
30 Reviews
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Act of Valor (2012)
Our Troops Deserve A Better Movie
12 July 2012
The main thing Act of Valor has going for it is the fact that the film stars real life U.S Navy SEALs. This also happens to be one of the films many flaws. I understand that these people are not actors, but i'm not going to let the film off the hook for such awful acting just because these people aren't actors. It's just a gimmick that was used to sell the film. The acting in the film really is terrible and some of the lines are delivered so poorly that you can't even understand what they are saying. The plot for the film is incredibly thin and is only there to set up the action scenes to show these SEALs doing what they do in the line of duty. These sequences are at first mildly amusing to watch, but they quickly just become generic shootout scenes that overuse the first person view point way too much and it becomes annoying very fast. It felt like I was just watching someone play Call of Duty. Speaking of Call of Duty, it almost seems that every action scene in this film was ripped off from a level of Call of Duty. Another problem with this film is that for a film that's selling point is trying to show us the lives of these men who are in active duty, yet the film never at any time attempts to develop these characters. They are as lifeless as they come and this becomes even more of a flaw in the moments where the movie tries to have emotional moments that come off more as forced and cliché that emotional. What really disappointed me was the fact that the film never touches on what war is like for these guys and there feelings about it, or why the feel the need to fight for their country. This film is also very boring since there is almost no plot and the action sequences are so run of the mill. At times, it felt like I was just watching a recruitment ad for the army. Save your money and time and just play Call of Duty.
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Magic Mike (2012)
Not What You'd Expect, And That's A Good Thing
4 July 2012
At first glance, Magic Mike seems like a film that doesn't have much to offer besides men stripping and a generic romantic comedy plot. However, the film is a lot better than you'd think it be and it has a lot more to offer than just male stripping.

The trailer for the film is VERY misleading and makes it appear to be a romantic comedy when the film is much more of a comedy-drama centered the life of Channing Tatum's character and Alex Pettyfer. The film has a good mix of comedy and drama and also has a surprisingly dark 2nd half to it which I really enjoyed. This has really been a good year for Channing Tatum. I used to think he was a terrible actor but with this and 21 Jump Street, he has proved me otherwise. He is terrific here and even better than he was in 21 Jump Street since he is also dealing with drama here and not only comedy. The rest of cast did a good job and Matthew McConaughey stole every scene that he was in. The only person who didn't do a good job was the Tatum's love interest Cody Horn who gave a very stale performance. Despite a lot of man ass, the dance scenes in the film are a ton of fun to watch, even if you are a guy. Soderbergh did an excellent job directing and I really loved the cinematography and style that was used for the film. However, Magic Mike has some problems with it that keep it from being the great movie it could've been. My biggest problem with it is that the whole film felt very disjointed and that really bugged me. The film didn't feel like it had a good flow to it and scenes would just happen one after another in random order. I got used to this after a bit into the film, but it still bugged me quite a bit. The film could've also done without the romantic subplot which served no purpose to the film what so ever and really just dragged it out longer than it needed to be. I also didn't care for the way the film ended either. There's a scene that takes place 5 minutes before the final scene of the film that I actually felt would've fit the film much better and left more of an impact than the final scene of the film did.

