of action per usual, effects interesting, and cast certainly sells their role.

Critiques I have are minor, such as I didn't like The Judge as a character because he reminded me of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers and a few instances clicked into place a little too easily. Perhaps if this were a two-episode set with a cliffhanger in the middle, there could be a wider arc to fully appreciate the transitions rather than cramming into one episode. That said, I never wrote a TV show, so Buffy wins out on expertise.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Surprise (1998)
Season 2, Episode 13
Kissy Face & Power Ranger
30 April 2024
Buffy's birthday takes a downward turn, leading to tears and kisses as solace. Vampire fights are present, I was especially impressed by the scene Buffy was lifted up by the shoulders onto a truck. Looks like this episode took the path of soap opera, early echoes of Twilight are here. Nothing wrong with romance, but everybody seems to be pairing up like a prom is upcoming (intentional movie reference).

The Judge seemed to be a pretty bad dude from the description but went the way of cheese with an Evil Dead-style scene as well as the popping open of a box to reveal a blue guy who looked like too many prosthetics were stuck on Saban-style. Still a fun series, just difficult to connect with and engage.
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Horizon Zero Dawn (2017 Video Game)
One of the Best Games of All Time!
20 April 2024
Core to any good role-playing game is a well-written story, of which Horizon Zero Down paid in spades. Not your typical future sci-fi (or primitive past), but rather a rare or new genre defined! We meet characters of a variety of cultures, motives, personalities, and spirits, yet the world is skillfully crafted to bring diversity together as one people.

Gameplay is super slick. I don't like bumbling with a controller trying to relearn how to move my character, but in this game, I was able to pick up and play even months after having a break. Everything is smooth, well thought out, movements feel natural. I may have gotten 'stuck' once or twice where I wasn't sure where to go or what to do, but in a sixty-hour game and considering me as a player, that's quite a feat!

Artwork is incredible, design elements, animation, you could see how much time and detail the development team put into this piece. Combine all these elements, with a fantastic ending that left my heart pounding, and you've got a standing ovation game!
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Think of the Mini-Series as a Bonus
20 April 2024
With El Hazard (the first series) being such an outstanding composition, a lot of us fans were crying, "More!" Well, we were thinking more in terms of excellent storytelling, artwork, wonder, and humour, but instead got more of an echo of the first. While still entertaining as a watch, there was a bit too much 'cut and paste' as creators tried to expand the universe with the introduction of new characters and foes (a common anime mistake). All told though, some highlights abound in the silliness, more action, and a few cool ideas shuffled in. Ending had nice sweet high-point, but then doused for a cheap laugh and circular character habits.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Bad Eggs (1998)
Season 2, Episode 12
1958, 1979, and now 1998!
18 April 2024
Echoing both Fiend Without a Face and Alien, Buffy takes a stab (pun intended) at a vampiric-infused version of the theme. Drama seems to go on pause, with no major advancements there, but the intro of two new vamps comes into the fray. I'm alright with this re-telling as there was sufficient faithfulness to the formerly mentioned films, a bit of a creative twist, and a sense of danger when there's a suspenseful moment when the baddie has the upper hand.

This 'floater' episode is alright for weekly entertainment, though a bit phoned-in on the creativity angle being this story exists in two prior forms. Lots of kissy-faces in this one between characters for those who enjoy some smoochy soap between vampire slayings.
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Power Melee, Twists of Fate
14 April 2024
Loaded up like a season finale, part two culminates into a wild fight with old and new characters involved. Creeping up to the cliff of danger, suspense drives watching for what will happen next, as there is no saving the whole situation past the point of no return.

Complexity is introduced with a second slayer, where petty differences have to be brushed aside to solve a much greater problem. Acting is in usual top form, all roles are believable, but the writing takes paramount though the bobbing and weaving of the storyline. Yes, everyone wants to see action, but it is the story that has us asking for more.
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Strong Episode with Twist
5 April 2024
Answering the question in the previous episode regarding the stolen book, we get more insight into the enemy's plans. Classic element of mercenaries deployed, which reminded me a lot of Superman II (excellent film by the way), giving an intriguing approach.

