
6 Reviews
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The Hot Chick (2002)
Brilliant Comedy...
20 December 2002
Rob Schnieder was great in this film. He adapted well to the character of a female. This movie was not dumb, it just wasn't made for those who had no sense of humor. The movie, I must say, was madly hilarious. At some points, I was rolling into the other seat.

Its not very easy for an actor to portray someone of the opposite sex, however, Schnieder did it better than anyone else could.

This is a great movie, however, if you are a 'party pooper' like the last reviewer...with no sense of more than likely wont like this movie..

Great comedy!!
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19 July 2002
Jamie Kennedy has got to be one of the funniest actors in television today!!

All of the things he does in this show are hilarious. I try to make it home every Sunday night to watch it. I'll be quite frank. I am dissapointed when I miss it.

I dont feel this way for any other show!

Great, Hilariouis, and all that good stuff!!
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Lilo & Stitch (2002)
I'm too old for this stuff!
19 July 2002
I went to see this movie with very low expectations. Normally I think of myself as too old for animated/disney movies.

In the opening sequence I was slightly bored, but when the story really started, I got into it.

The movie had comedy, drama, etc.

It is a lot different then many of the Disney movies that i have already seen.

So all in all this is a pretty good movie.

My rating - 9/10
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Scream 2 (1997)
Does anybody like sequels?
19 July 2002
OKay, I must admit i was quite reluctant to go and see Scream 2.

I thought that it was going to be another sequel that ruined the first movie.

But i found out that it was not one of those movies that used the success of the first movie to make a sequel.

I found out that the writer, Kevin Williamson, had the story already in his head when he was writing the original.

It makes me quite angry when people say that it ruined the first movie because it was really good.

Same Characters; New exciting story (goes along with old story); New, Fun Characters; New, mysterious location.

A must see movie for all of the horror lovers!!

My rating is a definite 10/10
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Mr. Deeds (2002)
Contains NO SPOILERS but it does contain my outlook and opinion on the movie..!
16 July 2002
This was the first time i have seen Adam Sandler in this type of movie.

Dont get me wrong, it is a very good movie, but it is not all comedy (only 95%)

I like how some of it is serious, like his relationship, and all the other stuff in his life.

Adam did a noble job in this movie and acted great. I dont think they could have picked a better man for the part. Well, in fact, all of the characters were well drawn. So the person who cast the movie was obviously a genius.

This is a must see movie for any comedy lovers, or old film lovers because it is a remake of "Mr. Deeds Goes To Town"

Run and See it!
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Scream (1996)
No Spoilers! This is my opinion on the movie.
16 July 2002

The name alone grabs you and makes you want to watch it.

The movie in my opinion is one of the best written horror films of all times. It is very witty, sharp, and has you on the edge of your seat through out the movie.

Almost nobody can tell who the killer will be. (Even though there are hints dropped throughout the movie.) It really keeps you guessing.

This movie also did not get all of its fame from famous actors/actresses because most of them in the movie weren't famous then. The movie actually takes you of course with the help of the actress/actor.

I recommend this movie entirely along with Scream 2 and Scream 3. The whole trilogy is excellent!
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