Overall, Magic Mike isn't as good as it could've been, but it's also a lot better than you'd expect it to be. It's not a movie that is strictly for female's and is one that male's can also enjoy. Women might actually be disappointed that there isn't as much stripping in the film as you would expect and may not like some of the darker parts of it. Don't blow this movie off because of the subject matter. Give it a shot, and I can guarantee you that you'll be surprised by how much you will enjoy Magic Mike.
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Ted (2012)
Not Great, Not Bad. Just Alright
29 June 2012
While there really isn't anything wrong with Ted, there isn't anything that great about it either. For his first film, Seth MacFarlane did a good job, but he's still got a lot to learn as a director. The film feels very much like his material and some scenes felt exactly like a live action episode of Family Guy. Mark Wahlberg did a good job in his role and MacFarlane and I really enjoyed the character of Ted. He really carries the movie and the scenes without him on screen really seemed to go by a bit slow. As for the comedy in the film, there are plenty of funny scenes, but most of them deliver on a level of chuckles instead of big laughs. That's not to say the film doesn't deliver some laughs at points, but not as many as it should. The one thing that did kinda bug me about this film was it's constant references to the 80's. Some of them such as the references to Flash Gordon were funny, but the film relied way too heavily on them and some of them felt forced. I also felt the film was a bit too long and could've easily been 15 minutes shorter. Overall, Ted isn't as good as it could've been, but there really isn't anything wrong with it that will keep you from enjoying it either. It's much better than the new episodes of Family Guy, but there's much funnier films that have come out this year such as 21 Jump Street.
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Enjoyable, But Not As Good As It Could've Been
26 June 2012
I've been a fan of Hey Arnold ever since I watched it growing up as a kid and it still remains one of my favorite nicktoons till this day. I remember seeing the movie when it came out in theaters and finally got around to revisiting it. I have to say while it's enjoyable, it really does feel more like the t.v special it was intended to be and not a movie. The plot is pretty weak and the length of the movie feels forced at even it's short 70 min runtime. The animation also isn't that great for a theatrical film (some of the later episodes of the show actually had better animation). But, it's flaws don't keep it from being enjoyable. The film still sticks to the shows humor and characters well and keeps itself going at a good pace which makes it so the film never really slows down. Still, I feel like it really didn't a movie and it probably should've just stayed a t.v special. If you're a die hard fan of the show, you'll most likely be disappointed but still enjoy it.
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Not Gibson's Best, But It's Worth A Watch
26 June 2012
Not one of Gibson's more memorable or best films, but still very entertaining. Mel is back at doing what he does best, being a bad-ass and at times very funny. The films strengths are his performance and sharp written dialogue. While there wasn't as much action as I wanted there to be, there's some great violent action scenes in here including one of the best shootouts i've in a film in a long time. The film probably would've worked better for me if there had been a stronger story and more going on in the first act. Otherwise, it's not a great Gibson movie, but it's satisfying. It's nice to see Mel back in action and hopefully he will continue to do some more films of this type.
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Another Lame Sequel
26 June 2012
I should probably start off this review saying that i'm not really that big of a fan of the Underworld franchise. I thought the first two films were OK and I thought the third one was awful. When I saw the trailer for Awakening, it looked like it would finally be what I had wanted from this series all along. A fast paced over-the-top action movie with the addition of some great 3D effects.

Unfortunately, Underworld Awakening is exactly what I feared it would be and that is a poorly done sequel that should've gone straight to DVD.

Despite some good action sequences, this is just another lackluster installment in a franchise that was never that good to begin with. I probably wouldn't have hated it so much if the story haden't been so horrible and stupid.

It's not as bad as the third film, but it's still not worth watching.
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And Just When You Thought Things Couldn't Get Worse After Battle LA...
26 June 2012
The Darkest Hour is one of the stupidest and worst movies i've seen in a while. The quality of this is something that belongs on the SyFy channel. The whole film consist of nothing but the characters coming up with really stupid excuses to travel from one location to another just to advanced the plot. The acting is really bad and the characters are not developed at all so we are giving no reason to care about them. Emile Hirsch has given some fantastic performances but it's as if he isn't even trying here. The dialogue is laughable and their are plot elements that are so dumb it seems as if a 13 year old wrote the script. The visuals are also very cheap looking. The end even sets it up for a sequel which I doubt anyone would want to see after sitting through this crap. The Darkest Hour is just awful and is on about the same level of the terrible alien invasion movies Battle LA and Skyline. Don't waste your time with this awful awful film.
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Wanderlust (2012)
Never Lives Up To It's Full Potential
26 June 2012
Wanderlust has a few good moments, but it is just not that good or funny of a movie. Most of the movies problems seem to be from the product of a weak script. The film has a few very funny moments, but a lot of other moments come off as not very funny or are dragged out way too long and just become awkward or annoying. The movie also suffers from another problem that i've noticed in comedies lately which is awkward cuts right after a joke hits a punchline, which is an issue that is present a lot in the first half of the film. By the end of the film, I couldn't help but think why did this movie even need to be made because it doesn't seem like anyone behind it had any interest or passion in really making it. Overall, Wanderlust isn't terrible, but you could never see it your whole life and you wouldn't miss out on anything. If you really feel like you need to see it then rent it. Otherwise, i'd just save your time and skip it.
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Coriolanus (2011)
You Don't Have To Be A Shakespeare Fan To Enjoy This Film
26 June 2012
Going into the film, I really didn't know anything about it. Which is why i'm glad to say I was pleasantly surprised by this film.For a first time director Ralph Fiennes really did a great job making a modern adaptation of one of the lesser known Shakespeare works. I'm not a huge Shakespeare fan, but I have to say that the use of the his dialogue here actually worked in the context in the film even with the modern setting. Fiennes and Butler both do an amazing job and really carry the film as does the rest of the cast. The action sequences are also shot very well and realistically. I hope Fiennes continues to direct because he shows a lot of talent here. Don't let Shakespeare's name drive you away from this film! You don't have to be a fan of his work to enjoy it!
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A Fun Action Flick That Delivers On Exactly What It Promises
23 June 2012
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is exactly what you would expect from the title. A ridiculous, over-the-top, and fun action-horror flick. The serious tone and silly premise may turn off some people, but the serious tone actually works to the films advantage and actually made the movie more fun. I actually think a goofy and comedic tone could've hurt the films in some ways by being a bit too tongue and cheek. The action scenes were well done and incredibly entertaining to watch. The final action scene was actually worth the price of admission alone. I also enjoyed how they included actual parts of Lincoln's history into the film. Benjamin Walker also surprisingly did a good job as Lincoln. The dialogue is corny but I actual think that played as a strength to a film rather than a weakness. The 3D effects are also used very well in the film and delivers a good mix of depth and gimmicky moments and really enhanced the action sequences. I would highly recommend seeing the film in 3D if you have the option. If I had any complaints it would be that I did feel like the film dragged a bit in the middle.

