
11 Reviews
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Vinland Saga (2019–2023)
Rich, must watch series
7 January 2023
Been a long while since season 1 premiered and finally we get the long awaited season 2! So time to re-binge season 1! This anime is rich in storyline and character development, clearly alot of thought and consideration went into the writing, particularly the development of Thorfinns character as he grows through life facing numerous adversities and how it defines him, and particularly the relationship between Thorfinn and Askeladd. It's filled with really emotionally charged scenes that can bring you from the edge of your seat in suspense, to welling up in tears.

My biggest concern now is that MAPPA studio will be taking over for season 2. I'm not sure what this means exactly, but while they have solid animation ability, their character/story development is really lacking if we take jujutsu kaisen and chainsaw man as comparisons. So fingers crossed they don't botch it... Anyway highly recommend watching this series if you haven't already!!
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Chainsaw Man (2022)
4 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I originally gave up on this anime halfway through episode 2 knowing it was an over hyped waste of time but I decided to give it another chance, regrettably.

It annoys me that several people here suggest fans of AOT will love this - there's no resemblance in any shape or form. A main character who's fuelled by a dream of groping boobs. A devil who's cat was stolen and held ransom in exchange for a human - so logically she gives up her freedom, joins the devil hunters losing her freedom, builds trust over an extended period of time just so she can get approved leave to go out into the public and lure one of her team mates as bait to the bat devil who's holding her cat named 'Meowy' hostage...

The storyline is completely void of any depth and just complete rubbish. The dialogue is unbearably cringe. Animation is great but that doesn't help.

Baffles me that this anime is 8.8 as of writing.
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28 Days Haunted (2022– )
Eye rolling entertainment
23 October 2022
Like the idea, but just like every other paranormal investigation type show its more of the 'ohh ive got a headache im out' 'ohh something touched me - im out' 'ohh im surrounded by spirits - im out' 'the show just started but I'm not going back in there again! Im out!'.

It amazes me these people claim to be psychics and investigators and claim to speak to spirits, yet once they're alone in a dark room and paranoia starts to set in, they freak out and bail - like whats the point of being an investigator then?!?

Anyway beyond all of the eye rolling nonsense, the show was entertaining enough from a human behaviour perspective. I thought Jereme the 'demonologist' was great with all his imaginary battles with evil spirits - yelling and screaming at the walls and floors constantly, refusing to get out of bed for most of the show, rushing himself to hospital after losing the battle between his god helmet (LOL!!) and an evil spirit.

Sean has clearly been watching way too much John Edward - the guy mimics him to perfection.

Another really amazing part of the show is when Shane decides he's going to push himself and go even further beyond, so he goes into a tent full of salt water and somehow unlocks his psychic abilities!! AMAZING!! From that point on he's communicating fluently with spirits and putting Amy's abilities to shame.

Also, be sure not to miss the epic final battle at the end! All the teams decide to go to war with the evil spirits and save the good spirits so they can pass on (they're trapped there after all). They achieve this by splashing water onto mirrors (portals?), reading some bible scriptures, and blowing out candles, oh and in Jeremes case - staggering around like a drunk while yelling and screaming at a book case.

Anyway if theres a season 2 ill most likely watch it, but hopefully they get some serious investigators in there.
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BMF (2021– )
Really enjoying!
13 October 2021
Surprised by all the bad reviews here. I watched all 3 episodes to date and I'm pretty hooked. I'll admit I nearly switched it off on the very first scene, it came across as cheap and tacky. Also I'll agree the first club scene was poorly done, but after those few slumps it really picks up. I think the club scene was fitting to an extent to show what they are in the moment - young and all show with not a huge amount of respect.

But seriously the acting & story really picks up as it goes on. Didn't really like Meech's character in the beginning either but he grew on me.