A little slow-going and uneven paced, the episode still packs its punch, is vampire related, and runs along the main plot of the story arc. Lots here for Buffy fans to enjoy, including character development and a couple of surprises. This episode is surely a part of the 'essential Buffy' fans must see.

Making a two-parter was non-offensive, it had happened before with good execution, which is better than jamming up a storyline with too many questions.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Dark Age (1997)
Season 2, Episode 8
Shaded Side of Giles
3 April 2024
Seems everyone has their secrets, even the librarian who used to be called "Ripper". Battling the forces of darkness again, we find out more about Giles' past as well as Angels. Willow steps up to a leadership role and suspense mounts as Jenny Calendar's life hangs in the balance.

Can Buffy and the crew piece everything together before time runs out? Full of action, baddies, and an interesting twist to finish, the episode surely keeps viewers' attention. A few scenes seem a little disjointed for me though, not seeming to follow a logical sequence, but overall was tied up neatly for the finish. A credit to the series with great writing, directing and acting.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Lie to Me (1997)
Season 2, Episode 7
Lies, More Dangerous than Vampires
31 March 2024
Centric to the main plotline and taking leaps forward, this episode whips through the vampire fanatic community (much like the Live Action Roleplaying Game) with fantastic tongue-in-cheek satire. Nothing like poking your fan base!

Deception abounds, anomalies are afoot, and a few evens occur for which we haven't the answers yet. Traps are set and sprung, but the outcomes are not necessarily predictable. Twists and turns keep the action interesting as the puzzle pieces click into place.

Character development lurches forward, naturally centred around who can be trusted. At this point, any living or unliving is fair game.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Halloween (1997)
Season 2, Episode 6
Pushing the Limits of Imagination and Story Progression
29 March 2024
Excellent episode from both a creativity standpoint and a series development standpoint. Full chaos erupts on a night which was supposed to be quiet while the typical roles of the main characters are turned on their heads. Well-planned and executed plot, plenty of inventive action, and our main vampire foes come out to play. Even children are to be feared here, but also need protection at the same time. Dilemmas abound, I can also see how much fun the actors must've had with this show in particular. Great directing and acting, per usual, all the qualities of a top-notch movie, let alone a TV series.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Reptile Boy (1997)
Season 2, Episode 5
Dark Allegory, Supernatural Twist
24 March 2024
As one can deduce from the title, our monster of the week is reptilian in nature, specifically an ancient summoned giant serpent.

More disturbing (if possible) is the fraternity surrounding the ritual of sacrifice around the creature. The warnings of the show imply a lot about the dangers of college party life for the under-protected girls who attend them. From being drugged to forcefully being physically overwhelmed, there is more reality than fantasy for much of the show.

The 'lift' arrives during the melee where a fantasy battle finally ensues. Wild to see Buffy overpowered in rather unexpected ways due to poor decisions and deception. Important conversation starter of an episode.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Inca Mummy Girl (1997)
Season 2, Episode 4
Willow Watching
23 March 2024
Ever focus on a character during an episode even though they're not central to the story? With all the hubbub with Buffy and Cordelia hosting exchange students resulting in all sorts of drama, we get to see a bit of growth for Willow as a character. Key realizations cause her to reassess her situation, mostly for the positive.

Mummy in the Buffy formula works and was impressed how well Ara Celi made a believable Ampata Gutierrez, despite the far-fetched concept of the revived Incan Princess. Fun romp, if you're into the classic-style horror without taking details seriously, this is worth a watch-through, though not likely on the top list of episodes.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: School Hard (1997)
Season 2, Episode 3
Chaotic Changing of the Vampire Guard
20 March 2024
Attempting to coagulate the dual life of the duel life, slayer Buffy finds trouble day and night. With full commitment, trouble goes down sooner rather than later. Story kicks ahead a little bit as those who surround Buffy find out more of what she's made of while the baddies have an equally sudden power shift.

Action abounds, a few quick jokes, some unexpected folk step up to empowered roles. A few head-scratchers for me as the show 'course corrects' like there was a scrapped script somewhere and a writer said, "I've got a better idea!" Development of characters continues and intrigue is sufficient to grip watchers, especially in suspenseful moments.
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Head of State (2003)
Fun Romp to the Top of America with Heart
20 March 2024
We all like an underdog, especially when they're relatable. Public servant Mays is deeply entrenched in his rough community, which comes back to haunt him but brings the reality of everyday Americans to light.