Overall, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter is a fun flick that delivers on exactly what it promises. Abraham Lincoln kicking vampire ass! If you don't go in holding the films premise against it, than you'll have a blast with it!
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A Thousand Words (I) (2012)
When All The Leaves Fall Off The Tree, Eddie Murphy's Career Dies
16 June 2012
This movie is just more proof of how low Eddie Murphiy's career has sunk.

I didn't laugh once throughout this whole film and it's borderline the worst movie i've seen all year. It was shot in 2008 and shelved till this year and it's really obvious why they did because it's mind-numbingly awful. It's a one note joke that's taken and stretched into a 90 minute movie. Every scene is just Eddie Murphy doing exactly the same thing he's been doing in every movie he's been in the last couple years. The set pieces are awful and a lot of them don't even make any sense. It's so terrible that it gets to a point where it's just painful and sad to watch. I wasn't even 15 minutes into the movie before it was already annoying me by how bad it was. And just when you think things can't get any worse, the movie all the sudden turns into a drama in the last 20 minutes and becomes Eddie Murphy's The Tree of Life.

There really isn't all that much more to say about A Thousand Words other than it's another pile of crap from Murphy. I'm done defending Eddie Murphy after this pile of crap. Not even a thousand words can describe how bad A Thousand Words really is.
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Iron Sky (2012)
Nowhere as Funny or Over-The-Top as It Thinks It Is
3 June 2012
This film could've been so much better, but the concept isn't used to it's full potential and is completely wasted. While there are a few funny moments, the film isn't very funny and a lot of the humor is outdated. The writing isn't that great and the whole film feels like a weak effort as a whole. The whole Grindhouse/Exploitation angle of the film isn't that used that well either as the film isn't as over-the-top as it thinks it and feels rather dull and bland. The villains are bland and they could've been anyone besides Nazi's. However, the visual effects for the film are very good and the space battle scenes look great. Overall, Iron Sky is disappointing and could've been a really fun film. But, it's nowhere as funny or over-the-top as it thinks it is. If you still want to see Iron Sky, just watch the trailer again or go rent a real exploitation Nazi movie
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The Horror Film Will Never Be The Same Again
1 June 2012
Even with all the great things I heard about The Cabin In The Woods, nothing could prepare me for how great it really was. Hilarious, Twisted, and Insane, The Cabin in the Woods perfectly bends the genres of Comedy and Horror together and creates not only the best Horror Comedy i've ever seen, but one of the best Horror films i've ever seen and some of the most fun i've ever had at the movies. However, this is a really easily film to spoil and I highly recommend going in knowing as little as possible. The most I will say is that the last 20 minutes blew my mind. So stop reading this review and anything related to this film until you see it! It's too good to be spoiled and for anyone to spoil it would be criminal. All I will say is once you've experienced The Cabin In The Woods, you will never see a Horror film the same way again.
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For A Straight To DVD Movie, It's Not That Bad
1 June 2012
American Pie: Band Camp is not great, but it's not terrible either. For a straight to DVD sequel, this really wasn't all that bad. Compared to the atrocity The Naked Mile, Band Camp is Oscar Worthy.