My recommendation - give it a go at least for 3 episodes, if you're not feeling it by then move on.
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27 January 2021
Come on 8.6/10 as of writing this. Seriously?? I was really looking forward to watching this anime after seeing the rating and reviews. How people can vote this 10/10 and declare it anime of the year after 2 episodes is beyond comprehension. Just because it's weird and original does not make it great. It has to be one of the most juvenile storylines I've ever seen on any anime, and so far the setting hasn't changed at all! Dont waste your time watching this...
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Jujutsu Kaisen (2020– )
good not great
28 October 2020
Started watching this anime after seeing good reviews. To be honest yes it seems like a decent anime, but not that great, bit generic, no depth, and not memorable (so far). Currently 8.4/10 as of writing this review, seems a bit too high. That's putting it on par with AOT, Vinland Saga, Demon Slayer, Promised Neverland, Steins;Gate, & others where it really doesn't belong. Although there's only been 4 episodes so far, so I wont shut it down just yet, but I wanted to give a more realistic rating for those on the lookout for a new anime to watch - to avoid disappointment. I finished Tower of God before watching this, another 2020 release which I really enjoyed, & personally feel that has a lot more to offer.
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Dr. Stone (2019– )
Surprisingly Good
27 October 2019
I started watching this anime as it was one of the 'hyped' series for 2019. Surprisingly I really got into it & am enjoying every episode. There's not really any action or deep moments in it, but its interesting to watch the main character slowly build up technology in a primitive world - it keeps you coming back for more to see what happens next.

In saying that it's not the best anime I've ever seen, but it's definitely worth watching for anyone looking to fill some voids. I've tried and dumped a lot of anime over the years but this is one of the few that I will keep on watching through to the end.

Give it a try!
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Encrypted File
22 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Close to the end of the documentary, Bob calls up Jeremy wanting to run something by him. Next scene they are in some forest type area discussing an encrypted file. A discussion moves towards element 115 and then we see a fast forward - next day Bob is raided at his workplace.

What was in the encrypted files?? what was it??? They never went back to it

Come on guys 5.8/10 really?? this documentary was awesome. I've never heard of this guy until now & he seems really credible.

I hope we see more come from this
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Terrible. Dont Waste Your Life
30 August 2018
Terrible. do not waste your life watching this rubbish

funny how all the 10/10 reviews all sound the same - wonder why that is?

unfortunately for this 'PD Crew' the non-genuine 10/10 reviews will not save them
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Attack on Titan (2013–2023)
27 June 2018
I've seen many many anime & I can easily say this is my favorite. It's one of those ones I couldn't stop watching. I give this 10/10 and highly recommend watching.

I don't write reviews in general, but it bothers me that people down vote this anime and other great shows simply because they aren't happy with the total user rating. For people to say this anime is 1-4/10 is beyond a joke. When you write a review of any show, the first step is to actually watch the whole thing so you can give an honest review. Second step is to rate honestly based on your opinion - To give a rating of 1/10 and rant about how 'over rated' it was is just ridiculous and nonsensical. Thirdly you can write an honest review to justify your rating that others can read and help them decide if they want to watch it, and/or engage in conversation.

Just because YOU aren't happy with the overall rating, doesn't mean its necessary to down vote it in some childish attempt to bring the rating down.

I am 33 years old and I've seen a lot of anime - this one is 10/10 for me, I watched the end of season 2 about 20 times, I loved it and can't wait for season 3
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Terrible Trash movie
12 July 2014
this movie was one of the most ridiculously crap movies I've seen in a while. how can it be sitting on 7.1/10?!

i was rolling my eyes from the very beginning but decided to give it a chance, a choice i now regret..

I love cars, I really enjoyed the first 2 fast & furious movies (although they have been going downhill since then) but this movie was just ridiculous.

one of the big mistakes they made in this movie was not showing us how they rebuilt the mustang. that could have added some depth & helped us appreciate what kind of movie we were actually watching. the movie was just full of flaws & inconsistencies throughout..

they think they can just add some fast cars & a few good looking women & that makes a movie? it really was a weak attempt at re-spin on fast & furious

please people come to your senses. don't rate a movie highly just because there may have been a FEW cool or funny scenes. the movie was crap - 4/10
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