
8 Reviews
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Young Light (2016)
A lot better than the other reviews suggest
26 July 2022
I don't think the mediocre IMDb rating does Junges Licht or Young Light justice. I watched this film without subtitles and my German was not nearly good enough to follow the dialogues. But funnily enough, this turned out to be hardly necessary. The story turned out to be largely to follow for me by only the images and the (very well chosen) music. The cinematography was simple but beautiful. The balcony scenes reminded me of Hitchkock's Rear Window, and the depiction of the German homes from around 1960 was downright believable and done with an eye for detail. I completely understand that a movie like Young Light is not for many (bigot) Americans, especially for those who are already annoyed by lesbian Disney characters. Well, European films are often not for the American audience anyway... Too many subtitles and far too few explosions, I guess. In short 8/10 for me.
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Not being a jerk is also an option
17 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In the first half of this typically Danish little film I was afraid it would come down to the obligatory gooey pamphlet that calls for more understanding for transgender people. Fortunately, I would like to say, you can also look at the story from another side. As the film progressed, I felt it became more and more of a call to not only think about your own needs and feelings when you have (young) children. Is changing gender really more important than your child's happiness at a vulnerable age? I would think this is a brave question in these times when nuance usually loses out in emancipatory issues.
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Just get real folks
5 January 2022
Come on, guys. This film was made at a time when these visuals were still groundbreaking. Don't complain now that they were not as far along then as they are today. Thanks to pioneering work like The Polar Express, filmmakers can now create even more beautiful things. A lack of historical perspective is a major shortcoming for the contemporary viewer... And yes, it is always a joy to watch Tom Hanks, whichever movie he's in. Now and back then.
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Nothing new here
18 October 2021
Like most Dutch war films full of clichés. The collaborating mayor, the clumsy resistance fighter and the Nazi with a heart. Yawn. The visuals are fine, but the dialogues are flat and meaningless. As if the screenwriter hadn't put anything on paper, but ordered the actors to just say the first thing that came to their mind. After the beginning, in which a boy is photographing German soldiers unhindered and throws a stone through the windshield of a military vehicle without being shot immediately, it is very difficult to take the rest of the story seriously. The oftentimes theatrically trudging wounded soldiers are certainly not convincing at all. Too bad for Jan Bijvoet and Jakob Diehl, who stand out as actors far above the others. Too bad Diehl (the triple-man in Dark) didn't get more playing time. He is creepy as the devil himself.
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Mid90s (2018)
Empty-headed kids
9 September 2021
The message is clear: skateboarders are friendly but braindead people. Don't hang with them. Better finish school. Nice movie though. The kid who plays the lead does a very fine job.
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Yesterday (III) (2019)
Why would they want to ruin this one?
24 April 2021
It was embarrassing to see the promising first half expertly killed in the second half. What is it about British filmmakers ... that anything that threatens to become even slightly interesting has to be smothered into a superficial sticky rom-com? The meeting with Lennon could have been a gem - but it was not. This could have been a solid 9/10. But it was not.
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The New Pope (2020)
The kid in the kart nailed it
27 March 2021
Do you think Star Wars was excellent? Then this one is not for you. Better skip it. You wouldn't be able to handle it...
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Fun fun fun
21 September 2019
This postmodern film looks gorgeous and is definitely great, great fun. If you know your movie history, even more so. Lots of references to famous movies. E.g. Back to the Future III - and many more.
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