It sticks to the humor of the original American Pie movies and does have some funny moments. But still, it does suffer from the typical straight to DVD movie flaws. Most of the jokes in the film are chuckle's with a few stronger laughs in between. However, many of the jokes also just were too juvenile to be funny or just fell flat because they weren't funny.

If you're a fan of the original trilogy, then it's worth a watch, but you won't want to revisit it a second time. If you're a fan of the original films, than I think you will at least find some enjoyment in this.
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Listen To The Reviews And Stay Away!
1 June 2012
I love cop thrillers but this was pretty awful. Channing Tatum gives a lousy performance as usual in what already is a boring and dull film and even the supporting cast who do a decent job can't save this movie. The film cuts between flashbacks way too many times and doesn't allow us to get to know the main character at all which just made this incredibly frustrating to watch. There was also some pretty bad editing here which at times was so bad I couldn't even tell what was going on on screen. I figured by the end of the film there might be some payoff in the climax, but instead there's a twist that makes no sense and all I could think was that the writers wrote it as the scene was being filmed because it makes no sense what so ever. I really wish I would've listened to the reviews and stayed away from this one. Even if you're a huge fan of Cop Crime-Drama's there's little enjoyment you'll find here.
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Project X (2012)
Not A Movie, But An Experience
1 June 2012
Project X is the kind of movie that isn't going to be for everyone. It's vulgar, mean-spirited, and insane.

The film has pretty much no plot besides being about three high school kids who throw a birthday party that gets way out of hand. But, the film accomplishes what it sets out to do and that is to be a hilarious, over-the-top, and intense party film. This film was easily some of the most fun i've had at the movies in quite some time. The found footage style works well here and really makes the viewer feel like they are at this party which only made the film more enjoyable. Once the party gets going in this movie, it grabs you and does not let you go. This film really did feel like a cinematic experience that needs to be seen on the big screen with a large crowd to be fully appreciated. The only thing I didn't care for in the film was the unnecessary romantic subplot which felt really forced and didn't really fit the tone of the film.

Overall, if you're the films target demographic, than you'll have a blast with it.
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Haywire (2011)
Takes Something We've Seen Before And Makes It Feel Fresh Again
1 June 2012
I have to say even though I know this film isn't for everyone, I'm really surprised by how negative the reaction has been towards it on this site. I really loved what Steven Soderbergh did with this film. He took a concept that we've seen done over and over again, and turned into something that felt fresh and original. I loved the films visual style and the fight scenes were excellent! Gina Carano did a great job in the lead role and the rest of the cast did a good job as well. This felt much more gritty and realistic and less like a Hollywood Action Thriller. In some ways, it kinda reminded me of 2011's art-house action drama Drive. It's not a film thats going to be for everyone, but those who are looking for something different will really enjoy this.
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Apartment 143 (2011)
You've seen it all before and done a lot better
1 June 2012
This film offers nothing new and is just a re-hash of pretty much everything we have seen from the found-footage genre. It even has the same flaws that many of those films have.

The plot was predictable and the twist was not shocking at all. Every scare was dull and was either a lame predictable jump scare or had been ripped of from another movie. And just like Paranormal Activity, it had way too much of nothing going on.

The last 30 minutes of the film are just ridiculous and laughable. And to top it off, like almost every found footage, the ending is horrible and one of the laziest i've seen from a found footage movie.

There's really nothing to recommend about this movie and it's probably one of the worst found footage movies i've seen since Apollo 18. As much as it pains me to say it, it actually makes Paranormal Activity look good.
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Nothing Special, But A Huge Step-Up From The 2nd Film
1 June 2012
While it's still nowhere on the same level of the first film, Men In Black III is a huge step up from the second film and works good as a fun popcorn flick.

Will Smith does a good job reprising his role as Agent J, but who really shines is Josh Brolin playing the role of a younger version of Tommy Lee Jones character Agent K. The story here is not anything we haven't seen done before, but it actually works for the most part and the film is entertaining enough to keep your attention for most of the runtime. While there are some very funny moments in the movie, there's also a lot of moments where the humor just falls flat and feels very outdated. The villain in the film also had a lot of potential, but seemed like he was just wasted in the end. The film has a good start and really picks up once the time traveling aspect comes into the film, although there are some parts in the middle of the film where it really drags. I did really enjoy the ending to the film though as it had a really good and heartfelt twist that I thought was a nice way to wrap up the trilogy and was a good payoff.