Variety of humour here from quick one-liners to slap-stick, you'll get a healthy dose of callbacks and straight-up bizarre situations. Lampooning Washington surely, but also a heaping scoop of respect for the government and people.

Follow the highs and lows with suspense along with a satisfying ending. Star-studded cast certainly helps as we can see on full display why they're star-studded.
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Less Likeable Buffy Crew, a Pivot Towards Cordelia
18 March 2024
As if Buffy's change last week wasn't enough, now a few more of the Scooby crew seem less likeable, more dysfunctional, and Cordelia seems to be the one cast in the best light. I think there was a stretch to 'create drama' here that didn't really work.

Ah, the story, a bit copy-paste for fans of classic horror, not a whole lot in the way of innovation. Story arc for the creature was the same, even the finisher for the creature was mirrored. Secondary characters seemed inhumanly disconnected and logical questions seemed unaddressed.

Xander was fun in the beginning, couldn't stand him by the end. Giles had some entertaining bumble parts, overall leading the pack in terms of a successful venture. Eric (Michael Bacall) was a stand-out for me, really sold the role despite the script.

Pow, zap, smash, we get some action though, just one of those formulaic problems with TV shows.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: When She Was Bad (1997)
Season 2, Episode 1
Buffy the Porcupine
18 March 2024
Every know someone who goes all prickly? Defences go up, compassion comes down, and for some reason, they just seem different. Summer break brought about a change in Buffy Summers, much to the displeasure of friends she had known the previous year and even family. Working through the emotional crisis, another threat emerges threatening to rip apart what little fabric is left of Sunnydale. Sure we've got action, suspense, but also we see a very real spiritual struggle that is highly relatable, even for characters who originally appeared shallow.

Ramping up on drama, there's some 'changing of the guard' well worth noting. Nothing is easily explained away, no cheap exits are taken, this is a very well-written story. Great kick-off to kicking vampires this season.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Prophecy Girl (1997)
Season 1, Episode 12
Xander's Courage
16 March 2024
Much can be praised in this episode, most prominently is storytelling, which advances the main themes and progression of Buffy. With suspense, intensity, action, thrills, this episode properly delivers. Vampires are back in a big way through total chaos.

Most impressive to me, however, was the stepping up of Xander into more of a leadership role as well as confronting demons internally as well as externally. Showing more than just the Scooby crew, our young man has a lot of ups and downs, with finally meets resolve.

Plot twist near the end brings about a surprise leaving viewers with questions as well as answers to season-old curiosities.
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Powerful Message Below the Surface
11 March 2024
Digging deep into the human psyche, we find a problem amoung our society. While in the episode the result manifests into a metaphysical occurrence, the reality is a lot of us struggle on a regular basis to fit in or even just find our place in the world. Truth is, usually the result is taking one's own life, if not others in the process as well. Key takeaway is to always listen and get help for those who are struggling.

Heavy theme considered, we do have a suspenseful episode that could actually take off in any direction. A nod to classic sci-fi, a homage to current crime drama, this unique episode foregoes otherworldly monsters for the ones we battle emotionally.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Nightmares (1997)
Season 1, Episode 10
Not Just A Dream
10 March 2024
Although conceptually we may have seen a similar theme across genres from sci-fi to thrillers, the Buffy-style version of this story adds a bit of mystery to the cause and cure of everyone experiencing their worst nightmare along with the effects thereafter.

Xander and Cordelia become prime targets for embarrassment and humiliation much to the chuckles of the audience, but in a relatable way. Common frights are brought to light, definitely the top five phobias surely, while the crew battles against the vampire of the mind: fear.

Action and surprises abound as the story unfolds, resolution leads to a thought-provoking conclusion as well as personal growth for both characters and viewers.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Puppet Show (1997)
Season 1, Episode 9
A Plot Slight of Hand
9 March 2024
Good writing leads you down a path and just when you think you've got this thing figured out, whoops! Nope. Not only was there a twist, but the next likely suspect also turned out to be a red herring. No vampires here again, so this could be a 'deviation' to Buffy canon perhaps, but the show did establish a wider scope to include demons, so here we are again with a different kind of supernatural evil.

