
11 Reviews
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The Burial (II) (2023)
The preview invites; the story engages!
15 October 2023
As soon as I saw a preview, I knew this was my kind of watch. It's wonderful feel-good fun, with powerhouse performances by Jamie and Tommy Lee, backed up by some excellent cast-mates. This is based on an actual lawyer from the 90s that I hadn't heard of (or don't remember) who went up against the big dogs in stunning fashion. Watch for a mid-credit scene where he makes a cameo. Nice touch. This story has all the punch of a legal movie from past decades, such as The Client, Suspect, The Firm, and others from the time period which is when this movie's tale is set. Race is central to the tale, but so is greed, duplicity, hubris - and also friendship.

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The Irrational: Pilot (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
Good outing for likeable Jesse L, Martin
30 September 2023
This show and "Will Trent" ought to be on back to back; they both feature unusually perceptive men who are dealing with deep personal trauma born of events from decades past. Each man comes across as likeable, with Jesse L. Martin's "Alec Mercer" having a bit of an edge there (but Robert Rodriguez' "Will Trent" is catching up over the episodes of his show IMO). Both men are surrounded by coworkers and friends who realize their genius and let them run with their theories, for the most part.

Episode 1 covered quite a bit of exposition and backstory through dialogue and flashbacks, so we learned a lot right away, with a promise of some additional mystery as the main characters make sense of a developing larger picture. So far, so good. I'll watch.

Now if only someone will bring back "Poker Face." That one was great!
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Very comprehensive documentary on a classic
15 September 2023
This is one of the best documentaries I've watched in a long time. I've just finished episode 3 and have enjoyed soooo much of the detail, the backstories, and insights offered by cast, film crew, conceptual artists, stuntpeople, and lots more. "RoboCop" has always been a huge favorite, beloved by fans for its characters and action scenes as well as its savage criticism of modern times through some really witty "ads" sprinkled throughout the movie. There's a fourth installment listed but it hasn't aired yet, I don't think. Can't wait! If you're a longtime fan, as I am, you will be fascinated to learn about the labor that went into creating this. R. I. P. Miguel Ferrer and Dan O'Herlihy who were not here to reminisce - but pretty much everyone else is interviewed.
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Decent try, but misses the mark
4 February 2023
A substandard, cheaply-made adaptation of a Stephen King tale about surreal adventures while riding a stationary exercise bike. I don't remember having read this one; maybe it's in an anthology I must have missed. Most King tales just don't slap you as hard onscreen as they do in written form, and that is borne out here.

I wasn't impressed with some of the florid acting, nor the somewhat puzzling backstory---but at least this didn't drag on, coming in at a runtime of less than an hour. As I said earlier, this just seems to be yet another case of a King tale that just can't survive as a movie or TV adaptation. Happens often with King's works, sadly. 3/10 for the effort.
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nonsensical Australian film
29 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What a maddening film! No cops would behave this way, dismissing any tips, knowing full well there is a serial killer on the loose! And what mother discounts every single thing her daughter says - even if the daughter IS still grieving her father? This is the worst mother-figure I've seen in awhile - and I watch a bunch of Lifetime dreck! Why the need for the incessant flashbacks to a family tragedy, making us think the daughter actually IS crazy??

Worst of all, for me, anyway, was the completely off-kilter reactions of some characters in scary or dangerous situations, who crack wise and become flippant or even defiant. And the killer's motives? He admits it himself, that he really doesn't have any.

The actress who plays the unlikeable daughter on Harrow is also kind of unlikeable here.
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End of the Road (II) (2022)
kind of middling
10 September 2022
There was an uneven sense of direction here; some excitement mixed with periods of lagging, almost senseless interlude that had no payoff. An initial conflict, which was given a lot of screentime, was never revisited and seemed only to serve as an "Oh, it's like that" moment - which added little to the main plot overall in my opinion. The kids were, as is often the case, unpleasant, disobedient, and bratty. Ludacris, usually fun to watch, was kind of wasted here as a lovable slack-off type. Latifah vacillated between take-charge 'equalizer' and scared victim - which I blame completely on the director, who really needed to pick a lane and tighten this actioner up. As it is, time is spent on scenes showing us hooray-for-family moments when that family should be galvanized, on the move and planning to survive.
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I've never seen such looooong scenes in a movie
26 January 2022
This movie had so much wrong with it. It was filled with some great videogame-like visuals, which were in some ways reminiscent of "2001: A Space Odyssey"(yep!) but suffered from terrible sound editing and a disjointed, incomprehensible story. It is as if this was some fan film, and the fans cast themselves as "stars." So bad.

I listened with my excellent headphones on and even then, much dialogue was garbled and muffled. I can't say much about the plot, because it was all over the place as well. I kept asking myself, Who exactly is who - and what is everyone's motive?

Running at a whopping two hours long, the film is plagued with scenes that go on and on and on waaaaay too long--and I don't just mean a couple of scenes, either. I mean nearly all of them. Fixing that alone could have pared down the runtime by at least 35-40 minutes IMO.

Oh well. I warned you. Watch if you must....:-/
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Fatal Following (2021 TV Movie)
I like to be surprised---and I was:)
20 October 2021
Well, that was a kind of cool time-waster. Another pic with many unfamiliar names, but the tale is decent enough, and the surprise does truly surprise. There are of course some plot holes, and I wouldn't have minded a little more follow-up resolution, but...whatever. Lifetime movie fans will have a bit of fun here.
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Two guys having an adventure; could have been more
5 March 2019
You know, I wanna like this show, and to an extent, it's kind of fun...but, in order to (I guess) make what they think are more interesting TV visuals, the hosts will take a theory---and then run with it in a direction I (at least) doubt will yield the best investigative results. Example: If you are trying to ascertain the truth behind the authenticity of an interesting runestone and its unusual, unexpected location in the New World, why then "try to create runes in stone" yourselves? Why not more closely investigate the life and circumstances of the Scandi man who a century or more ago unearthed the thing and claimed it was real? Would that have bored people to death? (Not me: I'd have been fascinated to hear more about him!) And why "prove you can recreate Viking tools" in every episode when, to me, we could spend more time in labs looking at carbon dating, or in museums/libraries and the like studying with scholars...? Too boring? Not for me. That's the show I WANT to see.
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Decades later, still recall this one
27 July 2018
Like others here, I was a small child when I saw this and it has stayed with me forever. I was in love with The Outer Limits, The Twilight Zone, but only a handful of Hitchcock episodes, this being one of those. Superbly played by the child actress, this was a scary and profound supernatural cautionary tale with a poignant little message at the end, about the price of intolerance and mean-spiritedness. Perfect for the '60s, when it was released. This would have made a super Outer Limits episode; kudos to Hitchcock for doing it instead.
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Another You (2017)
Sci-fi life lesson, I'd say
26 July 2018
Something of a low-budget allegory, interestingly laid out, dealing with the acceptance each of us must find when confronted in life with deep disappointment and despair. You can (and must) wallow unhappily for awhile, as is only human---but to survive and come through the other side, you eventually have to accept that things can't be forced or molded into the shapes/situations you desire, no matter how much you want them to be. Not everyone can accept this simple truth...but this movie tells us it's what the healthy soul comes to realize and embrace. I believe that is what the ending of this intriguing story alludes to.
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