Overall, Men In Black III isn't a great film or even a memorable one. But, it's fun and works as a popcorn flick and it's worth seeing if you are a fan of the first two films.
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Despite It's Flaws, It's Hard Not To Enjoy
1 June 2012
While I was far from loving this movie, it had some parts in it that I really did like. I like these kind of inspiring dramas, but this one was a bit too flawed for me to like it as much as I wanted to. Cameron Crowe does a good job directing and Matt Damon is also great as always. I really enjoyed the story here and even when the film slowed down a bit I still stuck with it. The main problem I have with this movie is it tries to be too much of a Family film when it's already fine the way it is. There are also moments where the film tries to add humor in a situation where it feels very off and just falls flat. The son character in the film really annoyed me. Not just because he constantly whines and is pretty much unlikeable, but also because the actor who portrays him doesn't do a very good job. There's also a romantic subplot between the son and a younger girl who works at the zoo that feels incredibly forced and adds nothing to the film. It could've easily been cut out and the film would've actually been better without it. Despite it's flaws, the film does have a sort of charm to it that makes it hard to dislike. It's a good film that's perfect for viewing with the family.
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Piranha 3DD (2012)
Just Pathetic
1 June 2012
Well this was a huge disappointment! I really liked the first Piranha 3D film so I was looking forward to this. This is a lazy, lifeless, and pointless sequel that had no business being made. Instead of being so bad it's good like the first film, this one is just so bad it's terrible. For starters, the first Piranha film actually had likable characters and somewhat of a plot to it. This one has the thinest of a plot you can get and the characters are incredibly lifeless and not even the main character serves any purpose to the film at all. You'd think that with this being a sequel they would amp up the gore and deaths, but the deaths in this one are actually tamer than the first and there's actually less of them. The film tries to be much more of a comedy this time around by adding more humor which all of it falls flat. The humor in this film is so awful and outdated thats it's hard to believe anyone over the age of 13 actually wrote this film. But, what really annoyed me about this film is just how damn stupid it is! The writers couldn't even come up with a decent way to get these characters in a situation to set up a death scene and instead have them do something really stupid or come up with a really stupid reason to get them in a situation that sets up a lame death. The acting here (even though it's suppose to be bad) is bad even for a B-Movie. And just when you think you will finally get a payoff after sitting through 55 minutes of crap, the film presents you with a lazy and totally underwhelming climax that is filmed so poorly that most of the time you can't even tell what is going on (And this really sucks because that was the highlight of the first film). And then, the film presents us with an ending so stupid and forced that even those who can suspend their disbelief the most will be left frustrated with just how incredibly stupid the ending is. The film is a short (althought it feels much longer) 70 minutes followed by 11 minutes of credits that include a ton of lame outtakes. I can now see why The Weinstein Company decided to only release this in barely any theaters and just put in on VOD. I still can't believe how bad this movie was. The director John Gulager shouldn't ever be allowed to be involved with a film ever again because this guy can't direct to save his life. Alexandre Aja who directed the first film actually understood the material he was working with. John Gulager had no idea what the hell he was doing and just decided the wip out a POS to make a quick buck because he obviously didn't care about this film at all and just wanted to get paid. As far as the cameo's in the film go, Gary Busey is only in the films opening scene and is wasted (the only thing we get to see him do is light a cow's farts on fire). Ving Rhames cameo doesn't just feel forced, but also is just really pathetic and sad to watch. The only positive things I can say about this film was that David Hasselfhoff's scenes are actually chuckle worthy and there's a lot of gorgeous nude women on screen many times. Even though i'm only giving the film 1/2 a star, that feels generous. This film could've really been a blast and fun just like the first one was, but it really is just an atrocity of a film that not even the biggest fans of the first one will enjoy. If you are looking for a fun B-Movie, go rent Piranha 3D and just forget that this film even exist. Piranha 3DD tries to so self-award of itself that it just ends up being exactly what it's parodying.
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Another good slice of pie
8 April 2012
While i've never been the biggest fan of the franchise, i've always enjoyed the American Pie films. They are all funny, sweet, and feel good movies that are pretty hard not to enjoy. When I heard they were making a fourth film with the entire original cast, I was really interested to see how it would turn out.

