
6 Reviews
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fun military sci-fi movie since independence day
1 August 2011
My Critic Of This Title

In my opinion the movie panned out the way I anticipated.It was an exciting military sci-fi movie, the story line was simple and yet effective. Unlike Independence Day it focuses on the Military and Civilians experience during the first few hours of the alien invasion. So to speak humanities reaction in the first few hours of an alien invasion and the basic fight for survival. I believe this movie has more to show in the sequel and this is movie got me thinking How would you react to an alien invasion?

Debunking Under-rated Comments and Ratings

Though to my surprise the movie was poorly understood and here are some of the things I got from other IMDb users: 1.They didn't know why the aliens invaded earth, movie clearly says (TV news broadcast) that they came for our water as their power source.

2.The military was pointless to send in troops, no they were ordered to evac civilians and gather intelligence on the aliens if they can which they did when the marines gutted up an injured one to learn how to kill it.

3.The humans did not come up with a solution to eradicate the aliens, read point 2 again in addition to that the movie was set during first few hours of the invasion did you expect them to come up with a giant solution in such a short time.

4. Alien effects was crap, not true I think those audience had trouble seeing through the haze and weapons flash effect to see them nicely or paid little attention to the movie.

5. The movie did not tell us about the aliens except they have guns and die easily after a few shots, of course we don't know much of them the point of movie is how humanity react to an alien invasion in the first few hours.

6. Skyline was better than this, thats not true this movie is more about action its about the fight for human survival than what "Jersey Shore" like characters fight over nothing in Skyline.

Thats all the points I want to debunk about those who under-rated the movie.
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great TV show
28 March 2011
This series was something I hoped for to bridge the gap or fill the missing plots from the Attack of the Clones and The Revenge Of The Sith movies that I had trouble understanding. I got to see how the Star Wars universe shape into itself.

The plot or story is well structured and slowly lining itself to the movie . The important thing is that it is also entertaining and sometimes not but over roll it is entertaining.

I also like the Themes, lessons that characters learn on the way and messages the characters or story portrays it. We get the chance to see in depth on how different factions run their politics, their reasons for the war and their ethics they observe. This is pretty much parallel to our world and Clone Wars gives an opportunity for us to be aware of what goes on behind the curtain of war, politics, corruption, dialog and virtue.

As for the characters well it got me to know role the clone troopers Cody and Rex as supporting characters through out the show. They happen to be my favorite characters second to Obi Wan. They bring us to the view as what the clone troopers experience during time of war pretty much as our real time soldiers. I say this move made the Stars Wars universe more diverse than being centered on the Jedis. Besides this is about the clone wars right? it would be selfish to exclude the clone troopers.

This something I believe fans look forward for and something families can sit and enjoy and entertain themselves hey it did work for mine. I hope for more from the series. Enjoy
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Equilibrium (2002)
Intriguing work
17 August 2009
The movie is a piece of work it is sad i came to learn about it 5 years after it was released due to poor promotion. Needless to say I enjoyed it and the movie has been a cult culture for most martial artist in my country. The movie has offered us an interesting message of emotional discipline. It is a discipline that most human beings lack. As we lack emotional discipline we lose control of ourselves the consequences chaos and break down as seen in first part of the movie. Moreover a neuro psychological drug Prosium as made to counter or suppress emotions but that solution had its problems, it brought lifelessness. Therefore there must be balance must be maintained between emotions and logic (heart and the mind to keep it simple) thus Equilibrium is message and the title.

There were some flaws though: Firearm rules wasn't enforced (finger on the trigger). The police, sweepers and tactical team acted dumb, they use poor tactics, disorganised and poorly trained. Minor poor visual effects can be noticed.

Never the less i enjoyed it the action was straight forward and well done. Writers did a good job and plots were well placed. Overroll storyline is good.
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Best punisher movie seen to date
13 July 2009
First I prayed that if there is a second movie I hope some else would cast as the punisher than Thomas Jane. Well prayers answered it was Ray Steveson. I liked his performance as the punisher. He has a much closer appearance to the comic, cold, powerful, intiminating and shows no remorse in his eyes when killing his foes. His acting was good and his voice sounds so cold that makes Thomas Jane sound like a girl. Good on you Steveson I hope you get to stay.

Second the movie story-line seems much closer to the comic though the producers and writers may have change the time setting of the movie to suit our time frame. And perhaps to my understanding from comic fans they may left some empty plots. Well its quite logical as it is a movie not a TV series so they may have to cut it short.

Third the action scenes and violence was sick in a way that I enjoyed every moments of it. Watching bad guys get shoot up to bits turned my frown to a grin. Though it was exaggarated who cares its Hollywood. If you do not appreciate this element of the movie too bad its supposed to violent its the Punisher or else it could have been dull.

Now I have a new prayer let there be Punisher 3 and Ray Stevenson stays as our noir crime fighter.
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the Best Iraq war epic movie
13 July 2009
I am surprised that this movie does not convey anything close to the political situation on Iraq nor the medias perspective of the failures and disasters committed by American armed forces. Its unbaised meaning it does not criticize nor glorify the Army in anyway rather the dangers and difficulties that they face day in and out. Focusing on the EOD team, the movie shows that through them.

Though i find some elements of the movie were strange. Apart from what I read from other comments. Don't EOD get any support? what is the point of having security forces there when all they do is sit there and wait. They could have helped secure the scenes (for instance: Body bomb scene where the army colonel psychologist got blown up). And don't EOD travel with security forces in a convoy rather than alone. In reality they would have been dead doing that.

But over roll I liked the movie, heart jumping and something refreshing than what I seen in a typical Iraq war movie.
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The Unit (2006–2009)
All in one
13 July 2009
The Unit is a one of the kind show far as i know. It does not only look at the special forces operatives lives but what revolves around them. This I understand placed carefully into themes that everyone can learn and at the same entertain themselves from this action drama thriller TV series even my friends who are not fans action or the military agree too. And this is way I like watching "the unit".

1> Family, the operatives work is not only thing affected from their actions but their families too. This common link bring "the unit family" together and they help each other deal with things that comes on the way from family matters to the operators work.

2>Friendship / comradeship, if all things don't work and goes to hell at least they got each others back to achieve their objectives and get the hell out.

3> Sacrifice, a common military thing, these operatives go out in long or short mission away from their loved ones and comforts of home and risk their lives at the same time. Their family has to endure the absence of their sons, husbands and fathers.

4> Educational, is something i liked about the unit not only to get entertained also to educate on survival techniques,improvising and being resourceful.
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