Fun to watch the acting as part of the show was to have bad acting as well, which was also conducted exceptionally well. We have the action we've come to expect, along with Hitchcockian classic horror elements. Use of shadows, familiar theme. Worth a re-watch to follow the character's dialogue and intentions one more time.
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Medieval Techno Predator
7 March 2024
A weird, wild hodgepodge that somehow works! Focusing heavily on the fear of technology, an ancient evil finds its way into the internet. Well, perhaps that isn't necessarily crazy, but how the beast influences others and finds its way out is quite beguiling as well as creative.

Buffy & crew are thrown into a tailspin, having to do some research both socially and incognito. Love as a weapon is deployed, used as a wedge to separate and destroy. Although some fractures occur, other bonds form. The showdown between good and evil results in a coordinated melee unlike any other.

Closing remarks tie together the series so far, revealing a bond that was perhaps there all along. Well worth the watch, even in the absence of vampires.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Angel (1997)
Season 1, Episode 7
Key Episode with Lightning Pace
5 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
In retrospect, many can tell just by title that this episode would be an important one, but a lot had unfolded in a brief amount of time. What was previously hints and allegations comes to full reveal in the context of Buffy's prior encounters with a mysterious man who seems to help but maintains distance.

An evil plan is always afoot, but this time the sinister plot is not only well thought out, but also solid in development. All characters seem to take some sort of step in their progression, some forward, some back. In the end, a satisfying partial resolution with a touch of light and blues.

Well written suspense, fully thought-out, and directing gives the show the much needed classic horror vibe. Put this on the 'must watch' list for the series.
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The X-Files: War of the Coprophages (1996)
Season 3, Episode 12
FBI Agents Bugging Out!
3 March 2024
If you have entomophobia (fear of insects), this is NOT the episode for you. Interesting that cockroaches in particular are singled out as I recall one of our college biology labs had tanks full of them in some sort of study. Naturally, being an X-Files episode, we are drawn in to find out why these roaches are somehow associated with murder.

Beyond the typical weirdness we see a bit of jealously from Agent Scully. Mulder is his usual deadpan self while he tries to make sense of the bugs and a pair of researches in love Just when events couldn't possibly get weirder, a nice plot twist around the roach origin explodes. Mix in some tongue-in-cheek humour sprinkled about and you have a rather fantastic episode.

Very close to a perfect score for me, but would've been nice of there was more of a tie-in to the overarching plot of the series and some writers just cannot help but hit the 'reset' button at the end when TV show episodes are involved as opposed to a book or movie. Ah well, entertaining fun nonetheless.
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Watch Out Giles!
27 February 2024
Unfolding ancient vampiric prophecy is the central theme as Buffy tries to adapt to a dualistic life... or is it a duelist life? Her friends are with her most of the time, but a split during an investigation goes terribly awry.

Action is there, mostly hand-to-hand combat with uglies and Buffy. A new face is pulled into the mix while dramatic romantic tension swirls around the group. High school is hard enough socially, these baddies from the underworld complicate the problem.

Revealing character development overall, nice to see a progression in the story rather than one-off jump-in jump-out episodes, yet viewer friendly to pull in those who haven't seen the show before.

Excellent episode, the only drawback I think was a bit of 'rinse and repeat' formula as we've seen a lot of these elements in previous episodes. Still, entertaining show and plenty of draw to see more.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Teacher's Pet (1997)
Season 1, Episode 4
Even Vampires Fear This Monster
17 February 2024
Driving the way of X-Files, Buffy and her crew encounter a rather gruesome predator... the substitute teacher! Besides teaching, she also has a terrible beguiling power held in secrecy. Throw into the mix a tale of desire and temptation, the suspense action goes into mad slashing by the end.

At first, the far-fetched tale seemed to leave an obvious concern about the villain unaddressed, but in a twist, the baddie's subterfuge was actually reasonably planned out. A credit to the writing there, certainly the full cast sell this weird idea while viewing. Granted our monster looks like the creature walked off of a 1950's B-movie set, but with adequate directing and low lighting, reasonably compensated for the budget costume. I actually found the human substitute teacher more terrifying with deception.
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