While I don't think American Reunion is the best of the franchise, it's still very enjoyable and has some great moments. The opening scene is hysterical and easily one of the best moments of the entire franchise. The film plays off many of the same gags that the first 3 films did. While it doesn't really offer anything new, these gags are still pretty funny for the most part. The film did a really good job of capturing the humor and sweetness that the original films did. The film also managed to improve on one of the series biggest flaws which was not dragging jokes out for too long. The jokes here never dragged out too long and feel like they are given just the right amount of time on screen. I highly recommend though that you see the first three films though before this one since many of the jokes and moments reference events from the original films.

Unfortunately, American Reunion does have a good amount of flaws to it. The films biggest flaw is that it doesn't remain constantly funny throughout. While there were some really funny moments, there were some pretty big gaps between them. These gaps would at worst be as long 10 minutes that would consist of no laughs or light chuckles. There was a party scene in the films first act that went on for a bit too long and I actually found myself starting to get bored. This also causes the film to feel uneven, especially during the second half when some more of the dramatic elements are added in. Even though the American Pie films have always had drama, this one at times felt like it had a bit more drama than it really needed. The film is also nearly two hours and feels a bit too long. They could've cut out about a good ten minutes of footage. This film would've been fine if it had a runtime of around 105 minutes which seems much more suited for this type of film.

Overall, despite it's flaws, American Reunion is still another good addition to the American Pie franchise. Ranking among the others, this film is my second favorite in the series next to American Wedding. The film has some of the best moments of the franchise and will not disappoint the fans. Its unfortunate, that it's flaws keep it from being what could've been the best entry in the franchise yet. Die hard fans of the franchise will love it while those who haven't will still find it to be a decent comedy. At it's core, it really just is another American Pie film, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
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Contraband (2012)
A slightly above average thriller
8 April 2012
If you've seen the trailer, you can already tell that Contraband really doesn't have anything new to offer as a film. It has a typical heist/revenge thriller plot with some thrills and good action sequences. However, Contraband manages to be a slightly better than your typical thriller.

Mark Wahlberg gives a really good performance and Giovanni Ribisi did a really great job as the films over-the-top villain. The film does a great job of getting down the gritty tone and gives the film a realistic feel to it. I also enjoyed how instead of being a straight out action flick, the film actually took time to develop what they had with the plot and show the whole set up of the heist.

For most of it's nearly 2 hour runtime, Contraband kept me entertained for the most part. It still suffers from it's expected flaws. The plot isn't exactly strong and is pretty convoluted and very predictable. I also didn't care for the way the film wrapped up.

Overall, there really isn't a whole lot about to say about Contraband, but I would highly recommend it to someone who is looking for a good rental. If you like Marky Mark, than it's worth a shot.
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Bob's Burgers (2011– )
Bobs Burgers are disgusting
5 April 2012
It's hard to believe that Fox would cancel Allen Gregory, yet keep this trash on air. Bobs Burgers is the definition of crap animation. Never before have I seen a show that is as painfully unfunny as this is. You know a show is awful when they have to repeat a sentence for over a minute for laughs. The awful animation might have been acceptable on Adult Swim, but this is Primetime and is just pathetic. The creators behind the show don't even attempt to do anything new or original here. The episodes I have seen have plots that have already been done on other similar animated shows. The voice acting is lazy and just goes to show that the people behind the show are just as untalented as they were on Home Movies. There really is no better way to put it than besides saying to stay away from Bobs Burgers. It could possibly be the worst Burger you will ever have.
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10 March 2012
This movie was so awful I couldn't even finish it. It's a bad buddy cop comedy that relies on unfunny race jokes for the whole film and doesn't attempt to do anything else. It's unfunny, boring, and racist to both whites and blacks, and i'm not one who is easily offended. I actually like Martin Lawrence and I will admit that he had one funny scene a few minutes into the film, but his character quickly becomes obnoxious, bigoted, and annoying that I couldn't stand him. Whats even worse is that the film trys to portray him as a good guy and ask us to root for him despite making his character look look like a total bigot. Steve Zahn does an awful job here and is neither funny or likable. It's no wonder the only work he gets now is starring in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid films. This is a cheap looking awful action comedy that shouldn't be viewed by any means.
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